What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 76: LII Flamewind’s Rebirth

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His world was nothing but darkness. An all-consuming black filled his every sense, or did he even have senses. He had heard voices before, and they were always feminine. However, he never could tell what they were saying. With nothing to do he kept drifting back to the past, but his mind could never stray far from his final moments. Mostly as he still couldn’t believe what had happened. His beloved ax had opened up a rent that should have killed that lowly slime, but it miraculously healed before his eyes, and the thing dared to grab him. Then there was the pain. His insides felt hot, unpleasantly so. He imagined it felt like someone was somehow burning him from the inside out, and then there was that pinching sensation before the darkness consumed him.

There were so many things he wanted to do, and some stupid slime had to get in the way of his greatness. He had recently conquered a vampiress, and a pair of lesbian hotties had just entered his sights. In his mind, they were only lesbian because they had not been shown the true pleasures a man could show them. So he was going to make them his, after he proved his strength to them by vanquishing the lowly slime. All of that went up in smoke thanks to the last blue box he saw, but he had no idea how long ago that was. That box had told him he was dead, and since then he had gotten nothing.

No messages, and the system no longer answered him like it used to. Only the strange female voices to break the monotony of his dark and silent prison. As that is what this felt like to him. For someone as great as him, the gods should have provided him with more than this, but he was sure that he only had to convince them of his greatness when they finally showed themselves. The fact that he had been left waiting so long irked him, but he wasn’t going to let it get to him.

Suddenly the space morphed around him. It was still engulfed in endless blackness, but

now he could see. It was rather strange and surreal. After a moment of looking around, he realized he could see himself now. Not to mention he could move now as well. It was like he had a body again. Then with equal suddenness, someone appeared out of nowhere and spoke to him.

Not that he heard a word she had said. He was too busy appreciating her beauty. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her face was soft in all the right places, and she had a cute nose. Small lips, and large glowing blue eyes. Eyes that drew his attention, he didn’t normally focus on the eyes but hers held a beauty to them that could not compare to other girls. Curly blue hair fell down just past her shoulders. The shade perfectly complemented and brought out her glowing eyes, and sitting in her hair was an otherworldly flower. It had beautiful golden petals, and a silver stem. Poking out of her hair were the points of a pair of long pointed ears.

He wasn’t sure but she seemed to be about average height for a girl, and a girl was the term that best describes her. He would place her somewhere in her mid-teens. She had creamy tan skin that had no flaws or blemishes anywhere he could see. That pretty much covered her entire body, as she wore very little. Nothing important was covered either. Her modest breasts were on full display, and so was her perfect pink pussy. She had a perfect figure, her butt, and breasts perfectly proportioned. Wrapped around her figure were thorny vines, and flowers that bloomed on them at regular intervals.

Suddenly one of the vines around her arm lashed out and struck him across the cheek. “Pay attention when someone is speaking to you.”

Indignant he shouted, “You dare strike me? You should be honored just to be in my great presence?”

She sighed and lashed him again, “That attitude of yours is a real piece of work alright. No wonder none of the other gods wanted to deal with you.”

He was now royally pissed that she had dared to strike him twice when he didn’t even listen to her, and so he tried to charge her. He barely made it three steps before he was lashed hard enough to be thrown backwards.

“Ready to listen?” but he instead tried to channel magic. Only for not a spark to appear, his flames not responding. Seeing his flames not working he tried to charge again. Only to once again be rewarded with a lashing.

This continued for several hours before Flamewind finally just slumped to the dark ground and nodded. He was tired, and this wasn’t going anywhere at all. The lashings hurt, but didn’t seem to damage him. She gave a cute sigh and muttered something under her breath, and then began to speak louder to him, “Now normally we gods just cleanse a young soul like yours before sending it on its way into the reincarnation cycle.” then her expression darkened, “You, however, are an arrogant moron who needs to be taught a lesson. This was your third chance, and you did so well with your first life too. Such a shame that you would squander your potential with foolishness.”

Flamewind had dozens of things he wanted to say, and yet he could only listen to her. He couldn’t even remember this first life she spoke of, but if he could he would have been proud of that. He had been lucky with his first life, and was born into a hero’s bloodline. He had managed to awaken said bloodline, and done great things. Sadly near the end, he let his power go to his head, and that ultimately led to his downfall. Having awakened as a hero though he had marked his soul, and his next few lives always went the same way. A hero could only reincarnate as a hero or champion. Not that it prevented the gods from making it more difficult to awaken that blood.

“I am afraid that due to all your misdeeds, and misuse of your talents we are going to have to punish you. Also, don’t think I am going to let your violent disrespect of the gods just now rest either. I have the perfect little punishment for you, and don’t worry I will leave you a few gifts. I was going to tell you more, but your rude behavior has changed my mind. Maybe next time you will learn to at least hold your tongue when speaking with a goddess.” Then she paused and stared at his face a moment, “Let me guess you didn’t even listen when I introduced myself, did you? Well, I am the Dark Goddess Rumina, and if you didn’t guess my primary aspects are nature, elves, and natural magic. I will be keeping a close eye on you, and do enjoy your new body. I am sure it will fit your tastes,” she said moments before the world morphed around him again.

Next thing he noticed was a rather distressing blue box in front of his, well now her face.

Congratulations! You have been reincarnated by the Dark Goddess Rumina.

New Race: Lesser Dark Elf

New Gender: Female

New Bloodline: Valmeri

New Patron: Rumina the Dark Goddess of the Elves

Due to being reincarnated as a young girl (mid-teens) your level has been set to ten

Class has been set to Thorn Mage

New affinities have been set

Your main affinity is Nature

Second highest affinity is Dark

Due to being a Lesser race you have a level cap of twenty, and must pass a Trial of Ascension to evolve after reaching level twenty

Your Patron is currently displeased with you. All benefits have been rescinded, and in areas of her aspect, you receive a penalty equal to the normal benefit.

Due to being reincarnated your name has been revoked

Congratulations! You have been offered a divine quest!

Do to your current status you are unable to refuse.

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New Quest! 


The gods are very displeased with you. Learn some humility, and earn the forgiveness of your patron. You can gain favor with the gods, by spreading their word. Heartfelt prayers will also help you earn favor with the gods. 

Earn five thousand favor with the Goddess Rumina, and beg her forgiveness. Fail and you shall face her wrath. 


Subclass: Acolyte of Rumina

Bloodline awakening increase from -50 to 0


Rumina’s Wrath

Flamewind stared at the long window for a few minutes before deciding to open her status, where sure enough she found that the system considered her nameless.

Name: None

Level: Ten

Health: 450/450

Class: Thorn Mage

Mana: 2000/2000

Subclass: Acolyte in Training

Shields: 1200/1200

Titles: Disfavored, Naughty Girl

She stared at the blank spot for a few moments willing it to change, but it stubbornly continued to say none. She glanced over the rest of her status, and didn’t like the titles. With a thought, she brought up another box, and discovered that her current favor with Rumina was negative. A quick check of the Disfavored title revealed that it was the one that reversed the effects of her patron. Worse she couldn’t get a new patron as long as she had the title. Reading it told her that she just needs to bring her favor up to get rid of it. It did warn her that if her favor dropped, a worse version of the title would replace it. The other title affected how people perceive her, and her reputation. It was not a positive effect, but it could have been worse. In fact, it was a common title among disobedient children, and it was an easy to lose title as well.

Done with her status the nameless girl looked around. It quickly became obvious that she was in a temple, and that she was sitting on the altar. Not seeing anyone around she wanted to explore, and tried to move. Only to find that she couldn’t. It felt like she was tied down to the altar, and she finally looked down at herself. She quickly discovered that the only thing she was wearing was a sign hanging from her neck. One that she couldn’t read thanks to the angle. The cord was just long enough for the sign to settle comfortably below her breasts. Seeing them hanging from her own chest was a bit disturbing, but with so much going on she could hardly process that. The fact that she was naked was far more distressing to her. Equally troublesome was the fact she couldn’t move.

Every time she tried to move a magical restraint kept her in place. She had a feeling she wasn’t going anywhere until someone released her, but she didn’t want to be here to face whatever fate that Dark Goddess had planned for her. No one had to tell her it was likely to be unpleasant, and she wasn’t going to let a goddess stop her. She just needed to figure out these restraints and find a way out of here before someone sees her. The goddess had made her a mage though, and with it came some new magical knowledge. Unfortunately, almost all of it dealt with nature magic. What’s worse all but one of her spells involved thorns in one way or another. The only spell that didn’t was the Dark Healing spell.

At least she still remembered a few of the spells she had known before this reincarnation. She decided to try casting one that she felt might help, and quickly discovered it was much harder to cast than she remembered. It took her nearly twice as long to cast as it used to, and it failed to release her restraints. It did weaken them, and now she could move a little. However, the new range was barely an improvement over her old one. Unfortunately, it had also drained most of her mana for that small effect, and she found herself nodding off. The world quickly faded into darkness.

The girl groaned a bit, annoyed by voices talking around her. Her sleep-addled mind not really registering what the voices meant. It took her a couple of moments to realize that she had fallen asleep, and people had found her bound to an altar and naked. Not the kind of situation she had wanted to find herself in, but she wasn’t too worried. Sure she had no equipment, and thanks to her title her combat abilities were weakened. The goddess having created a status for her that meshed very well with her patron’s aspects. Being a dark elf was also a problem, since elves were covered by her aspect. None of this mattered to her in the slightest, as she knew she was destined for greatness. One as great as she is wouldn’t be hindered by this, and she just needed an opportunity to get out of here. She still had no plans to stick around for whatever the goddess has planned for her.

Opening her eyes, she noticed a pair of dark priestess’ in front of her. She could tell by the elaborate yet skimpy robes that they were rather up there in the ranks of the dark clergy. One of them looked her way the instant she opened her eyes. She was a rather cute young woman. Her figure was pretty typical of an elf, and she had gorgeous topaz eyes. Her hair was a lovely silver and went past her shoulders. Her robes did little to hide her figure and even complimented her small and mostly exposed chest, the nipples weren’t even covered. A motif of thorns was printed upon the fabric, and that seemed to imply she was in a temple of Rumina’s.

“Looks like the naughty girl Goddess Rumina left us is awake,” said the woman with the topaz eyes. The other looked her way, and she immediately notices the cute fang peeking out of her mouth. She was much smaller than the first. She had black hair that cascaded down her back and wore even less. She had a bigger bust, and her figure was a bit rounder than the first and like the first woman’s was pretty much fully on display. Her face was a little sharper and framed an intimidating pair of crimson eyes. The dark leathery wings that spread from her back were what truly gave her race away. This woman was a Vampire Princess (the female equivalent to a Vampire Lord, one of the higher Vampire races), and while she looked young enough to pass for a young teen, she was likely to be centuries old.

“Oh good then maybe she can tell us, why the goddess believes she needs to be disciplined by the temple,” said the vampire, while the currently nameless girl was cursing her luck. The higher vampire races especially the females had an innate ability to control people. Worse she didn’t have a way to resist that control. She wasn’t going to give up, but this made it far more difficult.

She chose not to say a word and just stared at them. Thinking silence would serve her better. The elf said, “It might be faster if you just went and did your thing.”

“It probably would, and it seems she doesn’t feel like talking,” replied the vampire. She was a little worried about this thing, but if it was just using her innate control to make her talk, it wouldn’t mean anything with asking the right questions.

She had barely formed the thought when she found the Vampiress right in her face. She barely had time to gasp in surprise before her hands rested on either side of her head. Then her crimson eyes started to glow. Almost instantly she began to feel mentally sluggish. It was hard to think and focus. She barely even noticed the seconds tick by nor did she notice the vampire’s expression gradually darken over the next few minutes.

When her head cleared she found herself looking into the eyes of a very angry looking vampire. In a very cold, calm and measured voice which made it even more frightening, she said, “You have been a very naughty girl. I think I will enjoy personally training you, and I even have the perfect new name for you in mind.”

She could only gulp, some part of her mind was screaming at her to run this instant. Unfortunately, she was still bound, and escape wasn’t an option. Attacking was but given her position that wouldn’t go well. She wished she had her favorite axe, but that was gone.

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