Where'd My Delicate Little Wife Go?

Chapter 24: CH 23

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Xie Yunnan has lived in the fringe area since he was a child, and has seen too many things, but he is not a bad person.

If someone asks for help, he will still help.

After parking the motorcycle and taking out the flashlight, Xie Yunnan walked over carefully, and saw a person lying on the side of the road.

When the light shone on the man’s face, he saw that the man’s face was full of scars, like those left after burns. It looked a little hideous, and the pair of eyes looked particularly bright under the light of the flashlight.

“What’s wrong?” Xie Yunnan asked, looking at the man carefully.

This person’s body is very strong at first glance. He should be a mercenary. Given the blood on his body, he should have been injured in the battle… But since he can speak, why didn’t he call for help?

“I was injured and poisoned…” The man lying down trembled, “I can’t move right now.”

Xie Yunnan asked, “I’ll call for help and help you find a doctor?”

“No…you just bring me back.” The man spoke with difficulty.

Xie Yunnan frowned: “Where is your home?”

“Luhai…plantation.” The man said.

“You are from the Luhai Plantation? There is a beautiful girl there, what’s her name?” Xie Yunnan asked. The plantation he went to buy sugar cane was the Luhai Plantation.

“Xia Qing?” The man on the ground answered.

Xie Yunnan was relieved when he heard the words.

Speaking of which, if this person is not from the Luhai Plantation, he will most likely only call a doctor or the police. He would never do something such as sending him home.

Who knows whether the person in front of him is good or evil?

As for saving people and bringing them home, this is even more impossible.

He brought Duan Changqing home before because Duan Changqing was clearly not dangerous.

Duan Changqing has thin arms and thin legs. Just by exerting a little force, he would be able to break his arms. Furthermore, at that time, Duan Changqing was wearing translucent wet clothes and had no weapons. Facing this kind of person, he didn’t need to be too cautious.

Later, it was discovered that Duan Changqing’s companion beast was a little chipmunk that Xiaobai could kill. Duan Changqing couldn’t even understand his words, further lowering his guard against Duan Changqing.

But this person is different.

Although this man was injured, he was still conscious and looked like a mercenary, so Xie Yunnan didn’t dare to get too close.

He couldn’t take him back, the man couldn’t move, and his motorcycle was loaded with a lot of sugar cane.

Xie Yunnan took out his mobile phone and called Xia Qing. After describing the person in front of him, asked Xia Qing to pick him up.

Ghost King: “…” He was still thinking about letting his son carry him back, but…that’s all?

But his son is alert, not bad!

The Ghost King continued to lie down, groaning from time to time.

Seeing this, Xie Yunnan said, “I’ll help you out.” The man was stuck in a bush at the moment, and his posture was uncomfortable.

“Thank you.” The Ghost King thanked him and let Xie Yunnan drag him out without moving.

Xie Yunnan’s movements are very light… His son is really attentive!

After dragging the person out of the bushes, Xie Yunnan wanted to back away, but when the Ghost King saw this, he simply fainted.

He did this just because he wanted an opportunity to get to know Xie Yunnan. Now that he has, he can just pretend to be weak.

Seeing him faint, Xie Yunnan relaxed a lot, and briefly checked the person’s condition.

This person’s clothes provide good protection. There are some places broken where blood can be seen, but the specifics are not easy to check.

He has simple medical skills, but does not have materials or tools on hand. Not to mention the man mentioned his wounds are poisonous, and he’s afraid to touch him at will.

Fortunately, judging from this person’s breath, his state is not too bad.

After waiting for a long time, he saw Xia Qing drive up with a car.

“This is your colleague?” Xie Yunnan asked.

Xia Qing said with difficulty: “Yes…no…he is my boss.”

The boss was still alive and kicking at dinner today. With his strength, no one in the entire Hongye City area could beat him, so how could he suddenly be injured and dying on the side of the road?

This is clearly because her boss has a heart for the little handsome guy, and is looking for opportunities to get to know him!

After receiving the call from Xie Yunnan and hearing his description, she could probably guess what was going on. Now that she saw this person lying down, she was even more speechless.

She didn’t expect him to be such a person!

Even pretending to be dizzy!

“He’s your boss?” Xie Yunnan was a little surprised. “How could he be injured?” Could there be a strange beast in the fringes?

Xia Qing said: “Our boss likes to go to Hongye Forest… He should have encountered a powerful exotic beast. Thank you for letting me know!”

Xie Yunnan said: “No thanks… I didn’t do anything, he was poisoned and couldn’t move. I just made a phone call for him.”

“Thank you. If it wasn’t for your help, we wouldn’t know how long he would have to lie here. Maybe he would be in danger,” Xia Qing thanked Xie Yunnan repeatedly. “You are really a kind person.”

“Are you going to bring him back for treatment?” Xie Yunnan couldn’t help reminding her. He didn’t understand why Xia Qing didn’t even look at her boss who was injured.

This boss is hurt, does Xia Qing have a grudge against him?

Xia Qing: “…I’ll take him away immediately. Do you want to come with me?”

At this point, Xia Qing said picked up the person on the ground – she is also a warrior, and her strength is not bad.

Xie Yunnan, who wanted to help, retracted his hand. “I’m not going, there are still people waiting for me at home.”

“Okay, then I’ll go first!” Xia Qing put her boss in the car and left quickly.

If the boss wants to act, she must cooperate!

Seeing this, Xie Yunnan got on the motorcycle and went home.

When he arrived, he saw that the shutter door of his auto repair shop was half open, and Duan Changqing was sitting at the door, waiting for him.

Xie Yunnan’s heart warmed: “I’m back.”

“Why so late?” Duan Changqing greeted him. He actually asked the people who went with Xie Yunnan. He knew that Xie Yunnan was called to help with work, but he didn’t expect Xie Yunnan to stay so long and only returned now.

“I helped someone move something. Later, I saw someone was injured, and made a phone call.” Xie Yunnan said.

Xie Yunnan is fine… Duan Changqing went up to help Xie Yunnan move the things on the car, but was stopped by Xie Yunnan: “I’ll do it, these things are quite heavy.”

Duan Changqing: “…”

On the other side, after Xie Yunnan left, the fainted Ghost King immediately sat up straight and looked at his subordinate coldly.

Xia Qing was frightened at the sight. “B… boss?”

The Ghost King sneered: “Who asked you to hug me?” He lost all face being hugged like a little princess by Xia Qing in front of his son!


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“You don’t know how to pretend not to be able to hold, and let him help?” the Ghost King said again.

Xia Qing: “…”

The Ghost King sneered: “You usually look very smart, but really aren’t useful at critical times!”

Xia Qing: “…”

The Ghost King gets hurt often, and this kind of small injury is nothing. After taking some medicine when he returns, it’ll be fine.

His subordinate stared at him in shock.

Their boss, he’s planted, right? He must have fell, right?

He even pretended to be hurt by hurting himself!

That is… why did he want to see a married man?

When Xie Yunnan woke up the next day, he checked on Duan Changqing as usual.

Noticing that Duan Changqing was sweating less than before, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He had asked Dr. Hu what to do about the sweating, but Dr. Hu couldn’t give any feasible solutions. In the end, he could only take care of him.

Duan Changqing’s body was empty at first glance, and it was impossible for him to be alive in a short period of time.

Now Duan Changqing’s body is visibly improving, which is good.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t have much money, so he can’t give Duan Changqing good things to eat…

Xie Yunnan took advantage of the fact that his hands were still clean from not starting work yet.

Sugarcane is very sweet and does not occupy the stomach, so Duan Changqing can eat it slowly.

“Why don’t you eat?” Duan Changqing asked.

“I don’t like it.” Xie Yunnan said. He was full in the morning, and it took a long time to eat sugar cane, so he simply stopped.

After getting along with Xie Yunnan these days, Duan Changqing knew that Xie Yunnan did not reject sweet food.

After thinking for a while, he took a fruit knife and split the sugar cane that had been cut into sections, into thin strips.

“You are so meticulous.” Xie Yunnan couldn’t help saying as he watched his movements. He used to eat sugar cane without peeling them and simply gnawed on them!

“It’s more convenient to eat like this.” Duan Changqing smiled and chose a section of sugar cane which was guaranteed to be very sweet, and handed it to Xie Yunnan’s mouth. “You can try it too.”

Xie Yunnan was stunned. Opening his mouth, he finished eating, when Duan Changqing put his hand over his mouth again. “Spit the slag into my hand.”

Xie Yunnan blushed inexplicably, and then spat out the fibers. “Don’t be so troublesome.”

“No trouble, I have nothing to do anyway…and I like it.” Duan Changqing smiled.

Xie Yunnan’s face was really red now.

The neighbors who originally wanted to talk to Xie Yunnan were embarrassed to come in.

They used to think that Xie Yunnan got married too soon, but looking at them now… it’s pretty good.

In the end, a group of children ruined the ambiguous atmosphere in the store.

“Brother Xie, we caught a fish and give you one!” Mao Mao brought a group of children to Xie Yunnan, carrying a slap-sized fish in her hand.

“Thank you.” Xie Yunnan accepted it with a smile, then took a sugar cane and a handful of candy for them: “For you, you can share it.”

“Thank you brother!” The children happily began to share the sugar cane.

Xie Yunnan took the fish and said to Duan Changqing, “I’ll clean up the fish at noon and make fish soup for you.”

He will definitely take care of Duan Changqing’s body!

“Okay.” Duan Changqing agreed with a smile.

Seeing this, Xie Yunnan took out another piece of candy and gave it to Duan Changqing. “For you.”

The little candy lay in Duan Changqing’s palm… He didn’t expect Xie Yunnan to give him candy.

“This is chocolate,” Xie Yunnan said in a low voice, “I’ll only give it to you.”

He bought these candies to coax the children, and didn’t eat any himself. This chocolate was the only piece, which was a bonus given when he bought a big bag of candy.

Duan Changqing peeled the chocolate, broke it in half with his hands, put one half into his mouth, and the other half into Xie Yunnan’s mouth.

“Why are you giving it to me!” Xie Yunnan couldn’t help saying. Still let him eat candy!

“I’m eating, so of course you have to eat it too.” Duan Changqing smiled.

Xie Yunnan turned his head away from Duan Changqing, and saw a pickup truck parked at the door.

He owns a car repair shop, and one of the cars he repairs most often is this pickup.

As soon as he saw this car, Xie Yunnan thought that it should be an incoming business.

Walking out the door, he was about to say hello when he saw Xia Qing get out of the car. As soon as she saw him, she greeted him enthusiastically: “Xie Yunnan, thank you for saving our boss yesterday! Our boss asked me to give you a gift!”

“No, I didn’t actually do anything, I just made a phone call.” Xie Yunnan said.

“But if you didn’t call, maybe our boss will be eaten by wild beasts, or killed by someone who seeks money, or die of blood loss!” Xia Qing said. “Thanking you is necessary!”

After she finished speaking, she beckoned at the men sitting in the truck. “Quickly move the things down!”

She wasn’t alone this time. Apart from Xia Qing, there was another young man in the truck who got out and neatly moved things out, looking at Xie Yunnan curiously from time to time.

The things they sent were sugar cane, pumpkin, some tender corn, and the most conspicuous piece was a piece of meat from an exotic animal.

In addition, there are some miscellaneous cans.

In the past, this was nothing. But recently food prices have risen, so these things don’t come cheaply.

“No need for so much.”

“How can you say this? It’s from us to you, and doesn’t doesn’t cost you any money,” Xia Qing said. “You can eat it first. After a few days, my boss will be well, and will come over to thank you in person!”

“This…” Xie Yunnan felt that they were too serious, he really didn’t do anything…

“By the way, after cooking and eating this meat, tell me if it’s delicious. I raised it.” Xia Qing smiled and said, “I also raised other livestock, and will give you some when I kill them!”

Xia Qing left, and the man quickly climbed back into the truck.

The car started quickly, and as they left, the man in the car kept looking at Xie Yunnan curiously.

Duan Changqing squinted at the direction they left, and then looked back at those things.

Everything else is fine, but that piece of meat contains spiritual power.

Ordinary food is not cheap, and exotic animal meat is even more expensive… This quality, why are these people sending precious exotic animal meat to Xie Yunnan?

Father and son finally meet! And those Ghost King subordinates.

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