White Fang

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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The journey out of the dungeon was a long and tedious one.

With his mana low and no potions, Nero had no way to recover from his wounds

Dripping blood, he slowly limped his way up each floor, expertly avoiding monsters until he finally made it up to the first floor

He leaned against the wall, holding a long narrow object that was wrapped in cloth.

It was one of the claws from the floor boss Nero killed.

Nero then recovered his breath and limped towards the teleporter

White light engulfed his body and he was instantly in the city of Asterisk

Stepping down from the platform, he looked at the sky.

It was night time

"I must have spent like a day and half in that place"

He slowly limped towards the direction of Emi's house

Passing people along the way who looked a bit concerned because after all he was covered in his own blood

Nero ignored them all and kept pushing forward.

After a bit of limping, he made it to the front of her house

"Damn she's going to kill me for coming back in this condition"

Nero slowly approached the door and knocked on it

*Knock Knock*

No answer

*Knock Knock*

Still no answer

Nero smiled then stopped knocking

"I guess she and Alura are asleep already. After all it is pretty late"

Nero turned around and was about to leave


The front door slowly opened

Emi peeped outside cautiously

She saw the back of Nero who paused


Nero gulped and turned around slowly

"Heyyy Emi"

The door flung opened and Emi rushed outside when she saw the state he was in 

"What happened to you?! How did this happen to you?!"

Nero smiled and tried to downplay it by saying "It's just a mere scratch"

He stumbled a bit and fell into Emi's safe arms

"You reckless idiot"

Alura came outside to see what all the commotion was about 

Her eyes widened in terror as she saw Nero

"Is he ok?!"

Emi said "Quick help me bring him inside"

Both females swiftly but carefully carried Nero inside

Laying him down on the ground.

Emi began to clean his wounds with a cloth and some water

She observed his cheek, chest and his right arm

"You damn reckless idiot"

Nero laughed

"If you think I'm bad, you should see the other guy"

Emi pressed down on his chest wound 

Nero paused in pain


"That's what you get for joking at a time like this"

Alura brought a fresh cloth and water with some bandages 

Nero reached into his pocket and pulled out the small glass bottle he had heavily wrapped in cloth for it to avoid being broken easily 

"I am surprised this is still intact"

Alura curiously asked

"What's that?"

Nero turned his head to her 

"Your freedom but we'll discuss that later"  

He placed the bottle aside and sat up as Emi began to wrap the bandages around him

"I don't have any healing potions right now, so that will have to do. You're lucky that you aren't dead"

Nero stared at the palm of his hands

"I am lucky huh?"

"How did this even happen?"

Nero told them about the events leading up to the floor boss while leaving out the part about Elik the slave trader because he didn't want Emi to freak out.

Emi and Alura paused then said in unison

"You soloed the floor fifth teen floor boss?"

Emi then lightly hit him on his arm wound causing Nero to pull back his arm

"If I recall the floor fifth teen floor boss is called Razor Back, it's fur is like armor and it's claws are basically swords. Many adventurers lose their lives facing it. I am surprised and not surprised at the same time in regards to you defeating it on your own"

Nero sighed and stood up

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"It's a pity that the Spades party was wiped out completely in there"

Emi paused and looked at him

"The entire party?"

"Yes, the entire party fell due to Razor Back"

Emi seemed a bit sad

"Spades was a D rank party that was working towards possible C rank, I saw them two days ago in the Guild office. I guess that shows you how short life is but I am overjoyed to see that you made it back"

Nero touched his chest which was bandaged and remembered what he spoke to Gale about

"I have decided to form my own party to tackle the dungeon and whatever tasks we are given"

Emi's face had a look of relief 

"It's about time, I've been waiting for this but who will be your first member?"

Nero sat down and thought about it for a minute

"I'm not sure as yet also before I forget, Alura please come here"

Alura did what was instructed and stood in front of Nero who unwrapped the cloth revealing the small bottle of unbinding potion

"Give me your right arm"

He gently held her arm in place and dropped some of the unbinding potion on her slave branding which started to fade

Alura's face was a bit confused when she noticed

"Aren't you keeping me as your slave?"

Nero paused for a second

"Huh? Why would I need a slave?"

After a few seconds the slave branding was completely gone

Nero then released her arm

"Alright now you're free to do what you want to do"

Alura paused

"I am free? I am being given a choice?

Nero nodded his head as he placed the empty bottle down

"Then I want to stay with you"

Nero stared at her

"Don't just assume because I assisted you that means you are obligated to stay and return that kindness. So please don't be a slave to your emotions and think with your head in regards to your future"

Alura clasped her hands together

"I am not being a slave to my emotions, you are the first person to ever show me a shred of kindness since I was kidnapped from my home at Mount Fallen ten years ago. When you first met me you didn't show me any pity because I was a slave, you made me rely on my own inner strength to free myself. I believe I can be of use to you in a party, just give me the opportunity"

Emi interjected "Nero she does have a point, you should take some responsibly for your actions and having her strength in your party will be useful"

Nero slipped on a white long sleeve shirt

"Is that what you truly want?"

Alura nodded her head

"I was always going to invite you to form a party with me Alura. I just wanted to make sure that you made the decision with your head and not your heart so if that's what you so wish then follow me into hell"

Alura smiled and said "I shall"

Emi walked out of the room and came back holding a medium sized bottle.

"I've been saving this for a while for this very occasion"

 Nero looked at her suspiciously   

"Huh what's that?"

Emi handed him the bottle

"It's dark marking liquid, since you agreed to form a party, let's make it official"

Nero examined the bottle

"Oh so that's how it is done"

Emi retook the bottle, opened it then made a small cut on Nero's finger.

One drop of blood entered the bottle of black liquid causing it to glow a red like color for a few seconds then back to black.

She then placed a drop on the back of Nero's right hand.

The liquid made a huge black blob then a small silhouette started to form from it. A few moments later a silhouette of a front facing wolf head appeared on his hand

"Ok the party leader has been marked with the party's emblem, now place a drop on Alura's hand. Do you know the binding party chant?"

Both of them nodded.

"After you placed the drop, both of you have to recite the chant in unison with the intention of officially working together for it to actually take effect"

Nero held Alura's right hand and dripped the dark liquid on the back of it

In unison they recited the binding party chant

We will be each other's sword and shield

Basking in future glories and sorrows we stand together

Our paths now crossed and momentarily intertwined

Now and until whenever

This I solemnly pledge   

The silhouette of the party's emblem the front facing wolf appeared on her right hand and thus the adventuring party White Fang was born.








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