What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 72: XLIX Growth Spurt

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Misaki stared at the blue and white ball she had gotten from Phyllis. She had already been told that she got it from Arlie. The thing was, she recognized it. The color pattern was wrong, but it was quite clearly a Poké Ball. She was kind of curious what was in it, and how that was supposed to help her unlock a new monster. Phyllis had told her, but she hadn’t really been paying attention. Finally, she picked the ball up and pushed the button, and an aqua blue light sprang from the ball. In a fashion similar to the anime, even if the color was again off, a cow materialized in front of her.

At first, she was confused about how a cow was supposed to help her until she was greeted with a notification about having gained its pattern. As the notification also told her that she had thanks to having the cow pattern gained a discount on the Minotaur lust circle variant. Which she immediately looked into. It proved to be an interesting demon race that only had girls and futas, no males. Appearance-wise they were tall, with large curvy bodies. Toned muscles, and huge breasts, and in the case of the futas that also meant a large dick. They also had a strong dislike for clothes, and preferred to walk around naked. They had hooves instead of feet, and the futa variant had horns, but they had a generally human appearance, unlike their larger more intimidating wrath circle cousins.

What really drew her attention was a trait about lactation, apparently they started lactating young in life, and would keep lactating until late in life. The system note about them having strong motherly instincts and a penchant for adopting abandoned children was quite interesting to her, and she could see them making both good milkmaids and decent defenders. She purchased the pattern without hesitation. Thanks to the discount she got them for eighty percent off, and then she started looking through other demon types, and noticed it wasn’t the only pattern to get a discount from having a different pattern. Some discounts were small, and others were quite large depending on the pattern. She didn’t have any other available patterns in the shop that she wanted though. Well, none she could afford anyway.

With a new pattern in hand, she turned her attention to growing her new floors. She had already decided that three of the next five would be part of a giant labyrinth. Minotaurs were often found in mazes and labyrinths according to stories she had read in the past, so she got to work designing it. She made long winding stone corridors, and for decoration, she covered them with symbols and murals. Most of the murals were made identical or in repeating groups. All of them depicted naked girls of varying ages, and often in lewd situations. Not only did their ages vary, but so did their body type. She spent hours working each one, and setting up her gas traps in the labyrinth even if she didn’t yet have the gas she wanted for them. Emily was still working on it, but glancing in she saw that Emily was a little distracted. She didn’t even notice that her kids were watching her as she had sex with the two demonesses.

She quickly turned her attention away and made a mental note to talk with Phyllis. Emily might not be the best person to be in charge of those two, and while her demon side told her there was nothing wrong with the scene, but she knew that humans would find that questionable. Focusing on her labyrinth, she spilt it into sections and add a few areas that were designed to resemble natural caves. These zones she populated primarily with Arachnid demons, and riddled with traps. She even hid a few puzzles in the cave zones that led into areas with unique treasures. A part of her couldn’t wait for Aki to get here, and have her party of Thralls test the floor, but they had only recently reached the eighth floor. They hadn’t gone much further because she had made them lay low while a certain group was trying to speedrun her dungeon. Fortunately, they had been stopped on floor seven.

She linked the three labyrinth floors together into a single giant maze, and made three main paths through. Along any given path a party would have to face nine minibosses and then a floor boss on the thirteenth floor. For the floor boss, she chose a futa Minotaur to mix things up. Every previous boss had been female, and while she refused to add a male if she could help it, a futa was barely acceptable. At least she could ignore the addition to an extent. She was quite pleased with its level as well. A level seventy-five Minotaur was quite the respectable opponent even if it didn’t have armor. Her skin was tough enough to be considered armor, and she knew like all demons resistant to magic. She gave it a powerful two-handed ax as its main weapon, and the level was a respectable increase over the floor’s average level of sixty-eight. Which combined with the boss bonus made it a good challenge but not an insurmountable one for a prepared party, and the unprepared could alway try the sexual approach. If they are lucky they might just get past the boss, and if not she gets a few new pets to take care of. Although she wasn’t sure what she would do with new pets, but she did feel it was about time for a safe zone. She did place a few rest spots in the labyrinth, but they were little more than places to rest. They barely qualified as a safe zone.

Opening onto floor fourteen, she made the entrance a dark temple. Surrounding the temple were a few well-kept trees and gardens, and a path led to a town. The town was placed in the center of the floor, and the floor was an island. Calm waters and beaches surrounded the island. She placed a hidden cove on one side of the island. In the cove was a cave that led to a small maze. Inside the maze she placed the path to the next floor, and the floor boss. The maze was the only part of the floor that she didn’t designate as a safe zone, and given it was hidden from prying eyes she figured it would take the adventurers awhile to find it. 

She paid a great deal of attention to the weather on her little island, and made sure it was pleasant. She populated it with all manners of lust demons at her disposal. The island quickly came to life, but she felt the waters needed something. So she went into the shop, and found a demonic subspecies of mermaid. Unlike normal mermaids, they had tentacles instead of a tail, but the upper half still looked mostly human. They were actually quite cute, but the only breed she could afford was the lolita breed. She purchased them, and quickly populated the waters, and then in a spark of brilliance, she removed most of the water from the safe zone area. She then made the hidden cove the main nest for her new aquatic demons which are called Aquatha.

She left the beaches of the island as part of the island safe zone, and the first ten meters of waters around the island. She even set up a few swimsuit shops near the beach for adventurers, and designated a couple of them as nude beaches for the more adventurous sort.

Taking a figurative step back she looked over her new floor, and feeling satisfied she moved on to her new fifteenth floor. The first thing she did was move her Castletown up to the floor, and she made a copy on her tenth floor. Next, she expanded her Castletown to make it look more prosperous, and again placed it on a floating island. This time it was the only sky island on the floor if you didn’t count the smaller one just in front of the town gates. The smaller island was home to an entire sky harbor. Long docks for airships to dock at were placed on the edges. Also on the small island were warehouses, worker housing and even a few shops. The harbor was marked as a safe zone just like the town, but to access the town an adventurer would have to beat her final boss. Which was a level eighty-five Dragon Girl. She felt it was quite a good choice for a boss, and she gave her some enchanted armor that left little to the imagination. For a weapon, she gave her a sword, even if she didn’t really need weapons.

The floor itself she made to be a large ocean floor. She filled the waters with Aquatha. She knew they would make themselves quite troublesome to adventurers trying to cross the floor. She dotted the sea with a number of islands. Some of which had hidden coves, caves and other secrets. On the far side of the floor from the entrance, she placed a small coastal town, that was marked as a safe zone. In the town is an airship dock. Adventurers would have to make their way to the town, and obtain passage on a ship. Something she didn’t make easy. To get passage on a ship, one had to first gain reputation with the town’s demonic inhabitants. She left a number of ways to do this, and one way she felt would be quite popular were the floor quests that she was trying out with the floor.

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Floor quests were basically like normal quests, but they only applied to this floor. Completion of the task gave out a reward to the adventurer, and quests could be obtained simply by interacting with the demon inhabitants. She set the quests to be fairly organic, and change over time. They could vary from simple fetch quests to subjugation quests. Obtaining a subjugation quest could lead to an event monster spawning on the floor, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that she could create a few event monsters for the pool, and that their level limit was a whole twenty-five levels higher than the average. These event monsters even got their own special variant of the boss bonus making them very tough challenges to beat, and since they could be skipped their patterns were very cheap. This allowed her to afford a Kraken pattern as one of the rare event monsters for quests.

Also on the floor, she placed a few pirate ships and a couple of pirate bases in hidden coves. These bases would regularly spawn additional pirates unless they were subjugated. The entrance of the floor was also a safe zone with a small town on it. There was nothing special in the town. Just an inn, a harbor, a small market, a dark temple, and a few houses. It was a good place for a party to rest after fighting the boss from the last floor. The harbor would be where they could get a ship for proceeding further into the floor, and she even set aside nice spot for the guild to set up when adventurers got this far.

She placed a number of other small towns on the floor island. None of them were anything special, but they all had their own hidden secrets. A couple weren’t even designated as safe zones, but instead had a different designation, noncombat zone. As the name implied the only thing prohibited in those towns was combat anything else was valid. Not being true safe zones that meant that it was legal for the towns to have harmful effects, and she had those three special tones planted with special flowers. The flowers released a pollen that lowered mental resistances, inhibitions, and promoted lust. Making the zones places where it was likely for an adventurer to be corrupted by the demons populating the towns.

She was just making the finishing touches of the floor when Reiko walked into the room entirely naked. She was a bit surprised at first to see the blue-haired elf entirely naked, but then she remembered that her maids, and Phyllis had permission to dress the girl. She guessed she must have convinced one of them to undress her. The girl's nipples were visibly hard, and a sticky fluid could be seen running down her legs, making it plain as day that Reiko was aroused.

She quickly closed the distance and jumped into her lap. She pressed her body gently against hers, deliberately squishing her chest against Misaki’s and kissed her. Misaki kissed her back, and when she broke away asked, “You're a bit horny today, aren’t you?”

She didn’t say anything, but moved away a bit and grabbed the hem of Misaki’s dress. Misaki wasn’t against the clear idea, and helped her remove the garment, before pushing the girl down onto the floor. She gave her another kiss. Passionately exploring the other girl’s mouth. While Reiko’s hands explored her body.

After a few moments, she broke the kiss and started kissing downward. Stopping when she reached Reiko’s boob. She sucked a nipple into her mouth and teased it. Quickly eliciting a series of moans. Just as Reiko slipped a few fingers into her pussy, thrusting awkwardly thanks to the angle. She pulled away and grabbed the offending hand, guiding it to her own breast, and then began to grind her pussy against Reiko’s. The soft folds rubbing against the others sent sparks of pleasure up their spines. While Reiko began to thoroughly need her breasts.

Reiko stopped suddenly and arched her back. Moaning in pleasure, and squirting it was clear she was the first to come to an orgasm. Misaki increased her pace and started sucking on her nipples again. Then the door opened again, and Eris walked in, and like normal the cute mouse girl was entirely naked, and her belly was swollen with eggs not quite ready to be laid. Misaki noticed her approach sexily her tail swaying behind her. Before she got close, however, Reiko recovered, and suddenly tweaked her nipples, and that was enough to send her over the edge. Misaki moaned as she came, and her juices mixed with Reiko’s. A few moments later Eris joined them for a little fun.

A few hours later Eris smiled as she left the room. Behind her, the other two were passed out on the floor, but it was about time for her to lay her eggs. They were mature enough to be laid now. If they weren’t she would have stuck around with them for a little longer, but she was quite happy to have been there. She hoped the little elf girl would be happy with her little surprise. While she wasn’t able to fertilize any of her own eggs, on account of already carrying a few fertilize eggs, that hadn’t stopped her from helping those two cross-fertilize.

She couldn’t be certain, but all the signals she had been getting from the girl indicated that she wanted a child from Misaki, and this had been an excellent opportunity to help out on that front. As she walked towards her nest she passed a couple of maids stopping only briefly to inform about Misaki and Reiko. The maids had rushed off after she told them, and she was confident that they would take care of things.

Not long after she reached her nest, and settled down to lay her eggs. She spread her legs and then pushed them out one at a time. Her pussy quickly and easily expanded to allow them to gently leave her body. In mere moments a new clutch was laying in the nest waiting to hatch. These eggs were of an entirely new breed for the swarm, and were the result of crossbreeding with lust demons. While Eris had a general idea of what their abilities were, she couldn’t be certain until they hatched. She expected them to look generally human-like, which would allow them to blend in with human society, and she expected them to be good at manipulating others. In fact, she expected them to be better at it than the average member of the swarm, but she wasn’t certain by how much.

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