Whispering To You

Chapter 45: 45

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chapter 45

The 40th Whisper
“Ugh, my cousin said she’ll add you guys on WeChat.”
    On the way back to the dorm after dinner, Qin Xuexuan suddenly said, “She said to invite you to dinner next time.”
    He Luyue and Jiang Yingshan did not object, and while adding WeChat, they praised Jiang Wenwen for her beauty and kindness.
Cheng Yin said nothing, but she also received a friend request on her WeChat, which she did not immediately approve.
At night before going to bed, Cheng Yin lying in bed looking at her phone, then remembered something.
It is probably easy to think at night, and there is a subtle sense of rivalry between the two, so Cheng Yin approved the friend request.
She immediately clicked into Jiang Wenwen’s circle of friends, but it was disappointing. It was another person who only showed her circle of friends for three days.
    The two of them are just lying quietly on each other’s friends’ list, and no one is talking to anyone.
Until seven days later, Cheng Yin and Cheng Sheng sitting on the plane home.
She used the last time to turn on the cell phone streaming to watch the last game.
    As the score on the screen changed, the game finally ended before Cheng Yin took off.
    The winning of the team competition also meant the end of this year’s fencing championship.
Cheng Yin excitedly tapped the tabletop, opened WeChat and prepared to send a message to Chen Yan to congratulate him.
The phone interface is still stuck in an hour ago when Cheng Yin finished brushing her friend’s circle and quit.
She saw a small avatar pop up in the upper right corner of her circle of friends, and it was Jiang Wenwen’s. Curiosity took over, and she found that Jiang Wenwen had just posted a nine-picture-in-one.
    “Accompany you to the twenty-fourth game.”
    The picture is a stitched together picture of the game site. From the banner you can see the time span of ten years.
    Although Chen Yan’s figure did not appear in the picture, but Cheng Yin clearly got what Jiang Wenwen wanted to express.
    She quit her circle of friends and sent the word “congratulations” to Chen Yan, and after waiting for a few minutes without a reply, she turned off her phone at the urging of the flight attendant.
 She propped her chin up and looked out the window, and her heart was sour.
Although she believes that Chen Yan and Jiang Wenwen have nothing, but Jiang Wenwen obviously has deep thoughts about Chen Yan.
Previously, she thought it was nothing, and was complacent about her own cleverness.
But when she saw these photos, she suddenly realized that the big picture.
Jiang Wenwen is a childhood friend who has been with Chen Yan for over ten years, and could accompany him to the competition.
    Cheng Yin thought that when they met, she was probably still playing in the mud; when Jiang Wenwen fell in love with Chen Yan, she probably hadn’t started developing yet.
In the end, the saddest thing for Cheng Yin is this kind of highlight moment. The one who accompanies Chen Yan is Jiang Wenwen.
Cheng Yin never experienced some kind of assurance, and there is such a powerful rival who has all the advantages.
    Even if Chen Yan doesn’t like Jiang Wenwen, her constant presence by his side is enough for Cheng Yin to be upset to the extreme.
Nearly three hours later, as night fell, and the plane landed, Cheng Yin saw a message from Chen Yan as soon as she opened the network.
    “Have you arrived home yet?”
    Cheng Yin got up and lined up while replying.
    If it were usual, Cheng Yin’s reply would probably be “I’m tired after a three-hour flight, and the airplane food is hard to eat. I’m going to have a hot pot when I get home!”
    A few moments later, Chen Yan’s phone call came.
Cheng Yin was walking side by side with Cheng Sheng in the hallway. When she saw the call, Cheng Yin slowed down her pace and formed a gap with Cheng Sheng before picking up the phone.
    “What’s up?”
    Chen Yan’s end was quiet.

    “Are you tired from the plane ride today?”
Not too tired, actually.
Well, maybe it was.
    Anyway, Cheng Yin just couldn’t say anything and felt a little strength.
    Chen Yan paused and added, “Then you go home and rest early.”
 Cheng Yin: “Oh, then I’ll hang up oh.”
    “Wait- “Chen Yan wanted to say something else, but Cheng Yin heard Jiang Wenwen’s voice on his side.
    “Chen Yan, what do you want to drink?”
A hard feeling came over her, and Cheng Yin immediately hung up the phone and buried her head and walked forward and quickly overtook Cheng Sheng.
    “Ah Yin!” Cheng Sheng pulled her from behind. “Why are you walking so fast?”
    “Nothing, I want to go home early.”
Cheng Yin and Cheng Sheng waited for a while in front of the carousel to get the luggage and then stuck on the road for a while. It was almost ten o’clock when they returned home.
    Nanny prepared a snack, but Cheng Yin did not eat a bite, took a shower and went back to the room.
She lay on the bed, and when she closed her eyes, her mind was the friend circle that Jiang Wenwen posted today.
Like a thorn stuck in the heart, can not be pulled out, and can not swallow, only to increase the frustration.
She didn’t go out shopping for two days in a row on the National Day holiday, and she didn’t want to do anything all day, so she lay in bed watching a movie and brushing up on her comics, wearing pajamas all the time, unable to do anything with any energy.
    On the afternoon of the third day, Xie Ying came to her house.
    “Why are you suddenly here?” When Cheng Yin opened the door, she was surprised and asked, “Aren’t you going to see a movie with your junior high school friends today?”
    “I came back after watching it.”
    Xie Ying was carrying a lot of things in her hand, walked around Cheng Yin to the living room, and took the things out.
There was fried chicken and coke and several skewers of grilled scorpions.
    “What’s going on with you these days? You’re depressed.”
Cheng Yin sat cross-legged on the carpet, said nothing, took a skewer of grilled scorpions and chewed.
    Xie Ying just quietly watched her.
After eating a bunch of grilled scorpions, Cheng Yin opened a cola and drank a big sip, and only then opened the conversation.
She said the things that bothered her in the past few days, although Xie Ying also made no constructive comments, but the mood finally soothed a lot. At least do not have to hold it in by herself.
    “That can’t be helped.” Xie Ying said, “You can’t ask other people not interested in Chen Yan except you, it’s not realistic, let’s take one step at a time.”
Cheng Yin buried her head for a long time before nodding her head.
Then Xie Ying told her that Nie Nan also did not go out to travel, so he organized a party, the friends of the high school class who were home during the holidays, to have dinner together and sing tomorrow night.
Cheng Yin was not in the mood to go, but could not stand Xie Ying pester her. She agrees.
    The next night, more than a dozen people in the class gathered together to eat an enormous meal and turn to KTV.
In the end, the high school students got rid of the identity, the boys released and had fun, called a dozen of beers.
Later, when they were not satisfied, they encouraged several girls present to drink some.
    The only girls present were Cheng Yin, Xie Ying and Wang Zhaozhao, who are usually good girls and have never touched alcohol.
Nie Nan encouraged a circle, seeing no results, and then around back to Xie Ying.
“Old desk mate, let’s have a cup of deep feelings. If you are drunk, I will carry you home.”
Xie Ying threw him a glare.

    Nie Nan said again: “You do not drink, I do not drink, where to put the good Chinese beer?”
    Xie Ying continued to shake her eyes.
Nie Nan is still not convinced, and continued: “If you don’t get drunk, I won’t get drunk, who will sleep on the road?”
    “You’re crazy!” Xie Ying was amused by Nie Nan, picked up the glass of beer in front of him and took a sip, immediately “bah” two times, “Too bad to drink!”
    “You can’t sip beer slowly. Smother it in one gulp.” Nie Nan swallowed a cup, showing that Xie Ying learns from him.
Xie Ying doubtfully drank a mouthful. Before she could taste it, the boys cheered.
The atmosphere is rising. Other girls also drank one after another.
Cheng Yin tasted a cup first, and although she also found it difficult to drink beer, but not as spicy as white spirit that was hard to swallow.
The first-time drinkers have never been aware of the power of alcohol, the boys shouted “bottom up” and Cheng Yin honestly drank down the cup, before she knew it two hours had passed, she felt dizzy, leaning on the sofa and watching her classmates play, everyone turned into double shadows.
    This time Nie Nan ran over and handed her the microphone and asked her to sing.
Cheng Yin took the microphone, sang two sentences, and found that she was out of tune, and the lyrics were also blurred, so she simply stopped singing.
The original sound of the song rang out intelligently in the speakers.
It was a girl’s song, and no one called the cut, so no one came to grab the microphone, and everyone was sitting around talking and drinking.
Cheng Yin’s eyes can hardly open, but the sound of the song is very clear.
 Think about you when studying.
 Think about you when listening to songs.
 The earth and the blue sky.
 All that appears is you.
    All that popped into her head was Chen Yan, and the more she rejected it, the more it lingered.
 “Xie Changxing has gone to England.” Nie Nan rambled on the side, “He said he was going to study in England, his parents are very supportive, and let him go to live with his uncle’s family over there during the winter and summer, it will be very difficult to meet in the future.”
    The chatter in his ears faded away, and the song again sucked away Cheng Yin’s attention.

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Listen to my heartbeat.
Look at my restless sleep.
Think about you when drinking water.
Think about you when taking a ride.
Close your eyes, close your eyes.
 All that appears is you.
Cheng Yin closed her eyes, wanting to just fall asleep, but felt something in her heart scratching.
    She took out her phone, flipped through WeChat, and looked at Chen Yan’s dialog box.
It was spontaneous, but also intentionally guided – she sent a message over.
    “Where are you?”
    This is the first time in the past few days that Cheng Yin has sent a message to Chen Yan.
Chen Yan replied quickly.
    “At home, where are you?”
“I’m at Mai Dong KTV, singing with my classmates.”
Until this message was sent, Cheng Yin realized why she said that.
 She just wants to see Chen Yan.
 She wants to see him so much.
 Wanted to ask him if he liked her or not.
 “Room number?”
 Not sure who ordered another dozen drinks, and someone else ordered a barbecue takeout, and had the intention of not returning without getting drunk.
But Nie Nan couldn’t hold it anymore, lying on the sofa and whistling.
Cheng Yin got up to go to the toilet. The moment she stood up, she realized she was dizzy and couldn’t walk steadily.
She slowly walked into the bathroom, and when she came out, Chen Yan was coming in.
Some that drunk still drink, some that sober are sitting together eating barbecue, the sound of music is noisy, and the lights are dim. No one even noticed that there was an extra person in the room.

And a boy with a glass of beer wanted to order a song, but his feet were unsteady, and the whole glass was poured on Chen Yan.
    He frowned in disgust, pushed the boy away, and then walked straight to Cheng Yin.
    The girl’s eyes are not as bright and watery as they used to be, and they look hazy in the dim light of the KTV, and she can’t see anything over two meters away.
    “Why are you drinking so much?”
    Chen Yan asked.
The music was so loud, Cheng Yin actually did not hear what he said. She hummed two sentences and hold the wall towards the sofa.
Suddenly, her hand was pulled. Chen Yan held her, step by step, returned to the sofa.
Cheng Yin lost her center of gravity and sat down violently on the sofa, letting the ceiling turn rapidly, only looking flatly ahead of her.
    Chen Yan sat beside Cheng Yin, poured a glass of mineral water and fed it to her mouth.
    “Drink some water.”
Cheng Yin took a sip from his hand and said, “I’m not drinking. I’m drunk.”
“This is water, not alcohol.”
    Cheng Yin buried her head again and drank.
As the amount of water decreased, Chen Yan slowly lifted the cup, but he did not control the correct angle, and the water flowed down along Cheng Yin’s chin and dripped in front of his chest.
Suddenly a cool sensation hit Cheng Yin, and Cheng Yin jerked back. A whole cup of water just poured on Cheng Yin.
    “What are you doing?”
Chen Yan was annoyed, but did not argue, leaned over and pulled out a large handful of tissues from the table, turned around to wipe the water for Cheng Yin.
    However, seeing the bulge in her chest, Chen Yan paused and then threw the paper towel to her.
    “Wipe it yourself.”
 Cheng Yin took the paper towel and wiped it casually twice, then threw the paper towel out like she was angry.
    Of course, she was not angry with Chen Yan, she was just angry with herself.
    “Chen Yan.”
    Cheng Yin leaned back on the sofa and turned her head to look at him.
    The Chen Yan in front of her eyes turned into two.
    “Come here, I’ll whisper to you.”
    Chen Yan slowly leaned over.
 Cheng Yin could smell the smell of alcohol on him and could hear his breathing.
    Cheng Yin reached out and wanted to touch his face.
But when she was about to touch it, Cheng Yin slapped his face.
    “You’re so annoying!”
Chen Yan pressed her hand, not minding the slap.
    “What’s wrong with me?”
    Cheng Yin fidgeted and drew back her hand, then frantically slapped his shoulder.
    “You’re just annoying and annoying and annoying! Annoying as hell!”

Chen Yan let her hit. Anyway, even if she used more strength, it was just like scratching.
Cheng Yin was tired of fighting and caught her breath for a while, but she only felt more dizzy.
“Enough of hitting?” Chen Yan leaned over again. “You’re going to whisper that you hate me?”
Cheng Yin ignored him, staring at the screen in front of her, but her chest was strongly oppressed.
After a while, she wanted to talk to Chen Yan again, looking at him from the side, but did not open her mouth.
    Chen Yan also looked back over.
    The two of them looked at each other, and there was something surging in the air, but it was indistinct and elusive.
    Cheng Yin sucked in her nose and avoided looking at him.
    “What exactly do you want to say?”
    Want to say I like you.
 I also want to ask you, do you like me or not?
Somehow Cheng Yin’s heart is getting more and more annoyed. The alcohol seems to get stronger. The voice in the ears is fluttering in and out, and the brain is buzzing.
    Chen Yan in front of her eyes became two, three ……
Cheng Yin’s eyes blurred and trying to reach out to grab him.
But her vision is vague, and she simply knows that her fingers are poking straight into Chen Yan’s eyes.
    Chen Yan subconsciously dodged.
This small action made Cheng Yin’s heart even more frustrated.
You don’t want me to touch you?
But I want to touch.
 She didn’t care about anything. Both hands went up together to grab Chen Yan.
Chen Yan dodged twice and suddenly caught her hand, holding it between the two. “Stop it.”
Cheng Yin struggled and said, “I want it! I want it!”
    “Then you come over. I also whispered to you.”
    Cheng Yin was abruptly stunned, and all sorts of past events came to mind.
As a result, she subconsciously looked down at her pants.
    OK, the zipper is closed.
Cheng Yin, curious about what he was going to say, slowly leaned over, but still maintained a safe distance of a palm’s length.
The whole person was pulled into the embrace by Chen Yan.
The smell of his body was overwhelming, more than alcohol.
    Before Cheng Yin could react to this sudden intimacy, Chen Yan leaned close to her ear and said, “I like you, too.”
A hundred thousand bees suddenly appeared in her head. Except for the explosive “buzzing” sound, Cheng Yin could hear nothing else.
    “Which, which kind of like?”
    Another heartbeat challenge followed.
Chen Yan slightly lowered his head and lightly kissed her earlobe, which ended abruptly like a dragonfly, but the kiss at that moment was lingering, and instantly made Cheng Yin’s whole body electrocuted.
    “This kind of like.”

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