Why, Can't You Eat?

Chapter 11: 11

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Chapter 11

I lost my ring two years ago, and back then, it took me a while to come back to my senses.

I just fell asleep after absorbing the essence I needed, then opened my eyes as though I had woken from a long dream. I was in a strange limbo where I couldn’t distinguish between dream and reality, and so I fully indulged myself in pleasure.

When my rationality finally returned, I remembered that I needed to find my ring.

Obviously, this was a terrible memory that I didn’t even want to think about again, but that’s not what’s important. After returning to myself as Lily, I wanted to hide in shame because of everything that happened, but I didn’t waste time and immediately went to Evan to find my parents.

That was the last time I met my parents. Because of my succubus impulses… I needed to become ‘Lilith’ time and again. Just so I wouldn’t lose my senses, I needed to sleep with men and absorb their essence until my ring was returned to me.

Sir Odil promised to get my ring back. The other commanders were just swept into this mess, but I had no confidence to refuse any of them because I wouldn’t be able to find my ring by myself, and I wouldn’t be able to keep myself together without having to sleep with them.

However, at the same time, it wasn’t like I could stay as the shameless Lilith when the commanders returned to Ciel after the one-sided war had finished.

In the end, I chose to return with them and became a maid in the Imperial Palace. It was during a large scale hiring of servants at the palace when Ciel had just been recently proclaimed as an empire.

At that time, I thought this was the best choice, but I often spiraled into misery and guilt, thinking that all this wouldn’t have happened if I just explained myself before it became like this.

I looked at the fountain where water continuously poured, then blinked. I got up from my seat.

After I became a maid, I regularly exchanged letters with my mother. Although it was never really agreed upon aloud, after the war, it was like an implicit promise between us not to talk about my body or my grandmother.

But I needed to harden my resolve. I couldn’t live like this forever. There must be a good reason why they still couldn’t find my ring despite searching the whole continent.

“…Let’s cheer up.”

Right here, I spoke to myself just as novel protagonists would, without paying attention to whether anyone was watching or not. As I did this, I was still dispirited, but this quiet pledge was a testament to my determination.

Two days went by quickly. After sending a letter to my mother, I tried to keep myself together, but my body was heating up a little earlier than usual. As I pressed my aroused abdomen, I sighed and laid down on my bed.

As Lilith, I walked through the mirror at once and entered a building where the temperature dropped. The path towards my destination was now familiar enough that I could even go there with my eyes closed.

Soon after, I stood in front of the door where an emblem of a blue lion was engraved. I pushed the door open, and inside, Odil looked at me with an expressionless face.

“I didn’t see you for a while, so I thought you finally gave up and left.”

“You still couldn’t find my ring, so where could I possibly go? Or were you upset that I hadn’t visited you all this time, hm?”

“What nonsense are you…”

Really. He’s older than me, but he’s just so adorable. Even though he’s telling me I’m spouting nonsense, he couldn’t finish berating me properly as his face immediately flushed bright red.

Of course, he’s not upset or angry because of that, but he thinks it’s ridiculous that his body became heated right away. I knew him like the back of my hand because we’ve been stuck together for such a long time.

“I always say this, but your words really can’t match your body’s honesty.”


When I smirked and pointed to his lower body, which was already hard, he looked both livid and ashamed. I could feel a faint thrill about this, and without realizing it, my tentacles stretched out from the shadows.

He grimaced, perhaps from the memories of him suffering terribly during that last night we enjoyed together. Then, he sighed and spoke hesitantly.

“…Look here. I’ll do as you say, so just get rid of that.”

I was in the middle of slipping off my dress and sauntering towards him, but I stopped in my tracks and stared at him. It was shocking to hear such words come out of this man who never cooperated willingly, but I responded playfully.


“What do you mean why…”

“It doesn’t mean anything to me anyway, whether you rebel against me or not. It’s no fun if you suddenly become so submissive, Odil.”

There are others who are already like that, so you better behave just as you have been, go curse at me and kick up a fuss. Since it had been like that since the beginning of our arrangement, this sudden change wasn’t very pleasant to hear.

Odil seemed to be terribly flustered to hear me respond like this. Maybe it’s because I’m always honest with him. With his limbs tied by my tentacles, he bit his lips and tried to shout something, but I leaned forward and kissed him first.

“Uhp, hmngh…”

“Mmm, stop biting me. If you keep doing that, I’ll make you cry again tonight.”

When my tongue tried to enter his mouth, he bit down, and so I grumbled in a rather rough voice. When the emotionally charged tentacles dug through his clothes and roved over his abdomen and thighs, he opened his mouth again as he gasped.

I went on my tiptoes and put my arms over his neck, kissing him even deeper. The sound of our lips smacking together, the sound of our breaths running ragged, the sound of his low groans… It was all making my insides throb. I could already feel my own sweet fluids flowing down my thighs like thick honey.

With one hand, I reached down and put my finger into my entrance, stroking myself slowly. And with my other hand, I caressed his neck, his chest, but then Odil’s reactions were strangely dull today.

He was neither feisty nor sensitive, and he didn’t rebel as strongly as before. He just closed his eyes and let me have my way with him.

“What’s wrong? You’re being a bit weird today.”

“If you’re going to do it, just do it quickly and get lost. You do whatever you want anyway. No matter how I behave, it won’t mean anything to you.”


I was at a loss for some reason.

Has this man ever said this before? No. He wasn’t the type of person who’d say this in the first place.

Odil seemed angry and disappointed. Even though I had pulled out my finger from my entrance and stuck it into his mouth, he just sucked on it obediently. He didn’t close his mouth or try to bite me. His thick tongue swept over my finger, and then he pulled it out and licked my palm.

“Huh… Are you really upset?”

Without answering back, he just frowned. I kissed Odil again and unbuttoned his shirt one button at a time.

As I touched his naked skin, he groaned slightly. Then after his shirt was off, I reached down and touched him there. I felt the shape of his manhood through his pants, and it was already so big that I didn’t have to stroke it.

Gasping with his eyes closed, his face was heavily flushed. This appearance was too much. My belly was itching and my thighs kept getting hot.

“Why are you so excited?”

As I smiled provocatively and moved the tentacles over his body, I asked him this question, but all he did was stare back with a glum gaze.

Was the effect of the fascination too strong? I should cancel it. I don’t like this submissive attitude. I became more curious about how he would react if we had an unforgettable night without him feeling the effects of my fascination.

When I removed the tentacles that were keeping Odil immobile, he quickly maneuvered himself over me, his eyes glinting clearly.

In an instant, our positions were reversed, and I needed to set down my hands over the desk so that I wouldn’t fall.

It happened in a split second. Then, as his pants were removed, he instantly entered me at once.


His manhood, which was already so big and swollen, quickly pierced into me and reached my deepest part. My body shook wildly and my heart fluttered.

One calloused hand reached up and groped one of my breasts, twisting my nipple, while his other hand had his fingers digging into my mouth.

“Hmpph, haa, uhp…”

My heart was beating so loudly that it was enough to hurt, but as my chest was being touched, my vision became hazy. When I felt like there was something missing despite him pounding into me deeply, my body was twisted into a new position again.

This time, as he thrusted in, I could feel a sharp pleasure of his length rubbing into a good spot. Now that I had a clear view of him going inside me, it was all too stimulating.

“Ah! Ah! Just, just a bit mo—hnngh! Inside… AH!”

As I lay down on the desk, I reached up instinctively to embrace Odil, who was emanating so much heat.

When I clung to him, who was now standing completely upright, his length went in again to the brim. I rolled my hips over him as he pulled me up and down with a breathtaking pace, he suddenly pulled my tail and moved even faster.

“Hagh! Ah, ah… haaeuk!”

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When Odil pulled my tail, electricity seemed to have jolted from my a*s and up my spine. He hit the entrance to my uterus every single time with the tip of his member with such friction, and my arms that were clinging to his neck almost lost strength. When this happened, he reached even deeper inside.

I was already drooling, but he licked it all up and bit my lower lip.


Right then, I reached my climax. My inner walls repeatedly contracted and tightened over him, and I was left melting with pleasure.

But still, Odil continued thrusting inside without stopping. The fluids from my deepest part burst out and dripped to the floor.

The fluids began to flow even more when my nipples were stroked, making me even more excited. After having ravaged my lips, he leaned down and took my right breast and sucked. He took in as much as he could as though he wanted to swallow me whole.

“Heuk, ah, heuuk!”

And at that moment, something hot exploded within me. The extreme stimulation that I felt from my upper and lower body made my vision flash white. His excessively hot and thick c*m filled me up.

“…Keugh. Haa……”

“Ah, haa… heuu, ungh!”

Maybe it’s because it’s been so long, but even though my insides were full and I already came, I could still feel the electrifying sensation over my entire body.

As I clung onto him tighter with tears in my eyes, a hesitant hand touched my back. I had barely calmed down, but Odil started moving again.

It was just so good that I couldn’t endure it all.

“Angh! Ah, ah! Haahngh!”

The intense movement made me see stars. As he breathed roughly, he laid me back down on the desk.

He usually hated it when I touched his things, but now that it was like this, I was so happy to imagine him getting frustrated whenever he’d work on this desk and recall what we’re doing now.

A mixture of our white fluids splashed over my belly. The hand that touched my nipples slid down and passed through the pattern on my lower abdomen.

As I felt my thighs tightening, the hand went down further and stopped at the swollen cl*toris. His thumb rubbed it as tenaciously as his manhood moved in and out of me, and I moaned desperately while arching my back.

I came, and I came again. I couldn’t even count how many times I reached bliss.

“Ha, uuaah…”

When my body reached its peak, it reached another again, and then once more… It made me dizzy with pleasure. His member began to move roughly again as if it was eager to be rewarded for all its enthusiasm thus far.

“You’ve been pent up lately, huh?”


I cried and moaned so hard that my voice became hoarse. It was the first time I ever surrendered and asked for a break.

When he sat down with a palm over his face, I chuckled at him.

As much as he usually abstained, my fascination was simply amplifying what’s already there. That’s why the men I encountered become reduced to their instincts.

“Until now, I’ve been the only one to attack you because you hate it, but today was the opposite.”


“Why are you being so gloomy? I liked it. But please—do it in moderation next time.”

Even if I could endure the physical aspect of it, I wouldn’t be able to withstand much of the mental toll. Of course, this wouldn’t affect myself as Lilith, but when I wake up as Lily the next day, I’d suffer from so much embarrassment.

“It’s not even my day off. If I faint while I’m working tomorrow, you should take responsibility and take me to the palace ward.”

As I buried my face into a nice-smelling pillow while grumbling, he still didn’t say anything.

I raised my head to say something coy, but as I looked up, Odil was looking at me with a heavy expression.

And I realized what I had said.

“…What did you say just now?”


“No way, perhaps— You…!”

Oh, what do I do? I think my mind has gone mush.

No, I’m going to quit being a maid soon anyway, so it won’t… well, it shouldn’t matter.

With a pale face, I licked my lips and smiled awkwardly. Then, I sat up and came down from the bed cautiously.

He stood up and reached out to take ahold of my wrist, but with a lilting tone, I spoke.

“I’ll get going now. See you next time~”


It was an astonished voice.

“Ahaha, I’m in trouble.”

I didn’t mean to say that. I made a foolish mistake. Odil wasn’t especially sharp in this regard, but the problem was the other commanders.

But oh well. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal. It’ll be okay as long as my identity as a succubus won’t be exposed. If that happens, I can just quit being a maid and go back home.

It wouldn’t be a good idea to live alone again as I did before, nor did it appeal to me to sleep around with strange men who have subpar essence compared to the high-quality essence I’m already getting now, but I’m going to need to run away.

Until now, I thought that my rational side, Lily, was too pure and foolish, but at this moment, it seems to be the opposite.

From the tips of my fingers, I could feel myself gradually scattering into petals as I stared at the pale face of Lily’s motionless body as though it was dead.

Ah, I’ve really done it this time. What can I do! The two sides of myself had different principles and personalities anyway. Lily will be responsible for cleaning up this mess!

“Responsible? Who’s going to be responsible for this?!”

When the swirling black petals completely faded away, my consciousness returned and I woke up in tears.

What the hell did you do?! I don’t know if I should already run away right now!

After slipping up so badly like that, I should just stop having any kind of relationship with Sir Odil at night.

I wanted to summon Lilith right away and let her clean up this mess, but my succubus side wouldn’t come out unless it was nighttime and if my body was aroused. But of course, if I didn’t have enough essence to fuel me, she would come out regardless of whether it was day or night.

I really don’t want anyone to know that I’m a succubus. I just want to absorb some essence quietly and get my ring back so that I can go back to my normal life.

I wasn’t too worried about them finding me in this wide palace because they wouldn’t even know exactly what my face looks like, but then… I was worried that Lilith would make another slip of the tongue like today after going back to absorb essence from the commanders.

Now that the commanders know that I work in this palace… It’s obvious that Sir Odil would be curious about my whereabouts.

I’m in real deep trouble now. If he happened to find me, all I could imagine was him pulling out his sword while saying ‘How dare you take me for a fool!’ And then slash! There goes my severed head.


Let’s run away.

I thought like this for a moment, but in reality… this wasn’t possible. From the matter of absorbing essence to the disappearance of my ring, there were many things that I couldn’t solve if I don’t continue staying here.

Then what should I do?

I crouched down and covered my face with both hands.

No matter how much I tried to think about a way out, it was just too much.

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