What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Meet a foodie

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“What …What are you talking about…”  “we never bully kids from school…” “you do not have any proof…” “if you do not want to go out with us just say so” “Don’t slander us!” Everyone answered at the same time.

They were so funny and too young to conceal their lies with a ‘300 silver tael not buried hereIt is a Chinese folklore story; a farmer decided to bury money in the garden to hide it. He added a sign ‘300 silver tael not buried here’. The money disappeared the next day. Now this saying is applied to those who lie badly type of answers 

“Cousin, please stop slandering me and my friends to retaliate against your nanny who did not bring you lunch” said Yu JinLi. She was trained by her mother, of course she was more shrewd and lied a bit better

“Dear cousin, I found out today that the food cafeteria is better than the Yu's. I don’t need to retaliate for such a small thing. As for bullying, there is no teacher or adult around, why are you flustered? you can take it as a joke from my side. Anyway, no one can touch you if you never and will never bully school kids” My calm and sarcastic behavior made them angrier at me. I was trying to pull aggro like a pro tanker, if they touched me today they would be the one being expelled.

I truly found out that the cafeteria's food was better than anything I had in the Yu family. I should start cooking my own food - I was really good at cooking in my 2nd life - that would help me avoid poisoning at the same time

“Yu family's cooking is very good! stop slandering again! ” Yu JinLi lost it. It was her mother who managed the household so my comment attacked her directly.

“Well I was just stating my review. Feel free to try the cafeteria next time to taste the difference” I shrugged 

“So are you leaving for your shopping or do you want to discuss more about …well, what were we talking about?” 

Yu JinLi looked like she would pounce at me any second - hope she does - I would expect some retaliation soon but nothing serious until a month from now anyway. With no one wanting to reenact the bullying talk, they soon left.

I waited 5 min before going out to avoid seeing them again. Afternoon lessons were about the 5 arts and were optional. I did not plan to go to any of them as my parents were not present to force any of them on me - Lucky me! the 'lucky me' is sarcastic here

My plan was to go back to the library to see if there were any interesting books in advanced mathematics. As much as I hated math in my 1st life, thanks to my brother’s tutoring, I learned to love it in my 2nd life. He showed me the beauty of algebra and calculus and that knowledge could help me learn arrays in the future!  

In case you are wondering, I am stup…less smart when it comes to social life but I am pretty good when it comes to studies. Being expelled from school had nothing to do with my learning abilities  

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As I stepped out of the cafeteria door I met a boy that looked around 8 years old.

“Excuse me sir, do you really think cafeteria food is really better than your home’s?”

I instantly liked this child, he was cute and he called me sir!

“Depends on your family’s food I presume” and who knows for how long. After I leave the Yu family and rent or buy a house, I wonder if I could hire the cafeteria's cook. Right now I am too short to reach the stove...  

“Ok I will try it tomorrow! thanks for the information sir”

“I am Bai YuShin. You can call me Shin-ge if you want. What is your name?”

“I am Lei Sui, 8 years old from the Lei family in the east side of the city. You can call me ASui or Sui-er”

“Well nice to meet you Sui-er. I will meet you tomorrow for lunch then”

“Mm, I have to go to the chess class now. See you tomorrow!”

What a bright and joyful kid. The first student outside the family who actually initiated a talk with me since I joined the school. Now that I think about it. It was weird that no one talked to me before. The she-wolf must have create some rumors before I joined the school on purpose… this was not important, let’s pass time in the library

School finished at 4PM. I could not find interesting books in the library so I decided to go browse at a bookstore that sells mundane books not related to cultivation or martial art techniques at the same time I could try to find someone who could replace nanny Wei 

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