When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her

Chapter 36: 36

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Chapter 36

Chapter 2, Princess And I — Episode 36 : Awakening, Part 1

Translated by KaiesV
Edited by KaiesV


When I was talking about Funabashi-san’s misdeeds based on the images Meesha has seen, I get a complaint from Hanayama, who always listens to me before the teacher does.


「Kirishima… uhh, that story is heavy, don’t you think…」

「Ahh… No, it’s an important story because I’m going to awaken in the future. Maybe I should have been a little more obtuse?」


That’s right… rape and NTR are problematic, no matter how many pictures or videos you don’t have.


I thought so…


「No problem! Let’s go with that.」

「Ah, okay…」


Hanayama and the other boys’ eyes change color and sparkle in a creepy way.




No healthy kitchen boy would not react to this key word. At least I knew then that I was definitely stronger. At the same time, it was the first time I used Delete.


Kaneko-san’s eyes were twinkling as the boys looked at me in a way that would make me look rotten. I should probably try to wrap it up in an oval at the school festival, just in case.


Usui-sensei, my homeroom teacher, who had been listening to my otherworldly stories, nodded her head for a moment. To tell the truth, I wasn’t very good at this homeroom teacher.


「No~ You’ve really got Sensei down. I never thought Kirishima-kun could tell such an interesting story.」


Uhhh, hmmm…


The homeroom teacher’s hand is very much in the air. No, it’s not that they did something to me. Rather, nothing was done to me. To put it bluntly, I may as well have said that I was treated as『something that wasn’t there』for Usui-sensei.


Certainly, I was really『gone』from this world, albeit temporarily…


Well, it doesn’t matter now.


Although there was some hand-wringing, they seem to appreciate the fun of the story.


「I have no objection to Kirishima-kun’s presentation, so let the class committee members decide.」

「Understood. We will now take a majority vote. All those in favor, raise your hands!」


The majority vote was taken by Nakano-kun, a member of the class council, and it was unanimously decided that it would be my story of another world… However, there is a flip side to this.


Hanayama and others kept glaring at our classmates who didn’t raise their hands, forcing them to vote yes under the silent pressure of them. No, I thought you didn’t have to go that far when you already got the majority…


I know everyone in the class doesn’t like my otherworldly storytelling. Especially since I, a fat guy, have become popular, they must be getting even more jealous.


Despite my concern, I told Hanayama the reason for his reckless behavior.


「It’s a matter of motivation. That’s what I thought, that Kirishima would feel more comfortable working on it.」


Hanayama asked our classmates who came to listen,「Don’t you think so, too?」They all said,「Yes! That’s right!」I was so moved by the concern of Hanayama and the others that my eyes were burning.


Stupidly, I had no idea that this guy was a friend. No, I didn’t even try to know.


「Huh? Kirishima, why are you crying!? Uwahh, that’s embarrassing!」

「I’m not crying! I was just glad Hanayama felt the way you did.」

「You ain’t being honest, are you?」


Actually, I was thinking of not raising my hand myself. I’ve never been good at self-recommendations. I thought it was something for people who were too self-conscious…


But I was defeated by something called peer pressure.


However, I thought that sometimes peer pressure is not a bad thing when the class works together to put on a show.


「We’re both here for each other, right?」

「Well, yeah!」


The handsome boy smiles happily, the corners of his mouth widening in a grin. I was caught in the act, too, and we were laughing, shoulders clasped. I never thought I’d see the day I’d be rubbing shoulders with Hanayama.


* * *


————Around Conwell.


We loaded the barrels into the wagon and walked along the side of the wagon to a nearby creek, me, Shirakaba-san, and Lilith.


「Inanna wouldn’t have to waste her time like this.」

「Haah, Lilith is really a child. If you do that, they’ll soon find out you’re from the demon tribe.」


She’s angry, puffing out her cheeks with “unu~.” The people of the town are fooled by this Loli’s cuteness and treat her like a pet, but as soon as they find out who she really is, she could be hung up on.


But there is something else that bothers me.


The level of【Phantom Pain】has increased.


Hmmm, I was wondering if this was the result of the gargoyle fight, and while I was in town doing things, I received a status notification. But this other world is just so unfriendly. I always wonder if this【Unique Skill】is really strong or not.


After cutting it off repeatedly with a machete, the blade still spilled over, and I had to have a sharpener, who had been affected by the disaster before I left to fetch water, finish it off super-quick.


If you try to cut off a limb with a blade that can no longer cut, you can’t cut it in two, and it hurts like hell… If I’m going to be executed, I want a good decapitation official.


What a fool I thought I was…


「Huh!? That Lilith isn’t here!?」


That girl, where the hell did she go?


「She went off to pick flowers and hasn’t come back since.」


She only told Shirakaba-san and went to wash her hands… But it seems that she didn’t come back, even though she was following the wagons that were slowly making their way to the creek.


Lilith’s feet should be enough to keep up, but where are the fools to go fetch water and sell oil? Once I hid the carriage behind a tree and looked at Shirakaba-san, there was only one answer.


「Let’s split up and look for it together. It’s faster. When you find them, give them a whistle.」



We decided to go back to where Lilith said she was going to pick flowers and search from there. I’m sure she’s chasing after some butterflies she’s found.


After rustling off the road and through the woods, I found a large area that looked just like a campsite. ×× said it would be a place with a great atmosphere where you might say,「I want to have BBQ.」


But those bunch in the vicinity seem to be in a bad mood by all accounts.


Wait… what the hell, is this…!




「You’re the only reason we have to go through all this trouble! You maggot!」

「You demons must die! My family was killed by your demons. I’m not going to complain if I kill you. You hear me, you little shit?」


She’s being beaten and kicked by a bunch of old guys who look like mercenaries with their small bodies. Why don’t she call out Inanna? You could put those people away in a heartbeat!


「I… I didn’t come to… fight with humans, I came to… stop the demon tribe from running amok. I want… that…」

「What the hell are you talking about? I’m gonna do this to you!」


I was rushing selflessly at the old man who had raised his cudgel at Lilith.


「Uuuuoooooggghhhh!!! What is a grown man doing with a little girl?」




My tackle works, and the old man with the cudgel gets blown away.


「Are you alright!? Lilith!」

「You’re… late to come and… help me…」


Shit, her face, her hair, and her feet too——


Just where I can see the skin, she’s covered in bruises and scars…


(Unforgivable, this is absolutely unforgivable!)

You are reading story When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her at novel35.com


Even if you hate the demon tribe, there are things you can and can’t do to an unarmed little girl! The old man who fell down was rubbing his back and was caused by his friends, while the other bastards surrounded me by a dozen or so.


「What color is your bloooooood—!!!」


I screamed as I saw the red blood flowing from Lilith. At that moment, Funabashi-san comes out from a break in the tent as if he were going under the curtain.


「Oops! Kirishima-kun, you son of a bitch. What the hell is wrong with you? You can’t just step foot on our turf!」

「What did my allies do to you?」


「No, you didn’t do anything. But that girl is a demon… I’m just pissed off.」


He answers my questions lazily in a tone that makes me look like a fool. I was holding Lilith, who was about to faint, in one hand while confronting Funabashi and a bunch of bums.


「Why, why didn’t you summon Inanna…」

「The point is that I said… so that I wouldn’t fight with humans…」


Damn, only at times like this do you act so foolishly honest…


「I challenge you to a duel. If you win, I get Lilith back!」

「Hah? Do you understand your position~? Are you crazy, Kirishima-kun~?」


He puts his hands in his pockets, twists his upper body and looks me up and down from below. When did you become a yankee, I’ve only seen them in Tokyo Sanskrit Avengers!


「Are you really that afraid of losing to a fucking wimp? You coarse dick.」

「You… you’re going to be dead. Get the hell out of there!」


Get out the front! I mean, this is outside here… Maybe I’m not so calm when I get blood on my hands to Funabashi.


「Lilith, wait here for a minute. I’ll beat him up and go home and have a nice meal.」

「All right… you can’t definitely lose… over here…」

「I know! 」


I held Lilith and rested her in the shade of a tree and turned around…


「Black Sword!」


Oh crap!


Aina’s family swordsmanship is used to slash at me as I turn around. I expected him to do something cowardly anyway, but I was right, it wasn’t a trick.


I successfully avoided it…


I should have. My left forearm rolling on the ground.


「Uguh… uguh… t–that hurt, that really hurts…」


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Shredded arms are an everyday occurrence for me these days. I had developed some tolerance for pain. However, since I had kept it a secret, Funabashi would do little leaps to provoke me.


「Hey–hey, I chop your arm right from the opening! Seriously, I’m laughing at you, Zako-jima-kun!」


I whispered in my mind, “Keep your mouth shut.” When he came to stop me, it was my chance. The time came quickly.


「Hahahaha!!! Are you really a hero? You’re too much of a loser, aren’t you?」


I get caught up in my cowering, holding the wound and acting like it hurts, and he comes closer. Come closer, come closer.


「You’ve made it all the way to the top, but if you’re not brave enough to be hero, your adventure book ends here!」


The Book of Adventures? When did you…


「You’re all old! Shut up, old man!」


It was worth training with Shirakaba-san, diving into the pocket for a slash and hitting the gand at zero distance.




A flash of light leaked from between the tube and Funabashi’s armpit, as if it might blind him, and he was blown wide open. The Explosion magic specially made by the Royal Academy of Magical Arts was powerful.


「Damn, if I hadn’t used Steel, I’d be a windbag!」


Funabashi seemed to have been knocked back to the ground, and while he was able to raise his upper body, he was unable to stand up. His men are coming up to him and trying to wake him up, but he’s frustrated that I did this to him, so he’s taking it out on them, saying,「Don’t touch me!」


I picked up my shredded arm in the process.


「What are you going to do with a shredded arm like that? Are you an idiot?」


I was feeling defeated, and as I was matching the arm that had been removed to the wound, I saw the status display say,【Do you want to combine it?】 appeared on the status display, so I joined them together.


「Ahh, it’s still a relief to get back to normal.」

「What the hell——!?!?!」


He was sitting up when he saw me repeatedly gooping and attaching my shredded arm. No, he hadn’t gotten up yet…


「I know it’s been ten counts, but are you still willing to do it?」

「You’re a lousy lickspittle!」


I was about to have a second round with Funabashi, having fully recovered from the side effects of the【Phantom Pain.】


「Skills, I’m gonna use them all!

Back Toss, Titan, Techniques」


The way he fought was just like when Shirakaba-san and Aina fought. But he thought cutting off my arm wouldn’t help, he made some unexpected moves…


「I got you! If you’d just done this from the start, we wouldn’t have had to go through all this trouble——!!!」

「I’ll get stabbed!?」


He grabbed my wrist and pulled me in, trying to thrust a dagger into my stomach. That’s when it happened.


【Phantom Pain】(Purge)is available.

Do you want to use it?


Yes <—



My first time viewing this, Purge…


Whatever is fine!


If only I could get out of this predicament.




「Ohh, uwaagghh!!」


I had been holding on to keep from being pulled in, and suddenly my wrist was out, and all the force that had been pulling me in came back to me, and I fell more than ten meters back, off balance, rumbling and spinning around.


At the same time, something fell out.


「M–My wrisssstttt!!!?」

「Hahah, congratulations! First time with arms!」


As I was leaving, I also swung my machete with my left hand and cut off Funabashi’s dominant arm. I picked mine up and it went back to normal, but…


「I–It, it hurtssss…!!! M–My, arrrrrmmmm!!!」


I’m pretty used to pain, but as painful as it is, the shock of missing an arm is actually bigger.


Thankfully, the cut was not as painful as it could have been. I was caught off guard when I took Funabashi’s wrist in a fall.


「Don’t move! If you want to spare this girl’s life, be a big boy and drop your weapon. Do it nooooow!!!」


Funabashi, now with only one left hand, put a dagger to Lilith’s neck and took her hostage.


「You’re really Kuzubashi, aren’t you…」

You can find story with these keywords: When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her, Read When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her, When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her novel, When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her book, When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her story, When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her full, When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her Latest Chapter

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