Where'd My Delicate Little Wife Go?

Chapter 55: CH 51

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The guys following Lu Xiaoran all go to bed late and wake up late.

Many of them usually get up at noon, and would’ve been enjoying “breakfast” now.

But today, because Meng Yan and them went to attack the Ghost King, they all got up early.

They came over in a hurry, waiting to fill their stomachs at the banquet, and were then arrested…

Young people in their twenties are the most likely to feel hungry. One by one, they became hungry and thirsty.

“Brother Lu, are you hungry?” Someone asked Lu Xiaoran.

Of course, he’s hungry. Not only was he hungry, Lu Xiaoran also… he wanted to find a place where his companion beast could have fun.

Since the time he went to Hongye Forest to release his companion beast and was laughed at, he hasn’t let it out again. It’s suffocating!

No, it wasn’t that he was suffocated, it was his companion beast that was suffocated.

Lu Xiaoran thought for a while, and went to Meng Yan directly: “Mr. Meng… what’s going on?”

Can Meng Yan say that he is being controlled?

Of course not! He can’t afford to lose his face! No one would believe it either.

Struggling to no avail, Meng Yan made a decision in order to make his life better.

Meng Yan said: “I admired the Ghost King’s style, and decided to abandon the darkness to follow the light.”

Lu Xiaoran’s expressionless face almost cracked into pieces.

Meng Yan said again: “Cough cough… In fact, I have always been a fan of the High Priest, but unfortunately some people have ulterior motives and killed the High Priest… I will never join forces with them!”

He’s now on the pirate ship and can’t get off.

But he has relatives and friends in the Holy City.

Once his relationship with the Ghost King is known to the people of the Holy City, his relatives and friends are likely to suffer.

He can’t risk his relatives and friends, and he doesn’t want to lose his own life.

For the safety of his relatives and friends in the Holy City… Meng Yan decided to involve the High Priest.

Although the last few High Priests have been relatively weak the role of High Priest has existed for so long and has been passed down for so many generations.

And… probably because these High Priests are not very powerful recently, they are very low-key, restraining those around them to be low-key as well.

So… other priests are often arrogant and domineering, offending people, but the High Priest has never done such a thing.

Even the Ghost King has a good impression of the High Priest.

This time the High Priest’s accident happened too suddenly. Many people on the High Priest’s side did not know how to respond, and the High Priest went missing…

The people under the High Priest and some people close to him are all holding back their fire.

Those who target the High Priest are not in the same group, and these two groups are at odds.

By labeling himself part of the High Priest’s party, no one will dare move his relatives in the Holy City.

Anyone who touches his relatives and friends is the one who harmed the High Priest!

The more Meng Yan thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was a good one. He immediately covered his face and wept bitterly: “High priest, why did your respected self disappear like this! I have always wanted your advice…”

He wasn’t telling the truth, but his tears were sincere.

How can he not be sincere?

Being controlled, how miserable is this!

Lu Xiaoran: “…” Meng Yan has such deep feelings for the High Priest?

Jiao Qinyun and others were also speechless – when Meng Yan was in the Holy City before, he clearly didn’t take the High Priest seriously!

Even this morning, Meng Yan was still focused on robbing the treasure left by the High Priest!

He is definitely not sincere to the High Priest!

This Meng Yan is really good at acting!

Shi Haiyuan couldn’t help sneering in his heart. After the sneer, he covered his old face and cried, “I was injured before, and it all depended on the High Priest to help me… I must avenge the High Priest!”

Jiao Qinyun was not to be outdone: “The High Priest is a role model for us priests, I have always looked up to him. Those priests who bully others ought to be ashamed! From today, I will advance and retreat with the Ghost King!”

Jiao Qinyun did not cry, but his eyes were red. His whole body was trembling, and he looked very agitated, making it hard to doubt the authenticity of what he said.

This… they didn’t expect Meng Yan and Jiao Qinyun to be such people!

The dandies behind Lu Xiaoran, as well as many members of Hongye City families believed it and were stunned.

Weren’t these two from the faction opposing the High Priest?

It was the Ghost King and the others who knew the truth. Their mouths couldn’t help twitching.

These people were clearly under their control, but they had the nerve to put on a righteous and dignified appearance.

But they didn’t expose it. They didn’t feel bad about the High Priest, and these people putting on a play can split Holy City’s power. Isn’t this good?

Duan Changqing: “…” Through the contract he signed, he could feel that these people had no respect for that High Priest. Each one of them… they are quite able to bullsh*t!

And what does worshipping the High Priest have to do with taking refuge with the Ghost King? The Ghost King is not from the High Priest’s side.

No matter what the status of the High Priest is now, he is the leader and symbol of priesthood. If the Ghost King wants to change the world, the High Priest must be overthrown.

Of course, now that the High Priest is dead, it doesn’t matter if he is dead or not overthrown.

Meng Yan and others were all expressing their loyalty to the High Priest. Seeing this, Lu Xiaoran resolutely said: “The High Priest is my childhood idol, and also my goal!”

Meng Yan and others: “…” You actually learned from us!

Little brother, the High Priest is actually about the same age as you, did you know that? He wasn’t even famous at all when he was a kid… How did he become your idol when you were a kid?

But no matter what they thought in their hearts, they all showed a moved look on their faces. “We’re all like-minded people!”

After the shock, the dudes were all “sober”.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads!

“What I admire most is the High Priest.”

“I saw the High Priest once, and he is the beacon of my life!”

“He guides my direction!”

“How can the respected High Priest be killed like this!”

The guys bought out the ability from fake crying to beg for money from their parents, and burst into tears.

Very good, all performed well! Lu Xiaoran walked towards the Ghost King with a cold face. “This lord, we’re all on the same side, can you give us something to eat?”

Who is on your side? We are not the same as the High Priest!

But the Ghost King still said: “Go and eat!”

The Ghost King gave Lu Xiaoran and those guys from the Holy City their freedom.

These dudes didn’t dare to snatch barbecue meat from the Ghost King’s people, so they just ate the delicious ordinary food and praised Lu Xiaoran while eating: “Brother Lu, you are so smart!”

“Brother Lu, you have a way!”

“These people don’t seem to be difficult to get along with. They shouldn’t care about us?”

Lu Xiaoran took a bite of the chicken leg with a blank face. “Don’t do bad things, no one cares about you!”

“We must not do bad things!”

“Oh, if it’s like this now. …will it affect our parents?”

“Will my family drive me out?”

Lu Xiaoran said again: “Even if the sky falls, there are people above us. What should we worry about?!”

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Even if the people in the Holy City are angry and want to make trouble, they will seek Meng Yan, Jiao Qinyun, and the others for an explanation.

Who cares about these implicated little scoundrels?

Their family might even feel that they are suffering outside, and feel sorry for them.

As for him… the Ghost King is his uncle, and his aunt will find a reason for him.

Usually no one dares to provoke his aunt.

Lu Xiaoran ate a chicken leg and wanted to go see Xie Yunnan and Duan Changqing.

When his uncle “died”, he was still young, so he might not remember what his uncle looked like.

But many of the videos of his childhood were shot by his uncle, and his uncle’s “hahahaha” was recorded in each one.

Every time his family watched his video, he “missed” his uncle once.

Every time he “misses” his uncle, he goes to see his uncle’s picture.

He’s very impressed with his uncle!

So when he first saw Xie Yunnan, he felt that Xie Yunnan was like his uncle.

This… should be his cousin!

His cousin must have suffered all these years, so he treats these ordinary foods as precious.

Poor cousin.

But looking back, Lu Xiaoran had no intention of going up to say hello.

Before his companion beast attacked his cousin’s companion beast, and chased the companion beast of his cousin’s partner… If he goes to say hello, what will he do if his cousin reveals such things?

“Those two look really outstanding!” One of the playboys saw Xie Yunnan and Duan Changqing after following Lu Xiaoran’s eyes, and couldn’t help voicing his thoughts.

Lu Xiaoran reminded him: “Don’t mess around!” It was his cousin! He was determined not to let anyone look at them with squinting eyes!

“Yes!” The dude said quickly, yet puzzled – Lu Xiaoran himself was watching!

But their brother Lu’s eyes are different from theirs, so it doesn’t matter?

When the dudes were eating, the people from the big families in Hongye City also showed their loyalty.

But the Ghost King did not let them go.

He doesn’t have good thoughts about these people.

These people are all the local snakes of Hongye City… The idiots from Holy City are fine if they are released, but these people are different.

Let them go, and there may be problems.

So…these people continued to go hungry.

While everyone was eating, a person on the Ghost King’s side suddenly fell to the ground in pain.

This is a man who came to help the Ghost King.

He is a mid-level warrior, very ordinary in all aspects, and has no sense of existence. Now he suddenly fell…

“He was poisoned?” Someone was anxious.

“No, he should have relapsed from an old injury.” Someone who knew this person immediately said.

Warriors are easily wounded, and after being wounded in battle, it is difficult for them to get treatment.

This intermediate warrior is a native of the Holy City, but because of his commoner background, he has a hard time seeking treatment.

Forced by life, he later sought refuge with a low-level priest, and was responsible for protecting the other party. As a result, the priest went out to play and clashed with others, and he was injured.

Afterwards, he hoped that the priest could help him heal, but the priest was unwilling.

Worse yet, some of his companions were more seriously injured and died after a short delay.

He was alone and widowed. Given this, he simply left the Holy City, and later connected with the Ghost King’s people.

But he was injured, his state is very bad, and now… his injury broke out.

Many warriors have seen this situation and know that if an injury is not treated in time, it will be fatal.

In fact, not only warriors will encounter this situation, but also ordinary people. After all, ordinary people can also be injured.

Knowing that someone had relapsed from an old injury, everyone looked at Meng Yan and Jiao Qinyun together.

Meng Yan and Jiao Qinyun didn’t really want to treat this man. He was just an intermediate warrior, and can’t afford their treatment costs.

Moreover, although helping people to heal will not damage the priest’s body, it will take some time for the divine power in the body to recover after it is used up… They don’t like this feeling.

Both looked at each other, wanting the other to heal him.

However, at this moment, Xie Yunnan squatted down and grabbed the warrior’s wrist.

He has been treating the Ghost King a lot these days, and has long been familiar with treatment. He didn’t think much about it at this moment, and directly input all his divine power into this person’s body.

The person who had a grim face because of pain, his expression quickly eased, and he even snorted comfortably.

Duan Changqing followed Xie Yunnan to check the situation of this man, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The person in front of him has a lot of wounds, and the way he looked just now… is a bit like going crazy1another term from the cultivation world, referring to when their cultivation goes astray and they go crazy/injured from inner demons.

And after Xie Yunnan helped him treat him, he recovered immediately.

This world is a little different from the world of cultivation.

As for why this person went crazy, apart from his injuries, it has something to do with his mixed bloodline.

In this world, there is not a single bloodline.

Xie Yunnan sent out all the power in his body, and stood up: “I just woke up, and I have very little power in my body, I’m afraid I can’t cure him…”

Before Xie Yunnan finished speaking, the man lying on the ground turned over. When he got up, he knelt on the ground with a bright face and kowtowed to Xie Yunnan: “Sir Priest! Thank you for saving my life!”

“There is such a practice in the Holy City, but we don’t need it here.” The Ghost King lifted the man from the ground, then glanced at Xie Yunnan, and suddenly said: “Xie Yunnan has the inheritance of the High Priest, and is recognized by the High Priest as heir…he is as kind as the High Priest and won’t leave you alone.”

Many people know that Xie Yunnan is his student, and everyone knows that Xie Yunnan is very important to him.

In the future, Xie Yunnan will inevitably encounter danger because of him.

That being the case… Let Xie Yunnan’s status be higher, so his son will be safer.

The Ghost King didn’t think of this before, and only thought that maybe Xie Yunnan could be the lord of Hongye City – only with power can Xie Yunnan protect himself.

Meng Yan and the others, aren’t they all showing their loyalty to the High Priest?

He’ll make his son the heir of the High Priest!

As for true and false… the High Priest is dead. Can he still climb out of the ground and say this is false?

Of course he dared to do that, mainly because… he found his son’s talent to be truly remarkable.

Although they are against the Holy City, they cannot live without priests… In the future, let his son be the High Priest on their side.

Although he cannot stand above the masses like the High Priest in Holy City, his position is definitely safe.

And if this is the case, then it is only logical for him to let Xie Yunnan be the lord of Hongye City.

High Priest… so useful!

The Ghost King thought so, but Meng Yan and the others were jealous.

The High Priest died in Holy City, how could he have an heir?

Did the person in front of him get the treasure left by the High Priest?

They want it too! Whoever gets the treasure will be the heir of the High Priest.

Lol, so much ass-kissing this chapter.

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