Why am I a god!?

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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Ugh. Still hate that bright light but, at least a little more barrable now. Now, let's see. Huh? Where is all the gods from before? I can only spot at most like 200?  While before there were gods everywhere. Now it looks like a newly abandoned area with only some looters left. I wond-

"Alright now we'll be going over to the group of gods over there. They are the ones who have decided to train you guys in their arts. And remember this they willingly decided to train you so show some respect, because if they leave you, you'll have to find someone else to train you. Keep that in mind because if one decides to not teach you anymore the likely hood of finding another is low.

Also, they choose who they want to teach their arts. So, I recommend not doing something stupid as most war gods could have you on your back before you know what happened. *clap* Now let's go."(old man Regi)

*Step Step Step*

Ook. Note to self don't piss a god of war off. I wonder who will choose me.

"Ok everyone now spread out!"(old man Regi)

*Step Step Step*

I walked over by old man Regi as it seemed most of the others avoided getting near him.

"Hey old man Regi you know why everyone's avoiding you?"(Blaze)

"Hmm. No not really. Most I could say was that they aren't too fond of me."(old man Regi)

"(Menacing) And why is that?"(Blaze)

"(Sweat) W-Well I might have forgot to tell them some stuff."(old man Regi)


"(Sweat and looks away) Well it might hav-"(old man Regi)



"Agh, w-what was that for!?"(old man Regi)

"Because you if I had to take a guess. Forgot to tell the others and some ended up doing something close to what I did but failed mid-way right?"(Blaze)

"W-Well yes but still is that anyway to treat an elder. And why isn't my wound healing!?"(old man Regi)

"I'll start treating you like an elder when you stop fucking up others' lives due to your own idiocy. As for the latter it is one of Fafnir's abilities so suffer for a bit, it's not like it'll kill you. I mean I just stabbed your foot."(Blaze)

"You! *Arrg* Fine I guess I disserve this much for what I did. Let's just get this started everyone is staring."(old man Regi)

I was so engrossed I didn't notice but Ya most were watching us. The gods from earth looked shocked. Some looked mad, while others had a look that was saying sorry for whatever this old man did. Looks like he has done this before.

As for the other True and Chaos gods they looked at me like I did them the biggest favor ever. Hell, some of their eyes even shone with admiration. Which just felt weird. Well, whatever not like the old fart didn't deserve it.

"Ahem! Well now that, that little interruption is over let's get the selection over with! Gods of Earth choose the god or gods you wish to train! Young True and Chaos gods I wish you luck! Begin!"(old man Regi)

I guess he wanted to get this over with seeing as I just straight up stabbed him in front of everyone.

I wonder wh-. Hold up. Wait minute. Something ain't right. Why the hell are half of them coming to me!!??

"H-Hey old man. Why are so many coming over here?"(Blaze)

"If I had to guess you."(old man Regi)

"(Sarcastic) Thanks, Captain Obvious. I totally didn't already guess that."(Blaze)

"You're welcome."(old man Regi)

"(Dead Pan) I was being sarcastic. I want to know why they are coming here."(Blaze)

"I know."(old man Regi)

"The- you know what I don't care. So, do you know why their coming to me?"(Blaze)

"Probably because of your talent with weapons. I mean you have at least an ok talent with every weapon. So, Ya that's probably why."(old man Regi)

"(Nervous)Are you sure they aren't coming to beat me up for stabbing you?"(Blaze)

"Haha, no they aren't. They wouldn't even bother trying. As you are stronger than all of them and seeing that I did nothing they accepted that it was disserved."(old man Regi)

"HEY losers out of my way!"(?)

Huh? I look over from where the yelling is which ended up being the gods of earth. The yelling was coming from a female tiger beastman. Who for some reason all gods got out of the way for. Is she a war god or something?

*Stomp Stomp*

"Kid your coming with me. (Grabs by the back of the shirt)"(?)

"Do I get a choice?"(Blaze)


"Hey old man! Aren't you going to do something about this!?"(Blaze)

"Oh, right you're going to need this."(old man Regi)



"Thanks, needed this."(?)

"I meant about helping me!!"(Blaze)

"Kid shut up. No one is going to help you. Just listen to your surroundings."(?)

What is she talking about? I try listening to my surroundings and-

"Oof. Poor kid is going to die."

"Dammit. And he had such good talent to."

"Hey.! She'll hear you.!"

"(Salute) Be strong my brother."

"Why is everyone so scared of her?"

"Kid that tigress is feared by almost everyone. There are few here who don't know of her brutality. And even fewer that she'll be kind to. So, remember to not fuck with her."

H-Hey. Wh-What are they talking about? I looked at old man Regi for help, but he just waved.


What was that? And why am I getting a feeling as if my fate was just sealed. I looked at wear the sound came from and saw a gold band on my arm and hers.

"(Nervous) Wh-What is this?"(Blaze)

"This (Points to the band) Is a power restrainer. The thing old man Regi just gave me. Now you can't beat me with just brute force."(?)

My heart sank at that moment. I looked back old man Regi for help but, the old fart just waved again, but now he had a malicious smile on his face.



"Shut. The. Fuck. Up."(?)

Ow. I think I just got a concussion from that slam. 


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(Unknown amount of time later)

Finally, my head stopped ringing and I can see clearly.


Oof. Looks like we are done moving. But where are we? It looks like a jungle here. Well, that is if you ignore some of the weird looking pink and yellow trees and such.

"Get up."(?)

I did as she said as I was not trying to get another concussion.

"Now for introductions. I'm Druana, goddess of war, the hunt, and patron god of tigers. Main weapons are the spear and claw."(Druana)

"Um, Blaze, god of the universe. My weapon and partner is the divine spear Fafnir."(Blaze)

"Let me see."(Druana)

"Come again."(Blaze)

"Let me see your spear."(Druana)

"I don-"(Blaze)

"(Intimating) Just do it."(Druana)

"ok. [Fafnir]."(Blaze)

"Yes master. You called again."(Fafnir)

"Sorry calling you so much Fafnir."(Blaze)

"It's fine. That's what I was made for. To respond to your call and your call alone."(Fafnir)

"(Smile) Thanks Fafnir"(Blaze)

"Hand it over."(Druana)

"(Confused) What?"(Blaze)

"You heard me hand your spear over. I need to check it out."(Druana)

"No. No way am I handing Fafnir over to you. Even for a second."(Blaze)

"Kid calm down. I not going to take it. I'm just seeing it's weight and center of gravity."(Druana)

"Still, I can't."(Blaze)

"Haa, do you really have to make this harder than needed?"(Druana)

"I'm sorry but I just can't let others hold Fafnir. She is my partner."(Blaze)

" It's fine just let her for a minute."(Fafnir)

"But Fafnir-"(Blaze)

"I don't like it much either but, it's better than fighting her over it."(Fafnir)

"Haa,(serious) Fafnir are you sure about this?"(Blaze)

"(Serious) Yes."(Fafnir)

"(Holds Fafnir out) Haa, fine here. But don't you do anything to her, (menacing) because if you do, I'll take your head."(Blaze)

"(Grabs) Ya, Ya, I wasn't going to anyway. Now step back don't want you getting killed by your own spear."(Druana)

*Step Step*

"Good now watch me carefully."(Druana)


*Whoosh Whoosh* *Thumpthumpthump* *Swish* *Ccrreeaakk Boom*

Wow. She pierced one tree with three strikes that looked like one and cut another tree like it was nothing and it was with such fluid movements too.

"You see that? You need to be able to do at least that much before you learn my spear and claw arts."(Druana)

"Wait claw arts?"(Blaze)

"Ya, claw arts. You'll be learning all of my arts and techniques."(Druana)

"But I don't have claws."(Blaze)

"Simple, just grow them. You're a true god so it shouldn't be too hard. Nut before that I'll be teaching you how to suppress your presence. So, I hope you like hard training as training starts now. I'll give you a 20-minute head start. Hide away from me without getting found for one day or you won't like what happens next. Your time starts now."(Druana)


"Times ticking better hurry and hide."(Druana)

I don't get what's happening, but something tells me I don't want to find out.

(18 minutes of running later)


This should be good. A small cavity in-between tree roots just big enough to squeeze into.



Damn that was hard. Smaller squeeze than I thought but at least-

*Bam Creak boom*

How the fuck did she find me so fast!!??

"Really, you didn't even try to suppress your presence. Welp time for the penalty. (Grab)"(Druana)

"Wa-Wait I-I don't know how to."(Blaze)

"I know that's why I'm training you. Now shut up and take the penalty."(Blaze)

A shit I'm fucked. Those eyes. Those are the eyes of someone who enjoys torturing people.

"Me-Mercy please."(Blaze)


She then broke every bone in my hand.


"Shut up."(Druana)


She then cut my vocal cords so I couldn't scream.

"(Smile) Now let's have some fun."(Druana)

Why must I go through this hell? And like that my hellish training began.

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