Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 103: CH 103

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The last rays of the sunset have disappeared, and it is completely dark.

Duan Yihua asked, "How are we going to eat in the evening?"

"Do we have to wait for Xingchen and the others to come back?" Wen Nuo asked.

"They both shouldn't be back so soon, should they?" Duan Yihua said.

It's so hard to go out on a date, and if it were them, they would have had to eat dinner and come back.

"Let's not do it either, we didn't eat well for lunch." Hu Ying said, "Let's go to a restaurant."

"Should we talk to the programme team?" Wen Nuo asked.

The Love Variety actually usually asks the guests to do it themselves because it's easy to get a spark in the cooking process.

But there shouldn't be any sparks for the six of them either.

Guo Bing was quick to agree: "It's up to you, eat what you like."

You'll see.

Wen Nuo said, "So, what are we going to eat?"

"I want a drink," Hu Ying said, "let's go for a drink. There's a bistro here, I've seen good reviews online, there's lots of food, Chinese and Western."

He was agreed by all on this proposal.

Everyone walks together towards the bar and Yan Zhi raises his hand to check the time.

Pei Xu and Di Xingchen should also return.

The day, no matter how hard it had been, had come to an end. They were walking along when suddenly a car came up behind them and everyone stopped and looked towards it.

In the night, headlights illuminate the faces of all of them, from the eager, such as Huo Cheng, to the surprised, such as Hu Ying, to those who pretend not to care, such as Lin Qingning.

The car drove past them, and they realised it was the crew of the programme.

Everyone looked a little embarrassed when they came back to their senses because there were so many follow-up shots.

Only Wen Nuo said honestly, "I thought it was Xingchen and the others who had come back."

Duan Yihua then tapped him on the shoulder.

And at this very moment, Pei Xu and the others are coming down the hill. "Director!" The camera boy sat in the car and said excitedly, "You'll never guess what we got today!"

"What did you get?" Guo Bing asked. Guo Bing asked, "What, a classic painting?"

In fact, when you think about it, two people watching the evening sunset together does make for an easy classic painting while.

"Probably a more romantic painting than a sky full of star magic!" The camera boy said excitedly.

It was only when it was time to shoot that he realised why Pei Xu said it was better to set off fireworks when it was still dark.

He sat in the car, looking at the pictures that came out while, and the corners of his mouth never dropped in excitement.

The night sky was indigo, with a jewel-like clarity, and the fireworks were all the more fantastic and brilliant with the endless snow-capped mountains as the sky was about to get dark. This is something that doesn't happen when the sky goes completely dark.

And as it gets particularly cold in the mountains after dark, they get down early and are less likely to freeze.

He can't help but admire Pei Xu's mind.

Not only is it romantic, it's also considerate.

But Pei Xu has much more in mind than that.

He chose the time when it was going to be dark because the aurora borealis was not visible here and he felt that the moment when the sun was setting and the night was rising was the closest to the feeling of the aurora borealis.

Di Xingchen has actually guessed this point in his mind.

The lyrics to 'Desert River Ballroom' are there for the taking, so it's actually easy to think of.

He really kind of appreciated the charm of jjwxc male lead today.

He has not fully calmed down until now, he is excited and touched, this day of dating down, relaxed, step by step, the rose delicate opening, fireworks pushing to the climax, how can one not be touched?

They didn't speak again the whole way.

In fact, Pei Xu is also very excited.

All this was arranged just to make Di Xingchen happy, but he didn't expect that doing this with Di Xingchen would make him feel so happy too.

When the car arrived at the county seat, Pei Xu asked, "Shall we have something to eat before we go back?"

Di Xingchen nodded and said, "Let's go to the old street, there's so much left to eat."

Since Pei Xu didn't stop his from filming on the top of the mountain, the two followers followed with the camera this time.

The Old Street was noticeably more crowded at night than during the day, so they didn't go inside and went straight to a restaurant at the entrance to the Old Street.

The restaurant was not doing well and there were only two older aunts sitting in the shop who didn't know them either.

They both ordered a chicken and mushroom stew.

Pei Xu brought his cup over, swished it in hot water and wiped his chopsticks with a paper towel before handing it to him.

Di Xingchen took it and said, "Thank you."

Without speaking, Pei Xu poured him more hot water. Di Xingchen held the cup gently with one hand and said, "Thank you."

Pei Xu just chuckled softly.

When he smiled, he reminded Di Xingchen of the time when they first met, when Pei Xu was drunk and he went to take care of him, and Pei Xu kept saying "thank you" and he even laughed at him.

Before the food was served, Di Xingchen was looking down at the evening sunset and fireworks he had captured on his phone.

Even now, when he looks at it again, he is still overwhelmed by the sight of that star-filled sky.

Yes, it is the feeling of surging, like waves of the sea, wave after wave.

Pei Xu is holding a glass of water and looking at him while drinking. Di Xingchen can't help but look up and back at him, and Pei Xu drops his eyes.

Di Xingchen smiled instead, the corners of his mouth guffawing.

As they had already eaten a lot in the afternoon, neither of them was very hungry, so they asked for a bowl of rice, one for each of them, and just after they finished eating, Di Xingchen saw three or four young people gathered at the door, probably attracted by the two followers.

"It's Di Xingchen and Pei Xu!" He heard a little girl exclaim, "They're really in our county!"

Di Xingchen looks to Pei Xu: "Shall we go?"

The two of them then came out of the shop, and the young men, who were also rather timid, saw them coming out and hurriedly all stepped aside. They only dared to take pictures secretly with their mobile phones.

Pei Xu, however, waved at them and smiled.

When he smiled, the girls' faces turned red and it was only after they had all gone that Di Xingchen heard their excited squeals.

" Di Xingchen is really white and good looking!"

" Pei Xu is even more handsome than he looks on TV! He's so tall, isn't he almost 5'9"!

" Pei Xu is not as scary as the internet says, he just waved to us, did you just film it?"

"Tapped and tapped, the two are so good together boing boing."

"The Rising Sun Xingchen is real!"

Di Xingchen suddenly hears the words "Rising Sun Xingchen" and his face heats up when he thinks of what they mean. His heart beat a little faster as he walked alongside Pei Xu, and when he reached the intersection, he glanced at the old street, which was quite empty and silent in the daytime, but was now crowded with people.

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Di Xingchen saw a milk tea vendor next to his and wanted to buy something to drink, so he asked, "Do you drink milk tea?"

Pei Xu shakes his head.

"What about pear tea?" Di Xingchen, seeing that Pei Xu had no objection, ran over to the owner and said, "Two cups of pear tea."

The boss took one look at the camera behind him, then at Di Xingchen's overly beautiful face, and asked with a smile, "What are you recording?"

Di Xingchen didn't lie either and said honestly, "Red and Blue Signals, have you heard of it?"

The other person didn't say anything, but the owner's wife, who was looking at his phone next to his, snapped his head up, "Red and Blue Signal? I know I know."

she glanced at Di Xingchen with a look of amazement on her face: "You're recording Red and Blue, I just saw your trailer on TV, it's going to be on soon! You're Di Xingchen, right? I know you! You look even better in person than you do on TV, and you're so skinny!"

Before Di Xingchen could say anything, the other party saw Pei Xu.

At the sight of Pei Xu, the other man looked stunned for a moment, then his face flushed red: "Pei Xu?"

Pei Xu smiles and says, "Hello."

"Are you two a couple? Are you two together?!"

Di Xingchen was busy saying, "We are still friends."

"I get it, I get it, a relationship can't be established until it's final!"

Di Xingchen: "......"

Pei Xu took his phone and scanned the account number, while his colour was high and his voice was mild, he asked, "How much?"


Pei Xu paid and took the pear soup they handed over from the owner: "I wish you good business."

Di Xingchen immediately turned his head to look at Pei Xu.

I didn't expect someone like Pei Xu to be able to say auspicious things.

When the owner heard that, he was really happy, "Thank you, thank you, you two are also a good match, I will definitely support you when the time comes!"

They both walked towards where they were parked.

Di Xingchen saw that both cups of pear tea were in Pei Xu's hand and he had no intention of offering one to himself.

He then held out his hand for it.

Pei Xu said, "It's too hot, I'll give it to you later."

Di Xingchen touched it and it was really hot.

Is Pei Xu not hot?

"I forbid it to be hot." Without waiting for him to ask, Pei Xu said, "Let's go."

Very cool, very calm and manly.

But Di Xingchen looked at him with suspicion, and sure enough, Pei Xu held it for a while, probably a little too hot to handle, and propped his arm on the bottom of the glass, rubbing his red fingers.

Di Xingchen then smiled and helped him to bring down two cups of pear tea and put them on the bench next to him.

Pei Xu's ears were red and he said, "What are you laughing at."

Di Xingchen smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing."

Pei Xu herself, however, smiled, a faint but pretty smile, and said, "It's really hot."

"They're all freshly cooked." Di Xingchen says.

They sat down on a bench and Pei Xu said to the followers, "If we keep filming, we'll draw people here and we'll go back."

The two cameras smiled but did not move.

They think that Pei Xu and Di Xingchen are in such a good mood at the moment.

The boss is right, these two are just perfect for each other!

The girls who had just gathered around them in front of the restaurant were still filming after them, and more and more passers-by were being drawn over. It's not often that you see people coming over to record a show in a small place like this, so word spread and a large crowd soon gathered at the intersection. There were people who knew the two of them and those who had simply come to join in the fun, men, women and children alike. Perhaps both of them were so distinguished by their looks that many thought they were filming a TV show.

Di Xingchen stood up and said, " Brother Pei, let's just go, it's getting crowded."

Who knew that as soon as they both got up, the crowd would stir up instead.

Di Xingchen was not quite used to the feeling of being a celebrity and was a little nervous. Pei Xu, who is obviously used to being surrounded by people, was helping Di Xingchen with his pear tea when he heard a male voice shout, "Come on, Brother Pei! Beat the other guests for me!"

He glanced back and the crowd suddenly erupted in laughter. Pei Xu laughed a little too and said, "Okay, I'll try."

At his reply, the crowd came alive and there was a constant chant of, " Brother Pei, I'm with you."

"The Rising Sun Xingchen!"

"Are you two together?"

"You'll still come here to record the show!"

" Di Xingchen, Pei Xu is really good, you should consider him!"

Pei Xu sniffed and glanced at the man again. Di Xingchen was embarrassed and shy, his face flushed. Looking up at their follow up shot, behind the camera while also with an aunt's smile on his face.

The two men emerged from the encircling crowd, and the mobile phone lenses of passers-by showed just two large, handsome men of exceptional height and outstanding temperament, glowing in the midst of the crowds.

The people over here were very welcoming and polite, and once they saw them get into the car, they didn't catch up with them, only filming them from afar with their mobile phones.

After Di Xingchen sat down and put the two cups of pear tea away, he heard Pei Xu say, "Don't call me Brother Pei anymore."

Di Xingchen froze for a moment and looked up at Pei Xu.

"It's okay to be called by your first name, and it's okay to be called brother. Just don't call it together." Pei Xu says.

Di Xingchen pursed his lips, and now he was really blushing.

How could he not understand that even a small name has a big meaning?

It was completely dark as the car made its way to the Little North Pole. Di Xingchen reached over and turned on the music, and Pei Xu said, "Let's listen to Liu Shuang."

Di Xingchen is connected to the phone.

Liu Shuang's song list, the first song played, is "Desert River Ballroom".

Listening to this very familiar song again has a different feel to it, and they both listen to it a little differently than before.

After The Desert Ballroom, it was The Liberation of West by Chen Yilun.

The song is very upbeat and Di Xingchen sways his head slightly to the song, singing along with the most classic line, saying

[You must not have boiled over to go crazy in cheesy love.]

Pei Xu taps his fingers slightly at Di Xingchen's off-key vocals.

Yeah, he's never boiled over as a person.

It is only then that we sink in this love.

But is love cheesy?

Not vulgar, he felt wonderful.

It was the best thing he had ever felt in over twenty years of living.

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