When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess


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            But why, why did big sister push me away. Is she really going to be alright as every muscle of my body felt inadequate in holding up my skeleton and aching to prevent me from thinking straight. I glanced at the horrid red sky and the blown away uprooted trees scattered all around the village. Even from the inside I could hear a loud commotion and screams of small children spurring up now and then.

The earth shook again and with my balance displaced I was about to trip and fall hard, as a small black cushion supported my descend. I looked back and found a small hazy black fluid that protected me from getting hurt as it dissolved in the air and disappeared from my sight. I had no space left in my brain to process what I had to do next on my own. Big sister’s last words were to get the villagers out of here; surely she won’t try to chase after that giant monster that was just revived.

If she can use long range-teleportation magic just like she did then or fly, she could easily escape any dangerous situation. It’s imperative that I inform the villagers and follow big sister’s lead. This time I won’t let anyone get hurt and I also need to act fast in case that Apostle being makes a return for my life.

I took a high jump and slipped from a small opening a bit above the gate and between the horizontally placed logs. My physical strength has always been better than anyone around in the village and these things were normal for me. Even grandfather said that I had a special talent for body augmentation magic and heightened sense. But he never told me a reason for that, though he always pointed out that my father was a strong beast human and probably I have inherited my strength from him.

At the gate of my house grandfather and grandmother were already standing outside while some old folks, guards and Mr. Blen too was standing there. Probably discussing about the tremors and the loud explosion we can still hear from this far.

“Grandfather, grandmother…” feeling a bit exhausted I stopped to take a deep breath because I needed to be precise in explaining the situation so that we could act properly and quick.

“Lu where have you been and where is our guest?” Grandfather threw a quick question at me.

“Dear don’t worry us by suddenly vanishing.” Grandmother quickly moved forward to get close to me and to look at some parts of my clothes which had been charred by the heat from the lava, even before grandfather could complete his question.

“It’s alright now… it seems that you have something to say, so take your time.”

 “Grandfather the mountains to the north have exploded and has been causing these earthquakes and I think it would continue to do so. We need to evacuate with everyone before the effect of it reaches far and wide.”

“I see.” Grandfather was deep in thought.

He probably must have figured out that I was hiding something, but he also understood at the same time that prying further could probably cause hysteria and panic among the villagers. So he must have put further questions on my whereabouts and about big sister on hold and pretended to believe whatever I said. Thank you… grandfather for understanding my predicament of not telling you and hiding things such as about the monster revived because of me that threaten our very lives now. But after we are safe from this disaster, I promise you that I will tell everything to you. 

“I can already hear the animals running away from the central parts of the forest. It just might be true that our village is no longer safe.” Said one of the village elders, probably his rabbit hearing aid works wonder in discovering about shocks from earth and monsters approaching before anyone from the village gets to know of it. But his shocking and shaking body tells me that he couldn’t predict this because this was not caused by natural forces but set up by that person.

“Maybe this land has really forsaken us after all. First it was the humans who drove us this far and now even Mother Nature is against our survival. I wonder what lies further in our fates…” Added another villager who was also the part of village’s administrative council.

“Is there any chance that we could still protect the village by staying here?” Mr. Blen might be the only one who still doesn’t want to give up on this place. His father had always protected this village and when he retired, he passed down his duty to his son. Mr. Blen who was born in the Eirin village, and grew here, no doubt did not wish to abandon his birthplace but protect it even if it meant laying down his life and protecting its people.

“No Blen. It seems that this village is no longer safe. Even the animals and the tremors which have left our lands and homes disarrayed speak the same. It is no longer coherent to stay or remain adamant and ignorant of our weakness and I as the village chief refuse to leave the lives of my dear villagers at the crippled hands of fate itself. This is no time to ponder when, why or how but we must keep everyone safe as our responsibility of being the elders and our calling to our people.”

While most of the villagers by now had gathered near our home awaiting grandfather’s order in their eyes they reflected deep respect as he tried to stir their deep emotions and love for the harmony and peaceful lives they lived in this village with their dear ones whether alive or the departed.

“Samul, you will be the in charge of leading the people and help them collect the necessary items for their survival. Virian you will make sure that the escape route is safe by sending your scouts while Varian will assist in localizing the poultry and carrying of heavy rations and daily commodities. Blen I want you and your men to make sure that no monster comes near us during this time and secure the escape route.”

The immediate silence of Grandfather’s orders and everyone’s saddened face and depressed demeanour was soon broken by Mr. Blen. With his head held high and without a shred of fear showing on his face he stood tall, his hands clenched tight and his pantharian clan’s blood running high, he lifted his spear in a victory pose.

“I will defend the people of this village with every length and power remaining in my arms and legs. Shielding this village from any catastrophe is what I was meant to do and even if it means abandoning this land a new Eirin village will be awaiting for us somewhere else which will be built into a new wonderful and beautiful place where my children and family can live happily and safe.”

I could see Mr. Blen suppressing his remorse by piercing his palm with his own sharp nails and resolved himself with a blood pact common to his clan’s traditions. One whose resolve should be of the strongest nature to protect the place after his father passed away, knew his own limits and made the decision that was befit for his family and villager’s survival. And not biased on some personal historical pride that cannot withstand and crumble at the heels of a real disaster.

All of us knew if anything it was the hardest for him to abandon this village and yet uncle Blen reaffirmed his way of living to everyone and how proud he was of his birthplace.

This village which I never once considered weak or torn off from the far and wide world is because of people like him. Other people who seek refuge in isolated lands whether in search of peace, abandoned, banished or escaped from the hands of oppressors. It was a one big happy family and being forced to leave their cherished homes which they worked so hard to built would be something hated by all. Regardless, what uncle Blen wanted for everyone to understand was that Eirin village is not tied to some land but lies in the bonds of the villagers to help each others in times of need and we can always return to or make a new place to call our home.

“Village chief, we will see that every preparation are made on time and Eirin village would once again blossom into a beautiful village.” Cried all of the villagers in unison as they left to see to their deeds to their final ends.

I too entered the house to get all the important essentials and ration which grandmother and I put in our extra storage. Grandfather was overseeing and advising everyone’s work and before we knew it all preparation were done at a splendid speed.

Within minutes a trail of two hundred village-folk comprising of about fifty families left the village in a single line like a cavalry of nomads in a sun- burnt desert and a fire-hurling sky.

Within the next moments the tremors grew in magnitude as all of the villagers could hear the earth cracking and most of the houses demolishing in our village. But villagers instead of trying to look back still had a glint of light to survive this disaster and hope to return to their peaceful lives.

But this was just the start of trials we were about to face, when after a few moments from the sky we could see huge rocks on fire heading in our way. Most of the villager’s took shelter under the trees and were being assisted by the guards. But there was no telling of how many of us could survive. As I looked up in the sky and saw the doom heading our way I once again made a wish to for everyone to live. And the next moment I knew all the rocks blasted mid-air and converted into fine trail of dust and smoke gas particles.

Was my wish really herd and the next moment I realized that all this time I never had an idea to whom I was offering my wishes, when suddenly the picture of big sister Alicia came to my mind her dazzling figure and unique appearance burnt and imprinted by the rays of the bountiful sun into my memory.

I wonder if I could again get a chance to tell what I think of her, but now I along with grandfather and grandmother with all other villagers continued to head to south-west.

The tremors continued for a while but none of us had any afterthoughts or lingering feelings as our legs kept up with the pace and we had travelled far from where we once lived our normal lives.

It was then when I felt that touch and it was not just me but all of us.

At first it felt like a numbingly frigid chill at my fingers which continued from my foot to neck. Everyone’s limbs started to shiver uncontrollably as a gust of wind carrying ice and snow flew past us.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

There was no reason for it to happen. No explanation. No forecast. Nothing but it felt like ice age was upon us. As the green ground turned into solid ice, the trees, the leaves went ahead in time and then later jammed in that transparent clear frost.

The air, the tree, the ground, everything that I had seen moments ago in an instant was encased in cold glittering ice.

Everyone for a moment was worried, but maybe grandfather was already prepared for this because we didn’t know for how long we had to travel and warm clothes were distributed shortly.

Putting on a long thick coat I exhaled white vapours which seemed to redden my face even further. Most of us even with the cold raining on us we were glad that the tremors and the shakings had finally stopped. It was as if the wind itself was blowing in our favour carrying a wonderful heartfelt-song along with its winds.

But my thoughts were inclined and dictated further far away ― beyond this icy forest as I hoped for her safety. But seeing a giant towering icicle from this distance and then a sparkle of twinkling light particles seemed to make my worries uncouth for.




“How did this happen? I never meant it to go this way.” Said the Apostle in despair as he scratched his own head harshly to leave marks and pulled out some of his fine black feathers.

 How did the Avatar of a demi-god succumbed to a state of a statue of ice and lost. Is it because of that girl, could it be that she is hiding some secretive power. But I hadn’t seen any special kind of abilities in her appraisal. She didn’t even have any superb magic so to speak. It shouldn’t have been possible.

Could it be that she had a magical artifact. But then how could we never know of such a rare existence that could freeze an entire forest in a blink of an eye. Such a thing should never have existed then or missed. I must inform the great Master; surely he is the only one who can handle all of this.

All I wanted was to capture the cursed child, and get rid of every witness including that human girl child. But now I must make a retreat. Even if I have to face the humiliation of failure, I would be forgiven by him if I bring useful information. I must escape and survive.




Suddenly, a cranking noise on the hardened smooth ground caught the Apostle’s attention. As he sharpened his eyes, to search for any unaccounted observers. Even after taking such extreme precautions, he wondered how he could be found so easily and just when he was planning a retreat.

He heard the sound of unsteady footsteps echoing across the ice which for some reason were not in steps. Could it be that there are more than one pursuing him, thought the apostle.

A girl in set of fine white clothes fit for the royalty of the most prosperous kingdoms came out from beside a bunch of tall wide bushes. Her beauty was meant to be behold and held at high esteem by any bystander or so he thought and these were some of the details he missed or seemed to have overlooked before.


Alicia on the other hand who had located the person behind all these crimes, started approaching him, but due to her first experience of walking on ice she couldn’t maintain her balance. Switching off the magic flow between her and the ice sheet while also avoiding flying magic just for the one in an experience to skate or walk on ice, she regarded it as a bad idea and tried to over think it.

Frantically pacing herself and to avoid the embarrassment to sully her first impression she tried and regained her flawless ready posture.

“So, are you the one who was behind all of this?”

Surprisingly the Apostle found her voice young that did not match her height or looks of a human who should be around fifteen or sixteen years age.

“What are you hoping to do, even if you knew an answer? Tell me who are you?” The Apostle said without thinking as a result of his frustrated mindset.

“As for my introductions my name is Alicia. What would be your name, should I call you Mr. Crow Bird.” Alicia said putting her finger on her lips, hoping that she did her introduction right and to get a fervent good response.

“That’s not my name. State your true purpose as I asked you to.” The Apostle still tried to use a harsh tone engaging himself in a conversation and hoping to find some clues of the girl’s origin.

“Then should I call you Mr. Bird Brain or Chirply. Or how about Crowncro. Mr. Crows Lee sounds better to me too. Hmph... Hmphhh.” She nodded after feeling content over giving someone a name of her own choice.  Alicia disregarding other’s thoughts on the matter ventured into her own fantasy world of naming and classifying things.

“You have a very bad naming sense.” The Apostle responded.

“But these are the names I would like to use for having a crow pets I found recently.” Alicia seems to have responded truthfully and yet the Apostle failed to see her innocent speech and even made her feel depressed over her naming sensibility, or so she thought.

“What are you talking about? Don’t try to fool me and stray from the topic. Answer me what are your goals. Who sent you? Are you alone or is anyone else behind you.” At every step he took the Apostle seemed to get angrier as the loudness of his tone increased after every word he pronounced in his eccentric tone.

A curved sharp smile appeared on Alicia’s face as she tilted her head downwards as if hiding something.

“Straying from the topic. It would do you no good if you are pretending yourself. So stop wasting my time. And if you would come clean with what you have tried to do with Lu.”

“….Shhhh…who is that person you speak of?” The Apostle voice seemed to have calmed down as he tried to suppress his worries but the anxious look on his face kept deepening further and further as he couldn’t meet eye to eye with her, as her head was facing downwards. He was unable to access the thoughts of such a human who could still keep calm even in front of his raging magical aura.

“Still playing the fool I guess. So let me tell you something if you are waiting for this.” Alicia struck out her hand and from a small black distortion she pulled out a black curved stream-lined body which easily fitted in between her hands.

“While having some playing around with that monster back there, I came across these birds, which I first felt so sorry for to be caught between my webs. So I transferred them to a safe place. But later when I found out that these were just some magic made familiars, I traced back their magic back to its creator.” Alicia made some stroking gestures on the bird’s back but no one could feel its warmth reaching to anyone.

The colour of the Apostle’s face seems to have whitened out as he saw two small birds in Alicia’s hands.

“To think that someone else might be behind all this mess.” Alicia’s voice deepened as she lightly pressed the small neck of the bird of magical constitution with her icy cold fingers and saw them as they dispersed into a black mist dissolving in the air.

“I will kill you inferior creature for what you just did.” He shouted gritting his teeth. The Apostle was about to leap forward with his magical output set at maximum and his claws overgrown from his hands, fully transformed and to gouge out the flesh of whatever it touched. He thought if he could reach her before she could activate her magical artifact, she would be totally defenseless. According to the Apostle for activating such a strong magical artifact surely required huge activation time, that’s why she couldn’t use it before from the start.

But he stopped and he couldn’t move either, even if he tried to do so. His face was as expressionless as ever as if he could neither think nor speak for a second and all life had been flushed out of him.

The frozen atmosphere between the two of them was blown away by the falling of some of his feathers on the ground and seeing them merely covered in ice and frozen like a showcase, the tension in him exploded as he tried to look front.

Alicia lifted her head and seeing her glowing red eyes, the blood in his brain froze as he was overwhelmed by an extraordinary aura he never felt like before. Too strong even to look at the flow of magic his eyes strained and the only thing he could extrapolate was that its nuclear source was a little human girl.

“Who are you or what in the world are you?” These were the only words the Apostle could express in his feeble state.

“I have no reason to further answer your questions to a person who tried to harm Lu and a stranger at that. But how about you answer one of mine and I answer one of yours. That seems to be a fair trade to me.” Alicia was back in her joyous mood after expressing her hostility if the apostle again tried to attack her and his fate tied to that action. She wanted to finish it all fast, wrap it up and return back to the side of Lu to ensure her welfare.

With his senses returning to him and trying to stabilize his own condition with his own magic, he somehow realized what a big mistake he made in assessing the situation. The thought of her possessing a magical artifact was not well thought of, since it was made after making various adulterated assumptions based on his very own supremacy. The messenger birds he sent to his Master about discovering the location of the cursed child had now but miserably failed. Instead they were used to trace down his very own location.

He had no options further left, than to follow her lead now. If only somehow he could survive he thought he could still make a difference. If he lives he would get to take back revenge on her with what she did to him.

“Then answer me this ― what do you hope to achieve and what are you going to do to me?” The best way the Apostle thought to counter her now was to know what she really wanted out of all of this. Corvus since he knew he existed as an entity, always stayed among powerful people trying his best to make his own place and gain recognition. He knew for those who are powerful always are in want of something and willing to go to any length to get it.

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Their actions are always self-motivated and have hidden meaning. If only he could decipher that then he will figure out her weakness and then use that opening to corner her.

“Now, now don’t be so impatient Mr. Crow. For starters why don’t you tell me who is behind all of this?” Alicia smilingly asked the Apostle which agitated him even further but he did not let it slide on his face. He needed to be cool and in possession of a calm mind, even if he had to act to try to throw her off her own game.

“My name is not Crow. But I do have a proposal to make. If you make me your accomplice then I would provide anything you want and I would even ask for your forgiveness.” The Apostle wanted for his enemy to be indulged into thinking that he really has no extra card left to play at his own advantage but to surrender to the victor’s will.

“So you want me take you as a hostage but also a two-sided informant. Is my assessment correct?”

“You truly are cunning to reach that conclusion yourself. So what do you think of it?” The Apostle was now laughing in his mind while holding a poker face upfront.

‘Yes, take me as your hostage. Don’t think more. Purfect. Accept my proposal and I will give you everything you would want to know. Purrfect. And then when the right time comes I would backstab you, and make you suffer in my rage and see you die. Purrffect. Purrrrrfffect. This is what truly gives me pleasure to outwit my enemy and rise to the top. Nothing suits me better. A human girl can’t even come close to my genius, not to mention a child. This is so hilarious and exciting ― makes my day even better.’ Or so the Apostle thought to himself.

Alicia after a second or two came up with a quick response.

“Oh! If you don’t want to tell me and you won’t change your ways then I simply have no use for you and I find you to be more of a threat for me and those around me. Since I cannot forget the fact of you trying to hurt Lucia and I might not be as forgiving as you.” Alicia said what she actually felt, since she didn’t know any better, than to do this.

“What?” The Apostle realized that he couldn’t ascertain her nature. Or he rather doubted her recklessness or it was entirely something else.

“Surely there must be something else that I could be useful and in doing so try to find your kindness.” The Apostle made a final attempt to find her true purpose.

“I see. Then how about you tell me the direction of the human continent.” Alicia waited for a response. But the Apostle stood their silently. As if in his deep thoughts he had realized something important.

Something which was amiss till now. A missing piece that would sit right between all the questions and the only answer to these.

Gaining confidence he straightened his face, stiffening his thick neck, he said in a slanted tone.

“You speak as if you actually don’t belong to this world.”

“Huhhh… wait. How did you…” Alicia stuttered at the sudden question, which was sprung on her after so many years.

“So, could it really be…” The Apostle was literally jumping out of joy to be accurate with his assessment.

He couldn’t realise that there really out there was someone from another world unless… they are a reincarnate.

‘How could it really be, by far in my knowledge all the reincarnates were taken care of or had been handled by master? They had been from starting in our grasp, so how could it be that one was left out. Unless they have never been accounted for. The one who was thought to be dead for that useless weak goddess. To show up finally here, right in front of me. I have finally cornered her and if only I could add her in master’s collection as one of his pawns to do his bidding. He would surely be happy by my performance.’ Thought the Apostle to himself.

Why hadn’t it struck him before? Her way of thinking. Her speaking habits akin to those reincarnates and then her unfamiliarity with this world. Every one alive here, knows ― what’s the difference between the demon continent and the human continent unless they have been either living under a rock or did not belong to this world.

‘I have finally cornered her. She is now within my grasp because I know of her weakness.’ A chanced smile littered on his face as his thoughts leaked all over.

“Wahaaaahhaaa…. I cannot seem to contain my rage anymore, so I won’t kill you at once. To think I was afraid of you until now. You all reincarnates are nothing without the power of your Gods and once you use their blessings you cannot immediately reuse it again. So that’ why you are avoiding a direct fight with me.”

“Wait…wait…” Alicia on the other hand who just wanted to talk and settle things peacefully, while also finding clues was dumbfounded with her secret found out. She still did not understood that the fact which was kept to be closed about reincarnates and gods being sent to this world would be known by a bird brain like him.

For a moment there her eyes lit up thinking that he just might be able to help her find Athena quickly instead of just squandering her way around the world. But then her hopes shattered when the Apostle dictated another of his plans.

“You must be the one contracted to that weak goddess. To think I was keeping my guard against you. But who knew that she was hiding someone like you this entire time. But there is no need to worry for me anymore. I shall repay you in full when my master brilliantly takes away that life of that Goddess and I would just torture her in front of you until I am satisfied by the look on your face.” The Apostle passed a good laugh thinking that he was finally able to get a hold on the strings that would tie his enemy.

However Alicia in response shook her head.

“What did you say?” And a very rare expression appeared on her face – one which twisted her features with displeasure, revealing her anger.

“You shall die here and now you little brat, you have finally seen what I can do to you if you go against me, Spectre Expansion. Paraskina Alis.” The Apostle activated his special skill and mastery over an art which among all the twelve Apostles he specialized in.

Alicia on the other hand found herself in a dark space, which appeared to be unresponsive to her presence. Under a dark sky she was still able to see a small group of trees withered and rid of all leaves up to its last branch as if every apple that would ever grow on it would be poisonous to its last bite.

“…Sachi…. Sachi…”

In among those woods she heard someone calling out her name as she tried to run in her direction. Her eyes for a second their felt a heartbeat of their as she longed to see that appearance for a very long time with her very own eyes. But at the same time she witnessed two dark bloodthirsty eyes tall above the ground gazing at that person. A thin fog diluting her view.

Those were not the eyes she was unfamiliar to, but had experienced those a very long time before maybe closer to her than anyone else. As she saw her only first friend Athena running in her direction, calling out the name she was associated to before her reincarnation. Suddenly the woods caught on fire of which flames surged high to reach the impenetrable night sky, while those blood-thirsty eyes kept on chasing after her.

But all she could do was keep running too, trying to catch up with her, but her hands would never reach the person she cared for. Or so did the Apostle thought.

But Alicia silently stood there, with her head calm as she saw the whole thing unfold in front of her. And the next second he knew he was pulled down by a superficial force towards the ground as he landed a head-fall, which disturbed his concentration and the illusion vanished.

The veil of feint and trickery was finally pulled up from the show, as the Apostle shuddered in fear for the first time his illusionary arts failed him.

But most important of all he was confused and unable to understand of how his illusions failed to charm his opponent, who should have been mystified and eternally caught in its temptation for the thing they longed for the most. While his body was still being crushed to the ground by an indomitable force, apprehending his action.

But as the illusion disappeared, the force weakened and he was able to set himself free.

“This does not end here…” Shouting that he launched a trail of hundreds of his magically enforced sharp black feathers he prepared beforehand, strong enough to even break a huge boulder into rubble. Dodging all of them coming from every direction would be near to impossible.

But even before they were able to reach her close proximity they all turned into nothing by some kind of inconceivable black flames whose nature the Apostle yet again failed to fathom.

“You just did the last thing one could ever dare to do to me. Trying to hurt the people I care about by falsifying and manipulating my own memories. But just so you know whatever strategy or tactic you deploy and have all the luck and miracle in this world on your side, you will never escape from me, because I can see everything.”Seeming very pleased with herself, Alicia smirked at her own achievement of coming up with such a creative threat that she always read or thought of but could never find a use in her previous life.

But still she was hurt and feeling the pain, the only thing she could think of was hide her emotions as she pulled out her white mask and put it on her face. She was unable to understand why she did it and from whom she was hiding things but she just felt like doing it.

While the Apostle prepared to take her down anyhow by engaging in a close combat hoping that by now his opponent would have tired out after expending high reserves of their magic in pushing out of the illusion, even though it would have been an impossible amount to be possessed alone by a mere human body.

“White Room.” Alicia uttered. And the illusionary domain contorted as though some entity was crushing it underfoot. It warped and broke into some huge pieces of black glass as it made a thunderous cacophony, screeching under the magical pressure of an absolute power.

The next moment Corvus knew for what waited for himself; he was immobile. He tried to move his head to look but all he saw was white. His head facing down as he was half knelt on his knees, no matter how much he tried, he failed to lift up his body. He wanted to cry for help from his master or call for his companions. But every time he opened his mouth his breath turned into shimmering white ice.

‘How could an Apostle fall to such powerlessness, I refuse to succumb to such weaknesses to which my master made me immune to.’ Corvus thought to himself. But even after such strong determination and trying his best to break out by exuding his magical aura at full force to the extent of exhausting his life force – every attempt failed when he felt a sharp grasp on his throat which paralyzed him.

He was instead of being more than frustrated after his movements being restricted he was nonplussed and astounded by the fact that his domain was overwritten and a new one materialized by a human. Just forming one takes a lot of practice, experience and high level of magic control.

It felt for him like all that awaited him was death. There was no reason, no answer. He couldn’t find or wish for one at this point as all sense of reason had been turned into topsy-turvy after this encounter. Thinking that there was not any left purpose he could serve his master a realization dawned on him.

He heard some footsteps approaching him from high above as he could still perceive a long range of stairs going high up where even his gazes couldn’t reach. The only thing he was able to saw were the short legs of a human approaching him, but could not see her face.

As it drew closer time stretched out like melted toffee. Finding a blue scabbard so beautiful form out from the accumulation of a blue cumulonimbus of light particles and the most majestic of swords he saw in his life being pulled out in a twilight…

And the final realization that struck Corvus was that this was never a fight with a mere human of the mortal realm. Because…

‘That isn’t a way of a human ─ to cower in fear of the strongest or run away in the face of danger but this was the way… of a monster to sentence their enemies to eternal death. Wahhhhh! Damn you human….’ Even though he wanted to say that the silence of the room was never disturbed by his voice.

The next second a much sharper and vibrant white light raced through him as it cleanly wiped off his head.

As for his final moments he was able to see a red glare, a pleasant smile under a mask and a trail of long stairs with a throne at the top that might have lead him to the higher realm he was once promised to ascend by his Master  ─ as everything slowly melted into the whiteness of his eyes.
















LEVEL : 7800


HP : 75,000

MP :68,000

SP : 60,000



                  [FIRE MAGIC LV 6] [SELF REGENERATION]

                 [SHADOW MOVEMENT] [CURSE MAGIC]

                 [ADVANCED ILLUSIONARY MAGIC]      






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