Why, Can't You Eat?

Chapter 33: 33

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Translator: Yonnee

“Hello, Miss Lily.”

“…Hello, Commander Lucen.”

When Endymion greeted her, Lily tried not to suck in a breath as though she was psyching herself up, then she greeted back.

“Miss Lily, I’m looking for a book that’s like this.”

“Ah, please wait a moment. I’ll bring it to you right away.”

“No, just tell me the location…”

“This is my job. Please wait here for just a bit.”

As Endymion asked for something, Lily nodded with a neutral expression, as if she had never felt so awkward and uncomfortable.

“You look tired. I guess you couldn’t sleep well.”

“Ah, yes. I had a bad dream.”

“I know of a candle that’s good for a good night’s sleep. I’ll bring some for you later, Miss Lily.”

“Pardon? Oh, no, you don’t have to do that.”

And anytime Endymion showed any favor towards her, she would shoot it all down, whether it was trivial or not. Lily shook her head firmly. Endymion thought that she just didn’t like receiving things from others, but…

“Noona, you said you can’t sleep these days, right? Here’s a scented candle that can help you sleep better.”

“Thank you, Regulus.”

Seeing Lily smiling as if she really was happy to receive that candle from Regulus made Endymion’s heart plummet. He really had no idea. Why? Why did she always have a frown on her face whenever he would talk to her? But when it was with Regulus or anyone else, why did she show them her smile?

He could swear that he never did anything wrong to Lily. From the very first time they met, Lily strangely started avoiding him.

Before he knew it, Endymion began to visit Lily as much as Regulus did, and he also watched her. A few days passed like that, then an unexpected guest arrived.


The cold room was instantly filled with a sweet scent. The woman, who had long, smooth black hair and seductive red eyes, had Lily’s face.

“It’s been a while since we met, hasn’t it?”

When she reached out captivatingly and asked like that, Endymion almost stopped breathing. He knew about the ‘fascination’ of a succubus. He knew it for sure, but he never imagined it would be like this. The eyes that were staring back at her as though possessed grew darker and darker.

“You. You’re weird today.”

When the succubus tilted her head and asked, Endymion carefully took her extended hand. It was warm. He smiled in vain.



“No, it’s nothing. Long time no see.”

Only then did he realize. That, while he was watching Lily, she was slowly taking up space in his heart. The moment he recognized this, she became so lovely in his eyes that he couldn’t stand it.


‘I can’t say something like that.’

After recalling what happened in the past, Endymion smiled bitterly. In the end, what he said to Damian wasn’t entirely a lie. He started watching her because he was curious about why she was having a hard time. And, like flowers blooming in the wind, his feelings for her deepened.

Funnily enough, he realized his feelings when he saw the succubus change her form into Lily’s appearance through the fascination.

The reason was romantic in its own way, but Endymion couldn’t speak honestly. Just as Damian hated talking about his feelings, how would Endymion explain this to the others when even he would get goosebumps just thinking about it himself?

“Commander, I’m here!”

Endymion’s musings ended when Cillien returned to the office loudly.

“Yes. Good morning. I have something important to do today. Can you help me?”

Endymion smiled brightly as he submitted the document titled, ‘A Proposal for the Establishment of a Library on the Third Floor of the Main Building’.

❦ ❦ ❦

Everything’s depressing. Today’s my last day of work at the Central Palace, and from tomorrow onwards, I’ll be working at the Knight’s Complex, which I’d been avoiding like a plague until now.

Damian didn’t show not one hair on his head, perhaps because he knew I’d blow up at him. But today, he appeared with Regulus as if he just heard the news. If anyone saw me now, I’m sure I’m a complete spectacle while saying this.

“It’s important to know someone’s opinion first, isn’t that right? So, if they don’t like it, they don’t have to do it. You recommended me anyway, but did you even try to do that important first step?!”

“Noona! Noona! Are you really being reassigned to the Knight’s Library? We’ll see each other more often now that we’re working in the same place!”

Perhaps because he knew I’d refuse if he came alone, Damian chose to come with Regulus and no one else. Seeing how excited he was, I couldn’t possibly say no in front of Regulus, who was smiling so brightly. At a loss, I eventually nodded.

And then, he suddenly said something.

“I’m going to the bathroom for a sec.”

“Huh? Reg, wait a minute—”

“Go ahead.”

Jumping up, Regulus walked away with a grin. Damian flinched and tried to grab his wrist, but I quickly cut him off and looked at him. That sly smile on his face was slightly stiff. And when Regulus completely disappeared, I broke the silence first.

“Why did you do that to me?”

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“Umm. The thing is.”

“Commander, do you hate me? You don’t like me, so that’s it?”

“No, it’s not like that.”

“If that’s not it, then why on earth did you do that?! I can’t believe you even came here with Regulus, you’re just too much!”

I tried to talk calmly at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I got angry. So in the end, I did blow up at him.

Damian, who smiled awkwardly, replied with a fairly firm tone.

“But if you think about it, this isn’t that bad either.”

“Not bad? Not bad?! When I entered this palace, I never even looked in the direction of the Knight’s Complex!”

“Wow, it’s that bad? No wonder I never saw your face no matter how much I wandered around outside.”

“Don’t change the subject.”

“I’m sorry for recommending you however I wanted. I’m going to reflect on my actions and…”

“Ugh! Damian!”

So annoying!

My face grew hot and I couldn’t help but yell, and at this, Damian laughed cheekily. It was clear that he was doing this on purpose. While stomping my feet in anger, I wrapped Damian’s ankle with a tentacle and said this.

“You know that an aphrodisiac comes out from this, right? If you don’t straighten up, I’ll tie you up and throw you away.”

No one else knew, but I can threaten Damian with this at least. Of course, I’m not really confident in doing this, but as I spoke in a sharp voice, his eyes became wide.

“Then I’ll sell you out and shout your name.”

I really want to spit on that smug face. How dare he reply so casually. He may have said that as a joke, but I’ve been so depressed the last few days, really especially these days.

Seeing the tears that fell without a warning on my face, he stiffened and spoke in a hurry.

“Hey. Why are you suddenly crying…! No, wait, that’s because, I didn’t mean to, but Odil Hyung has been very distracted lately. So it’s kinda like striking while the iron’s hot, right? That’s why… Haa.”

This person. Are you saying that you did this for my sake? I couldn’t stand it at all. I was so filled with despair. If it’s really for my sake, then tell me about it first.

Tears continued to flow because I couldn’t hold back my anger. And as Damian kept biting his lower lip mercilessly and tried to say something, Regulus came back running.

“I’m ba… Noona, you’re crying?!”

I didn’t say anything in return. Regulus didn’t seem to notice the awkward atmosphere between me and Damian, but who else here would have made me cry? He snapped sharply at Damian.

“So it’s because of you, Commander Damian!”


“…Huh, really? No, wait just a minute, Commander Damian.”


“I knew you had a terrible personality, but I never thought that you’re someone who’d make a woman cry. I’m disappointed in you.”

“Ah, please.”

While Damian responded bluntly and Regulus continued to nag him with a formidable fervor, I dug into my pocket to take out my handkerchief, but I realized that I had given it to the strange man I saw around here before.

I rubbed my cheeks with only my hands.


Damian took out a handkerchief from his coat pocket, a delicate purple embroidery on it. I sniffled and looked up at him. He sighed and just pushed it into my hand.

It’s like he’s giving me both the sickness and the medicine for it… Thinking cynically, I rose from my seat and turned away.

“Stop it. I’m going back. I’ll wash this handkerchief and return it to you later.”

As I walked away immediately, I heard Regulus and Damian starting up again behind me.

I don’t think Damian did that only with good intentions, but fine. If Sir Odil was caught off guard when Damian said that, I guess it’s not all bad if Sir Odil didn’t really talk to me about much when we met.

Simply put, the workload I had there was a lot lesser, and I’m closer here than the original library. As Lucy said, there will be more things in the future… But I don’t know that yet. I have no room for other thoughts right now.

Except for the problem with Sir Odil, which was the one I was the most worried about, the other commanders had agreed to cooperate with me, and they even found the ring’s whereabouts.

But… Why was it that it felt like I was getting closer and closer to the edge of a cliff as the days went by? I even thought that it shouldn’t get worse than this anymore.


“You have to be healthy, Lily.”

“…Lucy. People will think that I’m leaving for good.”

“We won’t even be able to meet while we’re working anymore. Do let me know when you’re getting married already!”

“Ah, come on. That’s not going to happen at all.”

I was just saying my goodbyes to other people so she didn’t say much, but as soon as Lucy finished her report, she stuck next to me like glue and teared up. Her expression was so sad and without a sign of her playful personality, but she still managed to joke about it so cheerfully.

Thanks to her, I feel so much better now, but I still wanted to go back to my room as soon as possible. It hadn’t been a few days since I absorbed some essence, but my lower abdomen started heating up again since earlier this afternoon.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m in a bad mood, but I was so frustrated and anxious that I might lose rationality soon again.

After shortly saying goodbye to Lucy, I practically ran back to my room and crouched down. I could feel myself soaking wet down there. I couldn’t even think of lying down on my bed and just closed my eyes.

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