When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess


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I rubbed my eyes, and heard two metals strike against each other. Those were my two new swords, and I think I slept with them, clutched between my arms. I rose up from my normal white cocoon like-thing and took a quick glance at my surroundings. The fight from before was intense and my memories are still a bit foggy.

I took a quick look at my status and was amazed to see my new All Seeing Eyes of the Gods unlock a new power – EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE. And the description fascinates me more than anything.

I just want to try it somehow. My eyes just at that time fell on another broken sword, its pieces crumbled to the point of no recovery.

I picked it up and by remembering the description of the sword from my appraisal and energy signatures from my analysis skill; I poured a huge amount of magic power into it.

My magic power kept on being sucked in, I don’t know how much, but it was enough to make me feel exhausted. My enemy’s sword which she used to cut through my magic and my attack was now restored back to its glory.

Suddenly I had a bad feeling, as if someone was staring at me. It appeared that someone was angry and annoyed at the same time. Those were my new swords. As if they have a consciousness of their own, and I could tell how they were feeling. Recently I even had a dream where I was talking to them.

They don’t need to worry; I am not interested in using anyone else’s weapon. So, I will just put it in my storage. Wait! Was I really talking to my own swords? I really need to see to a doctor, but maybe first I need to learn more about them myself.

And the best way is to use them in battle.

So, without further wasting any time, no matter what I wanted to try them. After I had tried to copy the sword skills of my enemy using Analysis, I was able to use them to some extent. But it was not that efficient.

Obviously, you just can’t learn things like that without practice and effort. The best way to learn martial arts and swordsmanship is to put them in use, and make your hands remember every movement of your sword. I think I have to now search not only for a magic teacher but a swords master too.

 It’s not that I can just go on internet and search for them. I don’t know the first thing, even about the kind of sword I am holding, except that they came in a pair of two. At least I am knowledgeable enough to know that it was not one free for buying one.

“Ohhhh.Ahhh.” Electric like shocks ran through my hand.

“Sorry, Sorry! I won’t make fun of you two again.”

I think I should by now get used to talking to my swords.

It was now time for me to go to floor 56 and look for my next opponent. I am half done with the labyrinth, and soon will be out of here. By then I am sure I will be strong enough.

But still I don’t know at what level does this labyrinth stand, with respect to the power levels of the outside world. Will the humans be stronger than me? How about my other classmates who would have got much superior and rare skills than me. Like last time, I can’t end up underestimating someone again.

No, one was there with whom I could compare with myself. At least I hope I won’t have the same standing in the outside world like my previous world and will do fair enough outside.




FLOOR – 56

It was once again the same rocky structural walls, but there were big trees growing randomly anywhere too. And when I say big, it means absolutely big, as high as 80 feet.

With leaves only growing at the top and no more in between the thick lumber. Just who can reach that top of a height to eat those leaves?


The answer came soon after.

A 100 feet tall Giant walked in from the right and headed towards one of the trees. It had a goat like head with two long horns protruding out of its head in a twisted manner. Chewing down its leaves like taking a small bite from a nugget hooked up on a toothpick.

Could it be the first herbivore monster? Then maybe I don’t have to fight it. It’s quite a relief, but a waste of excitement I had pumped in myself just a moment ago. I really have changed since I came to this place. Seeing a strong monster my hands starts tingling, my brain starts moving in a circle and all I can think of are the monster’s abilities, their strong point and ways to defeat them.

So, while it just feasted on its green meal, I tried to quietly walk by, slowly, slowly, moving towards the entrance which was not far off. I thought it wouldn’t notice me, and I did not want to disturb it while eating. Somehow I too felt like eating something, but all the rations were over. Then the cooking utensils of soldiers were not that impressive to begin with, they were not modern and efficient to bring out the best of my skills. But I had not yet lost hope, my new found power – Equivalent Exchange – would sure pull me through. But I who as soon as waking up wanted to go on monster extermination...My swords too were feeling restless, I could just tell.


Several silver solid crystals like structures came flying towards me at a speed to even break through the sound barrier. The boom sound resonated within the four walls as the air currents got meshed up.

I forgot, even though it would be an herbivore monster, it would treat me like I am barging in its house and would try to kill me.

Now that I look at it properly, it is all covered in scales, which appears to be as hard as diamond seeing the holes they have left on the ground after landing. I wonder just how many and at what speed can it launch those diamond scales.

I embraced my swords, tightened my grip and tried to taunt the monster, more like challenging it. Isn’t how that a duel starts. Not that it can actually see my small movements from that above.

“Gwaahhhaaahh” with the clichéd cry of a boss monster, announcing the unannounced special move of his-----

Within a second, thousand of scales, were dispersed into mid air and came flying at me at a much greater speed than before like a shotgun.

I had already decided to not use magic, but train in my physical capabilities, know my limits and potential ways of using my dual swords. I wanted to discover new fighting techniques and future possibilities. I had already learned my lesson to not depend on a single power.

I leapt into the sky after crushing the floor with my heel. With my kinetic vision I could clearly see the path of the diamond scales flying towards me. With a single strike from my white sword I shattered one of them.

“Well that was one out of maybe thousand or so.”

Things started to get interesting when, this time around the diamonds instead of landing on the floor started following me like a homing missile.

“So, they have been upgraded from the status of pure shotgun to advanced homing missile system. “

I am glad. It will give me more chance of training. From all the direction the crystals came flying at me. One would think that the wedding-like frock I was wearing would come in my way. But I assure you nothing could make me feel more comfortable. It is a perfect battle suit, and elastic in all ways. And it makes me look elegant even during fighting, I wanted to aspire for a mage, but if I am going to do physical attacks too then I will doing it in every heroic and epic way possible.

Strike after strike I tried to cut down the diamonds. Even during this I was trying to find the most effective array of my hand movements, to get an optimum distance, the maximum torque output. My effective strike range. The true length of my swing. My piercing strength, my cutting speed. The weight I put on each strike. There were just so many things I could learn. And yet, I didn’t know how.

My hands were full, and all I had been was able to destroy around hundreds of these. Though the number of their projectiles had decreased, their strength and accuracy was increased to an unfair supremacy.

I was surrounded from everywhere. While I destroyed the scales coming from my back, front and above, I used my legs to kick down the scales to below. Unexpectedly they were crushed to dust with just my leg strike.

“Gotta use and think all of the ways to protect myself.”

It was now getting kind of boring, and the boss monster all did was stand there and watch. Why do only I have to do all the work? Making a small girl fight while hiding yourself is quite rude.

I went flying directly at him with my swords, hoping to slash his neck in one strike. But I was stopped a long distance away, by a blue glass shield. It was quite thick and my sword strike did not even lay a scratch on it. I finally decided to pull back, because the scales followed me. So, there is only one way around - to drill through all the scales.

I used my inhumane movements, flying ability and webs to gather all the scales in place. And when that happened, I kicked one of the scales, increasing my speed mid-air and changing directions rapidly. I started striking those in my path, while using some of them as a stepping stairs to keep on changing my course while dodging them at the same time. It proved to be a super-effective and time saving strategy.

So, finally it’s me and his barrier. There was no other way going around. I repeatedly used my sword strikes on the blue transparent barrier. This time around the goat face, instead of showing ignorance, was clearly traumatized. With no other ways to attack me, it chose to swing his hands and feet at me. It had full faith in its absolute barrier system. But I was determined to take it down. No matter what, I will make my every single sword strike count.



Wait, I acquired a sword skill during fight.

No, it’s actually opposite, the sword learned a new skill. From appraisal, this skill isn’t it more importantly said to be a cheat.

Will it really work according to the description? I wouldn’t know unless I try. So instead of beating around the bush, I have to just beat the bush down.

The black sword started giving of a faint jet-black light, while the white sword was radiating a white light with a bluish-silver lining to it. Well, at least it has a good colour sense.

I made a wide heavy strike with the black sword on the barrier and without further ado, the whole thing came falling down.

You are reading story When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess at novel35.com



Instead of the magic being dispersed, this wide scale barrier’s entire magical energy was somehow absorbed by this black sword.

“GRrrrrrr.” The goat-headed giant was somehow surprised at this new development and before it could come up with a new plan.

I moved like a tornado right before attacking him, to increase my striking power and made a clean neck cut, severing its head from the rest of the body.

In an instant its body fell and was devoured by my black threads. It’s his fault to entirely depend o its defenses. Though, it might have actually been impossible if I did not have any other means.

As for the swords, “It feels awesome.”




White strings again, emerged from my body and I was slowly engulfed by it, till I was finally deep asleep.


After 10 days….

I woke up from my deep sleep, seeing the two swords still stuck between my hands, it made me happy. After all these are my first possessions in this world, they belonged only to me.

“Hey, now I can actually see its complete description.”

I had now decided to go down to the next floor. So the first thought that came in my mind was to where put these swords. Usually you have a scabbard, but I was not given one.

While thinking, as if my hands moved on its own, I cleanly swiped them near my waist and two empty metal hollow appeared out of nowhere.

While the black sword went inside a red scabbard, the white sword went inside a blue scabbard.

These red and blue metal shells had an ornamental design to it, with similar yet different carvings on them than the sword. Even these scabbards have a skill of their own.

I wonder what else these swords can do. After I thoroughly, checked their description, the scabbards along with their respective swords disappeared.

I panicked, and just when I thought of them returning back, they suddenly appeared.

“That’s a nice trick, to fool my enemy of not having a weapon on me. Also, this way I could carry around my sword anywhere. My swords, they think so much about me. Now I can forever be with them.”

I was just too deeply attached to them.


I headed down to floor 57 and my next opponent was some kind of bug monster. Since they were large in number almost counting till thousand, I decided to use my simple normal easy-going, mob-killer spell –


I turned the entire floor into ice, and using gravity magic converted them to fine powder. That’s just too easy. I thought and headed down to the next floor.






AGE : -----


LEVEL : 7000

HP : 80,000

MP :80,000

SP : 80,000







The Dual blade of Dawn & Dusk

White & Black swords




SKILL DESCRIPTION : Allows the user, to change the laws of magic up to a certain extent. The black sword devours all kinds of magic without exception. The white sword has the ability to transmit this magic and also copy the spell signature and recreate it for the user.







SKILL DESCRIPTION : The red scabbard provides body temperature maintenance in all situation and divine fire magic control. The blue scabbard provides special healing abilities and divine ice magic control.

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