When a Vampire Bites an Omega

Chapter 2: 2

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Chapter 2: The Vampire Who Always Wants to Bite

Ivan was carried all the way, draped in Cary’s camouflage jacket.

The smell of pheromones and the aroma coming from the man’s blood wove an impermeable web that enclosed him in a death grip, tempting him at all times.

The teenager was in an inner war between heaven and man.

The little black man (1) was gearing up, and whispered in his ear “Now is the best time, bite him! Come to your senses, if you starve to death, you will have nothing left. Life is more important!”

On the other side the little white man, holding his arms with a solemn face said, “you’re right.”

So, the small teenager quietly leaned on the man’s shoulder, the tip of his nose kept moving up, sniffing like a puppy from time to time.

Closer, closer ……

The closer he got to the man’s neck, the stronger the scent of blood mixed with the bird of paradise became.

 Ivan swallowed saliva while small sharp teeth silently from the gums drilled out.

 Just before he touched the man’s skin, his head was tapped lightly.

The man’s low voice came from his ear: “Be good, ok?”

The little vampire scowled and hastily withdrew his little fangs. “Oh”, the furry head shrugged on the man’s shoulder, and the whole person wilted.

When they entered the hospital, the strong smell of disinfectant hit them, causing the unsuspecting little vampire to sneeze several times.

He rubbed his nose and blinked his teary eyes in aggravation, and with a twitch of his nose, he sneezed loudly again.

The vampire’s sense of smell is exceptionally sensitive, so because Ivan has been starving for too long, his body’s function has declined greatly. Now he can’t control his senses at all, so he can only bear it passively.

He was thinking about what to do when he was put on the bed in the consulting room. The man squatted down and straightened out his coat again.

“Put your clothes on, I’ll call the doctor.” After speaking, he raised the teenager’s hand to let him hold the clothes and got up to go out.

The man only took two steps away, the pheromone that had been lingering around disappeared with him and was replaced by the unpleasant smell of disinfectant. He hurriedly leaped up from the bed and threw himself into the man’s arms, in a manner that was like grabbing a piece of driftwood in the water to save his life.

Cary was stunned and laughed as he peeled the little vampire out of his arms: “Little friend, be more reserved?”

 Ivan’s eyes blinked, hands covered his mouth and nose, muffled an “oh”, and nodded his head.

The teenager’s long eyelashes reflected a deep silhouette in the bright white light, looking soft and sticky.

Cary carried him back to the bed and sat him down, told him not to run around, and turned to go out after the teenager answered.

Ivan sat on the hard clinic bed, panicking about what to do next when the sweet scent of blood suddenly drifted through his fingers into his nose.

He moved the tip of his nose and sniffed it a few more times. Finally, he looked at the concealed inner room: there was a faint smell of blood, but he could never smell it wrong.

The pretty little vampire leaped out of bed and ran on his tiptoes to the hidden door. He listened intently to make sure there was no human scent inside and then tiptoed into the inner room.

The sweet smell of blood was stronger in the inner room, and as a starving vampire, Ivan instantly recognized where the blood was.

It was a freezer, and when he opened it, he saw several packets of dark red blood lying on the top layer. He licked his lips and grabbed a packet, biting it, and gulping it down.

The sound of gulping and swallowing was especially loud in a room where the sound of a needle falling could be heard.

With the blood sucked, his pale face became rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the bleeding wounds on his back slowly healed and crusted over.

As he was drinking, there was the familiar sound of footsteps not far away.

The little vampire who was stealing twitched his ears and froze. He quickly swallowed the remaining blood in one gulp, crumpled the blood bag up and stuffed it back into the deepest layer of the freezer, rushed back to the bed, pretending he had never moved before and sat quietly.

Looking down, he saw blood stains on his fingertips, and hurriedly put it in his mouth to lick it off. The moment the door was pushed open, he lowered his hand, straightened his back, and tensed his entire body.

“Searget Major, you have worked hard. If it’s just a scratch, it can be dealt with quickly, but if there are other problems, then there will be a need to do other inspections.”

The first person to enter the door was not Cary, but a handsome Omega in a white coat. The man was about the same height as Ivan, with red hair tied into a small bun, and as he spoke he saw the teenager on the bed and his whole body froze.

Then, the whole consultation room resounded with this person’s loud shriek.

“Fanfan!(2) Where have you been the past few days? You know, if we couldn’t find you, we would have had to call the police! It was only a few days off for National Day, why did you disappear?”

As he said that, he ran to Ivan in a hurry, and took his arm to check carefully.

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“The senior said you hurt your back? How did you get it, quickly show me!”

Ivan was suddenly touched and couldn’t help but shrink his neck, carefully pulling his arm back and looking at Cary with a gaze full of panic. Why is there someone here who knows him? This is too strange ……

The red-haired teenager didn’t notice Ivan’s strange behavior. Seeing that he retracted his arms, he didn’t care and went to lift his clothes, and said to Cary while doing so: “Sergeant Major, please stay away, Fanfan is my roommate.”, I will treat his wound, and it will be fine soon!”

Ivan didn’t expect that this person would come directly to lift his clothes, his face turned pale with fright, and he quickly grabbed the hem of the clothes with both hands to prevent him from taking any chance.

His back injury is now fully healed, thanks to the vampire’s powerful recovery. If the clothes were really lifted, wouldn’t he be discovered immediately?

“No, no need, I’m fine…” Ivan said, moving his body to the side. While moving, a pair of eyes kept sneaking at the person at the door. That person looks very difficult to mess with if he finds out that he is a vampire…

Thinking about what he just did, and then looking at this man’s devil-like body ……

The cowardly vampire shivered while sitting, “he will get killed, right?”

But the person at the door hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the two of them. However, he didn’t say anything, and just drew the curtain beside the bed to hide it.

“I’ll wait inside.” The voice was low and carried a majesty that could not be denied.

The red-haired teenager put his index finger to his lips and gently made a no-sound gesture, whispering, “The senior is very busy, let’s not delay him. You lie down, I will help you.”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ivan’s response, he opened the curtain and went out to get the medicine.

Ivan sat quietly on the bed alone, as if on pins and needles. With one hand on the clothes, not knowing or not is a good idea to take it off.

One could know what’s going on with his back just by thinking about it with their toes (3). The situation is better, and it is estimated that there is still a little scab that has not fallen off. If the situation is not good, it must be that half of the wound is not visible.

“Why haven’t you finished?” The red-haired teenager lifted the curtain and saw Ivan sitting alone on the bed, still maintaining the same posture as earlier, not moving at all. Jumped over and grabbed his clothes to peel down.

Ivan was taken aback and grabbed his clothes vigorously to refuse his touch. The two of them couldn’t control their strength during the pull and fell directly onto the bed with a bang.

“Wu ……” Ivan fell on it with his entire back, and unconsciously let out a soft hum.

The red-haired teenager was taken aback for a moment, and immediately cried out in fright: “I, rub it! How are you, Fanfan, I didn’t mean it!”


Ivan found the right moment to raise his hand and cupped the man’s jaw. Forcing him to meet his eyes, a pair of turquoise blue eyes gradually dyed crimson.

“I’ll do it myself.” His voice was calm, with a compelling flavor, but if one listens carefully you could notice the trembling in it. If the bewitchment still doesn’t work this time, then he really doesn’t know how he can get out of it.

And the curtain was pulled open at that moment with a crash. The two, who had just been frozen, heard the sound, turned their heads in unison, and saw the man in military uniform looking towards them, with a trace of incomprehensible thought in his dark eyes.

The red-haired Omega teenager reacted first and helped Ivan gather his clothes and brought him medicine, saying, “The cotton swabs, medical alcohol, and trauma medicine are all here, remember to do it once in the morning and once in the evening, you should be fine in two days.”

And then turned his head to look at Cary, smiling with his eyebrows bent into a small moon: “It’s already fine, thank you major senior for bringing Fanfan back, when Fanfan is well, we will go over to you to thank you!”

Ivan looked at the red-haired teenager’s every move after being bewitched, his heart wondering, “The bewitchment just now should have been effective, right? Otherwise, this man would not be so obedient.

The handsome man had already reached a consensus with the red-haired teenager, and when he saw him look over, his lips hooked slightly, nodded at him, and left first.

The red-haired teenager also accompanied the man to the door, smiling and waving at the man, always saying respectful words.

When Ivan saw the man leave, he breathed a long sigh of relief and also jumped out of bed ready to leave. The door to the consultation room was slammed shut. The red-haired teenager, who had just been steady, suddenly burst out with a scream and nearly jumped up.

    “Ah!!! It’s Major Cary! Fanfan, what’s going on with you guys, come on!” Said, jumping up again to give Ivan a bear hug: “That’s Major Cary! At the age of sixteen, he got into the military academy with the first rank in the school and was the only major in school who got promoted to the third level in three years. Do you know how hard it is to meet him? My God, how did you get to talk to him? And those are his clothes that you’re wearing, right? It’s got a rank on it!”

After that, he turned his head in a circle and looked at himself: “How am I, am I still dressed properly? How did I behave just now? I wasn’t dazed or drooled over the senior, did I?”

Ivan pursed his lips, his eyes were dazed, and he was a little confused for a while.

The red-haired teenager looked at him for a long time but did not say anything, so he uncertainly asked: “Why do you not speak? Could it be…I didn’t embarrass myself just now, right? You dare to say so, believe it or not, I will kill myself for you to see!”

Ivan blinked, a pair of clear turquoise blue eyes, bright white light reflected on them, like hanging stars in the sky.

“You just asked so many questions, I just …… don’t know which one to answer.” He said, swallowing non-existent saliva: “What I said to the major… well, I probably accidentally scared him, and then… he beat me up?”

Red-haired teenager: ????

The author has something to say: Ivan: it’s too difficult, I’m too difficult for me QAQ


As in a black man (Devil) and a white man (Angel) depicted as the conscience. His Chinese name is 伊凡 pronounce Yī fán, and in Chinese to make nicknames they usually repeat a syllable of the name or add Xiao. In this case, is Fanfan. Thinking with the toes means that something is so easy to figure out that you can even know with just your toes. 

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