Now that he's a viscount, Patrick has to run the estate.
I've decided to keep half of the former Rigsbys on the payroll.
Mostly those who worked in the annex.
Most of those who worked in the main building ran away.
Afraid of reprisals from Patrick.
Well, they'd been beating Patrick up with their old a**h*les, so they'd run.
The government hired almost all of them.
Except for one guy.
That man, who was in the position of assistant, had been collecting money illegally at the behest of the Rigsbys and fled as soon as the lord changed to Patrick, but was captured by the people and is now in jail.
As for the territorial army, we have lost a large number of men in the last rebellion, and although we are recruiting additional men, we still do not have enough.
Above all, we are short of generals, colonels and lieutenants.
We are trying to recruit retired members of the national army who can move.