When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chương 138: Volume 9 : Chapter 7 – KILL THE COUNT (1)

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Chapter 7



Regis, Hana, and I found ourselves seated around the dinner table, where the distinguished Count Viktor played the gracious host.

"I never would have expected guests at this late hour, especially from the princess." Count Viktor said gladly.

Looked like Arya was the type who would rarely ask for favors, and the count looked happy to oblige when she finally did.

“We don’t plan to impose for long.” Regis said in a humble manner which was unlike her. Maybe meeting with the princess prompted her to reconsider and adopt a more princess-like demeanor.

“That’s all right since the Stark princess has herself asked me to take care of you all. You three are more than welcome to stay in our guest house as long as you want.” Count Viktor seemed like a kind noble and would oblige to any good request.

“We are only to rest here for the night on our journey. Right, Alicia!?” Regis prompted me.

The count looked pleased because he was meeting a young beautiful elf for the first time. But he might not have been so sure about a human girl wearing a mask, and a small kid who could eat four people’s worth and still ask for more.

Well, for Hana it couldn’t have been helped since she used everything she ate to derive magic power for her homunculi body to function.

Princess Arya had asked him not to enquire about our identities and that we could be trusted with her taking full responsibility.

“I wanted to continue our journey without making any stops.” I said thinking hard, knowing that we had only come half the way on our journey.

I didn’t want to rest even for a single moment till we had reached the Hart Kingdom and met the princess there.

“Can you really say that after you and Hana slept the entire time on me in the carriage, while I had to stay awake the entire time? And then the horses ran at double the speed; day and night because you used your healing magic on them.” Suddenly Regis’s princessly behaviour had all but vanished for me.

“I suppose.” I caved in because I knew even the horses needed to rest at some point and we can’t continue without them. Our coachman was too resting in the worker's quarter after he had taken care of the horses in the stables.

The count’s domain, as Arya had described it, was a large estate situated on the highway. In reality, it served as a shared border for several small kingdoms in the vicinity.

The count was responsible for overseeing trade security between the kingdoms in this region. So, he was some kind of an unofficial foreign trade minister, these kingdoms had unanimously chosen and had given authority.

As our dinner came to an end early and count Viktor talked several things about his region in the meantime.

We decided it was best for us to retire to sleep early as it was getting cold too.

The staff was kind enough to escort us to the guest house which was attached to the side of the mansion itself.

Hana and I were now standing outside Regis’s doors with pillows in our hands.

“So, what are you here for?” Regis said in a ticked-off manner blocking the entrance of her room.

She already knew why I was here since we had been traveling together long enough. But she still wanted me to say it.

“You know… What if I wake up in the middle of the night in this new place and get lost wandering? It can delay our departure for tomorrow. So, um... can I please sleep with you in your room... not!?” I said, channeling my inner embarrassed little kid vibe.

Regis straining her head a little and finally lets me in.

“… And why are you here for?” Regis said looking at Hana now.

“I go wherever master goes.”

“Fine. You too can come in.”


At midnight….

“…Whhater…wa..terr…Why is it suddenly so hot?” Regis was compulsively woken up by the overwhelming weight she felt on herself.

Regis found herself nestled in the midst of Alicia and Hana on a cozy living room bed, surrounded by their travel clothes and pillows. Only a soft glow of a dim lamp illuminated the room.

Even in her loose night gown she was feeling restless and hot.

Regis’s eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the low light. A sudden, undeniable thirst gripped her throat, awakening her senses.

“Huhhhh….” Regis sighed deeply. “I guess she really was tired. She even forgot to change into her night-dress and remove her mask before sleeping.”

Regis shifted in her makeshift sleeping spot, careful not to disturb the peaceful slumber of her friends. Barefoot, she tiptoed her way through the slumbering figures, careful not to step on Hana’s hand.

Thankfully the guest house had a kitchen on the ground floor and Regis headed towards it.

Even though it was so quiet Regis was not afraid to move in the dark.

Finally, after having some water to drink. Before heading back Regis decided that it was best to let off the heavy atmosphere in the room.



Right outside the perimeter of Count Viktor’s state. A group of three young individuals had gathered.

"I've confirmed that there are no guards on the north side," said a muscular young boy, his fists adorned with heavy, flat knuckles.

“And I have put the guards on the watchtower to sleep.” A childish voice chimed in as she tried to look up from under her hood.

The person she was trying to look at puts her own hand on the girl’s head and played with it.

“Good work, you two. The report stated that Viktor’s estate had no noble residents besides him, and he had no family. The guest section has the fewest guards, and the count isn’t expecting any guests anytime soon, so it should be empty.”

And with a bit of silence, the young lass finally spoke, “I think it's time we finally make a move.”

Before starting to move the girl who was giving out the order turned to look at the little mage who had so easily put the robust guards under sleep with her spell.

“What’s the matter, Ivy? Is there something wrong?”

The little girl holding the staff pulled the hood a little lower still not confident to speak up.

“Do you really think… if we continue to do whatever they say? They will let us go. Big Sister Nia…. No, I mean leader.” There was disturbance in her voice but she was finally able to say it.

“It's alright Ivy you can call me that when the adults are not around.” Nia said politely. She herself was only four years older than Ivy, but her skills with the sword had made her the leader of the group.

“You can stay at the back and we can do all the fighting. You can heal us and leave all the dirty work to us.” added the boy.

“But Mars, we are not here for fighting. We are here to….”

Before Ivy could complete saying, both she and Mars had fallen silent.

“We are going to assassinate the count.” Nia completed.

Holding her fist she looks at them, ”I hate to be a doll myself, and do whatever they say. But I don’t have a choice. Don’t worry as usual I will be the one to take out the count in his sleep.”

“But Nia, why do you have to be the only one to do this? Can’t we just run away?” Ivy speaks loudly as if frustrated by herself for not being able to do anything.

“Not right now. I am still not strong enough to oppose the Zehn’s. But I promise I will not let you die. And I swear I will save everyone they have captured who are precious to us. Ivy’s mom, Mars's grandparents, and even my little sister.”

“Nia…” Ivy and Mars looked completely worried for Nia who was always working hard and putting her life in danger.

For the organization, they had successfully completed dozens of missions and came back safely. But the truth was that all of the assassination was done at Nia’s hand and sometimes she also got wounded and was bedridden for several days.

Nia quietly ties her black hair at the back with a hairclip, as she usually does before carrying out a mission. She had already resolved herself for the task ahead.

“And once I have saved them all. I will take responsibility for all the bad things I have done. Now let’s go.”



“Master…. Master.”

“Yes, Hana what’s wrong…” I woke up to Hana calling me. She herself looked sleepy but something disturbed her.

If you are worried about the four intruders. I have already asked Al to take care of them if they try to harm anybody here.”

I can’t allow any trouble to befall this place and delay my journey any longer than this. Also, if something were to happen to the count, suspicion might fall on us and it would also be bad for Arya’s reputation.

Al should have placed web traps everywhere near the count’s room. Even if they think they can get past the traps. Those traps were not made to surprise and capture the target but to make sure no one could escape.

After all, I have made sure the webs are coated in my poison magic as well this time.

”I know but… Regis is not here.” Hana says, inadvertently worrying about Regis.


“Hffff… Don’t tell me.” I had only hoped that Regis would be alright, but it seemed like I had already raised a red flag for myself.



Regis puts the glass on the kitchen counter and headed towards the large front window. She took out the iron latch and wanted to take a breather in the fresh night air.

But just as she opened the window she heard strange noises instead.

“Ivy do you see anything? Should I push you up…”

The voice became clearer.

The girl who was attempting to enter through the high window from the outside was currently standing on Nia's shoulders.

“Waaahhh…” Ivy was completely taken aback by the sudden opening of the window, and instead of reporting she let out an incoherent yell.

Nia who was carrying Ivy on her shoulder thought it was her signal to push her up through the window. She also had heard the window opening and presumed Ivy might have used magic to open it.

“…OOno…noo…OwO.” Ivy shrieked knowing things were going to take a turn for worse.

But it was already too late for her since Nia had already thrown her to pass through the open window.

Regis, upon sensing an incoming object, attempts to pull back but falls on her side, unable to maintain her balance.

And in front of her Ivy lands with her entire hood cape upside down blocking her view.

Nia and Mars follow, both capable of directly jumping to the window’s height, and came in.

“Ivy, are you alright?” Nia tries to fix Ivy’s garb unaware of the presence in front of her.

“Who are you all?” Regis shouts and points her finger at them. At least now she was completely awake if not until then.

While Nia and Mars had a horrified look on their faces for a second. But this situation was not new for them when they had to put their lives in danger every day infiltrating the enemy’s territory and being on guard.

“Don’t move.” Nia quickly takes action without any pause. She pulls out her sword and points it towards the girl in front of her.

In Nia’s eyes, the current scenario would have made her think that an ordinary housemaid might have come to clean the guest house in the night.

“What’s an elf doing here?” Ivy called out.

“Look at her ears, it's just like yours Ivy.” Mars quickly makes a comparison just as Ivy pulls back her hood and reveals her long ears.

“I want you to stay quiet and not move.” Nia instructs the girl to fall in front of her. She decided, for a moment, not to kill her, as she would hate to harm someone innocent and a brethren of Ivy.

But breaking everyone’s expectation, that the simple elf girl would lie scared on the ground and beg for her life.

The elf girl whom they had deemed helpless swings her hand and with a force of wind magic pushes everyone back. At the same time, she propels herself back and gets behind the kitchen counter putting distance between her and the intruders.

“No, she escaped.” Mars calls out as he loses sight of the elf girl in front of her.

“Nia… what to do now?” Ivy was still trying to make herself calm. Since it was her first time seeing an elf just like her.

“It’s alright she is still here and has not run away.” Nia was unable to understand who the girl was. She set aside her initial impression because the wind magic was powerful enough to push them back.

Does she intend to fight us here all by herself? I have to stop her before she calls for help or warns someone. Nia thought to herself when the silence finally came to an end.

Two shiny red arrows head in her direction, but Nia quickly chops the magic with her sword.

“Who are you guys? What do you want?” The elf girl from behind the kitchen counter shows herself in front. She was holding a magical enchanted bow taken out from her spatial ring and she had already knocked two magical arrows in her bow and aimed at the intruders.

Nia and Mars had no choice but to step back.

It was only for a second but Nia could feel something was strange with the arrows. And they were not just any ordinary magical arrows, and her hands could still feel the odd pressure.

“Hey, little girl are you an elf? My name is Regis are you alright.” Regis reveals her name. In her eyes, it looked like the little elf could have been a captive.

“Yes miss elf I am alright.” Ivy couldn’t help but respond to Regis’s kind words.

“Ivy what are you doing, the person in front of us is our enemy.” Mars warns Ivy.

“I am sorry, but if you are going to resist we will have to deal with you.” Nia saying that spontaneously jumped towards Regis without any hesitation and slashed her sword vertically.

But it only landed to slice the kitchen counter clean through in two parts.

Regis had brilliantly jumped and launched her magical arrows at Nia.

Nia easily blocks them with her thin sword and instead of being surprised, she prepares to move forward.

“Mars is Nia in trouble. Are we going to hurt Miss elf too?” Ivy asked looking at Mars.

Mars couldn’t honestly answer to Ivy’s question but only reassure her.

“Don’t worry. Nia is strong. And if something happens I will step in.”

Even though Nia could easily keep up with Regis’s arrow’s movements they were becoming heavier for Nia to block.

Regis was quickly adjusting her magic to bring down Nia without hurting her. Since she didn’t know their circumstances she did not want to wound anyone unwillingly.

“Fine. I guess I will just stop her movements while Nia takes that elf down. Don’t worry it doesn’t look like Nia wants to kill her either. Otherwise, she would have already used it.” Mars knocks his knuckles together and they transform into a gauntlet covering his entire hand.

Regis being an archer knew it was best for her to keep her distance from the sword-using girl Nia. With her wind magic, she could easily frolic around and was able to do that.

But it seems like Nia was more adept at moving in the dark than Regis.

But for Regis who was late to notice the incoming Mars would lose her mobility if he joined the battle and tried to pin her down.

Maybe I should have called for help first before engaging. Regis thought still unable to decide what to do.

But before Mars could get in her way.

An unknown entity suddenly materialized between them, clasping Mars's hands before he could react.

“You shouldn’t cheat by ganging up on Regis like that.” The girl holding Mars's hands tightly said crossly.

Nia pulled back again since another person joined the fight and she had to reassess her odds.

“Who is this girl?” Mars said to himself as he quickly tried to free his hands but couldn’t release her grip. “What’s with her?” Mars was taken aback by the strength that slowly tightened around his arms.

To the extent, Mars thought that they might break in two if something was not done quickly.

“Fist Technique. ⸺Ember Burst.” Mars speaks and activates his gauntlet to suddenly heat up and it explodes into flames.

“Hot…hot. Hot…” Hana quickly let go of the boy’s hands and comes close to Regis.

“Mars are you alright…” Ivy asks as she tries to cast healing magic on his swollen arm.

“Do you think you can take on that kid?” Nia asked looking concerned since she couldn’t have predicted this.

“I should have the upper hand, but something is really wrong with that girl. Look at her arms.”

“There is no damage.” Nia spoke in surprise as she carefully observed Hana’s hand.

“I am certain that heat explosion had burnt her hands. But there is not even a single scratch on her right now. But I am sure I will be able to stop her.” Mars said with an irritated voice.

Do they have a healer on their side as well? Nia thought knowing that it couldn’t be good. Since prolonging the fight would only prove to be a disadvantage for them.

“I will cast some body augmentation magic on you two.” Ivy offers help since she can only stay at the back.

“Alright.” Mars looked pumped up since he was getting a chance to move his fists.

“Let’s complete our mission.” Nia bolts forward towards Regis again. Mars had decided to take the shorter girl who had just twisted his arm as his opponent.

“Hey, shorty let’s see who has got more bulk.”

“Who is shorty here?” It was the first time Hana was being teased and it rubbed her the wrong way.

She instantly goes for a straightforward punch, but Mars easily dodges it.

But when the punch still continued to move and ended up hitting the floor it left a large crater. Sending a tremor, it made Mars jump back two steps in fear.

While Hana readied her second punch to take out Mars, he was already more than scared now to confront her directly. He decided that dodging was the best strategy to keep his bones intact.

“Hana careful, we don’t have to break things here.” Just as Regis was again engaged in a shoot-and-run tactical fight with Nia she couldn’t help but ask Hana.

“And since you came does that mean….”

“Regis are you looking for me.”

An unfamiliar elated voice from the other end of the room caught the trio’s attention.

At the same time, a tiny orb of light suspended in the air illuminated the room completely.

You are reading story When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess at novel35.com

Now, they could clearly see the girl standing in a completely white dress that looked like a princess’s gown. And a mask that covered her face except for her mouth.

“I couldn't have even sensed if there was someone else here, even though I made sure to thoroughly search the place with my magic after that second girl showed up.” Nia said to herself.

Did I miss somehow? She thought.

But at the same time, upon carefully observing the new girl, she could sense little to no magic from her.

So, does that mean one of these two girls is the light magic user, the elf, or that little one?

Nia for a moment gazed at Ivy and the little elf mage was quick to set up a telepathic communication between their minds.

“I too cannot sense any magic from that mask girl. Maybe it's one of the other two.” Ivy telepathically communicated to Nia.

“Can you set up a veil and sound barrier to not attract any attention, Ivy?” Nia requested since she did not want to attract any more attention from outside.

So, if the girl standing at the back has no magic it’s unlikely that she would join the fight. Or so Nia thought and pushed her focus on fighting Regis without stopping.

“I would have set up a veil and sound barrier. But it looks like someone has already done it.” Ivy said in a confused voice.

‘Are we trapped.’ Nia couldn’t help but whisper to herself.



“Regis are you looking for me.” I gladly answered with a beam on my face to Regis’s call wondering if she would want my help.

In the meantime, I had quickly lighted up the place to see who were present in the room and help Regis and Hana adjust to fighting. And because I did not wanted for other people to lose their sleep because of a petty squabble I went and put ahead a noise cancel barrier as well.

“Why are you just standing there? Can’t you see that burglars have invaded the mansion?” Regis exclaimed.



The intruder’s party leader and I had a similar reaction to Regis's sudden outburst.

“I think you have got it a little wrong, Regis. A girl with a thin blade sharp enough to slash a body in half. An elf with magic abilities specialized in support and mind manipulation magic. And a boy who has a glove artifact with a fire gemstone core. And there’s also…”

“How do you even know all of that?” The leader called Nia glared at me from afar. But she was too busy defending herself from Regis that she could barely react.

I was happy to see that Regis was learning to control her magic and restrain it while fighting. If she even lost a bit of her concentration she might end up wrecking this good place.

“Regis, do you really think you would want to go to rob someone with weapons made to kill people? Most probably they are here to kill someone.” I said trying to make a guess.

Mars, Nia, and Ivy knew their motives were discovered.

“Maybe for some personal vendetta or a grudge…” I thought and then for a moment, I looked at the sword of the leader girl Nia.

“Or maybe… they are here to assassinate the Count.” I said smilingly since their faces quickly gave it away that I had guessed it right.

“Why you? If only you had listened to us and kept quiet, things would have gone smoothly, and no one would have unnecessarily gotten hurt.” Nia sounded more desperate than angry after their plot of the assassination was revealed.

“Tell me are you three really here to kill the count.” Regis asked lowering her bow.

“And what if we were.” Nia sarcastically answered.

"Then I will stop you." Regis roared. Holding her bow horizontally, she didn't just manifest her arrow; this time, she began charging it with her magic.

The arrow takes on a red aura and immediately after its launch a force field of air envelops it completely.

With a similar intention, Nia tried to cut it in half. But instead of cutting it she barely deflects the arrow as it lands on the ground close to her and explodes.

The trio of assassins looked shocked learning that Regis had been holding back all this time.

“I don’t think I need to hold back then either. Sword Technique. ⸺Sword Aura.” Nia pronounces the activation spell and her sword is enveloped in a dark aura.

“Wait! Regis, what happened to the talk about not destroying this place?” I shuddered at the thought, especially after I had just complimented her in my mind.

I wanted to stop her but seeing that Hana had already made a mess of the floor a little more wouldn’t hurt if we could clean up in the end.

So, I guess there is nothing for me to worry at least for now.

Regis and Nia were going toe to toe in their fight. Nia was confident with her sword skills; in fact, her sword aura was impressive and concentrated.

So, even Regis’s magic arrows were being cut down before they could completely take effect. Nia skillfully managed to keep up with the barrage of multiple arrows unleashed by Regis.

The boy with the gauntlet used flashy fire moves to keep Hana at a distance. But I doubt the fire really has any effect on her body. Most probably Hana is maintaining her distance to prevent her clothes from getting burnt.

She turned up to be such a good cautious kid, unlike someone.

I looked at Regis who was getting impatient and tried to get in close distance with Nia. It only resulted in her getting cuts and holes in her clothes.

But as long as Regis did not sustain even a scratch I was okay with not interrupting.

Regis cast a gaze filled with genuine concern upon Ivy, the small elf girl.

“Even if you are an assassin what’s the need to involve small elf children? And the same goes for you.” Regis asked not being able to understand why kids of her age like Nia had to work as an assassin.



“It’s not like any of us have a choice. And you have no right to be concerned for us. You won’t understand.” I became furious when I saw pity for myself in a complete stranger’s eyes.

I started making much bolder moves as I got close to Regis. And in turn, I was able to push Regis back into a corner against the wall.

I knew that every moment I wasted here would mean a lesser chance of succeeding in the mission.

⸺And if I did not execute the assassination...

Then the Zehn’s would take away my sister and make her an assassin too. The only reason my sister had not been made an assassin was that I had entered into a contract with the Zehn’s, agreeing to conduct my own missions and completing my sister’s missions as well for them.

And there were also chances that they might go as far as executing the family members of my party to make an example out of them. As a punishment for failing the mission.

Every time I had held my blade I had killed someone. Whether it was my partner in training whom I had to kill on my first mission. Or countless people whose names I don’t even know died by my hands.

My soul had turned so ugly, that even my own hatred for myself fell short. But to protect Ivy’s and Mars’s future, I was ready to go to any length.

Once I had Regis moved into a corner and made her think that she could take a perfect aim at me when I was nearest to her.

To the point that she loses focus of her surroundings.

That’s when I will make my move…

“Sword Technique. ⸺Twilight Cascade.” A dark aura envelops me instantly, and my magic experiences an incredible surge in output. During our training, I was the only one who could learn this special aura assassin’s technique in my batch.

The only reason I am still alive as the strongest of them while others died during training or on their missions.

Now, miss elf focus all your attention on me. Lock those arrows right onto my body where I want you to.

While my sword still aims at you. My movements had become incredibly fast, and I had only just begun tapping into the initial stages of my aura.

Once I could see light morph around Regis’s bow. It was time to execute the real plan.

“Prowl. You are here right? It's your turn now.” I called out as a signal.

Regis who thought she had got me was now suddenly frozen in place.

“Binding Technique. ⸺Fangshadow Bind.”

As Regis stood close to the wall, the shadow that should have belonged to her and should have moved alongside her suddenly took on an existence of its own —separating itself.

A boy with dark brown skin wearing unusual black clothes tied with threads materialized behind Regis. From his hands and legs protruded shadow-like arms that restrained Regis at her place now.

“What took you so long?” Nia threw a quick question.

“I thought I would recon before coming back. But because I sensed traps everywhere I decided not to go ahead. And before I could come to warn you, you had already started before me.” The boy explained.

The whisker on his nose flickered as he further strengthened the restraints on Regis who was trying her best to break free from it. The black small curved ears on his head like that of a panther told that he was of the beast kin.

“Leave me.” Regis shouted trying to free herself, but it was useless in the grasp of Prowl’s shadow bind technique.

“If you think it’s the right choice we will follow you.” Prowl did not pay any heed to Regis’s complaints. Instead, he looked at me with a determined face.

So, he had already guessed what I planned to do.

Still wrapped in my dark aura, I increased the aura output and took it to the maximum.

Even though Ivy might come to hate or detest me or they just think of me as a killing machine. As long as we all come out safely nothing matters more to me.

I will end this all in a second.

In front of Regis, I swiftly pivoted my ankle, twisting and adjusting my trajectory toward the masked girl at the other end of the room.

Even if that mask girl does not wish to fight or has no strength. If these two girls are trying to protect her.

And without any magic or any weapon, she should be weak. She was definitely their weakness.

Once I had taken her out I am sure these two will lose their vigor to fight and fall in despair.

“Wait stop… Don’t do it.” The elf girl tried to stop me as she too realised who my target was.

As a tribute before I killed that masked girl all I could do for her was to make her death instant as I would severe her neck with my sword.

With my aura at its peak, ablaze, I directed myself toward the masked girl.

In a mere second, hands gripping the hilt of my blade, I closed the distance, her neck now just a meter away.

As I drew my blade, I thought I heard her say something. It's regrettable that no one would ever come to know of her last words.


At least that’s how things should have been….

But… after pulling that move, all I could remember was darkness.



So, the fourth assassin finally made his appearance.

He was a bit late in the game. And now finally all of them are here.

I waited because if I made a quick move, he would have realized this place was dangerous and might have fled.

But right now, I feel so excited.

Isn’t this panther demi human assassin wearing a martial artist Tai-chi uniform!

In fact, this is my first time seeing real assassins in this new world. And they have not been disappointing at all.

A martial arts user, a fist fighter, a mage, and finally a swordsman.  But I can’t just let them conduct their assassination mission while I am here.

Right now, their leader Nia exhibited a technique similar to aural arts.

Maybe it is a similar technique that extracts power from one’s soul core. But it’s definitely way inferior to what mother taught me.

After Nia fully developed into her technique she quickened her pace towards me. In the blink of an eye, she had traveled from where Regis was and came so close to me.

Just as Nia placed her hands on her sword ready to draw it. She had exactly measured the distance and was now ready to chop of my head.

I doubt even the finest knight could have perceived the swift draw of that blade.

But just as Nia pulled her sword out and horizontally thrust it forward.

I slightly shifted my head to the right and looked with my eyes closely at the blade.

Why didn’t I realize it till now? The reason this sword looked so familiar.

“It's… a katana.”

A real katana it felt as if I had encountered something heavenly and truly beautiful.

But Nia looked too adamant and continued with her deadly attack.

She was so focused on killing me, that she did not realize I had already dodged her fist strike.

But as if on instinct, she straightens that sword without realizing it and again moves it horizontally against my neck.

I had no other choice but to hold her by hand and after pulling her gently towards myself.

I raised my knee high up and kicked into her belly with full force.

In a flash, Nia lost consciousness and falls to the ground while I still held her by hand.

For some reason, I could relate and feel sorry for her. Because this was what mother did to me in one of our training sessions. And while I was careful to place a barrier just in time around my stomach back then. But mother’s kick attack still hurt me pretty badly.

“Niaaaaa…..” Suddenly the elf girl Ivy shouted at the top of her voice like she saw a ghost.

All eyes turned toward me as they witnessed their formidable leader lying helplessly on the ground.

“It’s not how it looks. Really…” I tried to explain to them that their boss was not dead. At least not now.

“Nia…Niaaa… Wake Up.” Ivy was the only one in a frenzy while others had their expressions blown away from their faces. It almost looked like Ivy couldn’t contain her overflowing emotions anymore.

She raised her staff and a yellow bright light cast upon us.

“Hypnotic Magic. ⸺Whispering Echo.” The elf girl Ivy chants and lets her magic uncontrollably flow.





“This is bad… Al stop.”



It was all happening too fast. I only wished, at this moment, that I had a switch-off button for Al. Unfortunately, it was already too late.




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Everyone who is reading my novel and loves Alicia on her exciting adventures in this new fantasy world.

Thanks a lot for all your support! It really means a lot to me.

Till now I have published from volume one to volume eight for free. And I hope to continue to do so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and then eventually storms in the outside world.

Keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

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I hope that you keep enjoying my work and in knowing the interesting characters which will be constantly introduced to you in the story.

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