Why am I a god!?

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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(Altheria May 4 580 Imperial Calander 4:00 p.m.)

(Blade Pov)

Fucking hell this kid is monster, nya! It's been a month and she has grown this much, nya!

"(Teary eyed) Aaaaaahhhh! Master please help!"(Rina)

"(Opens one eye) Eeehh, but that's so much work, nya. You'll be fine, nya. (Closes eye)"(Blade)

"You useless master! You're the one who won't leave me alone!"(Rina)

She really will be fine, nya. I mean she has endured a watered-down version of mom's training, nya. Killing a horned bear 30 levels higher shouldn't be too much for her, nya. And if her life is actually in danger, I'll step in, nya.

(Pissed) Hey asshole get up, nya. (?)

{Hm, nya? No need for name calling I'm not asleep, nya.}

Shut up asshole, nya. (?)

{Pfft, Pot calling the kettle black, nya.}

(Pissed) Know your damn place, nya. (?)

{Pfft, getting a little heated there oh mighty one, nya}

Shut up, nya! (?)

{Ooohh, touchy I see, nya. (Sarcastic) So, what does the almighty creator want with this lowly fragment, nya.}

(Annoyed) Cut the bullshit, nya. You know I go by Blaze just like you go by Blade, nya. (Blaze)

{Yea, but annoying you is so much fun, nya. I mean after 49,000,000 of course I'm going to get back at you for locking me up, nya.}

*Sigh* Calm down, nya. He's just trying to piss you off, nya. Fine whatever call me what you want, nya. (Blaze)

{Aww, but if you don't react it's no fun, nya.}

(Pissed) Bastard! (Blaze)

{Ahahahahahahahaha! That's the reaction I was looking for, nya!}

Deep breaths, nya. Deep breaths, nya. He's just trying to piss you off, nya. *Sigh* Stop training her, nya. (Blaze)

{And why should I, nya.}

That wasn't a request, nya. (Blaze)

{And neither was mine, nya.}

Haa, fine I'll tell you but, after that you have to leave her alone, nya. (Blaze)

{I'll be the judge of that, nya.}

(One long story later)

{Hmm, at least most of it makes sense now, nya}

So now leave her alone. (Blaze)

{Sure, I'll leave her for now, nya. But only after she is done here and I give her Nifl, nya.}

You mean the holy gauntlets he made? (Blaze)

{Yep, that's the one, nya. Since I couldn't contract with her because of Fafnir I decided to give Nifl to her.}

I mean I don't really care as she was made for you, but still why Rina, nya? (Blaze)

{That girl will do great things with Nifl by her side, nya. I mean her use of the claw has surpassed what me, you, and that muscle head could do, nya. She can already hit a tree 2 kilometers away with ease and can even lose me just like her, nya. And she absorbs magic knowledge like it's nothing, nya.}

Why are you refiring to the other fragments like you're not included in that, nya. (Blaze)

{Unlike them who just have different prefrences and personalities I've become my person, nya. That and they just go by Blaze, which is way too confusing, nya.}

Fair po-

Blaze we've got a problem! (?)

Got to go, nya. (Blaze)

{Seems like the gates have opened, nya. Makes sense seeing as 2 sins and 1 vir-

2 virtuous, nya. (Blaze)

{Who has the second virtue, nya?}

Rina's mother has the other virtue, nya. (Blaze)

{Is her whole family monsters or what, nya!?}

No, just her mom, nya. But I got to go bye, nya (Blaze)

{Bye, nya}

And the link was cut, nya. (Smirk) Huh, who would have thought she was such a big thing, nya. Welp, she's done might as well say my byes and leave, nya.

"*Clap Clap Clap* Nice work, nya."(Blade)

"(Angry Glare) No thanks to you."(Rina)

"(Fake sadness) And here I was teaching you all sorts of useful things, nya. *Sniffle*(Wipes tear)"(Blade)

"(Flat) Quite the act."(Rina)

"Yeesh touchy much, nya. I was only trying to lighten up the mood, nya."(Blade)

"(Sarcastic) I wonder who put me in that mood. Oh, right it was a certain master who left their student to fight a creature 30 levels higher than them!"(Rina)

"Fine, fine you can be mad, nya. But I do bring some news you'll be excited to hear, nya."(Blade)

"(Flat) Oh yea and what would that be?"(Rina)

"You don't sound convinced at all, nya."(Blade)

"(Sarcastically) Really!? I would have never thought!"(Rina)

"*Sigh* I'll be leaving today, nya."(Blade)

"(Excited) Really!? Your actually leaving?!"(Rina)

Ouch, nya. That one actually hurt a bit, nya.

"(Offended) Why do you sound so happy about it, nya?"(Blade)

"Maybe because I can finally have a day that isn't constant torture."(Rina)

"(Turns head away) Tch. Ungrateful little shit, nya."(Blade)

It's not like I could have gone easy, nya. You wouldn't have grown much you little shit, nya!

"(Sarcastic) I'm sorry I don't enjoy having my bones broken and being constantly beaten, stabbed, and slashed."(Rina)

"(Sarcastic) Well, I'm sorry that's the only way I know how to teach, nya!"(Blade)

"(Confused) How the hell is that the only way you know how to teach?"(Rina)

"That's how I was taught, nya. But tamer, nya."(Blade)

I doubt you'd last an hour of mom's training, nya! You do not know pain until you've met her, nya.

"(Pissed) How the fuck was that tame!!"(Rina)

"(Stare straight into eyes) You weren't constantly on the brink of your body dying, nya. I always made sure to find things that could challenge you but, I would never let you die, nya. But you'd never grow if I just gave you easy opponents, so I gave you hard ones that you could kill if you tried hard enough, nya."(Blade)

I died 500 times during that time, nya. And I couldn't run because she would just shove my soul back into my body, nya.

"Still couldn't you have gone a little easier."(Rina)

I would have if you weren't such a damn monster, nya!

"(Shakes head) Nope, nya. Your growth was way faster than you think, nya. I mean you already have maxed out your hand-to-hand combat, claws, and throwing knives which all fused into a maxed variant of the assassin tree, nya. Granted you only just got to spear mastery, nya.

But even still you already passed me in all but the spear, nya."(Blaze)

I mean for fucks sack I have millions of years of experience and you still pushed me back with your claws, nya. Well, she's shit with a spear when compared to me though, nya. But still what 7-month-old can get their claws up to such a high mastery and use aether in just a fucking month, nya!

"(Sad) But you always win and say I'm still too inexperienced."(Rina)

"You are, nya. I mean I have millions of years of combat experience, nya. While you only have a month worth of experience, nya. That's why I put you against strong monsters and never went easy on you, nya."(Blade)

Well duh I'd win, nya. I literally have over 40,000,000 years of experience fighting you only have a month, nya.

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"(Surprised) Just how old are you master?"(Rina)

"(Mischievous) You want to know, nya?"(Blade)

*Nod nod nod*

"(Smirk) Beat me first, nya."(Blade)

Honestly, give her a year of actual combat and she could give me a run for my money, nya.

"(Angrily puffs out cheeks) Master you're a bully."(Rina)

Aww, it's always adorable when she does that, nya. Is that what the main body was like with mom, nya?

I doubt it, nya. The main body was never cute, nya.

"Pfft, ahahaha! It's hard not to when you puff out your cheeks like that, nya. It's both cute and funny, nya!"(Blade)

"(Embarrassed) I do not puff out my cheeks! Hmph! (Feels cheeks)"(Rina)

"You do, nya. And it is adorable, nya. Anyway, back to the main subject, nya. I got a message from a pain in the neck, and I have to go somewhere, nya"(Blade)

"(Curious) Where to?"(Rina)

"I can't say, nya. Just know we'll meet again eventually, nya. You'll also be able to call me if your ever in need, nya. But, enough of that, nya. I said I'd teach you about the clan leaders before I leave, nya."(Blade)

By that I mean I'll probably be wondering around the continent setting up teleport circles in major cities, nya.

"(Excited) Okay! *Swish Swish*"(Rina)

"Pfft, it's only at times like this I remember you're a kid, nya."(Blade)

"(Flustered) I'm not a kid! I was 17 years old when I died!"(Rina)

Yep, defiantly still a kid, nya.

"So, nya? That's still a kid, nya. Plus, you act more like a 10-year-old than a 17-year-old, nya. With the way you show your emotions, nya."(Blade)

"(Annoyed) I do not!"(Rina)

Deny it all you want but your tail and though I taught you how to hide them your expressions show it, nya.

"(Amused smirk) Sure, whatever you say, nya."(Blade)

"(Embarrassed) C-Can we just get back on topic."(Rina)

"Sure, nya. Clan leaders, now where to begin, nya? I guess I'll start from the beginning, nya.

A clan leader is the leader of a mystic race clan, nya. Or in our case only one alive, nya. Each of the races has 1 clan leader and every other of the race is below them, nya."(Blade)

"So, they are like royalty?"(Rina)

I mean she's close, nya.

"In a way yes, nya. How a leader comes into power is one of two ways, nya. Either A, they inherit the position or B, they beat or kill the former leader, nya.

All clan leaders can sense when another is nearby, nya."(Blade)

"(Confused) Then why couldn't I sense you?"(Rina)

"Simple you weren't aware of your position, and you didn't accept it, nya. You'll know you have become a true clan leader when you get the title and unique skill, nya."(Blade)

"Hold on a minute. I'd get a unique skill too!"(Rina)

"Yep, nya. It's called [United], nya. It allows you to share one of your skills with your clan and pack, nya. Granted it can't be magic or a unique skill or above, nya."(Blade)

"Is there anything else I need to know?"(Rina)

"The only other thing that you'd need to know is that you get a new screen where you can see where those of your pack and clan are, and see their status, nya."(Blade)


'Pfft, looks like she got interrupted by the system, nya.'


Looks like I just got it."(Rina)

"What skill are you going to share, nya?"(Blade)

"I don't know. I guess the shapeshifting skill."(Rina)

"That's a good choice, nya. Now close your eyes and hold out your hands, nya."(Blade)

"(Confused) Ok?"(Rina)

I then take out Nifl and use a claw to prick her finger, nya.


And done, nya.

"(Confused) Huh?"(Rina)

"You can open your eyes now, nya."(Blade)

"*Opens eyes* (Speechless) Whoa."(Rina)

Heh, behold the short ones second best work, nya. 

"(Smirk) Like it, nya."(Blade)

"(Speechless) A-Are you giving this to me?"(Rina)

"Yep, nya. Her name is Nifle, nya. She's Fafnir's little sister, nya. And my second-best work after Fafnir, nya."(Blade)

"C-Can I really have this? It looks super expensive and strong."(Rina)

"It's fine, nya. I already said that you could have her, nya. She'll have more fun with a contractor then staying in my [Inventory], nya. All I ask is to treat her right and not as a tool."(Blade)

"(Confused) But isn't it a weapon?"(Rina)

Understandable, the main body thought the same before he made Fafnir's main body, nya.

"Close, nya. She's a holy weapon like Fafnir, nya. Which means she has both a human form and an ego, nya."(Blade)

"(Shocked) I-I really don't think I should be the one to wield her then!"(Rina)

"Well, too bad, nya. You already signed a contract with her, nya. Which means you're stuck with her, nya."(Blade)

"(Panicked) Wh-What do I do!? I-I don't think she'll like me as a contractor!?"(Rina)

*Sigh* She seems to be misunderstanding that Nifl chose her and not the other way around, nya.



"(Sternly) Rina, she chose to contact with you, nya."(Blade)

"(Panicked) B-Bu-"(Rina)


"Ouch. Stop flicking my forehead."(Rina)

Nifl isn't stupid to contract with someone she doesn't find worthy, nya.

"(Sternly) Listen, Rina, nya. She chose to contract you of her own free will, nya. If you doubt me ask her when she wakes up, nya."(Blade)

"(Drupe) ok."(Rina)

"(Pats head then stands up) Well, see you around, nya. *Waves hand*"(Blade)

Welp, I'm done here, nya. I'm going to miss the little shit, nya.

"(Teary eyed smile) *Waves hand* Bye."(Rina)

Looks like she did care about me, nya.

"Oh, also don't go into any portals you see, nya. At least not till you get stronger, nya."(Blade)



And like that I left her confused as my grand exit, nya. Haha, she's going to be confused for a long while but, she'll learn soon enough, nya.

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