When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chapter 93: VOLUME 7 : CHAPTER – 11 : IF I HAD A HEART (2)

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“Have you really forgotten what was your reasoning for doing this?” Finding myself interested to know his thoughts I could not hold back my curiosity from asking.

However, I suppose that would not matter in the end…

And in the next second, I shoot a small beam of heat laser through his brain.

Perhaps I, too, learned something from fighting that creature, as it was a much easier way to dispatch an enemy.

I saw the Doctor’s body fall to the ground and felt his heartbeat fading away. His body is taken away to nothingness by my gluttonous webs.

“I guess I don’t have to know.” Turning around I continue walking, “Let’s not waste any more time because this needs to be done right now…. There is little time left.”

“Al…” I call out to the one, my own extra subconscious mind to help me out to save a wish and keep a promise.

Being already aware of my idea to save the homunculi girl, I already expected a warning from my double-self.


“I accept all dangers. Now do it.” I spoke aloud fully determined. Removing my mask I allow all the magic energy to flow through me in the surrounding which until now was being covered up. My hairs were back to the normal shade of silver-white and I could feel my face even after getting accustomed to wearing the mask for longer durations.


I couldn’t help but find the sight of the Homunculi girl’s condition unnerving. A lifeless doll in a closed box that’s exactly what she was in her present state.

The only way to save her was to return back her skill which Eabhloid had stolen and which was now currently devoured by my gluttony skill.

But even with this world’s current knowledge such a transfer of skill had never been recorded in history nor taught to me by father.

Putting it simply it would mean giving away one’s soul realm to another which would be impossible as the receiver’s soul realm would resist such a change.

But this case is exceptional where this recipient homunculi girl possesses no such a thing. Whether it was a blessing in disguise or a complete error only time would tell.

The final remaining task is the destruction of the soul realm of the donor. In other words the death warrant of the one lending the essence of their soul realm. And even then such a transfer would have the highest chance of failure.

“Hurry and wake up. I cannot tell how happy I am to meet you again.” I tried talking to the still unconscious homunculi girl hoping my voice would finally reach her.

My lips quirked up to form a confident face knowing that I had already given the order to begin with the idea I had come up with. There was no turning back from this now.


Extending my hands a beautiful nimbus of golden light brighter than lightning expels out from my chest partially. And from this culmination which was apparently a very very small portion of my soul manifesting for a limited time, I had to complete the operation while my domain still holds here.

Countless thread spinning in circle from it now travels fast to attach to the homunculi girl’s miniature heart which was almost at its breaking point. S if it had been holding itself out for this very final moment.


Just then a massive pressure gripped my heart realizing my soul was literally being ripped apart in the process. While my regeneration skill still holds for the short time, spiritual damage is very difficult to recover.

I knew this wouldn’t be easy. But handling this amount of transferring energy while keeping the flow steady is almost turning out to be an impossible undertaking.

I needed to create a soul realm perfectly for the homunculi girl and then finally keep an equilibrium in which my own soul realm catabolically breaks down and regenerates at the same rate.

It was like suffering a second death. Even though it’s a tiny fragment, it was me after all.

“⸻But if I do really possess an unlimited amount of Soul Power and magic energy, then I will pull this off for her and my sake.”

Somehow the Doctor’s words encroached on my mind like an undeciphered code.

‘⸻Do you really think you have the power to control her?’

“I don’t need to control her; I just know who she really is.” I already knew what I was doing and was fully aware of my own potential.

‘⸻Why do you have to go so far to stake your life?’

“That’s because. I want to be friends with her.”

Having no real reason in the start to save her except for keeping my words. But slowly I had begun to realize that I needed her. And being simply drawn to her was an after-effect of that.

I aimed to become stronger that I never lose these precious things I have gained in my life ever again.

A sudden burst of light finally enwraps the homunculi girl from inside out finally giving me a feeling of accomplishment.

“Your existence… your memories… and your wish. You are the same as me… I just know it. The time has now finally come for you to wake up.”

For one final time looking at the girl, I had to accept that the fight with Eabhloid was a bit taxing on me as well.

My hands stiffen up and I close my eyes to focus.








“Why is it so empty… Always so empty.” The girl gasps as if she has spent all her life remaining here.

Usually, the girl wouldn’t have made efforts to look around to find something in the darkness around her. But this time something inside her… feelings that did not exist in her before told her not to stop looking.

“Is that how it has always been here…” An obscure voice travels fast but much faster came the light highlighting a man standing somberly in a white coat.

“Who are you?” The girl was for the first time able to see a person here which surprised her a bit.

But neither she knew why he was here nor the man seemed to be aware of it himself.

“I see she might have been right in saying that people continue to live on. Even after I am dead I am here in the last vestiges of your memories.”

You are reading story When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess at novel35.com

The girl listens to the man speaking to himself while she tries to really remember who he actually was.

Only too suddenly hit by a fleeting feeling of nostalgia she continues to listen.

“Since I am already here, I want you to know that I do not intend to explain my motives. My journey has already ended and even if I was a failure yours is about to begin. Someone as pure as you would not be able to understand it. But if you ask me why I created you this way… I think it was to hide away something that was really important to me.” The Doctor holds silence for a while.

“Wait! I still have so many questions…” the homunculi girl calls to the person as she felt something was off.

“You have such beautiful eyes; I notice that now. There will come a time when you yourself will decide your value. From now on you will have to live your life for your own sake. But one day you will be the salvation of everyone. That fate remains unchanged.”

Suddenly the homunculi girl realizes her body is glowing and a warm feeling enriches the hole in her chest. The Doctor watches the girl and understood what was really happening.

“Maybe it’s time now that you should completely forget about me.” The Doctor stares in the upwards direction and realizes something starts speaking again. “Within this true darkness where no one could find light, she is trying to become the light herself. Magic which transcends human knowledge… how would I have ever been able to predict such a thing. But that is probably why… it is so very dazzling.”

A bitter smile appeared on the Doctor’s face as he started to walk away. Disappearing and fading in the darkness with the diminishing light.

“Did I know him? Wait… Don’t go. Don’t go.”


The homunculi girl suddenly feels the emptiness inside her head return and before she could proceed to process how to respond to these estranged emotions a voice that shouldn’t have been there seeks her.

“Are you looking for someone….”

The homunculi girl with a startled face turns around to see a girl all in white, wink at her.

“So beautiful…” she spoke her true thoughts, while still in her confused state.

She then continues to gaze at this new visitor and somehow involuntarily forgets what had happened before this.

“Do I know you?” The girl tilts her head seeing another stranger in this lost place.

“Of course you do… You and I, we know each other.” The girl with white hair lifts up her face and answers with a cheerful smile.

“I am sorry. But I can’t seem to remember many things and have lost my memory.” The homunculi girl innocently answers seeming turns away feeling sorry.

“Is it because it is my first time in this appearance in front of you and I don’t have my mask or it could be because... well I still remember you even if you don’t. During the time we shared though everything seemed to have changed. I have not forgotten to grant you your wish you had asked me to.”

“My wish?” the homunculi girl was caught off guard because this was the first time she was hearing of it.

“Yes. I want you to make a choice for yourself. I want you to live your life for your sake from now on.”

“But I have no such freedom here.”

“I think you should reconsider that. Why don’t you try looking up.”

The two girls quietly gaze up at a night sky full of stars.

The homunculi girl’s face beams with a smile remembering and deeply yearning to see it for a long time. This sky had never existed there before until the girl who claims to be capable of granting her wish appeared.

After a while, the homunculi girl opens up to speak.

“I once had a dream of something wonderful happening to me where I felt the vastness of the world and felt the warmth of the people. And the first thing I saw was this sky. I was so alone but wherever I went those lights followed me. I ran and they somehow were able to keep chasing after up. And then I was no longer alone anymore.”

“Hmm…” Alicia laughs in a murmur remembering she still had the brain of a child despite her knowledge.

“And since then I have ever wished for was the limitless sky, but that was no more than a dream I saw from this darkness.” The homunculi girl finishes her thought with a deep sigh.

“But now things will be different. You will see so many places and meet so many people. If you want you can join me on my journey.”

The homunculi girl’s eyes beam up at this offer. She did not understand the meaning of her existence but she still wanted to feel it with all her heart.

⸻A real life. That was her true wish.

“Can I truly become normal and stay close to you.” The homunculi girl finally asks with a deep longing in her voice. Her gazes fixed on Alicia.

“I told you I am here to grant your wish because I am a wish granter.”

“But why do you want to grant my wish? What if I do not deserve it?”

“Our paths crossed and we met. And then I saw you…. I saw your fearsomeness. Your sadness… your beauty. Now choose with all your feelings….” Alicia shouts trying to encourage her.

“Then, I want to live forever by your side.” The homunculi girl did not know why she said it but deep within her, something told her to believe in these words.

Alicia holds the homunculi girl's hands and an extraordinary life force passes from her chest to the wish seeker.

“I can feel it. My wish finally taking shape. My true wish, and my identity its all becoming real. The shape of my heart you… fixed it.” The girl’s memory returns to her. But that was not exactly the same because it was Alicia’s memory that was being channeled and connected to her.

Not only her memories but her feelings, her insecurities, her strength, and even her weakness now slowly merged with her.

The homunculi girl had finally fused with Alicia and became a part of her soul.

“No, I created it. You will be finally reborn and come to life in the real world.” Alicia who was until then trying to appear strong was in truth hiding her losing strength.

The homunculi girl who could now feel what Alicia felt in real time quickly guessed it.

“What’s happening…” And in response to the girl’s worries, the place began to warp as Alicia’s domain had stopped working.

“I guess that was my limit I have used too much magic and my soul power is finally depleted.”

“Are you going to be alright?” The homunculi girl again asks as she tears up. So many kinds of feelings, together now dwelling inside made her feel completely overwhelmed. She had not only become part of Alicia’s happiness but also the sadness she felt from her past.

“Let’s meet in the real world. And now it’s your turn to give the world an answer exactly what you are. - - - -“ Alicia moves her lips to speak.

“What’s that?” The homunculi girl asked in wonderment.

“Your name. You like it…”


The homunculi girl smiles with her eyes even while her lips were still knowing that the next time she wakes up she will finally have a place to belong.



A simple reminder you can now completely binge read the side novel Girl from Nowhere, first arc is completed now and you can binge read it as always. I am sure you will find it a great story and adventure of Caige rising above all her weaknesses and challenging the people around her.


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