Who is the Monarch

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Infiltration

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- We have to split up to find them quickly, who knows what could have happened to them.

- Good idea Scarlett. – Kat said

- Okay, let's try to find them, if you are successful, call the others and remember to have your phones on vibrate. Don't try anything alone.

So the three of them split up and quietly began looking for clues.

Roy found a window and crept there silently. He looked at a guy carrying a large bag into a room and when the guy left, Roy went to check it out and found out that there were multiple bags inside. He search the most recent one and found a dead body in the bag.   …

What is this?! This is insane; Do all these bags have dead bodies? These people are crazy (Roy heard footsteps outside and started to panic).

Breathing heavily

What should I do, if they find out I'm here they'll kill me for sure.

Roy opened a bag and hid inside with the body

Hurry up and take any bag, the boss wants to see the effects that the last drug caused.

Why do I have to take this dirty shit again? I just came to drop it off

Just grab it and hurry up or the boss is going to get mad.

The guy picked the bag that Roy was hiding in.

- Huhm... Isn't this bag too heavy? I don't remember this to be like this heavy.

- Ugh! Stop complaining about everything; I will help you with that

The two guys carried the bag outside where they had a large metal table

- Shit, this can't be happening, I have such a bad luck. If I am right, this way leads to outside. What am I going to do now? I need to send a message to Scarlett and Kat fast! - Roy thought in his mind.

Roy uses his phone while being carried out and sends a message to Scarlett

Help. Out. Bag

In another place, Scarlett was looking in the containers and saw many boxes with glass capsules.

What are these capsules? There are so many of them.

Suddenly, an iron cage in the back shook.

What was that?

Scarlett trembling approached the cage wanting to find out what the sound was

Suddenly her phone vibrated and Scarlett freaked out and crashed into a table where some tools fell out.

- Uhhh! It's just my phone - she said scared

Huh? Help. Out. Bag? What does it mean.

Scarlett sneaks through the dumpsters to see outside.

What are these people doing here? That must be the bag Roy was talking about. But what about that? I have to tell Kat.

Scarlett called Kat to meet

Pst... Roy, I see you're in trouble.

Alice? Thank god please help me out of this trouble – Roy said with hope

Help you? Ka Ka! Why? This is getting interesting now, what will you do?

I got no plan, they are a lot of people outside and they are probably armed. I won't survive if I fight all of them.

Ka Ka, you're right, you won't survive and that's exactly what we're going to do. I'll kill you to get you out of this problem, what do you think?

What!? How is that going to help? What I want is to get out of this alive

- The boss is here everyone to your place.

- Uuugh fine! I trust you to do what you want.

- Ka Ka, it will be a pleasure.

Alice gently bit Roy's neck and little by little Roy lost consciousness

I hope you have handled everything as I told you, how is everything around here? Everything in order? – The boss said

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- All good sir, we have the 20 bodies ready with the tetrodotoxin for the next step.

- Is the tetrodotoxin working properly

-  Respiratory depression only caused muscle paralysis just like you said sir

- Okay, is this the bag with the first body?

- Yes sir

Would you mind putting it on the table?

- Yes sir

“The guy opened the bag and discovered that there was another body inside”

Is there a problem?

- Uh uuhm no sir it's just that there are two bodies here

- How disorganized you are, I told you one person per bag, whatever; put them both on the table.

The guy put both bodies on the table and the boss examine both bodies, first he checked the eyes and then the pulse of the guy with brown hair.

Kat and Scarlett notice that it was the guy with brown hair one of their classmates and Roy appear next to him.

Then he checked Roy’s body but there was a problem.

- This one is dead! I have no use on a corpse! Didn't I specify to use the exact amount of the formula to paralyze them without killing them?! Who was in charge of the dose? – The boss said while hitting the table angrily

- S-sorry sir, I was in charge, but I use the amount...


- I don't need excuses for your incompetence, you fail, you die, I hope I made myself clear. Now take this corpse to the trash I don’t need it. Take this where the rest are. I have to investigate something.

Scarlett and Kat were looking out in terror because they thought Roy was dead and as soon as they threw Roy in the trash, they ran towards him

- No! No! No! you can't be dead, Roy, why does it have to end this way? It’s my fault for coming here without any plan. - Scarlett cried

- I… I used to scold you a lot, but it was because I wanted to be more responsible and take things more seriously. - Kat said while crying.

- Could you both shut up crybabies, if you yell so much they are going to hear us. – Alice said while she came out of Roy’s shadow.

Alice, you were with him all this time and you didn't do anything?! – Scarlett said with anger.

He's not dead redhead, I put him in a state of catalepsy; he should wake up soon. Hurry, and take him out of here, this is our chance to escape.

Scarlett and Kat can’t move, they were to shocked and dumbfounded.

- Listen here, either you move or die, there is no in-between. So, hurry up already.

- I have to make them pay for this and rescue our classmates. – Kat said with a fierce aura

- Perhaps you do not understand, you will not have a chance against them. Don't be silly, you are just children who can’t do anything.

- That’s not true we are both strong enough to take care of them. – Kat said

- Strong enough? Please. You didn't even come up with a good plan.

- She is right Kat, we are not strong enough, next time lets be more prepared. So could I ask you for the favor of rescuing our classmate? – Scarlett said to Alice while looking down disappointed.

- Sorry not interested. – Alice said instantly

- I’ll buy you a cake! – Scarlett added

- Deal! - Alice responded happily

Alice entered the garage looking for the boy while looking for something else that would be useful to her. She found the boy so she hid him in her shadow, it was as if the boy vanished completely. After that she walked through the halls without being seen but found nothing.

- That’s unlucky I think I will need to trust that white hair guy. I would love to find another way just in case he is not reliable. At least I have my cake insured.

Alice hid in her shadow and left the garage without raising a single suspicion. Once outside she started looking for them. They were at a nearby park waiting on a bench. The vampire came out of the shadow.

- I already managed to rescue the princess in distress, can I receive my cake now?

Scarlett gave the cake to the vampire and she happily sat down to eat it. Once again, she ignored everything that was happening around her until she finishes the cake.

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