Whispering To You

Chapter 43: 43

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chapter 43

The 38th Whisper
 Chen Yan can not eat outside things, but he bought Cheng Yin coke and popcorn.
After entering the screening room, the movie has not started yet. Cheng Yin sneezed.
The air conditioning in the cinema is too low, and Cheng Yin is wearing a skirt. Her legs and shoulders are exposed, and her position is facing the air-conditioning vent.
    “Is it too cold?” Chen Yan asked.
Cheng Yin wiped her nose. “Not cold.”
    Chen Yan reached out to touch Cheng Yin’s arm, indeed freezing.
    His palm slid downward, pulling Cheng Yin’s wrist.
    “Let’s go out.”
“Hey, hey! The movie hasn’t started yet!” He dragged Cheng Yin up and she had to keep up with him, but didn’t forget to struggle a bit. “It’s really not cold!”
Outside the screening room, Chen Yan pulled Cheng Yin while walking to look at the wall advertising.
“Just change the screening room. Why are you anxious?”
Oh, it’s like that ……
    Cheng Yin relaxed while her wrist was still being pulled by Chen Yan.
    She suddenly had a bold idea.
    The slender wrist slowly turned, slowly breaking free from his palm.
    Chen Yan sensed her slight movement and naturally let go of her hand.
The next second, the girl’s palm is against his, and holds it carefully.
Chen Yan turned his head and Cheng Yin immediately turned her face away and pretended to look at the advertisements on the wall.
 “Wow, there are so many movies lately!”
    Chen Yan said nothing and led her towards the front desk.
    Cheng Yin wasn’t cold at all anymore.
    She even got warm all over.
    Chen Yan didn’t let go of her hand!
    Keep holding her!
    The heart’s leap will soon turn into a physical reaction. A few steps away, Cheng Yin’s palms are sweating.
But it is time to buy a ticket, and Chen Yan’s other hand is still holding popcorn.
    Cheng Yin silently closed her eyes and prayed in her heart: put down the popcorn! Do not let go of her hand! She is more important than popcorn!
Heart beating like a drum.
    A few seconds passed, Cheng Yin opened half an eye and saw Chen Yan was holding popcorn in front of her eyes.
“Take your food.”
    Cheng Yin happily took the popcorn.
As long as he doesn’t let go of her hand, it’s okay to say.
    Chen Yan re-bought tickets are VIP, inside the air conditioning temperature is low, but provide blankets.
Two seats, two blankets, Chen Yan gives all to Cheng Yin.
Cheng Yin, wrapped in blankets, put the backrest down a little, like sitting on the beach deck chairs.
This VIP is good everywhere. What’s better is that the seats are two by two in a row, which seems to be the legendary couple’s seat.
    She moved a little to the side of Chen Yan, maintaining a distance that just can smell his breath.

    The venues have changed, and naturally the movie has changed.
There are few movies released recently, and Chen Yan chose a “I want to bite your ear” that probably only Cheng Yin likes.
    The movie is halfway through, and the female lead is standing on the playground in her school uniform looking at the fireworks in the night sky.
    The male lead stood next to her and held her hand.
    A few seconds later, the actor said, “Sorry, I’m holding the wrong hand.”
Cheng Yin is reaching for popcorn, saw this, her fingertips paused, and asked: “You just can’t be holding the wrong one, right?”
    Until now, the vivid and strong feeling of palm touching each other is still in every cell of her hand, but Cheng Yin always has a surreal feeling that she just had a dream.
    Chen Yan did not hear, turned around and asked, “What?”
    Cheng Yin immediately grabbed the popcorn to eat. “Nothing.”
    The movie is nearing its end, and the opening images appear in the memories of the male and female protagonists.
    The school sports, the male lead all the way ahead, the camera turned, the female lead sitting in the corner of the stands, holding a drawing board and pen, drawing a sketch.
The female lead’s best friend asked her what she was drawing, and the female lead said, “Come over.”
The best friend put her ear closer.
The female lead said, “Secret.”
The black screen flashed, the movie ended, the audience were quietly sitting in their seats waiting for the game.
    And Cheng Yin’s mind still recalls just that image.
    The popcorn in the bucket had reached the bottom, she was unaware of it, her hand in the bucket, and quietly turned her head to look at Chen Yan.
    “Chen Yan, I told you a secret.”
    Chen Yan nodded. “Well, you say.”
    “I’ve said it’s a secret.” Cheng Yin said, “Come over.”
 Chen Yan leaned over, the side of his face almost close to the tip of Cheng Yin’s nose. The distance is equal to none.
    Cheng Yin’s breathing gradually unstable.
    She had a bold idea again.
    She moved a bit more forward ……
    Although the brain is still hesitant, but she has already done so.
    The two lips gently brushed Chen Yan’s cheek. Before he had time to relish it, Cheng Yin reflexively shrank back.
    Facing Chen Yan’s astonished gaze, Cheng Yin put on a full show and flung a pot onto him: “Hey! Why do you move! I’m whispering to you, why are you moving?”
    The end credits of the movie slowly played, and the lights of the cinema hall came on.
 Chen Yan looked at Cheng Yin’s red face and didn’t want to tear her down.
    “Oh, I’m sorry.”
    “It’s okay, I forgive you.”
    Cheng Yin stood up. “Then let’s go.”
    It was not yet five o’clock when they walked out of the cinema.
    “What do you want to eat for dinner?”
    Cheng Yin thought about it and said, “I have a dinner date with a classmate tonight.”
In fact, she just didn’t want Chen Yan to starve himself for eating with her.
    Chen Yan asked again, “Which classmate? Male or female?”
“Female, female ah, is my roommates. We are talking about going to eat a Korean barbecue in front of the school. I heard that business is good, so every day there is a long line.”
Cheng Yin was afraid that he would see that she was lying, and said as if it were true, “I will go to explore the road first, and take you there later if it is good.”

    Chen Yan nodded: “Okay.”
    “So I’m going back to school?”
    Back at the dormitory, there was no one inside.
    Cheng Yin hummed a song while changing clothes, and was having fun when a voice suddenly came from above her head.
    “What’s the matter? Why are you happy?”
 “You are in the dormitory, ah!” Cheng Yin looked up and saw Qin Xuexuan poking a head out of the mosquito net. “Where are they?”
“They went to watch the Battle of the Hundred Regiments in the field.”
    “Why didn’t you go?”
    “My stomach hurts.” Qin Xuexuan shrank back into the blanket and said breathlessly, “Maybe I ate too much ice cream this afternoon.”
    It was a hot day, and she was greedy for cold, so she bought a popsicle at the mini-mart and ate it before the other two roommates finished shopping, so she bought another one to eat on the way.
    “Is it serious? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
    “No, I’ll lie down for a while and I guess I’ll be fine.”
    But when Cheng Yin came out from the shower, Qin Xuexuan became more and more uncomfortable and moaned on the bed.
“You can’t be like this, okay? Is it gastroenteritis? How about I send you to the infirmary?”
    Qin Xuexuan estimated her intestines were also cold, and she was in pain so much that cold sweat came out, so she slowly climbed out of bed, not even having time to change her clothes.
    “Let’s go.” Cheng Yin helped her put her shoes on and drove her out of the dormitory.
    The distance from the dormitory to the school hospital was not close, and the weather was hot, so the two walked slowly.
    Qin Xuexuan was getting hard. “I’m homesick.”
As the family’s only daughter, Qin Xuexuan is also spoiled by her parents since childhood, now for the first time she go to school thousands of kilometers away, at first there are still some fresh feeling, but after the military training is over, she missed home frequently, especially now she’s sick, physical weakness comes with the psychological becomes more vulnerable.

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    “I miss my parents.” It’s okay not to say, as soon as you say it, Qin Xuexuan’s nose is sour, “I want to go home so much.”
“Bear with it.” Cheng Yin helped her walk slowly, “Soon you will go home on the National Day.”
    “But you still have to go back to school after a few days of going home.”
    “Ugh ……” Cheng Yin didn’t know how to comfort her because she had her brother here and her friends and Chen Yan, so she wasn’t particularly homesick.
    “I really envy you for going to school with your brother in the same city.”
Cheng Yin also had a heatstroke during military training. At that time, Cheng Sheng immediately took time off to come over here to take care of her, so everyone in the dorm room knew she had a brother.
    “You have a cousin, too.” Cheng Yin said, “Why don’t you ask your cousin to come over and look at you?”
 Qin Xuexuan nodded: “Okay, I’ll call her.”
    When Jiang Wenwen arrived, Qin Xuexuan had just hung the IV.
    “The doctor said it was because she ate too much ice cream at one time and got a bit of heatstroke.” Qin Xuexuan has little strength. Cheng Yin explained to Jiang Wenwen, “She is especially homesick today.”
    Since Jiang Wenwen came, Qin Xuexuan felt a lot more at ease, so she lay down on the bed and quickly fell asleep.
    Jiang Wenwen wiped the sweat from her forehead, then sat next to Cheng Yin.
    “Thank you for today.”
“You don’t have to thank me. It’s what I should do.”
    Qin Xuexuan’s IV was expected to hang for two hours, but Cheng Yin had nothing to do today, so she planned to stay here with her.
“Sister, do you work in Jinzhou?”
    “No.” Jiang Wenwen said, “I just graduated and I’m preparing for the Career Unit.”
    “So, is your home over here?”
    “No.” Jiang Wenwen laughed, “I’m from Jiangcheng.”

    “Wow! I’m also from Jiangcheng!”
    “I know. Xiao Xuan told me about it.”
    “Then why are you over here?”
    Jiang Wenwen got up and turned the air conditioning temperature down a bit before saying, “You know that the fencing training center is here, right?”
    Cheng Yin nodded her head.
 Jiang Wenwen said: “Anyway, I’m preparing for the exam, and someone at home play sports, always needs a careful person to take care of, otherwise a big man can not even wash clothes clean, so I come to accompany.”
    Cheng Yin, with “I understand” look, slyly squinting smile: “Boyfriend?”
    Jiang Wenwen laughed: “Little girl knows so much, by the way, the last time I saw that gold medal, it was given to you by Chen Yan, right?”
    “Yes, how do you know?”
“What medals he has. I know better than he himself. He’s such a muddlehead.”
    Probably because of women’s natural sixth sense, when Jiang Wenwen said so, Cheng Yin immediately had a bad feeling.
“The boyfriend you said …… is him?”
Jiang Wenwen smiled but did not answer, “You keep that gold medal ah, I also accompanied him to that game, when we were only in junior high school, he cherished it, is his first gold medal in life, since it was given to you, it means he treats you as a true friend, do not lose it ah.”
    Cheng Yin’s smile froze at the corner of her mouth, but a moment later, an inexplicable belief in her heart immediately dispelled her hard feelings.
    She knew this sister was explicitly and implicitly hinting at her relationship with Chen Yan.
    But Chen Yan told her he didn’t have a girlfriend, so that means no.
    She believed that Chen Yan would definitely not lie to her.
    “Then did he send you a gold medal, too?”
Jiang Wenwen shook her head, “I don’t like this kind of thing. His team uniform from the competition at that time was left at my home.”
  Jiang Wenwen did not lie, she went to that game together, Jiang Chao took her there.
    The team uniform is also at her home, because Jiang Chao likes to leave the student’s first game uniform as a souvenir.
    And she came to take care of Jiang Chao.
    Since the surgery last year, Jiang Chao has not been in good health.
    “Oh ……” Cheng Yin lowered her head and said, “Sister, I don’t know your name yet.”
    “My name is Jiang Wenwen.”
    Jiang Wenwen ……
    Cheng Yin inexplicably felt familiar, thought carefully, and finally responded.
It was the same as the caller ID she saw when Chen Yan answered the phone once!
    At that time, Chen Yan’s tone towards her was clearly impatient.
    I’ve met a high-ranking person!
    Cheng Yin looked up and said, “Sister Wen Wen, can I call you that?”
    Jiang Wenwen smiled and nodded, “Of course you can. Chen Yan’s friend is my friend. I remember your name is Cheng Yin, right? What does Chen Yan usually call you? I’ll go with what he called you.”
    Cheng Yin: “He calls me Little Sweetheart.”
    Jiang Wenwen: ?
  “Hahahahahahaha.” Looking at Jiang Wenwen’s confused expression, Cheng Yin suddenly laughed, “Sister Wenwen you can just call me Ah Yin.”
    Jiang Wenwen nodded her head awkwardly.
    Cheng Yin asked again, “Sister Wen Wen, how long have you and Chen Yan known each other?”
    “Over ten years.” Jiang Wenwen said, “We grew up together.”

    “Then that big pink pillow in his dormitory should also be a gift from you, right? It looks like a girl bought it.”
    Jiang Wenwen froze for a moment, then nodded and said, “Actually, I didn’t give it to him, I just forgot it there.”
    “Oh oh.”
    At this time, the nurse came in, and Cheng Yin could not continue to ask.
 She was sick to her stomach.
Chen Yan’s dorm bed has nothing but bedding and pillows. Where is the big pillow?
    “Sister Wen Wen, I haven’t eaten yet, I’ll go first, ah.”
    “Okay.” Jiang Wenwen stood up to see her off, and when she got to the door, she couldn’t resist asking again, “Is it true that …… Chen Yan usually calls you Little Sweetheart?”
    “I’m just kidding with you!”
    Jiang Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief and was about to wave goodbye to Cheng Yin when she heard her say again, “He usually calls me little baby.”
    As soon as she walked out of the hospital, Cheng Yin couldn’t wait to call Xie Ying to share the story.
  “I’m sure she and Chen Yan grew up together, but if she’s really Chen Yan’s girlfriend, how can she not even know what’s in his bed? Wow! I’m so smart!”
    Xie Ying listened and dumbfounded at the other end of the phone.
    “Cheng Yin ah Cheng Yin, I misunderstood you, you are a talent, just not suitable for living in the 21st century, you should have gone to Zhen Huan biography guest star.”
“It’s okay la.”
    When talking to Xie Ying on the phone, Cheng Yin was completely relaxed, so she didn’t hide her annoyance. “So annoying, this kind of person. What if she destroys me and Chen Yan in the future?”
“You think too much about it, you chase Chen Yan first.”
    “Well …… actually I feel …… that it should be soon ……”
    “How so?”
 Cheng Yin told her about what happened at the cinema today while walking.
    “Wow, Chen Yan and you are really blind cats meeting dead rats.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m just worried about you. Do you want to talk to Chen Yan about this?”
    “I don’t want to.”
    But as soon as she hung up the phone, Cheng Yin immediately looked for Chen Yan.
    She sent him a message.
    “Chen Yan Chen Yan Chen Yan! Are you there or not? If you are, woof!”
    Chen Yan: “?”
“What’s your nickname for me?”
    “Say it.”
    “What are you doing?”
    “Nothing, I’m curious.”
“Little baby.”
T/N : 小宝贝 (xiaobaobei)
    Cheng Yin:????
    Damn, I got the real thing?

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