When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her

Chapter 21: 21

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Chapter 21

Chapter 1, Childhood Friend And I — Episode 21 : Purification

Translated by KaiesV
Edited by KaiesV


——At a neighborhood family restaurant.


「By the way, Kirishima. Are you serious that you fucked Onizuka?」




It was when I picked up a cola and put it in my mouth. I wondered what he was going to say out of the blue, but he asked me about the happenings on the rooftop floor with Onizuka-san.


Hanayama, who had taken a cola shower as much as he could from me, complained,「That’s disgusting!」Hanayama, who had been showered by me with a cola shower, complained, and gathered up a large amount of wet wipes wrapped in a plastic bag to wipe off the black juice.


I was fully prepared to answer Hanayama’s question and answer in good faith, knowing that he would ask me about my relationship with Lilith. However, he fell as hard as he could when a breaking ball was thrown at him from the first pitch.


No, Hanayama is in the soccer club, so is a banana shot more correct? Bananas only for such a juicy story… Such a Havana!


Right now, the happenings in this world are more damaging than what happened in the other world… Seriously, if I could use Delete, I’d forget about it.


After returning home, I went to a family restaurant to meet up with Hanayama, who raised his hand in the parking lot.


Before the transition, it would have never occurred to me to come to a family restaurant with Hanayama. Lately, Hanayama and I have been friends…


As promised, he seems to be buying me in a drink bar, but before, he would have mugged me and I would’ve been in a relationship where I was the one who would buy him a drink.


I was desperately trying to make excuses for Hanayama.


「I didn’t, there’s no way. In the first place, there is no way Onizuka-san would have been interested in me.」


Hanayama folded his arms and groaned. Apparently, my inevitable excuses aren’t getting through. However, spreading bad rumors about Onizuka-san is more problematic than my honor. The way she talked to me, she never seemed to be as badass as she looked.


「He hates people like me and Yamazaki, doesn’t she? It’s not impossible that you’re once a fat guy.」

「Am I still fat?」

「No, you’re not fat. In fact, you’re not even an athlete, and yet your body appearance is strange.」


「Then I’m not a fat person.」

「Yes, I know. But I don’t know if I liked you before…」

「Not at all.」


I am troubled by the fact that Hanayama likes rumors like a girl.


He seemed to be expecting to be in a harem school at school, but was quite disappointed to find that his expectations were not met.


There is no way I could ever know what Onizuka-san likes in a man. But I can’t help but wonder what she wanted to ask me and what she wanted to tell me.


After what happened on the rooftop, if we were together, rumors would start to spread like the ones about Hanayama, and the rumor would spread in all sorts of directions.


What is more puzzling is that she knew about the eruption of Mt. Ootake. I don’t suppose her family was involved in it? But none of the people I knew had the Onizuka surname.


Anyway, I’ll have to find an opportunity and have some time to discuss this with Onizuka-san… She is being blunt, but when she was alone on the rooftop, that sad look on her face is demanding that I explain what happened there.


Talking about it may not make a difference. But as the only survivor, I guess I need to tell her. I don’t know if she will believe me.


When he saw that he can’t get a glamorous conversation with Onizuka-san from me, he cuts to the chase.


「Tell me what you did with that Lilith Lolita! Tell me about the time you had sex with this Lilith!」


I never said I had sex with Lilith… though, I really like this kind of story.


「Hanayama has that kind of friend with Nishino-san rather than me, right? This isn’t the time to be meeting with me.」

「It’s different from that. What do you call it? It’s called a separate stomach.」


He was a riajuu, through and through!


I thought about asking him about their lovemaking, but I swallowed the words that were threatening to burst out of my throat, thinking that I would only make him sad.


「Alright, alright. But Hanayama, don’t be offended if the story isn’t what you expect coming from me」


Hanayama leans forward from the table and nods his head yes.


「I impregnated Lilith in another world… but I can proudly say that I am a virgin.」

「Hah? I don’t know what the hell that means! How is that possible when Kirishima’s spear isn’t active? Maybe some kind of artificial insemination? Give me the details.」


「No, wrong. It’s not like that…」


It was…


It was when an accident occurred with Lilith, who would later be replaced and become the Demon Lord.


* * *


Marielle speaks of Morality Play Committee that seems to specialize in hunting the heretics, pagans, witches, and demons of the Ys religion, which is dedicated to Ys, the human-turned-god. Marielle told me that she is also recognized as a saint by the Ysish Royal Authority.


「To put it simply, they’re the religious police.」


Shirakaba-san said as he quickly jumped down from the body of the golem. It seems that Marielle’s clear and crisp voice was heard by Shirakaba-san, who was standing above.


「I’ll go into exile then.」

「Exile? I think you’re making a mistake running away from home.」

「Shut up, shut up! I’m going into exile and you must protect me~!」


This loli smacks me on the chest.


Why does she hit me?


「Onee-sama would never allow it… Even if Lilith-sama is open to dialogue, if you are known to be a demon, you’ll be handed over to the authorities and tortured in a terrible manner before being executed.」


This religious police, they’re scary… It makes the self-restraint police seem cute.


Lilith, perhaps horrified, has lost her pompous attitude and is gripping the sleeve of my dress, shaking and trembling with tears in her eyes.


I thought for a moment that this girl was just a little bitch after all, but Marielle’s nonchalant talk about torture and execution methods almost made me shit my pants, too.


「I have also asked her to stop the brutal torture and execution, but she doesn’t seem to think anything of it…」


I was about to bring up the notion of humanity in the world I came from, but when you get hit, you hit back… I kept my mouth shut, thinking that was the norm in this other world.


I’m an idiot…


Anyway, I’m angry, and this girl is an idiot, but seeing her look so young, trembling, and frightened makes me feel sheltered.


「Hey, Marielle. I want to protect this girl. I’ll take responsibility, is it okay?」

「I understand. I will keep it a secret from Onee-sama.」



It’s a pity that such a nice little girl has to go through such a terrible experience. But… this little bitch returns the favor.


「Are you sure!? I see you have discovered the greatness of me. Very well, my servant. I will use you as my my maid of honor. Do not be afraid, and do what is good for you」


Even if I’m a bit of a loser, she gets carried away!


I have to make the little bitch who mounts me so hard I have blue streaks in my temples know where she stands!


「Alrighy. Marielle, could you please get a couple of horses for me?」

「I understand… Kaname-sama, what are you going to do?」

「I want to tear this idiot to pieces.」

「Wah, you’re joking right!? I’m sorry!」


Haah… Are you really sorry for what you’ve done?


But even if I take her with me, are we going to leave this big thing behind?


「Hey, can’t you put this thing away?」

「What the hell, that’s easy. That’s fine, back to normal.」


Lilith shouted and the huge body slowly faded and fizzled out of the image.


「Was that summoning magic!?」

「That’s right, you have seen how much magic I have, admire me then!」


Lilith, with her hands on her hips, forcibly stretching out her breasts that are not there, wants to tell this guy that just like you can’t shake a sleeve that is not there, a boob that doesn’t shake is not a boob.


「Ah, Marielle. She’s my slave and I’ll protect her.」



「If you don’t like it, we’re leaving without you.」


The female brat, her cheeks puffed out, sat down on the ground and sulked. I called out to Marielle and the others,


「Here we go, let’s go home.」

「Is this alright?」


Shirakaba-san looked at Lilith, but if I had to deal with such selfishness forever, we would be in the wild.


She stayed seated when we started to clear out.


But when we were out of sight, Lilith, perhaps feeling uneasy, followed us, hiding behind a tree.


You are reading story When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her at novel35.com

In the end, the Loli followed me to the royal palace with her footsteps sounding like touching the ground… On the way there, she snapped when I tried to make her wear a kantou gown like a slave, so I had no choice but to put a collar on her.


「Why, why should I have to do this~?」

「You really don’t understand your position, do you? If they find out, you’re in trouble.」


Marielle had gone to the trouble of interceding with the guards, but this could have ruined it. Hiding her horns and clothes with a hooded cloak, we and Lilith entered the royal palace without a hitch.


After separating from Shirakaba-san and Kashiwagi-san, Marielle and I went to a room in the basement.


「What the hell? What is this pigsty?」

「We’re not so different from you, so don’t complain. It’s better to have a place to stay. Or do you want to stay outside of Royal Capital?」


As expected, we couldn’t share the same room, so the slave who previewed the vacant room next to mine also complained


「Are you really a hero? Why are you treating me too differently?」

「Shut up—! I just haven’t gotten serious yet. Also, it’s not you. I’m Kirishima Kaname.」

「Fufu, it doesn’t look like much even if you really tried!」


Squinting and mocking.


I’m sorry, but she’s hitting me where it hurts…


「Well, whatever. Shut up and sleep there. I got you collared like a slave, but I don’t expect you to do anything.」


I was so figure, I closed the door hard with a bang and separated from Lilith. Marielle and I went back to my room…


She was sitting next to me on the edge of the bed, her face grim. Did I do something wrong? Just as I thought that, Marielle opened her mouth.


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「Kaname-sama always works so hard! But neither them nor Onee-sama… are looking at you properly. How can that be?」


She wasn’t mad at me, she was angry that people weren’t looking at me properly. If I thought she was angry, Marielle’s beautiful blue eyes would be moistening now and then.


「I don’t care what they think of me. Marielle is watching me. That’s all that matters to me!」



I wiped the tears from her eyelids with my words, and her expression, which had become cloudy, quickly clears and she smiled. Marielle with her moist eyes is cute and irresistible, but she still looks good with a smile on her face!


Surrounded by Marielle’s kindness, no matter what people might say about pigsties, just her presence would be unbeatable, even in the most luxurious suite. That’s what I was thinking.


Tap, tap–tap, tap…


There was a knock at the door…


「Kaname-sama and Marielle-sama, this is Aronne. May I enter the room?」

「Please head in!」


A woman with long black hair and glasses came in and bowed to us.


「Hello, my name is Aronne, I am Marielle-sama’s maid of honor. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.」


She bowed with a beautiful posture and greeted me politely, and she said my name too… I whispered in Marielle’s ear.


「Kaname-sama, I apologize. I have to go on a business trip. I’ll see you tomorrow.」

「Okay, thanks for everything. It made me feel better.」


Marielle waved at me with a smile and Aronne thanked me profusely. They left my room. Too many things have happened today, and my consciousness was cut off there the moment I laid down on my bed.



When I woke up the next morning, my body was heavy…


I told myself I must not have trained that hard yesterday.


Don’t tell me Marielle was crawling on me last night!?


「Marielle, you can’t do this. I’m so glad you feel that way. But I have ××!」


I mean, what the hell is this person’s doing!!!


A warm, raw feeling against my lips. For all intents and purposes, I was being kissed.


「Kukkukku! I have taken your lips! Now you can impregnate me!」


What are you talking about, you’re not R*phtalia from that certain Narou novel, and if I could impregnate you just from kissing, I might boil tea in your navel as well!


「Shame on you for kissing me unannounced so early in the morning, you little bitch!」


I can forgive Marielle, no, but, that’s no good too…


「Haah… Really, I’ve picked up a strange slave. You know, I don’t believe the nonsense that even elementary school kids get pregnant from kissing nowadays.」

「N–Nhnn… I’ll remember that you made fun of me———!!!」


She threw up her hands and ran out of my room. Fuaahh, and when I think I’m awake, I feel sleepy and have big abscesses. The sun has not yet risen. Since I had some time before training, I decided to leave Lilith alone and sleep twice.


If she got pregnant from kissing, I’m in trouble. Well, it would solve the problem of the declining birthrate in no time. I had my hopes up like that.




————Few days later.




I had another good workout today, I thought. I was about to go back to my room to take a break when Lilith came into my room.


She came in on her own again…


「It’s been a while, Kaname.」


The change in Lilith’s appearance that I saw made me sit up and take notice. It couldn’t be that I hadn’t seen her face for a while.


「Ridiculous, that’s not possible. I did none of those things. I never messed with you, no matter how much legal loli you are. I did nothing wrong, I did nothing wrong…」


「Look, this is my belly. I am pregnant with your child!」


I nodded my head and nodded my head on the floor. Lilith gives a high laugh as if she is proud of her victory.






I hear her voice from behind the door. This is bad. I never know what she’ll think when she sees Lilith like this!


「Kaname-sama! This is a problem, we just found out who this girl is!」


She opened the door in a rough manner, not unlike Marielle, and came straight at me, ignoring Lilith, who was smiling at her.


「Marielle, this isn’t what you think…」


If I was going to make excuses…



Ma–… Marielle!?





I feel something soft against my lips just as I think her fair-looking face is coming closer to my eyes. I want to touch this all the time, and even though I can’t, it makes me feel that way. She closed her eyes with a sigh and I was kissing her on the mouth.


It was as if all the time had stopped for the world around me. The purity of Marielle’s lips washed away the horrific scene I had just witnessed.


Marielle’s lips and mine slowly parted.


Marielle’s devoted kisses comforting my lips as if they were tender and soothing after Lilith had violated me…


She opened her mouth with a little blush on her cheeks.


「I have purified Kaname-sama’s mouth, which has been defiled by the demon clan. I think she will be all right now.」

「Marielle, just now… it’s a kiss right?」

「It’s purification.」

「But that still a kiss, isn’t it?」


「It’s purification, it’s purification, it’s purification, it’s purification… this is definitely purification.」


Mariel almost broke down and I stopped pursuing it any further.


「Thank you, Marielle. I feel like you’ve helped cleanse my heart.」



It was cute Marielle who was a little bit embarrassed, making her white, translucent skin turn bright red.


From there, she calmed down, pointed to Lilith’s belly, and proudly stated.


「Please rest assured. There is no baby in your belly, Lilith-san.」

「Eh!? What do you mean?」


I didn’t understand. No way, Marielle sawed Lilith’s stomach…?

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