When The Male Supporting Actor Bend The Male Lead

Chapter 31: 31

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Things were progressing much faster than Qi Yan imagined. For example, He Hui was not willing to give up Puyang Zheng. Instead, after a certain chance audience with the emperor, she made the emperor once again decreed for He Hui to marry Puyang Zheng.

In this regard, Qi Yan could not do anything about it.

“Then young lady He really hang on to you. She doesn’t want to marry anyone but you.”, he said lightly and Puyang Zheng gave him an anxious glance in return.

“This is not what I want, that woman is really troublesome!”

“Have you ever had a relationship with young lady He? Or did you have any promise with her when you were a child?”

“How can it be? I have been up the mountain with my ancestors to learn martial arts since I was a child. Then I came down to lead troops to battle when I was fifteen years old. I have never lived in the capital for a long time. How could there be any promise with her?”

Puyang Zheng took a sip of tea and thought for a while. He sighed deeply, picked up the teapot, and filled the empty cup.

“That’s strange.” Qi Yan looked at him faintly, the corners of his mouth were the seductive curves of days gone by, “It seems that you really have to marry her.”

“How could I!”

“Why not? She is not married, you are not married, both of you are good looking, isn’t it just perfect?”

“You–!” Puyang Zheng glared at him, but couldn’t say the next sentence. After stammering for a long time, he threw his sleeves away in annoyance.

[The male lead’s favorability towards Qi Yan +5, current favorability: 75]

Looking at his departing back, Qi Yan’s usual smile slowly fell down.

After a few days of peace, the marriage decree came down again. It seemed that the emperor couldn’t wait to reap the benefit1渔翁得利 from the idiom 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 lit. sandpiper and clam war together and the fisherman catches both (idiom); fig. neighbors who can’t agree lose out to a third party.. He Hui really had some skills. He didn’t know what kind of deal could make the emperor use the golden pen again to write down the imperial decree.

This time, Puyang Zheng couldn’t escape.

After that, he didn’t see Puyang Zheng for five consecutive days. Qi Yan was slightly startled and hurriedly asked the housekeeper about Puyang Zheng. He was told that the war in the northwest was paramount. The emperor who was concerned about the country’s territory ordered Puyang Zheng to go to the northwest immediately. After the enemies were suppressed, he would return to the capital and complete the wedding procession.

As a result, in the early hours of the morning three days ago, Puyang Zheng hurriedly marched to the northwest. At this moment, he was probably already on the battlefield.

Qi Yan was chagrined. Why didn’t this stupid general tell him, they could’ve used this war to turn around the marriage decree!

He got up and wanted to go to HeHuan shop to check the news of the war in the northwest. As soon as he raised his head, a green figure broke into his line of sight.

It turned out to be He Hui.

Now that she had retracted the deliberate flattery and innocence of the previous few days, her face was full of resentment with the pride of winning the battle. Her eyes stared at Qi Yan without blinking and said viciously: “Who the hell are you?”

Qi Yan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, “The owner of Hehuan shop, Qi Yan.”

“You are talking nonsense! In the previous life, Qi Yan liked me!” He Hui suddenly shouted frantically, “What kind of demon are you!?”

Previous life?

Qi Yan’s eyebrows jumped; things didn’t seem to be as simple as he thought.

“Young lady He is out of her mind, isn’t she? I have never seen you before, why should he care about you?”

“You don’t understand, how can you understand?” He Hui stared at Qi Yan as if to tear him apart, “You monster, you took Qi Yan’s body and seduced Brother Zheng to do something immoral! Humph! You’re just a vixen that everyone avoids!”

“Young lady He, be careful when you speak.” Qi Yan lowered his face coldly, his eyes icy eyes was like a sword that shot straight at He Hui, “Breaking into the general’s mansion without notice. If this kind of thing is spread out, young lady He’s reputation is going to be ruined, right?””

“I will be the mistress of this house sooner or later. I want to remind you, leave as soon as possible! You obscure vixen! If you are still here when Brother Zheng comes back, I will hire a Taoist priest to make you disappear!”

After speaking, He Hui smiled contemptuously, turned and left proudly.

Disappear? Heh, it’s simply delusional.


Qi Yan’s confused mind calmed down a little just now, recalling He Hui’s words, he suddenly thought of another possibility.

That was, the He Hui in this world was not transmigrated but reborn!

The previous life she mentioned is exactly in line with the original plot that Qi Yan knew: the female lead transmigrated, the radiance of her self-confidence attracted Puyang Zheng, and even made ‘Qi Yan’ fascinated by her.

And now, it seemed that she had already died once, but she returned to the beginning of the story with her memory. It also made sense why He Hui firmly held on to Puyang Zheng, there was no reason to give up after chasing him so far.

In that case, as long as Pu Yang Zheng lives in this world, He Hui will never give up!

[Attention to the host! Neither the male nor the female lead should die, otherwise the mission will fail!]

“Of course, I know.”

The female lead should not die, neither can the male lead. He Hui who has some memories of her previous life would always be attached to Puyang Zheng, no matter how Puyang Zheng treated her.

Qi Yan lowered his eyes for a long time, got up and left the general’s mansion.

Hehuan shop.

It was rare for Qi Yan to wear a simple practical outfit; the white robe trimmed with silver thread was simple and handsome. He took out two bottles of medicine powder from the small wooden box by the couch and put them in the square cloth spread out on the bed with a few changed clothes in it.

“You want to leave?”

A voice suddenly sounded behind him, and Qi Yan didn’t need to look back to know who it was.

“Mn, I’m going to the northwest.”

“There is a war going on there, what can you do?”

“Naturally, there is something to be done, otherwise who would go to that entrance of hell.”


Qi Yan turned his head in response and looked at the man who was still dressed in black, “Wu Sha, this Hehuan shop is yours now.”


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“I said.” Qi Yan paused, “Hehuan shop is yours.””

“Seriously?” Wu Sha stepped forward a few steps and stared at Qi Yan, “You rejected me when I wanted to cooperate with you to run this HeHuan shop. You treat this as a treasure. But now you are willing to give it to me for nothing?””

Qi Yan chuckled and said, “HeHuan shop is not an important thing to me. At the beginning, I was just annoying you and didn’t want to cooperate with you. How do you know that I wouldn’t cooperate with another person?”

His words made Wu Sha choke; he drank two cups of tea angrily to extinguishing the fire.

“Seriously, are you really going to follow that stupid General?”

“What do you mean ‘follow’ Puyang Zheng? You really can’t speak.” Qi Yan tied the square cloth, turned it upside down in his hand, and put it aside with satisfaction, “I will leave tomorrow and then the HeHuan shop will be handed over to you.””

“You can leave whenever you want. As a friend, I’ll just remind you, don’t approach the battlefield, the sword has no eyes, it’s not just talking.”

“I naturally know.”

“…are you taking this seriously?” Wu Sha paused, then waved his hand, “Alright, alright…”

In that sleepless night, there were thousands of miles of stars in the sky, however there’s darkness at a glance. When the sky turned white at the morning twilight, Qi Yan’s room had already lost its warmth.


Fifteen days later, the northwest front was in a state of emergency and the emperor dispatched 30,000 soldiers to support it.

A month later, the enemies launched a prolonged battle and broke through the two cities on the border of the empire. The emperor was furious.

Two months later, the two lieutenants beside General Puyang resisted the enemy and finally died in battle. The ashes were burned and were quickly brought back to the capital to reunite with their families. General Puyang was seriously injured, the emperor realized that the situation was urgent and mobilized troops again to support the Northwest.

Five months later, the new year was approaching. The empire defeated the enemies and the city was retaken. The people cheered and welcomed tens of thousands of soldiers back to the dynasty and the whole country celebrated.

The emperor rewarded all the soldiers, but only one was missing.

The enemies were cunning, and when the fish died and the net was broken2鱼死网破 lit. either the fish dies or the net splits / a life and death struggle (idiom), their poisonous arrows pierced through the sky and General Puyang was shot in the midst of the chaos of soldiers and horses.

When he returned to the camp, he was no longer able to recover.

Without waiting for the return to the empire, without waiting for the reward, he spent his lifetime fighting in the battlefield, and he was buried with his brother-in-arms.

Puyang Zheng was dead.


In the year of blooming flowers and lingering right and wrong, HeHuan shop still had a constant source of customers this year. It was unclear how many times more it earns compared with its peers.

“Aiya, where did the Lord go again?”

“I’m looking for the Lord too!”

“The Lord is getting more elusive each day, leaving a lot of mess, ai!”

The few stewards in HeHuan shop began to look for him everywhere again. Coupled with the noisy and chaotic background, the popularity of HeHuan shop was remarkable all the time.

The person they were looking for at this time was in a farmhouse, drinking clear tea and eating fruit comfortably.

After eating the fruit, he stretched out his hand to take another one, only to hear a snap and was beaten.

“Eat, eat, do you not care about HeHuan shop?”

“Hey, by heaven and hell, I have been in charge of HeHuan shop for you for so long. Now I can’t even eat your fruit?”

“No, go back to HeHuan shop!”

“If you are worried, you can go back by yourself. Anyway, those in charge will recognize you.”

“He can’t go back.” Suddenly, a low and magnetic voice came in with a shallow smile.

“Why can’t he go back?”

The man stepped forward and took the standing man into his arms. He lowered his eyes and chuckled, “He has to stay with me. That’s the deal.”

The person in his arms also looked at him, not blushing or shy, but raising his eyebrows a little frivolously, his mouth still had that seductive arc. His red lips opened lightly and he said: “There’s more to the deal, do you want to try it tonight?”



The man sitting in the chair suddenly stood up, looked at the two people hugging each other with disgust, and said bitterly: “Qi Yan, Puyang Zheng! In broad daylight, can you two be more careful?”

“Can’t.” Qi Yan swept over lightly, “If you don’t want to see it, go back to your Hehuan shop.”

Before Wu Sha could answer, Puyang Zheng immediately said casually: “Yan is right. Also, my name is Yang Zheng now, and Yan’s name is Liu Yan.”

Wu Sha stared at the two of them unbearably without saying a word and finally left angrily.

In the small house, the two people who hugged each other looked at each other and smiled, and the tenderness from the heart could not dissipate for a long time.


The parting of life and death was frightening, the wind blew over the willows and then came back to life.

[The male lead’s favorability towards Qi Yan +25, current favorability: 100]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task, it is being duplicated and transmitted to memory.]

[The duplication was successful. Does the host immediately leave the world?]



1渔翁得利 from the idiom 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 lit. sandpiper and clam war together and the fisherman catches both (idiom); fig. neighbors who can’t agree lose out to a third party.2鱼死网破 lit. either the fish dies or the net splits / a life and death struggle (idiom)

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