When the Witch is Imprinted

Chapter 2: 1

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…… !”

It was not a very good morning.

Luce, who woke up from the warm sunlight as if being chased from a nightmare, realized that someone was hugging her from behind, and moaned a little. A stark sense of naked skins touching each other that it was embarrassing to look back. She was nakedly facing a man she didn’t even know.



As the man, who was still sleeping, shook his body slightly, the genitals that had occupied her all night stabbed and stimulated her sensitive areas. Surprised that she fell asleep in an unfamiliar posture with a man who she couldn’t even remember properly, Luce removed his sculptures rock-like forearms, and prayed that he would not wake up.

Please, please, let nothing happen!


Fortunately, he seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and although Luce moved, he didn’t even move.

‘This is not the time.’

Luce recalled her plight and swallowed her dry saliva.

With her outstanding looks and eye-catching red hair and eyes, Luce’s true identity was none other than a witch. Hearing the name alone, it seemed that they were capable of wielding evil powers or of being good at curses, but in fact, contrary to popular information, they were a human-like race that ate when hungry, slept when sleepy, and died of old age over time.

The difference from humans is that, without being taught, they are well versed in medicinal herbs and that they can perform minor magic. In addition, there was one feature that Luce hated the most: when she reached the age of 20, she had to share sexual intercourse with men regardless of whether they were humans or another species.

A witch’s desires are similar to human sexual desires, but a little different. Unlike human beings, who do not endanger their lives even if they abstain sexual desires, their desires are similar to those of appetite and sleep.

This instinct gradually declines with age, and the cycle lengthens, so you can live without a relationship, but when you were young, you were active. Anyway, the witch Luce, who has just become an adult, whether she liked or disliked it, could not live without regular sex. That was the reason why she greeted the morning with a strange man in a place believed to be an inn.

There was only one minor problem.

People’s perception of witches was still on the negative side, just as there was a terrible past called ‘witch hunting’ in the distant past. Luce, who was afraid of being caught as a witch, was not confident of seducing a man, so she somehow endured by taking medicine made by mixing herbs for a while.

It seemed to be holding up well thanks to the effort put into it, but unfortunately, after half a year, it gradually started to lose its strength. After a about a year or so, whenever a man came to the store – since she hadn’t slept with any man- whenever a man came in, her bottom got wet.

It was all because of this that Luce walked to an inn and tavern like she was being dragged away last night. She thought that if she kept abstaining like this, she would attack anyone.

However, despite her courage, there was no one in particular who shared drinks with her. Since she didn’t have much time left to go back, she kept on drinking alcohol…….

‘I don’t remember anything after that.’

As for how she got here, she couldn’t remember as if someone erased only that part.

Why did you drink alcohol when you need to pull yourself together! I think I was lucky this time and passed it well, but there was a lot of risk of having to pay for it in many ways to solve it relying on alcohol.

‘What if I ever let people know my identity? Ha, I’m glad the fire was put out, though.’

Let’s reflect on that later. If I procrastinate and let him find my identity, I’ll be in trouble, so I have to get ready to go back…….


Luce, who managed to remove the man’s arms, put her hands on the sheet to separate the naked body. But he was in so deep that she couldn’t easily remove the engraved penis.


As the burdensomely erect penis stimulated her by rubbing her walls at a slow pace, Luce unknowingly shook and let out a moan. She bit her lip right away, but the intense sensation she felt for the first time in her sober mind was so strong that it was impossible to ignore it, making her eyes dizzy.

“Ah, Ruby.”

‘…… ! Fortunately, I guess I gave you a pseudonym. I’m relieved for now.’

Luce checked the man’s condition as soon as she was free. Perhaps the movement of the moment had stimulated him as well, the dark-haired man let out an audible low-pitched tone and frowned slightly.

‘…… My instincts are terrifying. It seems that I have good taste even while I am drunk.’

Luce’s first opponent was a man who looked very handsome just by looking at his sleeping face. She has seen a lot of different people in the city, setting up her shop, but, I assure you, he was the first person to have such an admirable appearance.

‘Look at my mind. Is now the time to admire?’

Luce shook her head violently, got out of bed, picked up the clothes that had been taken off like thorns, and covered herself.

Why are there so many reddish marks everywhere, and why is it that if I use even a little of my muscles, I will hear a sound of pain regardless of my will?

‘Is sex like this?’

Do I have to do this until the day I die? It was already dark in front of her eyes.

No matter how much she squeezed her head, nothing came to mind, and she had no way of knowing what had happened to her last night, so she was afraid of everything. The red marks distributed throughout the chest was not itchy, but her throbbing body made her suspect that she had been beaten up last night.

‘Still, a lot has been resolved.’

Luce realized that the energy that had tormented her so much in the past had disappeared, and she exhaled a little with peace of mind. It seemed that she could survive without the drugs she was taking to suppress it for a while.

‘Now we just have to leave.’

Luce, who was covered in the robe’s hood, staggered like a newborn beast, stood next to the man, then chanted a small spell and smiled in relief. Due to the limitations of her abilities, she could only unleash a small amount of magic, so she couldn’t erase what happened last night, but at least he won’t be able to remember Luce’s face at all costs.

‘That way, you won’t know who I am for the rest of my life.’

That was why Luce didn’t get too confused even though she had spent the night drunk. No matter what she had with the other person, Luce had to never be caught out that she was a witch.

“I will never see you again.”

With those words, Luce chanted a return spell and disappeared. It was a perfect getaway.


Carlyle’s sleep faded a little more after Luce had left.

He habitually squinted his eyes during the hazy sleep, and then suddenly remembered the ‘companion’ he had finally found last night, and he smiled softly with a pleasant smile. She actively acted with the momentum to eat himself up and they coveted each other as if there was no tomorrow for her.


Carlyle, who involuntarily reached out to feel her warmth, opened his eyes when he suddenly realized that nothing was in his hand, and at the same time that only her face had disappeared from his memory to the extent that it was unnatural.


What greeted him after waking up late was the cold bed and her absence without a trace. Carlyle’s low-saturated red eyes quickly scanned the room. Lost clothes and a few coins on the table. Finally, an anxious imprint that never knows when it will break was felt.

“Hey, what…….”

Carlyle mumbled in disbelief. His voice sounded like a lost soul. With a face as if the world had collapsed, he tried his best to feel the traces of Luce that had somehow disappeared.


With a frustrated laugh, he quickly shut his mouth and gripped his sheet with a sense of betrayal and sadness.

All of that was a lie? Did you deceive me? Carlyle recalled what happened yesterday with eyes full of desire to deny everything.

* * * (MTL by Pink Grapes)

Carlyle Winnington. As the lord of the Winnington estate in the west, he had only one problem and one secret. That is, the distant ancestors of the Winningtons were a mixed race of the wolf king and humans, and Carlyle also inherited the wolf king’s habits.

The secrets of the Winnington family were very top secret, as all the servants who served them were made up of children of a family who had pledged loyalty since their distant ancestors with their lives.

The only problem that made Carlyle, who was young and beautiful and had the honor of being a marquise, unhappy, was that even though he had reached the age of majority to find a mate, there was no sign of a companion. And it was a very serious matter for the Winningtons.

Carlyle has been searching for a wife for the past 6 years of his life. In the meantime, he was engulfed in misery hundreds of times, with a longing that surpassed it, and on the days of his heat, he had to be seized with extreme fever and savage urges. When he couldn’t bear all of this, he would transform into a wolf and stand alone on a cliff alone and cry bitterly. As this continued, his personality, which was already not good, became dirty day by day.

“I, my lord. Apparently, she’s not in the Hauteur territory.”


Tired of waiting for a companion according to the norm, Carlyle went to search for a mate by himself, starting from his own estate and wandering around the whole empire, but waiting for him was always heartbreaking vain.

You are reading story When the Witch is Imprinted at novel35.com

‘I’m really going crazy. Why isn’t the lady who was to be the hostess showing up?’

Carlyle’s closest confidant, Khan, went crazy every time it happened again. As he had been taught by his father, it was said that the wolf beast mate would naturally meet and mate after reaching adulthood as if each other’s fate had been promised in advance. Suin, a wolf facing her companion, falls in love with a supernatural attraction that humans cannot understand.

Of course, this was the perspective of the wolf beast.

Unfortunately, the position of humans or other beings who would be their mates was different. Understanding is gone. From their point of view, it’s like a stranger who doesn’t know a face suddenly comes up to you and rushes at you as a mate of fate. In particular, if the companion is a human being, there are cases in which the concept of the beastly race as the object of exclusion cannot be accepted, resulting in a tragic outcome. —Even in this case, an oath was made essential to keep the secret, but it would be difficult if the mate dies, so he used non-disclosure magic that does not affect his life.—

This is the reason why it has become difficult to find wolf beasts unlike in the past. If you are not a designated partner, you cannot form a mate, and even that is often abandoned.

“…… return to the territory. I’ll have to do the inspection I’ve been putting off for a while.”

“…… All right.”

Khan, who sensed that his master was not feeling well, quietly bowed his head so as not to provoke him as much as possible and followed his instructions.

Carlyle, who returned to the castle this time without much gains, took care of the overdue work and vacated the castle for a long time to inspect the estate.

Then, when he stopped by a nearby inn after finishing his last schedule, he met her like a miracle. The lifelong mate I’ve been looking for so much!


I met her in the corner aisle of the inn, wearing a chestnut hoodie, and all he saw was long red hair, but Carlyle was strongly convinced that she must be his wife. As his deceased father had said, the moment he saw her opponent, his heart raced wildly out of control, and there was an indescribable ecstasy, a sense of security, and even a slight vertigo.

“…… Ugh.”

“Hey, be careful.”

From the moment she walked, she staggered nervously, but she was still drunk. Carlyle, who was walking in the direction she was walking in, he held her in his arms and carefully supported her when Luce was about to fall as she stumbled.



Her face was revealed through her hood, which was tucked behind her back. Not just because she was his companion, but Carlyle really lost his mind to Luce in an instant. He didn’t know if she intended to kill him on the spot, but the woman who will be his mate boasted a terrifyingly extraordinary beauty. As soon as he met her red hair and clear eyes like a flower in full bloom, the silent genitalia exuded a presence with the momentum to break through his pants.

‘Damn it.’

The muscles in his lower abdomen tensed and pounded. The urge to carry her around her shoulders as it is and to engrave her imprint, which would prove to be hers right away, was hers.

“Huh? I found it.”

“Ugh, wait……!”

He wondered if she noticed his insidious intentions, or maybe she suddenly came to him while smiling with satisfaction.


“Hey, hey……!”

That wasn’t enough, she suddenly stretched out her white hand and kneaded his hardened penis and then she rubbed her body over his genitals.


Was it the aftermath of meeting the long-awaited mate? Carlyle, who was fully warmed up just by Luce’s clumsy movements, was pickled in a hasty pleasure and clenched his fists to the point where blood was formed to catch the rest of his reason.

“Get, get a hold of yourself.”

“I’m in a hurry……ahh.”

Her face, with wet eyelashes and light excitement, was similar to his appearance when he was in heat.

‘I’m going crazy.’

I have a lot to say to her.

However, seeing the vibrating smell of alcohol and her unhinged revealing of her desires, it seemed that she is very much moved now.

‘Wait, you must have looked at me and said you found me.’

I wondered that maybe she was looking to find a man for one night.

‘What if she just loses interest in me and goes to other guys?’

As one assumption crossed his mind, an instinctive displeasure surged in Carlyle, revealing a strong possessiveness towards Luce. To Carlyle, Luce was already the hostess of the Winnington family, who even married him with everyone’s blessings.

“Stay here. I will be back soon.”

The thought of other men spending nights with her made his blood well upside down. Above all else, wanting to look good to Luce, Carlyle feared that she would lose interest in him, so he asked for understanding and hurried to the inn counter to get a room.

After that, the story was obvious.

“Name, what is your name?”

“Lu, no, Ruby…….”

It was shabby inn compared to his castle, but he brought her to the best room nonetheless. Then, he held onto Luce, whether she was conscious or not, and said that he would take her to the castle as soon as the day came and would make her happy for the rest of her life.

Each time, Luce said, “Uh-huh,” “Okay.” Repeating her words, she innocently nodded her head.

“Is it really okay?”

“Yes, so hurry up…….”

“Ugh, wait, just like that……!”

Carlyle, not sure if Luce’s understanding was correct, asked the question a couple of times if it was really okay to have wolf blood on her, but she only answered the same thing. Luce, who took off his shirt and began biting the dark nipples, begged him fill the empty void.


“Ha, ang!”

“Ha…… Ruby.”

He was convinced that Luce seemed to have accepted him. To be honest, he couldn’t help but stare at her clumsy tongue that was teasing him. So he mixed with her body in joy.

He scoured her warm and wet inside, so wet that she didn’t need his caress, and swept through it without rest.

She, who was actively searching for a man, was unexpectedly a virgin. Carlyle was very satisfied with the fact that her first opponent was him.

Carlyle was exhausted and hugged Luce, who was asleep, and fell asleep in a cozy and peaceful mood for the first time. Thinking of happy thoughts to return to my home with my wife and build a harmonious family.

That was what he thought.


Everything was his own delusion.

To say that she didn’t remember what happened yesterday was doubtful since she put coins on the table and disappeared as if running away.

In addition, there were traces of imprints on Carlyle’s body.

‘…… Just to take my body?’

To Su-in, imprinting means more than a human being’s night sky. And imprinting does not consist of mere sexual intercourse, but only when they are truly in love with each other, so that they are completely bound together.

There were no problems with the love affair we had yesterday. Still, the fact that the imprinting was clumsy as if it would break at any moment meant that her heart did not belong to him. Unlike Carlyle, where every second was sincere.

“…… Ruby.”

Carlyle mumbled in a cold voice the fake name of Luce, who had disappeared.

No matter how hard he tried to think of it, he couldn’t remember last night when she was begging me for an embrace. And if the imprinting was unstable like now, he cannot feel the energy of his partner no matter how hard he tries. There was no way for her to find her.

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