What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 84: LIX Time to Panic?

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Airi stretched a bit as the early morning light streamed in from the window. A part of her wanted to linger, but it was best not to stay in bed too long. Lyla was very strict with her, and her sisters. She expected them to be dressed and ready early in the morning. Airi had already gotten used to her new schedule. Slipping out of bed, she noted the others were already getting up with one exception. As usual, Jesse was still in her bed, asleep. Jesse was not exactly a morning person, but part of that came from the fact that she was always pushing the limits of the rules.

Airi didn’t blame her much for acting that way. None of them were particularly happy having their lives rewritten by a goddess. At least they were debt slaves and not criminal slaves. They at least had some hope for regaining their freedom. She shook the thoughts off and headed for the table where, as expected she found today’s outfit was all laid out. It was a cute frilly dress with ribbons that was matched with her hair color. She wasn’t even surprised that there wasn’t any underwear to go with it. Lyla never gave them any, and now she was rather used to going without. Taking the dress, she slipped into it, and then glanced back at Jesse. It was her turn to drag Jesse out of bed. They took turns dragging their troublemaker of a sister out of bed. Mostly because Lyla deemed them responsible for making sure they were all ready for the day.

Reaching the bed, she pulled the blanket off her sister revealing her naked form. Jesse shuddered a bit and curled into a ball. Muttering something about five more minutes. Airi often wondered how this girl even made it through her knight training. She sighed and shook her sister. Who groggily stirred, and looked towards her. “A few more minutes please.”

Airi snorted, she knew that they didn’t have that time, and as she yanked her sister out of the bed replied, “You and I both know we don’t have a few more minutes.”

Her sister flailed a bit but managed to land on her feet. In the background, she could hear someone giggle. Jesse glared a bit, and replied, “Fine, I’m up now are you happy?” As she crossed her arms under her small breasts, but she was careful not to actually touch her breasts. Airi glanced at her chest feeling a brief surge of jealousy over Jesse’s slightly larger bust. She suppressed and then pointed at Jesse’s dress still on the table. “You might want to put that on unless you want to spend the day naked.”

Jesse pouted a bit and went towards the dress. Jesse knew that Airi wasn’t kidding about spending the day naked. Lyla really would force them to go about their day naked if they didn’t put the clothes she gave them on. Poor Jesse had already had that happen to her once, but luckily she didn’t end up having to go outside that day. Jesse paused when she saw her dress, and complained, “Why did that demon have to pick something with flowers and ribbons?”

Airi had difficulty caring about the flowers and ribbons. It was kind of normal for her now, and she was just glad that the dresses covered her properly. Given how much control Lyla had over what they wore, it would not have surprised her if she gave them something skimpy. Especially given that she was a demon, but instead she had proven to have a good eye for cute outfits to put them in. If she had to guess the lack of underwear was her demonic side finding expression. “Why are you still complaining about that? It won’t change anything,” commented Rei. Airi wasn’t too surprised that she spoke up. Rei was often quiet around others, but she could be quite talkative around her sisters.

“That’s easy for you to say! You don’t have to deal with five curses!”  replied Jesse as she carefully pulled the dress on over her head. Continuing she said, “Besides none of you have to deal with sore boobs.”

Airi tuned her complaining out. It was a common occurrence now, and this wasn’t the first time she had complained about her breasts. She had started complaining about that two days ago. Lyla had expressed a bit of concern over them, but Jesse had so far chosen not to let her touch her boobs. Airi had noticed that Jesse bust had started growing a couple days before she started complaining, and suspected that there was a connection.

Just then the door opened and Lyla walked in. Airi had been expecting it and turned to face the door. Jesse was still complaining and didn’t stop just because their caretaker had walked in the room.

Lyla walked up to Airi, and asked her, “Jesse still complaining about her boobs?”

Airi nodded, and answered, “yes” 

Lyla didn’t say anything, but instead, start to pat her over the head. Airi quickly found herself leaning into the demoness’s hand. She greatly enjoyed the physical contact. Airi greatly enjoyed petting sessions, and given how often they happened she was grateful for that boon. Rei wasn’t too fond of petting session, and Airi was more than happy to take them for her. Airi loved helping out at the guild because she was more likely to get a petting session there. This session was over all too soon, and she pouted as Lyla walked away.

Jesse was a little busy venting her frustrations to her sisters when she noticed Lyla getting close to her. A quick glance around showed Airi was pouting near the door. Jesse recognized it as the pout she always made when someone ended a petting session too soon for her. That girl was way too in love with petting sessions in Jesse’s opinion. Personally, she hated petting sessions, but she had to endure them way too often. One of the worst things was that she was cursed with the Naughty Girl title. This meant that if someone did something stupid, she was the prime suspect. Someone had broken one of Phyllis’s bowls the other day, and she ended up being punished for it. She hadn’t actually been the one to do it, and she was pretty sure that one of Emily’s kids had done it.

Another annoying curse she had made it rather difficult for her to hide from the local loli fan club, and the last curse she knew that wasn’t hidden behind question marks meant tormenting her with petting and dress-up sessions was more enjoyable for them. She even had a boon that made it easier for her to hide, but they had an uncanny ability to find her. Her second boon apparently boosted her talent with knives, but outside of the kitchen, she hadn’t found much use for that one. Her third boon was also useful in the kitchen, but it was also useful in the alchemy lab. It helped her with cooking and potion-making. Honestly, it felt like the goddess had went out of her way to find boons that weren’t all that useful to her.

Still, she wasn’t all that mad at the goddess. That was like being angry at a force of nature. No, she blamed the man that had tossed her into the path of said force of nature. She wanted her revenge, but she didn’t want him dead. He was actually in town, so if she had wanted him dead he would be already. As a rogue, she already had all the skills needed to assassinate him. Problem was death was too easy a fate for him in her mind. She wanted him to suffer a similar fate to her own. 

Lyla was a bit of a problem for her, but she was just doing her job. Well mostly. Her lack of panties and no bra state were undoubtedly her demon nature making itself known. Speaking of Lyla, she was now standing in front of her. “Your breasts are still hurting?” asked the demon.

They were, but that didn’t mean she was going to let this demon examine them. She crossed her arms protectively, and nodded, “You’re still not touching them!”

Lyla sighed, and replied, “It been two days, and they are still hurting.” Then Lyla suddenly grabbed her. Lyla was so much stronger and faster than her that she easily maneuvered and stripped her. Next thing she knew she was sitting in Lyla’s lap having her breasts groped. Lyla was now sitting on the edge of her bed.

Jesse was not happy about this. She hated being touched, especially near her breasts. Part of this was that she didn’t like being reminded that she was a girl. Reality just slapped her in the face with it all the time. Her boobs swelling a size, and getting sore was just the latest reminder. The flowery dresses and ribbons Lyla forced her to where hurt her dwindling masculinity as well, but while she wouldn’t admit it she was getting used to them. Not to mention she found this entire situation embarrassing. She had also been afraid it would hurt, but Lyla was surprisingly gentle. Her touch actually felt kind of good. However, Jesse suspected at least part of that was due to the magic she could feel on the demon’s fingertips. After a couple of moments, she asked, “How long are you going to grope me?”

“Hmm, I thought so. You’re lactating,” said Lyla. Jesse wasn’t quite certain how to feel about that statement, but she was quick to respond. “That’s impossible! I haven’t even had sex!”

Lyla wasn’t the first to answer her, but Milly who suddenly shifted from her spot on the floor. She had been doing her usual early morning meditation before Lyla gave them today’s tasks. “You don’t have to have sex to lactate. I know a spell that can make a girl lactate. Actually has a fair amount of demand.”

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Lyla nodded, and said, “Yes, magic is one possible cause. Anyway, the reason your breasts are sore is because they are heavy and full of milk.”

She didn’t want to believe that she was lactating. Immediately she voiced another protest only to be silenced when Lyla made her squirt a small amount of milk. She stared at it for a few moments. Several fears about this surfaced in her mind, and she found herself looking through her status. She didn’t even notice when Lyla ushered her sisters out and sent them about their respective days. Instead, she stared blankly at the two changed entries in her status. One of her curses and a boon were no longer marked with question marks but were now full entries.

The curse had a very self-explanatory name and was indeed responsible for her lactating. As for the boon, it simply said that it made being milked more enjoyable. Jesse soon found herself focusing on the implications of the new boon and curse. One thought kept repeating over and over again in her mind.  She was suddenly brought back to reality when Lyla suddenly started milking her. Jesse hadn’t even noticed her fetching a few items. “What are you doing!” exclaimed the startled Jesse.

“Finally back to reality are you? I know it must have been a bit of a shock, but is it really that bad to be lactating?” asked Lyla.

Jesse stared half distraught at the milking equipment in Lyla’s hands, and quietly murmured “I don’t want to be milk cow!”

Lyla sighed and resumed milking her. “That’s a bit of an overreaction don’t you think?”

Jesse stared at the milk flowing into a jar for a moment. She was entirely unsure  how to express her feelings on this. Thanks to her emotional state she wasn’t really aware of how being milked felt, and before she realized it she was talking to Lyla as she cried.

The next thing she was consciously aware of was that she was pressed against Lyla. Her breasts felt better than they had in a couple of days, a small jar was next to them filled with her milk. Lyla was stroking her head in a manner that felt rather soothing to her, and for the first time in days, she felt kind of relaxed. It felt kind of nice to just lay here, and forget about all her worries for a while. Given her current status, she knew it could last, so she was drawn to enjoy the moment for as long as Lyla let her.

After a while of just laying their against Lyla in silence, Lyla spoke, “Feeling better now?”

Jesse didn’t feel like talking and merely nodded, “That’s good. Now we can’t just stay here forever. You’re going to help me around the house today.”

Jesse got up and watched Lyla grab the jar of milk. She felt a bit better about her future, now that she had really gotten an opportunity to vent. Not to mention, helping with the chores was her favorite task. It occurred to her that in her last life at this age, she hated chores. In this one, she kind of appreciated them, as it meant she didn’t have to face those terrifying girls that wanted to pet her or dress her up in cute outfits.

Emily lay there for several minutes feeling very worried about what she may have done. With her naked daughters next to her, she was afraid of what perversions she may have introduced the two girls to while under the influence of her own drug. Emily was very much regretting having given in to her impulses and taking a dose. She knew why she had done it. Curiosity and a need for pleasure had driven her to use it. The worst part was that she didn’t even know what she had done last night.

After a while, one of the demoness stirred, but by that point, Emily had almost driven herself into a panic. The demoness Crystal looked around and then noticed her gaze and expressions. “You didn’t touch them. Did give them quite the show, however.”

Emily latched on to that, and asked, “I didn’t?”

Crystal shook her head and decided it best to omit that she had let them touch her, and replied, “Nope, besides I would have stopped you if you went too far.”

Crystal was telling the truth about stopping her if she had tried to go too far, but in regards to her daughters, the most she had actually done was to let them try and pleasure her. Neither was all that good, but thanks to the aphrodisiac in her system they had each managed to make her orgasm with their fingers. Crystal and Ruby had both made sure not to let it go further than that. Speaking of the aphrodisiac it had an interesting side effect that her little ones had enjoyed a great deal. “Oh yes, since you seem to have forgotten last night, your drug has had a bit of a side effect. I don’t think it was meant to, but you are lactating.”

Emily needed a moment to process that, and carefully extricated an arm. Carefully she massaged one of her boobs, and sure enough, a small amount of milk came out. Sighing she replied, “No it wasn’t.” Just as the others started to wake. Celine almost as soon as she was awake latched onto one of her breasts and started to suckle much to her surprise. Megan saw that, and exclaimed something about no fair, and latched on to the other one.

Very confused, she looked over at Crystal hoping she would explain why her daughters were drinking her breastmilk. “You may have let them try your milk last night,” commented Crystal. Emily was utterly unprepared for this kind of situation and was really wondering what she had been thinking last night. Suddenly she felt fingers playing with her pussy. Her vision was blocked by the pair sucking on her breasts, so she couldn’t see who it was, but they knew her weak points. Before she could even say a word, she was moaning. The fact that her daughters were right there and suckling on her just didn’t matter to her anymore at that moment.

Fortunately for Emily, it didn’t go much further than some finger play from a demoness. A few minutes later Ruby led her daughters out of the room, and Emily glared at Crystal who she was pretty sure was the culprit. “Why did you do that! I needed to stop them, they are a little too old to be sucking on my breasts.”

Crystal giggled, and said, “Kind of a little late for those thoughts don’t you think? Anyway, we need to go make breakfast.”

Emily did feel a little hungry. She wanted to put some clothes on first, but Crystal stopped her with a few words. Looking around Emily noticed the lack of clothes on the floor, and as she followed Crystal to the kitchen she found herself wondering if the demons had cleaned up a bit last night. She was also wondering why her daughters were naked, but she was expecting Ruby to dress them. An expectation that was going to be shattered soon. Emily still didn’t know that her children spent most of their time at home naked now. Only really putting clothes on when she was around, and often forgetting their underwear. She had given the two demonesses a little too much control over her children, and herself.


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