What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Such hard decisions on my 1st day back

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“Master Bai! What happened?” the nanny asked shocked when she saw the empty room

“None of your business! Why did breakfast take so long to arrive?” I said arrogantly. I recall that was the same arrogant tone I had in my original life. Good, I don’t want to change my behavior toward the toxic family. Just pissed them off until I leave sooner rather than later

Nanny Wei gave a forced smile while answering “Sorry master, because you woke up late, the breakfast was cold so I asked the kitchen to reheat it for you”

Hhhm like the cold food was my problem “I woke up late because you did not wake me up on time”

It was the truth, one of the jobs of nanny Wei was to wake me up for school. Sometimes she would forget - maybe on purpose - and usually I would get scolded by the teacher until one day he had enough and was banned from coming back. I had to pay my 5th uncle to teach me when he had time, but his teaching was so shallow that I eventually had to re-learn with my master after I was expelled from the Yu family.

“But master you were sleeping so well that I did not have the heart to disturb you. Sleeping at your age is important” She always said this to me. I never scolded nanny Wei about it because I truly did love sleeping in - and believed she really liked me -

Right now, I do not need to study anymore. I had all the knowledge I needed to reach nascent soul - not that I ever reached that stage in my 1st life, I was at a late stage of core formation - but I did not want to have 'The lazy and stupid' part of my previous reputation that I gained when I was expelled from school. 

Sleep in or not sleep in. Get rid of nanny Wei or not…such hard decisions on my first day back!

For now, let’s eat quickly, go to school and get scolded by the teacher for being late but first:

“Which day is it?” I asked

“Tomorrow is your 10th birthday master” This time it was not nanny Wei who answered but a 12 year old boy who was helping bring the breakfast. His name was… Xiao Gu. Nanny Wei gave him a stinky eye as if to scold him for answering in her stead. He left hurriedly with is head down

“...because your parents will comeback in a month your grandmother suggested to wait until they come back before celebrating it” 

You mean to wait to see if they come back or not before spending money on me… the first time I did not get anything for any of my birthdays for the same reason but from that day on I still had to give gifts to everyone else’s. 

Let’s see, make a scene to get a birthday celebration tomorrow or not…such a hard decision and it is still my 1st day back!

Let’s use my perfect memory recall - I decided I had it as a golden finger and called it that way -

At this time in my 1st life, I slept in once already and that was last month. The frequency of sleeping in increased after my birthday to twice a week until I got kicked out of school 2 months later. The news about my parents contributed to it. My 2nd sleep in - which was today - did not bring any scolding because my teacher canceled today’s lessons due to sickness!

At that time, I took it as my early birthday gift. He was actually sick for 3 days but his disciple will replace him tomorrow and the day after. His disciple will be my teacher after I leave the toxic family. He even died saving me from my trash she-wolf cousin later on. He was very strict in teaching but also fair and smart. He knew and respected my father and that was the reason he took me in when I needed it the most. He told me that one of his regrets was that he did not check how I was treated in the Yu family until I was expelled or he would have taken me in much earlier. His biggest regret was to not be able to help me get rid of the obsession I had against that Wu… I mean the one who should not be named. 

Let’s stop in the memory lane. 

Teacher Huo is too smart for me. He will figure out I am reborn pretty quickly and stupid as I am…I mean even if I am less smart, telling anyone about the reborn secret would be suicidal at best. So leaving the toxic family to go to teacher Huo early is not an option. I have to find another way to survive until I am old enough to live by myself. In this life, it is better if I don’t associate with master Huo. Even if I do not plan to follow the same path as my 1st life, I do not want to take any risk of him dying because of me again. 

You are reading story What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel? at novel35.com

On the side note, I need to find good reasons for any abnormality I will have in the future. 

“Master Bai, do you have a headache?” asked nanny Wei. It seemed that way because I had my 2 index fingers on each side of my temples since I used perfect memory recall  

“No I am just thinking hard”

“Thinking about what?” Nanny Wei was always a curious person. Part of the spy trade I presume 

“If I should kill you or just kick you” I replied

“Wwwhat! master why?” 

“I am just joking but next time you do not wake me up on time it will not be a joke anymore. Understood” I said with a menacing voice - as menacing as I can muster with a 10 year old voice -

“Yyyes master. Thank you for sparing me”

“And from now on, bring breakfast when you come to wake me up” I said with cold eyes.

“Yes master Bai”

Decision 1: no sleeping in anymore…sniff it is hard to be an adult in a kid’s body

Decision 2: next time nanny Wei disregards her responsibilities or does not follow my orders she is out. One way or another

Decision 3: as for my birthday, even if I want to make them bleed money, I rather not have to deal with their fake affection   

“Master, could you tell me why you took out everything in your bedroom?” asked nanny Wei after I finished eating. She must think food in my belly would put me in a better mood to answer her. Hehehe 

“Whatever I do or not do in my bedroom is none of your business! from now on stop asking stupid questions” and to be more domineering I added with a slower voice “This.is.your.final.warning”

“Sorry master Bai. I will prepare the carriage to take you to the school right away!” she squeaked

“Hhm, you should have done that earlier knowing that I was late” I snorted

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