What would the last human do in a world of demons

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : Phoenix rising

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Am I asleep? I can’t see anything, wait why can’t I move?

The rubble of what was once a graveyard sat undisturbed, time has obviously taken its toll on it. the overgrown grass and destroyed tombstones littered the ground, painting a scene of apocalyptic despair.

what happened to me? I was in the lab, I-I received the new upgrades… did it go wrong? The doctors said that we were the first batch to try them; did the Phoenix project fail? Am I dead?

The wind howled and gently shuffled the overgrown grass. Slowly the dirt started to shift and move on its own as if the hand of god himself was manipulating it from beyond view.

No, I can move slightly. Wait this is…dirt? I’m not dead, I’m underground!

*shuffle* *shuffle*

I need to dig my way out now!

The ground next to a moss-covered tombstone swayed around, moving violently up and down. The tremors got more and more powerful until an arm broke through the dirt and overgrown grass.

I’m out! I can see sunlight. I need one more push.

With one big quake, the full body of a well-built man erupted from the ground. The man took deep rapid breaths, his body was covered with dirt and weeds making his back hair appear brown.

“I-I’m out…w-what is this place? This isn’t the lab.”

He stood up and looked around with a confused expression. He was naked, cold, and utterly disoriented. After standing in place, staring around himself for a few seconds, he finally decided to move around. Exploring the dilapidated graveyard around him.

Just behind him was a tombstone. After he brushed it with his hand to reveal the writing, he could clearly read the words ‘In loving memory of Adam Williams’. The numbers underneath were too damaged to understand but this was undoubtedly his grave.

“as expected, I was dead… no point in thinking about it too hard, I’m alive now and I need to report to the nearest military outpost. The Phoenix project was a success—I didn’t get immortality but I was resurrected.”

Adam walked in a straight line with unwavering determination. He was a soldier and he yearned to return to the battlefield; the war was nowhere near its end when he was selected to be a part of the Phoenix project, and he knew that humanity needed every man who can aim a rifle to fight.

The demons were pushing south when I left—depending on how long I’ve been out, I might be in demon territory right now with no weapons, armor, or even clothes.

He looked around the empty decapitated graveyard, taking notice of the rampant deterioration and disrepair it fell into. Its condition only confirmed his theory.

As his mind wondered and recalled memories of past battles, his eyes kept sweeping the area around him. Trying to spot anything that isn’t long grass and broken tombstones.

Where the hell did they ship my body—wait, what’s that?

In the distance sat what appeared to have once been a steel gate, now rusted and broken beyond repair. He started running as soon as he spotted it, almost tripping on the overgrown vegetation on the ground.

The steel gate revealed a cracked asphalt road beyond it. the state of the road almost caused Adam to start panicking; there were no signs of battle, so the road was broken purely due to time and the effect of the elements.

“It takes awfully long for asphalt to become like this, just how long have I been out for?” he looked up at the destroyed gate, and read the name engraved on the rusted metal. ‘yellow rock cemetery’, I know this place. There should be a town close by, I just hope there will be more than just corpses there.”

Memories flooded his mind once again; he has been through this situation before. A small town gets taken over by the demons with no military presence anywhere nearby—the civilians are left to fend for themselves with regular guns which do nothing against the demons and their magic spells. By the time a squad arrives to liberate it, the only thing they find left are corpses and burned houses.

Those painful memories kept haunting him as he walked down the road, both hurting him and reinforcing his hatred for the demons and their ilk.

He passed by many destroyed cars, some civilian, but most military. They were different from the ones he was used to—but seeing as advancing military technology was the only thing humanity focused on; the sight of more advanced vehicles and weapons was no surprise.

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Adam approached one of the armored cars, hoping to find something to wear, or perhaps a weapon he can use to defend himself.

“AHA, look at that. A good-condition Army uniform, thank god they use advanced reinforced fibers to make these. A rifle too but it obviously won’t work after being left out in the open for this long—oh well, better than nothing I suppose.”

Now dressed and armed with a broken rifle, he continued down the long road.

Hours passed and the sun was coming down before he reached a hill overlooking the town. He could see people moving in and out of the small houses around. Adam was dehydrated and starving by this point in time, so in his desperation, he ran toward the town at full speed, neglecting to do a survey to make sure there were no enemies nearby.

By the time he made it to the entrance of the town, drenched in sweat and panting hard, everyone was inside their homes.

With the yellow hue of the setting sun on his back, Adam walked into the now-empty town. He thought about knocking on a random door and asking for help, but since the people here are probably on edge from the constant threat of demon attacks, there was a chance he would get a bullet in the stomach as a greeting.

“Hello, my name is Adam Williams, I’m with the UHA. I’ve been in a coma for a long time and I need to use your satellite phone to contact the military!”

Adam called out into the empty street, hoping someone would lend him a hand.

I suppose people this close to demon territory would be a little distrusting, those goat heads can use illusion magic to mimic humans after all—oh someone is actually opening their door.

Slowly, a door to his left began to open. Adam turned to greet and thank the person who came to his rescue; however, instead of words of gratitude, the only thing that left his mouth was a shallow gasp.

The door opened to reveal a blue-skinned woman with small horns protruding out of her head.

The two stared at each other with shocked faces and wide-open eyes, and to Adam’s terror, the other doors opened one by one revealing more and more demons. Children, women, and old demons showed themselves to his bewilderment.

w-what’s going on here? Demons don’t place their noncombatants in occupied areas. That doesn’t matter now, I need to run. Damn it, I got too excited and walked into enemy territory.

“y-you’re human? By the goddess, a real human.”

The female demon broke the silence, causing the stunned Adam to come back to his senses. In a panic, he unleashed the power of his augments, humanity’s technological counterpart to magic. The brain chips that allowed for the use of those powers were the first massive breakthrough that allowed humanity to match the demons’ individual power.

His hand glowed in faint blue light and a small orb formed on his palm. With great speed, the orb shot out toward the growing crowd of demons and exploded with such great force that everyone in the vicinity was thrown away.

Damn it, I’m too tired to use the augments at full capacity, whatever, these guys aren’t soldiers. I should be able to make a run for it.


As the dust caused by the explosion cleared, the figure of the female demon appeared. Air formed a barrier around her body, shielding her from the damage of the weakened augment orb.

“I just want to talk!”

She closed the distance to him in the blink of an eye.

Too tired to use his augment powers once again, Adam decided to bet everything on a bluff. He aimed the broken rifle at the demon, who immediately dodged away from him in fear of the anti-magic rounds which were usually deployed by humans.

Taking the chance, Adam ran away at full speed. Putting as much distance as he could between himself and the demon-infested town. As he ran, pleas for him to stop got further and further away, and grew completely silent as he passed out from exhaustion on the cold grass of the nearby forest he ran into.

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