Who is the Monarch

Chapter 7: Chapter 6.1 My Dear Subordinates

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A long time ago in a wealthy house lived a beautiful servant named Mercy, she had beautiful long black hair, white skin as soft as cotton and deep purple eyes.

The owner of the house came occasionally as he was very busy, he could not stay in the same place for long as he had illegal businesses. One day he came home drunk and the one who paid the consequences was Mercy. He abused and defiled the young woman that day. Months passed and when the owner returned to that house he noticed that one of his servants was pregnant to which the man asked.

- Whose baby is that?

She, very afraid of his reaction, tells him the truth.

- The baby I carry with me... is yours, sir

- Are you serious?!, Ugh *sigh* well you can't work here then, so pack your bags and I'll send you to another house. Keep in mind that you will pay for your things, so don't count on me.

Thus, Mercy was taken to another smaller house where she had to attend the boss's workers (who were traffickers). Her work was more exhausting and her pay was less, she also was constantly getting harassed by the workers but what bothered her the most was being pregnant, without any help and working every day she suffered a lot. Until one day she gave birth in her own room, a girl with the same beauty as her and even though she suffered a lot from childbirth, she was very happy with her baby.

- I'll take care of you and give you the life that I never had, so you don't have to struggle like me, my little Hanna.

Time passed and the little baby had grown up, she was a girl identical to her mother, long black hair, white skin and purple eyes. But what stood out the most about the girl was her radiant smile and her love towards her mother. Although they didn't have much, Hanna looked on the positive side of things all the time. Hanna decided to help her mother with her work so that she wouldn't be so tired. Thanks to that, Mercy had more free time and she used it to teach Hanna how to read and write during the night when they finished playing.

- You know mom I would like to go to school one day, I think it will be fun and I will meet other children and that way I will be able to have more fun.

- One day you will be able to go to school my love. – Mercy answered with a smile

- Since then, Mercy saved money to be able to put her daughter in school

In the mornings Mercy and Hanna went to the store to buy food where they were received by a very kind and helpful old man

- Ahh but look, it's little Hanna. – The old man said

- Hi grandpa!! How are you. - Hanna said happily as she goes to hug him.

- Hanna, he is not your grandpa treat him with more respect. – Mercy said

- Oh don't worry, I always wanted to have a granddaughter, what did you come to buy this time?

- Thank you very much, Mr. Harry, we came for supplies for home, I must make food for everyone and I am out of ingredients.

- What a noble and kindhearted soul you have, it’s a pity that you have to live in a house that don’t appreciate for what you are, by all means you can stay here all you want.

- I would love to Mr. Harry, but I can't, I could put you in danger and I am not willing to pay all of your kindness back like that.

- What a pity, well, take what you need child and there is a cart outside to store everything, you don’t have to return it today you can do it tomorrow, until next time child.

The workers treated them both badly and they were constantly getting harassed day by day, that's why Hanna always had the doubt why her mother never said anything to them in defense.

- Mom why are you always smiling? These people treat us very bad.

- It doesn't matter if I'm against the whole world, if I have you it's enough to carry on. So if you want to help me keep shinning my beautiful bellflower.

Hanna with a big smile hugs her mother saying

- I will always be by your side so you don’t have to fight alone mom.

Mercy had small tears of happiness for having such a loving daughter who encouraged her to move forward.

- Thank you very much Bellflower, let's go to our room you still have homework to do.

The two left hand in hand and when Mercy arrived, she explained a few things about homework. Mercy was lying on the bed while Hanna was sitting on a chair looking through the window while doing her homework, the weather was terrible this night there was a thunderstorm. Just as Hanna was dozing off in the chair suddenly a loud shot was heard in the yard the workers went to investigate.

Mercy and Hanna they were surprised at the shot they heard and went to hide in their small shed that was far from the main house. Mercy was scared and she didn't know what could happen so she acts quickly and hid under a rug that had a small secret room and waited quietly. “Don't make any noise, okay? And whatever you do don't move." Meanwhile, the traffickers were fighting in the yard against the intruders. “Tell me your boss's whereabouts or you will die!" The attacker asked one of the survivors. The heavily wounded man answered and in a soft.

- I don't know…. The only one who knows where he lives is the maid of this house.

- Mmmm and I see a problem here… you haven't told me where she is.

- In the small shed at the back of the house.

The attacker ended the man's life and headed towards the maid's shed along with his three colleagues. They opened the door to the shed and noticed that no one was there.

-Tch, could it be that they escaped?

. . .

- Hold on, they are here. I know you're here, get out if you don't want us to blow this room to bits. Hey get the explosives ready. On the count of 3. One... Two...

- Don't do it! I'll go out now! – Mercy said desperately.

- What do you want from me. – Mercy said with her hands up while she came out of the hidden room.

- I just need to know where your boss's house is, it's that simple right?

Mercy with a calm and firm voice said:

- Sure, I'll tell you gladly. It is on the outskirts of the city, crossing the Manatsu mountains, there is a cave following the path, continue there and you will arrive.

The attacker approached Mercy, grabbed her chin and licked her lips saying with a grin.

- I wonder if the other lips taste as good as these.

“The man touched her whole body while he kept licking her lips and little by little his hand lowered towards her crotch”. She let him do whatever he wanted to avoid problems.

The attacker notices on his right a small silhouette in the shadows of the secret room. "What you got there?”. Mercy got scared and quickly moved to close the door of the secret room

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- It's nothing, they're just books

- Huhm… really? Then you wouldn't mind showing me one.

Mercy slowly opened the door a little bit and took out a book.

- You see. Only books, nothing special

- I know there's something else there, sweetheart, show me!

The attacker pounced on her wanting to get her out the way, but Mercy hit him in the face to avoid it, the man got angry and hit her back throwing her towards a table where there was a lamp, the lamp fell and broke, then the comrades went to hold her.

- You know, you're starting to pissed me off. – The attacker said angrily

Mercy bit the hand of one of them as he let go, Mercy grabbed a piece of the broken lamp and stabbed the other guy in the arm. The attacker threw her to the ground and began to hit her repeatedly, her blood began to flow through the door of the secret room that fell on top of Hanna. Meanwhile, Hanna, scared in tears, was doing her best not to make any noise, listened to her mother being beaten and her blood continued to flow. Suddenly, cars were heard outside the property.

- Tch! It seems that we caught the attention of the gang in the area, I think they will try to steal the information that we just got.

- What do we do with it? she still breathes. – one of his companions said.

- Leave her there, those from the enemy gang could finish her off, I'm not interested. Now let’s go out of here.

The three attackers left Mercy lying on the floor and left the room. They climbed up the wall and escaped down the side of the property. “Look there they go! Go get them!” - the reinforcements said.

- Hanna you can come out now. – Mercy said with a very low voice

Hanna gets out as fast as she can and the first thing she did was check on her mother, who was very hurt.

Hanna looked at her mother beaten almost to death. - She screams while crying

- Help! Help! Someone please helps us!

Her screams were drowned out by the heavy rain and thunder.

Mercy grabs Hanna's arm and says with difficulty

- Don't worry about me, honey, listen, there is a basement behind the main house where there is a passageway that leads to the street of Mr. Harry’s store. In the closet there is a box with enough money, take it and go to Mr. Harry explain the situation to him and tell him to help you.

- Mom I can’t leave you to die here, we need to get help immediately. – Hanna said in tears.

- Listen Hanna, stop worrying about me this is your chance to escape and if they do something to you it will all be in vain, so please stop crying

Hanna crying and not knowing what to do decides to listen to her and do what her mother told her, as she was leaving the passageway she met one of the thugs who attacked her mother.

- You… you look like her… so that's what she was hiding, because of your mother my two allies are dead and I ended up hurt maybe she can't pay it, but you can

The man took out a knife and attacked Hanna right in the chest, she tried to dodge it, but it was impossible, she fell to the ground injured and wet, the man stood in front of her and said something, but she was so hurt that she couldn't hear, her eyes turned blurred and she can barely hear. Just before closing her eyes she saw a human figure that finished off the thug with one blow and heard the words close to her ears.

- Don't worry

Hanna while she was asleep remembered her mother's screams and in her thoughts she said

*I want to help her, I must do something… Noo! I have to obey her orders… What? Do you want her to die?... NO! …Help her… Yes I will, I hate them… I want… DO SOMETHING! I want to… kill them…

She saw a strong white light and woke up disoriented with a cry "MOTHER!"

- You finally woke up, congratulations, you survived

It took Hanna a little while to absorb what was happening. And her eyes that radiated happiness from her had gone out and with a serious and discouraged face she says

- Where I am? Because I'm alive?

- You're in my lab, I had to do an emergency surgery, you were dying. I must say that you survived, but now you are an android.

. . .

"I see, were you able to save my mother?"

- I'm afraid no, I only found you and this box

The man gave the box to Hanna, she opened it and saw a lot of money along with a diary, she read it and shed tears. She said day by day that her mother lived before her birth. She noticed that before they were sad and exhausting, and after her birth it turned into a happy story. Where Hanna started to cry, was at the part where she said; when she has what it takes I will send Hanna to school so she can learn and have fun.

Hanna closed the book, lowered it to her legs and said

“Why did you help me? You would have let me die, I don't want to live without her."

- Don't worry, you won't be alone, I will accompany you and educate you, I will strengthen and discipline you. So, you can take revenge, what do you say?

Hanna with her dull eyes and expressionless face said.

- I accept, I will be in your care, thank you very much.

- Perfect, call me Ryan, I'm the boss here, you have a code, it's 04. You have it engraved on your right shoulder. But I would like to know your name

My name is Hanna.

- Hanna huh, it has a rather deep meaning. Full of grace, compassion of God, sensitive and affective... Also like flower in Japanese. Now that I look closely you look like a bellflower.

Ryan gave him his hand and the two walked towards the door, where his silhouette was gradually lost in a white light that covered them.

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