The carriage is flanked by carriages bearing the royal family crest and guarded by knights on horseback.
The carriage is headed for the forest outside the capital.
Riding inside are Patrick and Sonalice.
And their valets and maids.
It's a picnic for Pichan's meal.
Patrick and Thornaris are leaning against Pichan.
He's in a relaxed mood.
The valets, on the other hand, look pale.
In the same carriage as the man-eating snake.
A normal person would have fainted.
In the forest, Pichan sweeps away the demons and Patrick prepares the BBQ.
'It's a man's home-cooked meal, I hope you like it.
He said, 'I don't know if you like it,' but Sonaris wanted to eat it, so he grilled the meat on iron skewers over charcoal (more expensive than wood, less smoky, and more powerful).
I seasoned the meat with soy sauce.
The smell of burning soy sauce is wonderful.
While Patrick sipped whiskey and chewed the grilled meat from the skewer, Sonaris drank grape water and ate the meat that the maids served.
The people around them are also eating moderately.
The demons to watch out for have been eradicated by Pichan.