When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chapter 97: Volume 7 : CHAPTER – 15 : THE BLACK STORM (2)

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Thanks to Caige's prudence, we finally managed to secure three tickets for ourselves to travel on the ship.


“Is this what they call a ship?”


“How can such a huge thing float on water?”


Regis and Hana admired the view of dozens of giant ships entering and leaving the port. With their childish comments, they seemed to really enjoy being in such a busy place where so many things were happening.


The ships were fashioned from the same forest trees surrounding this town, with three masts that stood as tall. The sailing boats around the port blossomed right there on the water's surface, with small curved sails as pretty as any petals, bluish in compliment to the sky and waves.


“Does that means you are not coming with us Caige?” Regis asked remembering they had only tickets for Hana and me.


“We still need to promote the healing potion here and can’t let the tide of sales go down. We will be traveling from town to town and at the same time collect enough manpower to cover more area. We will soon join up with the Boss to discuss further plans to proceed. The Boss has already provided us with more than two hundred healing potions and that should be enough.” Caige was as usual highly motivated with her business talks.


“So we are going to go even big? I wonder when she even had the time to produce those many?” Regis wondered since she had been spending all her time with Alicia.


“Don’t you think Boss might have been planning to do this for a long time. I wonder what else she has planned for us to do next?”


Caige's words seemed to be an eye-opener for Regis. Because it was only by chance the two had met and then so many things together happened, she did not have time to think about what Alicia’s end goals were. Why was she so desperately searching for that person and what she would do after that?


“Okay then... Best of luck on your job.” Regis wished Caige. After working together the two had grown more close.


“I have already discussed and said my goodbyes to the boss. Have a safe journey.” Caige now went to Maia while Regis started searching for me.


“Alicia don’t stray too far, or you will be swept up in some cargo on the port.” Regis suddenly warned me.


“Don’t say that,” I spoke curtly simultaneously trying to quickly get behind Regis.


“Why are you acting so different? Let’s head to the ship.”


I could not let her know that being surrounded by water on every side was already making me anxious. Even back in school when I tried to attend to swimming classes I would drown the moment I tried to go in deep water. And from then those delinquent girls sometimes took advantage of that fact and started bullying me during the classes with threats of drowning me in water.


I was lucky enough that the Tathya Labyrinth did not have any monsters that lived in the sea, seems pretty unusual for a labyrinth to have one. Otherwise, I might not have been able to complete it.


“Let’s look for Hana and board the ship.” I said.


Hana and Maia were not standing that far from us.


“Goodbye, Hana. Let’s play again when we meet.” Maia took Hana’s hands.


“Yeah. I want to learn more things from you.” Hana in turn shook Maia’s hands haphazardly in all directions. She still took things to the extreme without knowing when to stop. And because she was a homunculus running on my magic power, she never got tired and was always lively.


The port was filled with people loading cargo. The high tide would soon come and the port would be empty by the time it leaves. While most of the ships would be traveling along the coast on the Demon Continent itself and some were headed for inland sea routes for trade with villages settled on the riverside.


Because of the ruthless pirate attacks as described by Caige very few ships were now headed to the Human Continent. Even after multiple attempts of subjugating them, they always got the best of the crew.


So, the prices of the tickets were high, and for this entire month, only today’s ship would be heading for the Human Continent.


“You know that we actually can’t miss the ship. Let’s go.” Regis calls Hana.


“Yes miss Regis. Master.”


From the entrance point, the three of us boarded the ship and climb to the deck.


A loud horn blares and the ship leaves the coast after a couple of minutes.


Standing at the bow together with Regis and Hana, we saw Caige and Hana waving us off from the port.


So we once again bid them farewell, as I have always seen it happen in movies only before.


Regis and Hana were so excited to look around the ship that they dashed and separated to explore more places. I still could not make myself feel comfortable.


Just how deep is the water…?


What if the waves reach the ship and I am the only one who got swept by the current into the ocean and got lost?


Fishes can’t talk in this world, can they? And I can’t hold my breath in water for longer than two minutes.


Regis, Hana where are you? Why did you leave me alone on the deck?


Holding tightly onto the rim of the handrail planted alongside the deck. It was my only lifeline.


My thoughts were so disrupted just when I absolutely needed to reach Hana.


Well, maybe this is the perfect chance while I am alone I will try to get accustomed to the situation. Putting a little heart I decided to overcome this fear.


I watch the sea, losing myself in the rhythmic percussion of waves and the turbidity they produced when they clash with the stern of the ship. The sky was light blue with dainty see-through clouds and a slight cold western breeze touch my skin and go. My eyes steady on the horizon, and orange rays of sunlight hit my face.


The ship glides upon the rising air, sun-warmed, soft, and free. I move closer so that I could feel the presence of the quiet sea, allowing myself to stay lost in the moment a while longer.


“So nice…. This is only going to give me a sunburn if I stay like this. And I don’t want to puke with sea sickness so soon.” I again freak out.


My optimism only lasted for a minute and I was again fidgeting looking for something to distract myself till Hana or Regis come to take me.


But as far as I remember the ship has an inbuilt mechanism and a magic shield to protect us from aerial attacks. The ship in itself was magnificent and the epitome of fine craftsmanship in shipbuilding.


While the ship did not depend on steam or engine like in my previous world. Instead, magic minerals were used to conduct magic on the bottom base, and with the help of wind magic, the ship would move forward. Apparently, the mast was to conduct magic from the surroundings to provide enough magic to the entire ship system.


Because of the pirate's incursion, it was inbuilt with canons, an observatory. Only nobles and rich merchants were aboard the ship and the captain was a famous sea explorer.


Sometimes I can’t believe Caige could be so thorough in collecting information and learning things. I am sure this will help us to avoid those pirates if possible and safely reach the coast.


Wait! Did I just raise my own misfortune flag?


It is going to be a one-day long journey so I guess there is even less chance to encounter them. I decided its best to pretend it didn’t happen at all.


“Alicia, you are still here.” It was Regis who approached from the back.


“Master, the food here is so good.” Hana too rushed to Alicia’s side.


“This turned out to be a luxurious ride since many influential people are aboard and it's equipped with the best facilities. The seafood is really a delicacy.” Regis supported Hana’s claim.


“I was left here, and you two went to eat alone."


“What… for how many hours have you been standing here?” Regis asked worriedly realizing something wrong was going on with me.


“Since we boarded…” I was on the verge of crying because I too wanted to try the seafood on board. I would look like a fool if I went on a cruise ride and didn’t have any seafood.


“Hana look. I think I saw a flying fish.”


“Where…where…” Hana got all pumped with Regis's imaginary talk.


“Don’t try to run away,” I yelled.


“Master I will bring you the best food since I have tasted them all.” Hana was confident in what exactly I would like to have. Maybe I should trust her taste and see what happens.


“Let’s head back to our room but why have you been standing here all alone?”


Hana makes a crushed face as if she just now realized the intent, “I am sorry Master I forgot you are afraid of water. I should have stayed by your side.”


“What Alicia you cannot swim?” Regis said in an unbelievable tone.


“It’s over, my secret is out. Now no one would be with me. All my hard work… and I forgot to tell Hana to conceal this fact.”


I always wondered how it would be fun to share my thoughts with someone without speaking anything. Now I know the results are complete destruction.


“I guess I have no choice. I’m gonna show my crazy fight-or-flight power.” With that, I stood on the railing to jump directly into the ocean. Maybe this will get me rid of my fear.


“Master you shouldn’t. Please miss Regis you should stop master.”


“Don’t ask me. And I will be happier to give her a push than do the saving job. I am sure Alicia can do this.” I knew Regis could be harsh but now she was being super sarcastic trying to get back at me.


Maybe we were in an unannounced competition but she was the one who scored a point this time.


You are reading story When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess at novel35.com

“Hana…” I looked at Hana this time with hopeful eyes. Only she would worry for me if not anyone.


“If master so desires to conquer the ocean then I will fully support master.”


The truth came crushing on me and I was left wondering where Han learned to talk like that.


“…let’s just go back to the cabin room.” I sadly climbed down from the taffrail. I could not bring myself to take the risk after all.


“I am glad you understood it sooner.” Regis had a triumphant look on her face. After all, she was now able to learn one of my weaknesses and can now have fun teasing me about it.







“Princess where are you running off to? Just what has gotten into you?” A middle-aged man calls out to the girl running in front of her.


“I have had this strange feeling since I boarded this ship. Unless I confirm it with my own eyes….”


The princess, Arya Stark keeps running in the corridor passing through several cabins. Hurriedly looking at her surroundings she is unable to decide where to go next.


‘It almost feels like a pleasant breeze in the air but this magic leaking all around this ship… This is proof enough.’


The princess was able to acquire a special kind of healing potion in the port town of Gilde while searching through the black market. And no matter the price she bought all of them. To confirm the effectiveness of the potion she herself tried one and the results were miraculous just as the seller claimed. But they were unwilling to reveal its origins.


'I was ready to go to any length to get my hands on any potion that could heal mother and father. But even then there was no guarantee that it would work on a strong curse which has been put on them. So I cannot still give up or rest before I have fixed everything.' Arya thought to herself and continued following another strand of magic she found in the air.


From the day she had been born with her special eyes, she has been able to identify and judge people based on their magic. But this magic was so unique she could not decipher its nature but be drawn to its singular power source.


It is the same kind of magic that I saw in the night sky the day I arrived.  I have to find that person if they are on this ship and ask for their help.


Princess Arya Stark continues running and this time the sense of magic grew stronger and stronger as she followed it. She could only feel herself getting close to the source.


“Princess, you must not push yourself. You have been working for days without sleep.” The old man yells out as this was his fundamental duty to look after the welfare of the princess. Being the only one who witnessed how hard princess Arya had been working in search of a cure.


Learning new methods of treatment and medical knowledge herself. Meeting and visiting places while forgetting even her meals in the rush. It worried her butler Alfred when he just thought the poor girl could find some rest on the ship.


Also, they needed to stay low and be careful not to be identified as the sole princes of the Stark Kingdom.


Just then the sound of rumbling shudders the floor and the walls of the ship shook heavily on both sides.




The glasses to her left rattle and shatter on their own.




The princess who had been until now occupied with her thoughts realized it was an explosion on the ship.


Her legs slipped and she was about to crash on the ground where the broken glass had fallen.


Despite scrunching her eyes and embracing herself ready to bear the pain.


“Are you alright?” A soothing voice emerges from all the maddening explosions.


She opens her eyes only to find her shoulders resting upon a pair of hands. The voice belonged to a girl wearing a mask, in a white characteristic dress with black hairs falling behind her.


“Hm…” For a moment the princess’s heart still raced to catch on to what was happening.


The sound of explosions, breaking of wood, and crashing water had deafened both her ears.


“Are you safe?” The old butler finally caught up before he took hold of the standing princess as the girl who saved her from falling left her support.


She saw two other girls follow behind her, an elf and another who seemed like a human because the princess got susceptible to her weird magic core.


The scream of people now plagued every part of the ship.


“…No way. Is she the one?” With an unbelievable face, the princess was left in a trance.





While walking in the corridor, I heard the sound of running footsteps and at the same time, a tingling feeling inside my head gave me a chill. My Spidey-sense was acting.


Something was going to happen and I was still not aware of it despite how calm the sea looked from the window to my left.




I always knew raising a flag was a bad sign… but this was too quick.


The ship shook and its body rattled like a steel rod struck hard at its free end.


While I was able to maintain my grip on the floor, the footsteps of the person running came into my sight. Unfortunately, their timing was off and they were about to have a nasty crash on the ground.


As I was the only one around I moved forward and gave that person support without taking a proper look at them.


Behind me, Regis and Hana were also able to keep still by taking the support of the wall.


“Alicia, what exactly happened?”


There was only one way to answer Regis's question.


“Let’s go and find that out on the deck.”


The three of us headed to the top.


Before handing the person I helped, to someone they knew, I took a final glance but was too caught up in the moment to not take notice that something was off with her eyes and as if she was trying to speak with me.


 As we came on the deck, there were several other on boarders there too. Some were screaming and some were trying to seek help.


The only unbelievable view was that the right portion of the ship was on fire. And it was the sound of this explosion that we heard.


“It must be the Black Storm pirates only they could have attacked us.” One of the men screamed and others gossiped about the rumor spreading worse than the wildfire.


“I saw a huge fire fired from that direction. I am sure.”


“I did that too.”


The crewmen were hard at work to put out the fire on the ship.


Unfortunately, the right part was half crushed and many people were trapped in the fire and rubble.


We then heard another sailor boy pointing out in the right direction of the sea.


“Look there, what’s happening to the sea.”


And as everyone's gazes follow in that direction.


That was when I realized why no one ever saw the pirates coming. How they were able to move too fast for anyone to catch?


And why the observatory on the ship failed to see them coming.


From a long distance… a giant water whirlpool stormed the sea and from its blue rose a streak of black.


One moment there was nothing and then it was there in front of all. Black steel emerged from the sea with impossible speed.  Plowing through the extreme pull of the whirlpool, its engine making no sound, water streaking off its silver casing and churning white behind it.


With its horizontal motion and shark's tail rudder, this new machine was unlike anything anyone had ever seen.


But I instantly recognized it as technology, not from this world… it was not a ship but a submarine.


“How could these pirates be so mean to snatch away my only chance to see real pirate ships? Don’t slander the name of real pirates by setting a bad example.”




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