Why, Can't You Eat?

Chapter 22: 22

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Translator: Yonnee

────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────Chapter 22

“Ah, ah… hngh, stop, ahh…!”

As he pressed between my thighs and over my undergarments, I could feel myself a climax brewing in my lower stomach. With hot warmth bursting out, my inner walls convulsed, I was dazed by the unsteadiness that followed me when my mind went blank.

As the pleasure continued, my eyelids continued to become heavier. Why did my eyes keep wanting to close even though I just woke up?

Damian, who had been holding onto me until now, released my wrist and then held my completely languid body. And, angh, my body turned upside down, and my arms were caught again from the back.

Like a trick of the light, it seemed like flower petals were scattering in my blurred vision. Right… I had a dream. What dream was it again? Someone said something to me, but I couldn’t understand what those words meant.

My mind was confused and my body had no strength. Flinching as my breaths came out in gasps, my backside was suddenly in the air as my knees rested on the bed.

Damian was behind me, my ass up.

“Aren’t you too quick.”

I couldn’t say anything—my underwear was soaked and I could feel my c*m flowing down to my thighs. I felt a hot breath on my lower body, so my thighs automatically flinched and closed. But then, they were opened again by calloused hands.

Damian licked my thighs with his tongue and began to suck up the thick fluids, and at this, I bit my lips as my inner walls clenched.

“Ah, it’s sweet.”

Everywhere his tongue touched, my thighs were pressed and spread out. With my eyes tightly closed, I grabbed a pillow in front of me and clutched it so hard that my hands hurt. I’m going crazy.

“You’re spilling so much even after I’ve licked it all up. Tighten harder. Why are you being wasteful like this?”

“Th, that kind of thing, you can’t just…!”

“You’re crying?”


With Lilith’s body, only my instincts would be left, so I would get aroused even if he spoke like that. But of course, after I absorb essence and return to my original body, I’d get so upset and offended.

Even now, I can’t do anything about my body heating up, but even if I collapse and lose consciousness, I would never be the first one to ask him to do it with me. It felt so unfair that this was happening, but I was crying only because I realized how much trouble I’m in.

Not saying nor doing anything for a while, Damian suddenly pulled my shoulders, with my limp following the motion, he quickly hugged me.

“So then… Haa. The real you—is it this side or that side?”


“What’s your real name?”


“We’re just around the same age, right? Or are we the same age?”


“I’m going to tell Odil Hyung.”

“This side is the real me. My name is Lily. We’re the same age.”


“To Commander Cygnus—please don’t tell him.”

With a hoarse voice, I answered right away. I couldn’t see his face because he was behind me, but I could somehow imagine what kind of expression he had. Exhaling as he looked at my hand on the bed, Damian spoke.

“You don’t like Odil Hyung?”

I shook my head. My heated body was calming down.


Damian made a sound as though he couldn’t understand, then he buried his face on my neck. My shoulders trembled.

“If this side is the real you… Wait a sec. Were you originally human before you became a succubus?”


“I kinda get it now. The ring you’re looking for—it prevents you from becoming a succubus, right?”

“Right. I heard that you found out where it is.”

“Yeah, but I couldn’t bring it back. I happened to find it, but I had to ask you something first. But I heard you almost got caught by Odil Hyung, that’s why you weren’t coming anymore? But it seems Al Hyung knows. Even Eddy Hyung?”


“So they know. What the hell. So apart from Odil Hyung, everyone found out. Why did you keep it a secret anyway?”

I couldn’t bear to say that I was scared that they’d try to kill me if they knew who I was. Sir Endymion and Sir Ares seem to favor me, so I wasn’t worried about them. Then again, I don’t think it’d ever work well with Sir Odil.

“I don’t care about the other commanders, but I don’t want Commander Cygnus to know.”

“What, so I guess you’re making everyone else your accomplices.”


“For free? If you’re asking something from someone else, you’d better be ready to cough something up in return.”

That’s why, you—after such a long time, let me taste you. After saying this, Damian bit my neck and penetrated me with a finger down below.


His finger went in easily because he had already eaten me out. As his finger continued its movements, it pressed against my convulsing inner walls—my body flinched with his every thrust, but my back couldn’t arch forward because he was embracing me tightly.

“Even if your body’s different, you feel the same.”

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One more finger went in. Whenever Damian pressed down on that spot inside along with his thumb grazing my cl*t, a moan would echo, followed by a gasp. As my vision continued to blur, I saw something like an illusion of flower petals scattering.

I felt his other hand coming up to my chest, and as he teased one nipple, I grabbed his arm.

It was done unconsciously to stop him—it really seemed like I’d faint here if I felt it more, but Damian seemed to have understood this differently.

“What the. Are you whining for me already?”

“I’m not, whining… hnghh!”

As soon as he pinched my stiff nipple slowly, my entire body tightened. Damian moved his fingers inside me to match the contractions of my inner walls. Then, with a voice that seemed to be more languid than before, he spoke.

“This side of you has smaller breasts, so I thought you wouldn’t be tempting at all. But aren’t you too erotic. Were you born with this talent?”

He’s saying stuff like that again. Tearing up in pleasure, I retorted back with an annoyed tone.

“Then what about, mmh, you… Were you, haa, born with that, nnh, vocabulary?”

“Hmm. I guess if you can say that much, you’re still okay?”

Chuckling, he pressed his lips right next to my ear and pulled out his fingers. I felt vividly how the fluids flowed out together.

Then, when he showed his fingers that were soaked with c*m right in front of my eyes, I was so embarrassed that I wanted to lose consciousness right then.

“So how did Eddy Hyung and Al Hyung find out?”

“If you’re curious, just ask th—AH!”

Even before I could finish saying this, Damian kneaded my breasts and pinched my nipples. Since I had reached climax once already, my heated body reacted sensitively even to brief touches.

“Sir Endymion, be, because of my scent…”

“Scent? Ah, your body’s scent? Wow, that’s Hyung’s really amazing. Then how about Al Hyung?”

“I’ve told you enough so stop…”

I trailed off as he caressed my breasts with his fingers that were full of c*m. I couldn’t even speak properly because it felt so good—as good as when he was rubbing my cl*t. I can taste a sweet flavor in my mouth.

While the playful voice sounded weaker, as though it was getting farther, I wanted to say that we’re going to get caught by Sir Ares at this rate.

But right then, as if at a loss, a strangely excited voice whispered.

“Goodness, isn’t this awkward.”

Until just now I was being held by Damian, but it felt like I lost consciousness in the middle of it. Though I was dreaming now, my body was still aroused and my entrance was flinching. I wonder if this really is a dream…

“Child, can I take a look at your hand?”

It felt like scorching hot hands were still stroking my body. As I gasped in short breaths, my gaze slowly moved towards the sweet voice.

It was a mesmerizing sight. Something like a sparkling light came from somewhere, connecting to my finger. And soon, it turned into a black thread.

“This is the third.”

This made me anxious. I wanted to know what those strings tied to my finger meant and why the voice was counting.

But at the same time as the voice stopped speaking, I screamed a moan.



My surroundings changed in an instant. I blinked, moaning with such a high voice that my face turned red. I couldn’t remember at which point I fainted, but I was soon distracted by the heat and pleasure that was spreading in my lower body.

“Agh, AH, hngh…”

Coming from behind, the manhood was too deep inside me. The arousal that heated my body rose and subsided several times, and my body tingled as if every inch of me had become an erogenous zone. It felt good everywhere that was touched.

Damian seemed to have locked the door when he came back in a while ago, but I bit my tongue and held back my voice as much as I could. It was too much, this guilt I was feeling for doing this kind of thing in a public place where other people can come in at any time—especially because it was a medical cot inside the ward.

“Huu, but you didn’t, really, care about, hagh, other people before.”

“Mmmh, s, slowly…”

“Wow, you want me to go slower here? A devil’s a devil after all.”

“You’re, haaa, just, too big, nngh…”

“…You, just don’t say anything else. I’m so horny that I’m barely holding back when all I want to do is turn you inside out.”

I bit my lips, my face getting flushed again. When we did it at night, he talked like this so casually even as he thrusted in and out of me with his thing—even as I’d bring out a strange rod to ram up his ass. So honestly, I could never expect normal sex with him.

Whenever Damian rolled his waist, my hips would follow and tears from psychological torment would flow down. Then, while licking those tears, it was so unfamiliar to hear him say, ‘This is sweet, too.’

“Ha, you’re so insatiable that it’s driving me crazy, seriously.”

“Nng… AH, just, just a little faster…”

“You told me to go slowly, but now you’re telling me to go faster? Wow, you’re seriously such a bad girl.”

As he slowed down earlier, he kept missing that spot narrowly. But now, even as he grumbled at the request I asked in a daze, Damian moved his hips a little faster.

“Oh! Hagh… AHH…!”

With my weak body that couldn’t move alone, I leaned back and shook helplessly. All the sounds around me suddenly became muted, and with a sense of vertigo, I came.

Damian embraced my writhing body, but he himself hadn’t c*m yet. My lower body was soaked and sticky, and I felt a stinging gaze as I exhaled heavily.

When I turned around to look sideways, Damian’s lips were closed, his expression scary. At the same time, with my cheeks slightly flushed, I furrowed my brows.


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