When The World Went Dark

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Wha- what the hell is going on?”

System: Host Saved; Welcome New Host: Toska! 

“Toska… My name is, Cart-” AHHHHHHHHHH, Toska let out a blood-curdling scream due to the fact that he’d just been stepped on where a bullet had previously pierced him.


System: Host Reaching Critical Levels Of Pain; Emergency Settings Override Shutting Off Pain Receptors

System: Initiating Deep Sleep Protocol


“Well he’s certainly alive.” The Chief said, “However due to your prodding he’s fallen unconscious again. Now we have to drag him along with us instead of having him walk.”


“Bu- But Chief, you're the one who stepped on his wou-” The bandit was cut off by the heavy hand of the Chief on his shoulder, while the Chief looked up at the sky. “ Listen Borris, to be a man means to own up to what you’ve done and find a solution to the problem.” He then gave Borris a thumbs-up and slowly walked away while looking at the clouds. Coincidentally there was a protruding tree-root right in front of him that caused him to face-plant straight into the ground.


The Chief slowly got up, dusted off his pants, spit some dirt out of his mouth and pretended like nothing happened.


Borris: …

The Old-Man: …

The Raiders: …

System: …


“Old-man!” Borris barked, “Make yourself useful and drag this kid onto the other supplies!” The old man whose hands were poorly bound together scurried over, “Yessir, right away sir!”  He paused for a moment staring at the pale, sweating and shivering body of Toska. His eyes glazed over, remembering the slow and peaceful days in their small village. 


Borris: …


“Is a tiger stuck to your ass?!?!” Borris questioned as he delivered a swift and vicious kick to the old man's rear end. Sending him flying and landing face first in the ground.


“FUCK! How can you treat an old man like this?!?! You have no respect for the elderly.” The old man said.


“I saw you seemed hungry, I just helped you snack on some dirt. You should be thanking me. And what respect?? Don't forget that you're now a slave. Act accordingly or your lease on life will be short.” Borris snapped back.


“Ok enough!” The chief exclaimed while a vein bulged on his neck. How the hell did I end up with such useless rookies, the chief complained. Hurry up and drag the boy onto the supplies so we can move out.


After securing the supplies the raiders got into formation, Chief leading from the front, and two raiders on each side as well as the back, with the supplies being carried by the few slaves they’d managed to capture during this raiding party. 


The old man lugged his sack full of supplies towards a slave who was about 2 and a half metres tall, blonde hair, green eyes, and slightly tanned skin. My name is Sebas.” He whispered. “What’s your name, young man?”  The tall man looked at Sebas for a few seconds before turning back to the work of dragging forward the farming tools, food, and other trinkets on his sled.


After waiting a few moments awkwardly for a response, the old man saddled over towards a young lady, not many years older than Toska, “Little girl,” he called out. She slightly shifted her head in his direction, which encouraged him, as he followed up rapidly, “My name is Seb-” he said, before he was interrupted by the girl stating, “I overheard you earlier, I know your name. My name is Laura, and word of advice, if you can talk, save that energy for carrying supplies. If you can’t be a workhorse you become food.”


These words badly frightened the old man. Due to the humorous atmosphere around these raiders he’d momentarily forgotten that they are the Cannibals of Misery, one of the most feared groups in the Wildlands.


Sebas was silent as he focused on the task at hand for a while before his curiosity overtook him again. He saddled over to Laura once again, “Laura, do you know where they're taking us? Why haven't they killed us?  And what are they so on guard against?” 


Laura looked at this old man with slight annoyance. “Is talking the only thing that he’s good at?” She thought. “They are taking us back to their raid camp, the reason they haven't killed us? Because we are worth more alive, and of course they are on guard! The Wildlands is the most dangerous area on the entire continent of  Anricha, not only are there other hostile tribes and raiding parties, but the wild animals alone are enough to cause worry!”


“Oh!” Sebas simply replied before falling into deep thought, he looked up to ask another question, but at that time Laura walked to avoid him. He then tried to talk to other captives but they all avoided him too.


Sebas: …



System: System will now explain to host the circumstances. Due to the critical situation of the old host, a soul transplant was necessary to stabilise the host’s body condition. Healing is slow. Attempting to aid regenerative processes … Attempts failed, more energy necessary.


Quest: Eat Food 

Reward: Knowledge of The World

You are reading story When The World Went Dark at novel35.com

Accept? Y/N


“Soul-Transplant? System? Quest? What the hell is going on here? I’ve watched those isekai animes, where’s my OP power, where are all the pretty girls? Why does my chest hurt? System! Give me some answers, dammit!”


System: Accept? Y/N


“So you won’t help me out until I take up this quest huh? Ok then fine I accept the quest. What now?”


System: Partially Turning On Pain Receptors

System: Waking Host From Slumber

System: If the host wishes to access the system or view missions simply think about it. Good Luck Host! Fighting!


Toska: …


My name is Carter, the last I remember I was playing Moder*n Warfa*e 2, then the next thing I know, I am laying face first in the dirt and my face hurts. After that some random guy is talking in my head, calling me Toska?! By the way what the hell type of name is that? Hey G**gle what does Toska mean. Oh wait I've gone through a soul transplant, that won’t work…


FUCK MAN!! In all the anime and light novels they make transmigration sound so cool! This is scary shit! I’m in a place I don’t know shit about, surrounded by people who I’ve never met, and no OP skill to help me out of sticky situations. Why is my luck so bad T-T


Now in order to get answers I have to eat food. That shouldn’t be too hard, I feel someone pulling me along, they must be a good person, or why would they help an injured man? I actually don’t feel too bad other than a little throbbing in my arm, but with my Grade- A acting skills I’m sure I can get at least a little food.




“I’m so hungry, so thirsty!” I exclaimed. Perfect I thought to myself after this I’ll go to Hollywood and become an actor. The tall tanned slave looked back at his sled in joy and surprise. “Oh, you're awake! Hurry and get the hell off of my sled, you’re too heavy!”  he said as he kicked the young boy off the sled. 


All thoughts of acting gone from my mind I jump up, and dash towards the man. As I get closer I realise that he's quite a bit taller than me. Is he a giant or am I just too short? Whatever. I'll just attack his family jewels first. How could I, a 24 year old man with a bachelors in engineering possibly allow myself to be disrespected? So what if he’s handsome?!?! Is being average a crime? Why should I get kicked for being ugl- I mean average.


Wait, something is not right. Why aren’t my feet on the ground? Why is there a fist flying towards my face?!?!


“A little mouse like you dares to attack my family jewels? Ok, I'll show you the difference between adults and kids today!” said the tanned man as he hit Toska with a flurry of punches and kicks.




“Hm?” said the Chief as he looked back at the commotion 


Toska, noticing the Chief’s gaze ran over and slid towards his legs, hugging him around the ankles while he cried, “Help sir, he’s trying to kill me.” The Chief took a long look at Toska before pulling his leg back and delivering a square kick to his jaw, sending him flying back to where he started. 


“If you have time to play then pick up some supplies and start walking!” He yelled threateningly. “Everyone back to work MOVE OUT!” He commanded.


FUCK there’s no such thing as compassion in this world! I’ve lost all faith in humanity!


At that time an old man saddled up beside him. “Hey kid, it’s me Grandpa Sebas! I’m glad to see that you’re doing better. I thought for sure you’d die!”


“Grandpa!!” I cried my crocodile tears, “I’m scared, and hurt, and very, very hungry!” I cried silently while looking out of the corner of my eye to see his reaction.


He struggled for a bit before finally placing his hand on my shoulder and saying, “We’ll make it through this together little Toska, here keep your energy up, you’ll need it for the journey ahead.” as he handed me a small piece of bread.


I tore into the bread as if I’d never eaten food before, barely chewing. I swallowed the food, a mad light in my eye, this last encounter has taught me alot. It seems I’m in a bad predicament. The only tool accessible to me right now is the system! I’m going to survive and turn this world into my personal playground… or at least not die, yeah not die, small goals first.


System: Mission Complete! Accept Rewards Y/N  

Author's Note: 


Thank You so much to everyone who's reviewed, read, commented, and viewed. In all honesty this light novel is actually a video game that i plan to develop in the future. As you read you will see that there are many plotholes and non sensical stories. I'd very much appreciate everyone's help in this matter because it'll help me refine my storytelling as well as the lore for the game I plan to make. I intend to upload about 2 chapters a week for now, and if it goes well then 4 chapters. Anyways thanks in advance for the support! I hope you enjoyed chapter 2!

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