Why am I a god!?

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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(Leah Pov)

Hold the fuck up! What the hell!? Mom?! He has a mom?! And what the hell was that killing intent!? It was strong enough to make everyone freeze in fear! Is she how he got such strong killing intent? But wait isn't he human?

"(Menacing) Now where were you planning to go run off to without even seeing and saying hi?"(Druana)

Holy shit is she pissed! She makes Blaze look like a kitten in comparison.

"(Whisper) Who is she?"(Leah)

"Druana Goddess of War, the hunt, and patron god of tigers. But what I'm most known for is being the devil of wrath."(Druana)

I stiffened up at the mention of wrath.

"Hold up. Why wasn't I told about that last part?!"(Blaze)

"(Pissed) You would have known if you would have actually come and visited. I was going to tell you when we saw each other again because I forgot to mention it before."(Druana)


"You better be because you're going in a world of trouble. First is the fact that you didn't even come say hi when you were over here. You just popped in and out once you were done with your business. And don't even deny it. The old fart already told me."(Druana)


Did he just click his tongue? I think my entire world view is starting to crumble. What happened to the calm collected almost cold god that I serve under.

"Next you were trying to run as to avoid me, right?"(Druana)


"And that confirms you were aware of what you did. And finally, you broke rule #1."(Druana)

"(Wide eyed) (Begging) M-Mom n-not here! Please don't do it here.!"(Blaze)

"(Meniacle smirk) Maybe you should have thought about what would happen after you broke the rules."(Druana)

"(Begging) I-I swear I won't do it again! So, please anything but that!"(Blaze)

"Nope. You're getting punished and that's that. And don't think just because you hide them means they're any less physical."(Druana)

At that statement his face went whiter than my fur.


"(Quietly) (Confused) What the hell is going on?"(Leah)

"Oh, so he hasn't shown you."(Druana)

"(Surprised) Huh? You heard me? (Confused) And showed what?"(Leah)

"Yes, I did hear you I'm not deaf. And I'll show you."(Druana)

"(Almost crying) Mom please let me keep at least what little dignity I have left with my subordinate!"(Blaze)

"Too bad. Not happening. This is what you get for breaking the rules."(Druana)

"(Almost crying) Why!? You said you'd listen when I hit 25 million, I'm already 50 million!"(Blaze)

"I said I'd listen not follow what you said."(Druana)

"(Crying) Please no. I-I don't want everyone to find out."(Blaze)

Oof I'm starting to feel bad for him I mean he broke down crying. But what does he mean others? 

"What do you mean others? I don't think any of them will care much of whatever you're hiding."(Leah)

"I'm not talking about th- I mean nothing!"(Blaze)

I'd be an idiot if I didn't suspect him of something from his last words.

"(Glares) What are you hiding?"(Leah)

"(Nervously looks left and right) No-Nothing! Nothing at all!"(Blaze)

"(Menacing) Spill it."(Druana)

"I-I can't! It'll ruin the surprise."(Blaze)

"Oh, Ya and what would that be?"(Druana)

"I can't say. I've set this up since the beginning of my universe, and finally all the conditions were met."(Blaze)

Hmm since the beginning? Is it about that weird code in the system I couldn't crack and was told to leave alone?

"Does it have something to do with that code I found?"(Leah)

"Kind of but, not really as the system was made after I set this up. What you saw was a fire wall. It was going to be so fun to see all of your reactions to it. It's going to be a big event in the universe."(Blaze)

"And what exactly are you planning?"(Druana)


"(Scared) (Meekly) I can't say."(Blaze)

"Well, I'll get it out of you one way or another."(Druana)

"H-Hold on c-can- (Pull) Nnyyyaaaa!"(Blaze)

(Stunned) Did he just. Like a cat. What?

"(In pain) Nyo! Lyet go, nya! It hurts, nya! You'll break my tail, nya! I'll release the dyanm cover so styop pulling nya! Dyammit I cyan't styop saying nya, nya!"(Blaze)

Why is he talking like that? (Annoyed) And why does it remind me of something very annoying?


"(Serious) Do it or I'll continue pulling."(Druana)

"(scared) O-Ok, nya. Ju-Just dyon't pull my tail, nya.(Sniffle) You're evil, nya. Pulling my tail lyike that, nya.(Sniffle) A devil, nya. (Sniffle)"(Blaze)


At that moment 20 other rulers gave Blaze's clones strange looks but, just excepted it as a whim of a god or another experiment gone wrong.

*Jaw drop*

He was a Blue Ciger! Those annoying little shits that have too much strength for their size and a strange liking for the water!

"There, happy nyow, nya!"(Blaze)

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"While you do look much better now and just as cute as all those years ago, I'm still not done."(Druana)

"(Crying) What more do you want, nya!? I've just lyost all respect with all my subordinyates and nyow I'm styuck lyike this, nya!"(Blaze)

"(Softly) Haa, (Warmly) you say you're all mature but act like a little kid. You don't need to hide your ears and tail or care what your subordinates think. They are under your command not the other way around. (Hug) (Pets and scratches ears)


Hmhm, your still like a little cub."(Druana)

Wow. She really is treating him like a cub. I don't know what to say. It's very weird to see someone who picked up a two and a half meters tall fox by the scruff and drop them outside a door like they were a pup misbehaving. Being treated like they were a pup being comforted by their mom.

"What do- oh he's gone."(Leah)

He left the pups with a note and just disappeared. Well, let's see what the note says.

Things were getting a little personal and I don't think I should be here and interrupt whatever's happening. So, I'll leave the pups with this note and leave.

Be good to the pups and hope whatever is happening is resolved.


Hades, God of the dead.

So, he did leave. I guess that's fair. I mean this is a personal moment between them and all.

I would have left to if I didn't get distracted from the surprises I was seeing.

Though I guess he did warn me and all but, still very shocking. And for some reason I'm getting the feeling I probably shouldn't tell the others about this side of his or something bad might happen. 

"Aunty what are they doing?"(?)

"Ya, Ya what are the cat people doing?!"(?)

Huh? Did they just speak? Well, I guess that makes sense. Their strength feels to be around that of a high god almost ruler. Well let's just take them with me back to our domain.

"Hey pups do you have names?"(Leah)

""(Tilts Heads) What's that?""

"So, Cerberus never gave you a name?"(Leah)

"Mom never told use anything about a name."(?)

"Then what do I call you?"(Leah)

"I don't know. All of us usually did everything together so there wasn't a need."(?)

"Haa, I guess I'll name you two then."(Leah)

(One brainstorming session later)

"Ok I've decided. You're Flare and your Frost."(Leah)

"I'm Flare!"(Flare)

"And I'm Frost!"(Frost)

Ugh, it hurts to see them so happy about such basic names. I mean I just named them after their affinities for ice and fire.

"So, Frost (Head turn) Flare we're going to where I and my family live. So just touch my fur and we'll be off."(Leah)




(10 minutes later)

(Blaze Pov)

Nnyyaa. Huh, nya? What's going on, nya? Dyamit I hate this stupid nyaing I do, nya! I cyan't think, nya!

Haah, looks lyike I'm stuck lyike this nyow aren't I, nya? All because of that stupid body, nya. How the fyuck does it even effect my myain body anyway, nya!?

Is it because it's a myistic race nya? Or was this a racial characteristic nya. Maybe Leah knyows of them nya? I'll ask her later, nya. Ugh, why does it even happen in my own thoughts it's hard to focus, nya. Fyine, I give up, nya!

"(Serious) Myom I really have to go nyow, nya. I wasn't lying when I said that there was something else that needed to be dyone today. nya."(Blaze)

"Haa, fine but you have to come visit or I'm over there myself."(Druana)

"Sure, or you cyan live over in my unyaverse, nya."(Blaze)

"(Stuned) Huh? What did you say?!"(Druana)

"I syaid you could live in my unyaverse, nya. It's nyot like anyone can say anything, nya. The most is the old fyart and would best knyow nyot to interfere if he doesn't want a few permanyant holes in him, nya."(Blaze)

"I guess I'll live over there then. But is that really fine? I mean won't it make things chaotic over there?"(Druana)

"Nyo, nyot really, nya. At least nyot as bad as what is about to happen thanks to Leah's daughter, nya. I say give it a little bit and there'll be a bigger uproar abyout the Uveron Gates then you being there, nya.

I myean the only thing you have to careful abyout is some myonsters that live in space, nya. But otherwise nyothing else if you don't count the annoying shit that is there, nya. But honestly, he's too weak to anything other than annoy, nya. And is only useful for splitting apart of my work to him, nya.

Otherwise, he's useless, nya."(Blaze)

"If you say so. Nut, what is the Uveron Gates?"(Druana)

"I'll tell you if you promise nyot to tell others, nya."(Blaze)

"I won't. It's not like I want to spoil your fun."(Druana)

"The Uveron Gates are the gates that lead to the other planyets in the unyaverse, nya."(Blaze)

"Ah, I see. You planned for them to appear and see what the inhabitants of the worlds do."(Druana)

"(Nods) Yep, Nyow let's go, nya. Leah left earlier and is with the pups in her room, nya. And I myade you a room too, so you just need to come over, nya."(Blaze)

"Ok. Then let's go."(Druana)


(old man Regi Pov)

So, he took her with him huh. Meh, not like I could have stopped them. And even if I did try, I'd just become Swiss cheese. At least Druana didn't have any major jobs I couldn't give to someone else.

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