Why, Can't You Eat?

Chapter 24: 24

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Translator: Yonnee

────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────Chapter 24

I licked my red lips with my tongue again as I spread his already open legs and hit his hole.

“Ah… uh, huk…!”

“Haa, you, how does it feel to be bullied, huh?”

When the dildo, which was strapped on to my underwear, opened the wrinkled wall and entered, it poked at his insides so I changed the position little by little and stimulated other places. It wouldn’t be as satisfying as a real c*ck, but it would feel good inside because he’s tight.

Damian gasped like a beast without even making a proper sound, and transparent fluids fell out of the hole that was swallowing the dildo. And finally, our eyes met.

“Huah, ah, haaah…”

What a cute, lovely sight it was to see him lying like that and drooling like a dog. As the dildo poked inside of him, he groaned yet slightly moved his waist to stimulate himself.

He seemed to be almost out of his mind as he felt that stimulus for the first time, although he was moving slowly. In fact, the normal response would have been to resist or even to go as far as to be violent, but thanks to my pheromone serum and with me poking at his weak spot, he was already crying from not pain, but excessive pleasure.

Whenever I saw him move his a*s, I could feel my uterus slowly descending. When the dildo pressed into him, I saw how his entrance was forcibly opened. I moved my back faster little by little—and the moment Damian’s most sensitive part was strongly stimulated, he collapsed without even making a sound.

He trembled in a way that made it seem like he was convulsing. At the tip of his swollen manhood, murky s*men came out and turned transparent.

Seeing this clumsy climax, my body heated up, so I quickly pulled out the dildo from inside Damian. Just seeing that hole close in an instant after just being open a second ago was too revealing. I untied the strap from my underwear and the pillar inside slipped out. When the thick tip was caught at the entrance, it felt like my vision was spinning.

My body felt so hot that I couldn’t stand it. I lay down Damian on his back and sat on his stomach. His manhood was still standing upright even though he came twice already. Before I knew it, my insides were convulsing and getting wet in no time.

“I’ll put it in now, okay?”

“Haa, haa… Really, ha, I was fooled, fooled, nnngh…!”

As I guided his manhood to my entrance and sat down on it at once, Damian closed his eyes tightly. It felt different from the previous one. Now, perhaps because my uterus came down, it felt deeper and tighter.

“Ahng, aaah… haaangh!”

When I reached out a hand to interlock my fingers with his, Damian shook his back slightly. With that, I reached my climax after moaning wildly, rocking my hips.

Even after absorbing essence, I rubbed my stiff nipples over Damian’s chest for a long time. He touched my hair as he rode the pleasure, then he said.

“You, how are you going to face me tomorrow?”

“If perhaps I say I want to die, please just play along and stop me.”

“If you’ve made me like this and then do something cute like that, it’s going to be a problem.”

I smiled without answering and moved my hips calmly. I could feel his manhood stirring inside. After three or four hours, the sun would already rise, but it’s regrettable that I hadn’t used the other toys on the bed yet.

“I’m the one who was attacked, so you should be the victim today.”


Come to think of it, he said he returned without even having time to rest properly, yet he pushed me until I fainted. It was natural that he had less energy than usual. While I was worrying about what I should do if there’d be a problem after I sucked up his energy like this, my sensitive body trembled.

I couldn’t stop my lips curling up to a smile, but Damian didn’t notice and just muttered, ‘How scary, really scary.’

“Damiaaaaaaan…! Earlier youuuuuu… Huh…?”

“You came just in time, Ares!”

“Wow, Hyung. You’re here.”

Damian greeted Ares nonchalantly. I thought it was strange that Ares wasn’t making a fuss right now, but I noticed that he seemed to be drunk. By the way, how does he always have such great timing? When I smiled, Ares blushed but tried to leave through the door again, so I quickly caught him through my tentacles.

Damian decided to enjoy the moment anyway as he lay under me. He can’t avoid it anyway.

“Please don’t touch my a*s this time.”

Smiling at Damian once, I licked my lips and lifted an elongated glass rod as I watched Ares being dragged to me in tears.

“W-Why am I always…!”

“I know right. I wonder why you have such good timing.”

I smiled brightly, poking Ares’ backside with my tail.

❦ ❦ ❦

“Paladin candidates have to be careful of women. They’re not allowed to meet any and they never will… So there were idiots who thought it was okay if men did them. I didn’t aim for that because I was raised as a precious child, but we often joked around about being careful about our a*sholes.”


“I never imagined that I’d be taken by a man even if I died, but when I woke up here, my backside virginity was already being taken by a woman…”


“And the beads hurt a little when you put them in, but it felt good when you took them out. Is that how it feels for you, too?”

“P-Please stop, just please return. Please…”

I’m going crazy here. I can’t raise my head because I’m so embarrassed, but I didn’t even know why Damian was laughing like this as if he was happy.

When I woke up early in the morning, I struggled because rather than basking in the joy of paying Damian back through my insidious other self, I felt a flood of shame. I gasped and moaned without getting tired until dawn and came to my senses only then, but Damian was underneath me while his eyes were swollen from tears.

I don’t know why I suddenly transformed, but I’m struggling just to forget everything, so as if I was running away I left and went to the ward… It hadn’t been a few hours since it passed, but on the pretext of visiting the ward, I kept being reminded of last night’s shameful events.

“I found out for the first time yesterday that men can feel it through their nipples, too, and that it can be so good.”

“Uhhhgh… Commander, please, I’m sorry. So please no more…!”

My eyes were closed as my head was bowed, but when I tried to cover my ears, he grabbed my wrist and raised my face. He smiled mischievously as our eyes met.

“We still have a long way to go.”

He was so cheeky that I wanted to hit him.

“What do you have to be sorry about. I had fun too, so it’s fine. Al Hyung ran away in the middle of it though.”


That was also a problem. I was so feverish that I forcibly grabbed Ares, who was running away. I poked his backside with a finger, put beads in and out just as I did with Damian and made him c*m several times.

Later, I tried to put that rod in his butt, but I gave up because he burst into tears, so I went back and used it on Damian many times.

Damian was fine at first, but he was soon out of it because he was drunk with the pheromone serum after a tentacle thrusted into his a*s, and seeing that, I was aroused again…

“It felt like playing train.”

With the dildo strapped to me, I thrusted into Damian while Ares was pounding into me from the back. I peaked again and again as we continued our entanglement, and because of that, Ares came earlier than Damian. As soon as he made eye contact with me, he ran away.

I felt so sorry about the whole thing that I want to die.


I wasn’t this aggressive before! While holding my wrist and watching me cry, Damian hesitated as he tilted his head to the side. There was a perplexed expression on his face as he furrowed his brows.

“I knew it, the other side is good.”


“Hm? Ah, you, as long as you don’t get caught by Odil Hyung, right? I think it’ll be hard for you to meet Al Hyung for a while, but now you come to me every night. Eddy Hyung thought… Well, do whatever you please with him.”

Damian spoke slyly with a nonchalant face. I couldn’t understand what he meant, so after a while of spacing out and trying to piece it together, I asked. So.

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“That’s your preference?”

I didn’t know that was Damian’s taste. And he seemed to have opened his eyes to becoming a sub rather than a dom. I got goosebumps because I kept learning the truth like this when I didn’t want to know. But he replied with a rare flustered expression.

“Not really? it’s only because you’re cute when you’re shy.”


Spouting nonsense with a shameless face, Damian’s expression was saying, ‘What, you have any problems about it?’ More than embarrassment colored my neck red.

“Everything was good, but let’s not touch the back again next time, so…”


Before I could finish listening to Damian, I shook the hand that Damian had caught by the wrist, twisting away. I didn’t want to hear what’s at the end of that playful tone.

After a long moment, Damian said as if he had just remembered.

“But you said your name’s Lily, right?”

“Huh? Yes.”

“Is that a nickname?”

“What? How does the Commander know that?”

How do you know that when other people don’t even know it’s just a nickname? When I frowned, he replied with an awkward expression.

“I met your parents in Evan.”

“You were the kind and good knight that my mother wrote about in her letter?”

“What’s with that reaction?”

Oh my god. I really wouldn’t think it was him going by that description.

“I talked to her a little, only because there was a misunderstanding.”

“A misunderstanding.”

“She said I reminded her of you, but when she said you were ‘far away’, I thought you passed away. I was going to give a small prayer because I still had some training as a paladin, but I was so embarrassed when she said you were alive and kicking back here at Ciel.”

As he spoke unevenly, Damian’s cheeks were a little red. I already knew that my mom had the tendency to steer the conversation a bit vaguely, so even me as her daughter, I’d sometimes be surprised because she’d talk so ambiguously, so it’s no surprise that Damian interpreted it that way. When I burst into laughter, he pouted.

“Anyway, I promised her I’d say hello, so write about me in your letter to her later. I didn’t know the daughter would be you though.”

“Did she look healthy?”

“Yes. The food was delicious and she was kind. Come to think of it, you don’t look like your parents.”

“I heard that I look like my maternal grandmother.”

“Then your grandmother must have been a beauty, too.”

“…I guess so.”

While responding casually, my face heated up. Right, I’m pretty. Since I’m a succubus, it’s inevitable that my outward appearance would be outstanding… But whenever I’d hear about it from other people, I feel so embarrassed.

Damian leaned down towards the back of my hand, rubbing his cheek on it.

“Where did you get your ring?”

“My ring? It’s a memento from my grandmother. Can’t you tell me where it really is?”

“If I tell you, will you find it and run away?”

Damian’s bitter words hit the nail on the head.

“Something like that.”

Damian clicked his tongue, then continued speaking.

“Did you know that it’s made out of divine power?”

“Divine… power? I could feel something special about it, but I never thought it was divine power… Or…”


“My grandmother was also a succubus, but she couldn’t carry anything made out of divine power.”

As I spoke to Damian, I frowned. Just what on earth is that ring. As I fidgeted with my fingers in silence, Damian opened his lips.

“The ring, it’s at Terra right now.”

“If it’s Terra, then you mean at the Holy Empire? Why is it there?”

“I don’t know either. In the first place, we didn’t even think of looking there, but we contacted them just in case and they said it’s there. I was so speechless that I almost cussed.”

It was flustering enough to find out that the ring was something made out of divine power, but now he was telling me that it was in Terra. Suddenly, what Ares said came to mind—there could be a spell on that thing.

So many thoughts swirled in my mind. With a sigh, I told Damian.

“Terra is a place that not just anyone can enter. Can we still find it?”

“…Well, I’ll think of a way. Odil Hyung is the one who can make the impossible possible. But you, you said you don’t want to be caught by Odil Hyung.”


“Isn’t it better to come clean and ask him for this favor?”


If it was that easy, I would have already done it. I was even more amazed that these people understood my circumstances so easily. Even so, I couldn’t really tell Sir Odil. With one hand clenched into a fist, I answered.

“Later… When the ring is found, I’ll tell him then.”

“Actually, Eddy Hyung and I were cooperative with you from the very beginning, so it doesn’t really matter. But you practically attacked and forced Odil Hyung and Al Hyung into this, right? Trauma isn’t going to be a joke. If you leave without telling them, they won’t trust women for the rest of their lives. But I guess that doesn’t really concern you.”

Damian had a smile on his lips as he talked, but my heart kept getting heavy.

Attacked and forced myself on them… Right. Because of my body scent, Sir Endymion caught me and when he made a minor slip of the tongue, Sir Ares found out. And with Damian, I don’t know the exact reason, but he also recognized me right away. So Sir Odil can catch me any time.

But I’ve never met him while I’m in this form, so if I just continue being careful, I wouldn’t bump into him in the future.

I bit my lips and nodded towards Damian.

“That will never happen. Never.”

“Sure. Is that a ‘promise’? If it is, then you can’t run away, or even think about running away.”

“That…! Haa, I got it.”

Endymion said the same thing as Damian here. Whether he thought that my answer was satisfactory or not, he caressed my head and smiled.

“I knew it, this side is good, too.”

Finally learning what he meant by ‘good’ earlier, my face heated up again. This was a problem when I’m not used to compliments at all.


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