What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 91: LXV Naming, and Morning Surprises

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Melisa stretched lazily. She felt wonderful, all the tension in her body was gone, and the bed she was in was quite comfortable. It took her half-asleep mind several minutes to notice that she wasn’t in her own bed, but that didn’t seem important to her. At least not at first. It wasn’t until she started to remember last night, that she began really paying attention to her surroundings. Looking around, she noticed she was in what looked to be the room of an inn. Gentle light streamed into the room from a window behind her. The room was dominated by a large bed big enough to comfortably fit five or six people but right now she was the only person in the bed. On either side of the bed was a nightstand, and on one wall was a large wardrobe.

The bed she was in was extremely comfortable to the point that she didn’t want to leave. She rolled over a bit, and absently noted that she was naked, but she remembered the cute slime girl eating her clothes. Idly she adjusted her hair, so she wouldn’t accidentally pull on it, as she adjusted her position, and noted it wasn’t coated in slime. In fact, she felt quite clean, so she figured someone had cleaned her up. Since she didn’t want to leave the bed, she decided to check her notifications.

You passed out while having sex with the wandering boss ‘Susan’

Your mana has been completely drained.

Due to lack of defense, you have been partially corrupted by demonic lust mana

Bound Goddess Tina has moved you from the main fifth floor safe zone to the main safe zone of the fourteenth floor. Good Luck!

Congratulations! on being the first adventurer to reach the fourteenth floor.

Congratulations! on reaching the floor solo.

Dewari Dark Goddess of lust and fertility, and patron of the dungeon, and your patron Kuwi, Goddess of cute little girls have noticed your predicament and offered you a blessing.

Congratulations! You are pregnant!

Her mind took several minutes to process the long list of important notifications. The first couple barely grabbed her attention. The one that really grabbed her attention wasn’t the really big problem of being stuck on the fourteenth floor, but that final line caught her attention so well that she didn’t read the next one. She was pregnant, and she found herself patting her stomach. She just knew deep down that it was going to be a cute little girl, one of the blessings of Kuwi made it impossible for her to have a boy. Sadly that little fact was a turn off for many men, but she didn’t want a husband that didn’t understand the appeal of a cute little girl. As for who the father could be, she very much doubted it was the slime girl. It had not escaped her notice of a certain blue fluid leaking from the legs of the cute pink-haired girl she had been petting before the slime girl decided to play with her. Slime girls could only plant their eggs once a month, and since she had just planted her eggs that meant it was someone else.

She had just decided to try asking her patron when she heard a voice in her head. A voice she had not heard often, that of her beloved patron. “Glad to see you are awake, and that you seem happy,”

Happily, she returned while rubbing her belly, “I have a child, I can’t wait to see her.”

“Yes, speaking of your child. That blessing Dewari and I offered you should help her grow up strong.”

She nodded, and opened her status to look for the blessing once she found it, she read it. There was nothing in it that she found truly worrying, and she accepted the minor blessing. There was something in about being doubly fertile with cute girls, and that she would be more attractive to cute demon girls. Then she asked her patron if she knew who the father of her child was. Her goddess clearly amused, replied, “Yes, you were a bit out of things last night, but after Tina dropped you off at the inn, you woke up while the Aquatha maid was cleaning you. Seems that the local pheromones acted on your mana drained body like alcohol and you had your way with her. She is the one that got you pregnant. Speaking of the maid seems she is coming to check on you.”

With that, the presence of her goddess vanished entirely, and then the door to her room opened. Standing in the doorway was a small demon girl. She had on the headdress of a maid, but aside from that, she was naked. Twelve long blue and violet tentacles extended from below her waist. Framed by the base of two of the thick tentacles was a small pink pussy that gapped open slightly. It seemed quite delicate and cute. Her breasts were also small and delicate with cute little nipples framed by small pink areolas. Her creamy smooth skin was unblemished and colored a light tan as if she spent every day in the sun. Her face was very cute with a large expressive pair of light red almost pink eyes. A cute button nose, and a small mouth with a single tooth poking out in a rather adorable manner. Long light purple hair framed her cute face. In addition, she had a mix of blue and violet scales that gave the illusion that she was wearing gloves, similar scales framed her stomach, but none covered her belly, chest, face, or pussy. Well aside from three lone scales on either check that is.

Tamira stretched her muscles a bit, as she considered the notifications she had just read. She was quite sore thanks to the exercise last night, and she was now pregnant. For a demoness like her, that was actually a bit of a reward. On the bed, still sleeping was her new master, and curled up next to him was his little sister. Who had consequently been her first Thrall, and now she was his. Settling onto the floor, she tried to sort out how she felt about this.

Honestly being a Thrall wasn’t that bad. The thought of doing his bidding made her wet, and if how he took charge last night was any indication, she had high hopes for Steven. Besides, just because she was a thrall didn’t mean she couldn’t corrupt him.

Her thoughts were broken, when she noticed Jane waking up. Jane stretched and then looked around seemingly confused. She then used her fingers to remove some of the gunk dried onto her skin. They all would need a bath, but first, she needed to wait for her master to wake up. In the meantime, she was curious and asked Jane to look through her notifications.

She took that look people always took when reading notifications. After being somewhat calm for a moment or two she suddenly jumped, and exclaimed, “I’M PREGNANT!”

The sudden shout was enough to disturb her master, and he groaned. The demoness smiled a bit, happy to know she had succeeded. She had carefully avoided seeding the girl, and that meant that Steven was to be the father of her child as well. She slipped back onto the bed and wrapped her tail around the girl’s naked body. Whispering into her ear, she said, “That sounds wonderful, we can raise our babies together.”

In a low voice, she muttered, “but ... I’m... I’m....” Never quite finishing whatever it is she wanted to say. Tamira started stroking her messy hair and waited for her to calm down. Master woke up while she was comforting her fellow Thrall, and immediately went about telling one of the maids to prepare a bath for them. Before turning to Jane and asking her what was wrong. Her answer seemed to be quite the surprise to him, and before he could process it, Tamira told him that she was also pregnant.

Aya sat in the chair only half-listening to her mistress’s morning lecture. Her mind was still on what happened during lunch yesterday. Her mistress had come back from whatever she had been doing at lunch then. She had been having fun with Violet at the time when the call for lunch came. Aya naturally dragged her to the temple cafeteria, where she could only sit at a table and watch as others ate. Violet had been a little confused when she didn’t go to get a plate, but she simply told her she wasn’t allowed. Naturally, the curious little elf girl spent half the meal pestering her on why, but she was too embarrassed to answer. There was no way she could admit that she was only allowed to breastfeed.

It was around that time while Violet was pestering with questions that her mistress showed up sliding into the seat next to her. She asked them a couple of questions. The first if they had fun together, and Aya had to admit that she had fun with Violet even if the games they ended up playing were a bit childish. The question that followed stung a bit, but it wasn’t the reason her mind was still on what happened. No the part she was still stuck on was what happened after the questions.

After the questions, the Vampiress had exposed a breast right there in front of Violet and breastfed her. Naturally, she had hesitated to take the breast at first, but she had. Aya still wasn’t sure why she started suckling. Sure she was hungry, but not desperately. Violet had watched her breastfeed, but she didn’t tease her about it like Aya had feared she would. This didn’t make her any less embarrassed about it, however. 

Suddenly she felt a shock ripple through her body and looked up to see her mistress glaring at her. She didn’t need to be told why she was shocked and quickly she apologized for letting herself get distracted.

Misaki cooed at the little ones at her breasts. She had mostly slept through yesterday, and while she had woken up a couple of times to nurse her kids, and briefly interacted with Emily when she stopped by she had yet to name her kids.

To her right, Phyllis shifted in the cushions a bit, as she adjusted on of her infants, and asked Lyla who had just come back in to ask if there was anything they needed, “Have you seen Melisa? I haven’t seen since yesterday, and I am sure there are things I will need her to do for me.”

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Lyla shook her head, and replied, “No, I haven’t seen her since yesterday either. The last time I saw her was when she told me to make sure you two weren’t disturbed.”

Now Phyllis was looking really worried, so reluctantly Misaki began looking around for her. It didn’t take her long with her sense to find the annoying aide, but she wasn’t sure if she should tell Phyllis where she was, so instead, she simply told her that she would be fine. Thankfully a knock came at the door before Phyllis could question her. Lyla answered the door.

It turned out that it was Emily, her two daughters Celine and Megan, along with Crystal and Ruby. They filed into the office quickly making the room feel a little cramped. It was a good thing that Lyla had already put all but Jesse to work. So they weren’t in the office, but instead, they were helping out in the guild today. The only reason Jesse was here was because she was currently providing breakfast for the one infant.

Phyllis was clearly quite happy to see her sister, and while Lyla was closing the door said, “Glad to see you. I would offer you a hug, but I am a little occupied at the moment.”

As soon as the door closed Megan started shedding her clothes, and Celine soon followed suit. Phyllis seemed a little surprised by this, and Misaki wasn’t sure what to think. She avoided looking in on other people out of respect for their privacy. Although that didn’t include the few people from the church, as she tried to keep constant tabs on what they were doing. Her demon side actually kind of liked what she was seeing, and she noted that Emily wasn’t shouting at them to keep their clothes on. She clearly remembered how different Emily had been just a few weeks before.

Before anyone could say anything, she awkwardly fidgeted and stared at her feet and admitted rather quietly, “I may have let things get a little out of hand.”

Phyllis stuttered for a moment, and then said, “I can see that.”

Misaki had known that Emily had a submissive streak to her, and had noticed that Crystal and Ruby were spending a lot of time over at her house. She also noticed that they seemed to be watching the children with a proud look on their faces. It wasn’t hard for her to figure out that the two of them were in charge of Emily’s household now. Regardless she could tell that Emily was a bit embarrassed about this, and apparently so did Phyllis, as she followed up saying, “but I don’t think you came here to talk about your family situation. Something about her tone suggested that Phyllis wasn’t going to just let it slide. They were going to be talking about this later, but at least for now things were settled.

Emily gave out a sigh of relief, and half the tension in her body disappeared. “No, I wanted to know if you have thought of any names for your kids. I can offer a few suggestions if you need help.”

They shared a look with each other, and then Misaki answered the question. An answer that began and hours-long discussion. They didn’t have five names lined up for their kids, but they did have a couple of ideas.

By the end of their discussion, things had changed. Jesse had left the room with Lyla and had dragged Ruby along with them. Crystal, however, had stayed behind and had managed to get Emily out of her clothes. She replaced the rather presentable outfit she had been wearing earlier with some ribbons wrapped around her breasts and another set around her waist. Carefully arranged to draw attention to her pussy and breasts without hiding anything. Emily hadn’t put up much protest at the changes in her attire and seemed to enjoy letting Crystal decide her outfit.

Phyllis actually seemed a little amused when it happened. As for the babies they had chosen names for them. The two that Phyllis was holding and had been feeding were named, Luna and Stella. While the two were almost identical, Luna had a birthmark on her thigh just a little below her tiny pussy that looked like a moon mark. Stella had on the opposite thigh but in a similar location a little sun mark. So they had creatively used their birthmarks to choose their names.

The baby that was currently resting in some cushions placed near the desk, and that Jesse had been nursing earlier in the day, they had chosen to call, Yuko. She didn’t have any special birthmarks, but she did have a little tuft of white hair to set her apart from her sisters who all shared their hair color with one of their mothers. In the case of Luna and Stella, they both had lovely purple hair like Phyllis. While the two that Misaki was carrying shared pretty light blue and silver hair like Misaki had.

This pair also had birthmarks to tell them apart. They had chosen to call them Naomi, and Mistie. Mistie had her mark on her chest and it resembled a small cloud. While Naomi had hers on her belly, and it looked like a pair of lightning bolts meeting. 

Just as they had finished naming their little bundles, the door opened Jesse entered. She stopped to stare at Emily for a moment, and then her gaze wandered to Megan and Celine who were playing a game with each other. Closing the door, she commented rather quietly, but Misaki still caught it, “Those two are still naked, and mommy has joined them.”

Meanwhile, Susan was with Tina. As she walked down the corridor towards the library, she was considering her evolution options. She was leaning towards the last two, as a rare species usually had advantages over a more common one, but this wasn’t always the case. She hadn’t been able to ask earlier, as Tina had run off with the girl she had played with last night, but she decided to ask if Tina knew anything about Succubus Slimegirls.

So she asked and had to wait for a couple of moments as Tina mulled the question over. “The Succubus Slimegirl? Well, they are a lust exclusive evolution of the slime species and specialize in the lust related aspects. In general, they have a more solid humanoid form than most slime species to the point that people can mistake them for real people, but they retain the shapeshifting abilities of their cousins. So they can be anything from the busty loli look that you currently have or they can be tall and flat-chested. Naturally, they have limits to how much they can stretch their form, so you still won’t be able to mimic a dragon in form. Their base appearance takes after that of a Succubus with a long tail with the same heart-shaped bulb they get and horns. However, they don’t get the wings of a Succubus.

The Succubus Slimegirl also has some powerful natural pheromones, and their slime is not just a stripping solution like yours but a natural aphrodisiac. Also unlike most other slimegirl subspecies, the Succubus Slimegirl can produce milk which is basically a concentrated aphrodisiac mixed with a fertility drug. A very effective fertility drug in fact, and it is especially effective for women. Oh, and about the tail it serves the same function as that of a Succubus. Meaning it is a fully functioning reproductive organ, and you will retain the tail in both your slime and humanoid form. In other words, if you go that route, you will be able to reproduce at any time, and not just once a month.

I may be forgetting a few things, but as to traits. They lose the docile trait, as it doesn’t fit their nature. Thanks to their demonic relation they gain the Demon Skin trait, and as a more evolved slime they gain the trait ‘Magic Absorb’. Given that they keep the Physical Negation trait you already have, it makes the Succubus slime very hard to kill. As they greatly resist magical and physical attacks. The magic absorb trait means that half of any magic attack directed at you automatically negated and added to your mp pool, and it procs before your other resistances. You do gain a weakness to celestial attacks, but your true weakness remains fire like all slimes. Being a lust creature you gain a trait called, ‘Sexual Predator.” This trait reduces the amount of experience you get from normal combat, but you gain doubled rewards from sex.”

She was glad, she asked Tina as she was a wealth of info on the subject, but she did notice that Tina was assuming that she was considering evolving into one. She decided not to say anything in regards to the assumption, as it was correct, and instead thanked her before rushing to the library. Where she looked over the books until she found a pair that covered the slime options she was considering. Neither book was particularly long, and when she looked up she noticed Tina watching her from across the table.

“Made a decision yet? ... Don’t give me that look, I know you are about to evolve. You ate about half my mana, and unless my math is wrong that means you gained enough levels to evolve two stages,” said Tina as she leaned forward against the table. An action that made her exposed mounds stick out a bit more.

Susan nodded, and said, “Yes, I have made a decision. As interesting as the Demonic Dark Slimegirl looks, the Succubus Slimegirl just has better traits. Not to mention the book shows that the Succubus Slimegirl can also learn magic. Besides, it will make me better at what I already do.”

Tina nodded, and replied, “Good choice. The Succubus Slimegirl also has better evolution options if you can gain enough experience.”

Susan already knew that to evolve again she would need to reach level one hundred. It would likely take a while to reach that, even if she went ahead and ate the rest of Tina’s mana. Settled on her choice, she mentally made the choice to evolve. Instantly she felt herself begin to evolve. She lost her shape, as her slime condensed. It changed for her normal translucent blue and darkened up to a nice pale blue. Her hair went from translucent pink and solidified into a nice pink as well. A solid tail sprouted from her membrane its slime structure darkened as it grew, and once it reached a length of about a meter the long slender tail sprouted a heart-shaped bulb at its tip. The bulb was a lovely pink in shade while the rest of the tail was black. As her body was stabilizing Tina placed a mirror she had borrowed from somewhere in front of Susan.

She was still a blue slimegirl, but she was no longer seethrough. Now her skin was a lovely pale blue with streaks of violet shot through it. She had grown in height and now stood a grand total of one hundred forty centimeters tall. So she wasn’t much bigger than she used to be. Her chest had grown a bit as well, and now she was a solid D cup, and not just barely making the mark. She now had small delicate nipples that were surrounded by light pink areolas, and down below she had a small closed and delicate looking pussy. Spreading it she found the inside was dyed the same light pink that her areolas were, while the outside matched her normal skin tone. Her face had changed again, but not by much. Really it had mostly gained definition making it look more humanlike, and somehow far cuter than before. She still had round pink eyes, but they were a bit bigger and darker. Her small nose seemed more solid, and realistic, and her mouth had gained definition which made her lips a bit more prominent. Her pink slime hair had solidified and separated into proper strands, making it look far more realistic, and to the touch, it felt like hair now. On her forehead, a pair of silver horns poked out as well. Honestly, this more solid look was the main reason why she had chosen this path, and she really liked what she had gotten. Now all she had to do was figure out how to change her color. Although her current color was reasonably attractive. She then shifted her focus to her hands and feet studying her own digits. Her hands and feet actually looked quite human, and she had fingernails and toenails now. They were the same silver color as her horns.

Her mind then considered clothes, and as per her habit, she formed some out of her flesh. They ended up being the same color as her flesh, but she soon figured out how to pull just one color to them. She just couldn’t figure out how to use a color not already part of her body. Her new body naturally influenced her choice of what to wear. Very soon a cute girl was standing in the mirror wearing a very short mini-skirt with no panties, and a half bra cupped the bottom of her breast. The line stopping just short of her nipples, leaving them on display. A part of her wanting people to see them. For color, she made the bra purple and paired it with a black skirt. She thought this combination worked well with her skin tone. 

Glancing at Tina who seemed to like the erotic dress she had been given last night. She smiled playfully, and said, “Let’s get out of the castle again, and go for a walk in the safe zones.”

Tina smiled mischievously and gestured to the door. Susan led the way out of the castle, while a maid collected the mirror. Susan was looking forward to learning all her new abilities, and the adventurers up on the fifth floor would be perfect for this. One thing she really wanted to try out were her pheromones. Instinctively she knew how to use them, but she didn’t know how effective they were. The book on her kind was rather vague about that. 

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