When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess


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          “I will be defeating the boss monster of this floor today and this time it will bend before my all mighty black scythe.” I flailed my scythe in the air and finally balancing it on the ground looked at my big sister who was making preparations. But I know it must be something amazing and an impossible feat as usual. Well that’s what anyone would describe with what she has been doing in the six days I have been spending with her.

But it makes me wonder that why I am not surprised anymore. Even the current black scythe I am holding is similar to the legendary weapon scythe I had owned previously. No, better said it has even gotten even more powerful. Not only big sister made it stronger but it also feels lighter than before and the range of the scythe has been increased to fit my size unlike the previous one which was still a bit uncanny for my size.

Original magic spells that she created on her own, while usually it takes years and so much valuable resources to create a spell. Then the delicious food she cooks everyday which I never had before in my life. Usually for blacksmithing to create magical swords one would need a special magical hammer and a large magic furnace. But to make legendary weapons which are from the age of gods and cannot be actually copied, she used a special kind of magic to store its information and magic specifics and then alter it to synchronize with her own magic. Even though she made it sound so easy I think even father would have trouble going through each step, no I think even he won’t be able to do something that ridiculous and then finally using some kind of skill that can rewrite the molecular structure of a substance and magic flow, that I had never heard before and bringing everything into place. And behold there was my new black scythe.

“Lili, I am done. I think you should prepare for a one-on-one battle now. I wish you best of luck.”

We were on floor 92 where everywhere you look, you will find red and blue coloured trees spanning all across the floor. This floor supposedly is the dwelling of a special kind of wolf species that has an absolute control over fire and ice element.

Big sister has been using magic to create fake presence over various places in the entire process luring all the wolves in numbers of thousands towards us while keeping the boss at the opposite extreme side. Since she is ready now means, that all the small minions of the boss which are at level from 5000-5500 have left the boss’s range. All we need to do is for big sister to wipe them out. I was hoping that she would use those two special swords, but maybe today’s not my day.

She torched a small black flame in her hands, much darker than what father’s would manifest. I wondered what such a small flame could do and how it will handle those large numbers. Yes maybe she will turn it into a huge firestorm.

The next moment she gently pushed the flame which hit one of the trees and later the whole forest was burning black. As if light itself had been snuffed out of this floor and a mysterious grim shadow befell upon us. The black flames had spread across the floor in an instant. I couldn’t understand what it was. How could such a small flame become this huge to burn down an entire forest?


Several cries could be heard in the midst of that forest fire.

According to sister it’s her original spell ‘Black Flare’ which actually burns on consuming magic energy in the surrounding or the target’s body. It is a culmination fusion magic of fire magic, dark magic and gravitational magic. All three of the attributes mixed at advanced. How is she even handling that?

In simpler terms if something is alive then there is no escaping this fire.

Five minutes passed and the entire forest had been burned to grounds. On the scorched ground except for black soot, there did not lay a single corpse. Must have been consumed by one of big sister’s skill. I looked ahead and saw that a blue shield had covered a small part of the forest where the boss was supposed to be dwelling. For me to fight to have a good match, the boss needed to be intact and unharmed.

Since all the minions of it have been cleared out the boss was sure to make an entrance.

The earth started to tremble and the next second when it stopped a huge body leapt above the blue shield and took flight in our direction. In that moment I looked up and could make out a gigantic wolf with half of its body in red fur and other half in blue fur. It was a bit smaller than the nine-tail demi-god fox. Nonetheless I had come to hate dog-type monsters for the rest of my life.

Even in mid-air I could tell that the wolf was frustrated and angry with what we had done to its habitat. Opening its mouth wide magic particles accumulated and launched into a thick pillar of ice ray.

I kicked the ground and gaining considerable height cut through the ice pillar into two using my black scythe. The cut was smooth like a knife passing through melted butter. The wolf looked agitated while it moved its bones and landed on the ground maintaining a fixed distance between us and itself. Big sister had hidden her presence and her magical aura to the point that even I could not pin-point her location.

This was supposed to be a test of how much I had improved in the last few days and also for the testing of this new weapon which I was holding in my hand. So, no help would come for me, unless I give up. Which was never going to happen, not when I can exact my revenge.

I dashed towards the wolf with my curved blade pointed at my enemy while its hind protecting me at the same time. This time massive heat rays rained down from the wolf’s mouth, which were supposed to surround me.

But I smiled and swinging my scythe in a circles and dispersed the flames. Ultimately the range of my scythe and its effective length was increased by concentrating wind magic overlapping the tip of my blade, which was also an idea given by big sister and it works better than we thought.

I did not wanted to waste time anymore in gaining the chocolate cakes which she promised to make if I finish this monster quickly. I dashed in full speed towards the monster and cut through its hind legs avoiding the several ice crystal projectiles it prepared in advanced. Not a single one hit me, while those headed for me were blocked through barrier magic.

Reaching its hind, it got confused and started running in an odd fashion. This was my chance to cut through its legs and aim for the neck.

Making a deep cut at the back of its two legs it sunk down, while dodging its tail swipe I jumped over its huge body and ran directly towards its neck to chop it off. I wanted to finish it in one blow.

But just like every monster it had a hidden card. From inside of the fur flames rose up and started following me. I had no choice but to retreat and make a proper distance to start my next attack. For now I needed to know what the ability of this monster actually is.

 Big sister pointed out that how I would jump in battles without figuring out the attack pattern of the monster and this could end up in getting me injured badly. Big sister cares so deeply about me, so I had to make sure that I do not make her sad and end this fight without me sustaining a single injury which I had set a target for myself after looking how she defeated that demi-god. I wanted to be as cool as her and be equally strong.

The annoying skill of these monsters - the ultra-self regeneration kicked in. To be frank it’s a skill upgrade of self-regeneration which I possess with an added effect of body and magic enhancement in emergency situations. Just like mother and father, big sister also has the skill. Most probably, I too will earn it if I defeat this monster.

The flames got denser and denser as the fur straightened itself on the wolf’s body. The red part was glowing with flames while the blue part was now covered in dense ice with protruding sharp ice blades. This kind of body had both offensive and defensive stance at the same time. Not to forget the annoying healing ability.

“So just die….. ‘DEATH INCARNATE’.”

A black mist formed over my blade and the front lining of the blade turned blood red. Actually the tip was covered now with my own blood, it’s just a small amount so it did not matter if it is for proper conduction of magical powers over my blade.

What makes legendary weapons stand over all other weapons are not only various effects imbued on it like other high-class weapons but it has its own skill.

This skill was added to my scythe by big-sister. DEATH INCARNATE. Its ability as it sounds nullifies all healing ability. That means the ace ability of the monster is done for. All I needed is to do now is to behead it.

With the new skill activated, I jumped up high in the sky, while the wolf did the same but this time it curled up its body and rotating in a loop headed in my direction with all the heat surrounding it and the ice blades covering it at the same time. The fox monster looked formidable in first glance.

But in this one exchange and after landing at diametrically opposite sides the one coughing blood was the wolf. With a deep wound inflicted on its black with my scythe, blood rolled all over its body which later burned in its own flames releasing more magic to intensify it. After all the blood of creatures is a powerful source of magic energy in itself.

With this special new ability it wouldn’t regrow the crushed bones, shattered flesh, and it’s annoying tail. That worked for me. I didn’t want to have to deal with the beast healing from time to time.

“Woooohhhhh….” Letting out a huge howl, I think it was preparing itself for the final blow. I too got excited. It must have realized that its healing ability is not working any longer and if the battle prolongs then either he will run out of magic or excessive blood loss through the back wound will surely guarantee its loss.

The earth started shaking rigidly, as I quickly sensed something coming from beneath my feet I braced myself for anything to come my way.

Intense energy was welling up from deep underground, heralding the break of the surprise attack the wolf had prepared for me. There was an eruption as the ground broke apart and the below glimmered a brilliant red as chunks of molten rocks and flares blasted outward.

The molten magma continued pouring into the area and anything that the lava touched liquefied immediately. There was no point in trying to cut the exploding magma with my scythe, so I used the barrier magic squares to climb mid-air as I used them as temporary steps. But it did not stop there. Molten rocks started raining from above too. But I guess it comes with the territory, when I think about it.

It was getting chaotic and managing to block everything and go on defensive…..

 “I don’t like it. So, get ready to face your doom.”


“Now… what…” White fog suddenly engulfed the whole place, but as soon as I cleared it by swinging my scythe with massive force….the wolf was nowhere to be found.

“Gahhh – How did such a huge beast vanish so suddenly?”

The air around me froze over, coalescing into dozens of enormous sized ice arrows that shot in my direction at a massive speed. I leaped far back from the previous step to another barrier step.

A pillar of ice grew out of the ground but it was much denser than before it broke through my barrier from below and headed in my direction. With a two step jump I aimed higher to avoid it.

That’s when the wolf appeared from above with a giant-sized circular piece of ice falling from above. Even if I used shadow step and teleported some distance away it would still end up hitting me.

“No choice – I will face it head on.”

 Crunch. The ice creaked, shattering into thousands of fragments with the scythe which was now densely enveloped and reinforced with my magical energy.

But that was not the end; flames broke apart just when the ice shattered. It was just a thick outer covering to keep me there and use the flames as the real attack.

Radiating like a beam and a giant flame ball it engulfed me from all sides, while the wolf landed safely on the ground howling at the top of its voice.

“Huwwwwwhhhh…..” the monster was glad as it thought its enemy disappeared in the blast unable to do anything.

But the fox’s face agitated again as it looked in despair at the sky.


Tens of thousands of flaring embers were now spread across the whole sky.

“Your senses are quite sharp to realize that I am still kicking alive.”

The smoke cleared and a ball of shining black chains coalesced into a sphere floated mid-air. It was clear to the wolf that it heard the voice coming from inside that ball of chains.

“It’s taking too long and so I am going to really end it this time.”

The chains rattled as several protrusions with needle like tip started flailing in the air and rushed in the direction of the wolf. It jumped trying its best to dodge the heavy chains. But everyone was a close call as each piece landed it pierced the ground reaching till its end.

You are reading story When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess at novel35.com

“There’s no escaping it.” I unleashed all of my chains at once on him.

“Kyacckkkkk….” It led out a roar as it shook in pain. One of the spear chains had finally got him in the leg, halting its movements while other soon made it through its whole body.

The wolf tried its best to move, but after lot of struggle and its energy vapourizing at a considerable speed it realized that it was no use. But it still did not wanted to give up. So it started rolling in the ground.

“Big sister was right; the monsters over here are surely persistent. The monsters on the surface are always so easy to deal with; just a single punch is enough to make them run away.”

The most important part being that this guy had gained my respect for doing everything to survive against me. But even so, I am here to kill it just because I want to let out my frustration of defeat from before. For a monster it must be slayed; that is its destiny. And since I am the hunter, I will decide on how to end its life in a way that it deserves - with all of my might and power. Holding back in this labyrinth meant certain death no matter how much your enemy is in pain or weakened.

With the last of its energy it kept on pulling me, while a torrent of wind was now surrounding me as  I assigned them a shape and casted it over my blade giving it a final transformation.

It howled, a ball of rage and fear as it foresaw its death. It tried to open its mouth wide and gathered a charge for another roaring blast. Aimed directly at me, it still showed its will to live and the terrific stare it directed towards me. Even in pain it knew that if he succumbed to its weak side even the last glimmer of hope would vanish for it.

I closed my eyes and gripped my scythe tightly in my hand. I decided to use my remaining magical reserves in a single blow as I got drenched in a black aura akin to the colour of my blade which further accentuated its shine. And this was it – my final strike.

“With my black scythe I banish you from this world to eternal sleep.” 

A sharp edge light emerged out from the blade possessing overwhelmingly strength—strong enough to slice the wolf monster into pieces. The energy beam forming in its mouth broke in two halves around its origin, dissipating into particles of light. My attack didn’t stop there; it continued straight through the sky and sliced the monster’s body in two halves.

My attack was of such power that it carved deep into the artificial wasteland, previously a forest, cutting a deep crevice in the earth below. Into that pit hole, the two halves of the monster submerged.

It was finally over. As I tumbled toward the ground and lay on my knees, about to lose consciousness from excessive magic consumption and obvious deficit. But I did not worry about such small stuff.

In that moment, I felt an odd sensation, like I could achieve anything I

I heard a familiar voice reaching me as my head was about to crash on the floor it landed on something soft. Trying to prevent my eyelids from drooping there and then, I allowed them to finally set down.

Ah, sweet warmth...

I woke up to see my big sister’s face which was as charming as ever. Still not fully aware of my surroundings, I looked into her eyes as she stared at mine.

“Good morning Lili…” I studied my surrounding in haste and still foggy vision, I realized I was not in my bed and it wasn’t morning.

... Wait; is my head on her thighs or something? I rolled off to the ground to escape the situation. How long was I sleeping like that?!

Wait maybe I should have stayed like that a little longer. I could feel my magical energy was back and for it to be brimming this high, my sister must have transferred it to me. Usually people would use magic recovery potions or take magic from others but it is always done in small amounts because for the transferor it takes more than twice just to transfer a fixed amount. For my sister to fill my deep magic reserves her own magic capacity is unfathomable.

She rose up from her sitting position and facing the corpse her eyes glowed with a deep blood red colour. The corpse of the huge monster suddenly started vanishing as vortex of black threads appeared to consume it. This was also one of my sister’s skills, to turn the body of a corpse into a source of magical energy of her own.

I soon forgot about my embarrassing situation, and ran to her as I remembered the promise.

“Big sister how did I do?”

“It was quite amazing seeing you go all out with the scythe proved that it was a successful creation.” She said breaking into a smile.

“After all you made it for me. The giant wolf monster stood no chance against my special skills and the new magic spells I have learned from you.”

“Fine then let’s go back home and prepare a chocolate truffle cake together but first you need to take a bath.”

I tilted my head confused. Was I stinking… does not seem to be the case… nor I was hurt around anywhere. Well a bath would do no harm if I still get to eat my fill of cake as quickly as possible.

I had leveled up a lot and it seems that I have acquired some new skills. Well I will check that later on.






 AGE : 5000 YEARS


LEVEL : 7000

HP : 140,000

MP :180,000

SP : 180,000









LEVEL : 26

HP : ERR                       MP :  ERR                                SP :  ERR













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