Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 13: CH 13

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Hu Ying pulled up outside the supermarket and got out of the car with Di Xingchen.

His blue supercar drew a lot of attention from passers-by, but Hu Ying’s head was held high as he put on his sunglasses like a beautiful, proud peacock.

Di Xingchen follows Hu Ying around, feeling like a loyal and dull servant.

With Hu Ying, green leaf self-awareness is very important.

He’ll just do a good job of lining up this bully flower.

With eight guests, the programme team has set up seven CP lines for almost all of them. Among the various CP lines, some of them are the focus of attention, such as the current Hu Ying and Yan Zhi, while others are purely for show, such as Hu Ying and Wen Nuo, and Hu Ying and Di Xingchen.

Hu Ying’s tastes are well known to them.

Di Xingchen was not in his choice of spouse at all.

So on this trip out to buy food, the crew only gave them a selfie camera and didn’t even send a follow up shot.

Di Xingchen The vegetables we bought today were exceptional.

It’s clearly time for a big meal.

“Why didn’t you ask us what we wanted to eat today.” Hu Ying said.

“Today everyone opens a blind box,” Di Xingchen says with a smile, “and you eat what I make, no a la carte.”

Di Xingchen is very serious about picking out the seafood, while Hu Ying pushes his shopping cart and looks on in boredom. If it wasn’t for the filming of the show, he wouldn’t have come to the fresh food section, he couldn’t stand the smell alone. But Di Xingchen was very serious. Hu Ying stared at Di Xingchen for a while, and I don’t know if it was because Di Xingchen was so good looking, but he could see some good points in Di Xingchen.

He actually passed on Di Xingchen when he first met him, not just because of his age, he had dated high school students and age was not really a big issue, he mainly thought that Di Xingchen did not seem to have much character.

He has always believed that a man’s character is most important and that the more distinctive he is, the more he is drawn to explore it.

For example, Yan Zhi and Pei Xu.

Huo Cheng is fine too, after all, he is so manly.

But Di Xingchen is too mediocre by comparison, and his temper is admittedly good. He’s also good-looking, but the whole thing is so meek and uninspiring that you don’t want to explore it.

But at the moment he took a good look at Di Xingchen and found that he wasn’t too bad.

He is a tall man at 183, probably a dancer, with good proportions and not visually lower than Yan Zhi and the others. Unlike the rest of them, Di Xingchen’s T-shirt and trousers are very plain, but it is this kind of plain clothes that suits his low-key and bright aura.

It just feels so natural and comfortable.

You know that in front of a camera teacher, people will more or less pretend, especially vegetarians.

But Di Xingchen behaves naturally, without avoiding it, and without being deliberate about it.

Di Xingchen noticed Hu Ying’s gaze on him and turned his head to look.

Di Xingchen smiles lightly at Hu Ying’s somewhat serious gaze.

Hu Ying’s eyes were shaken by that smile and his heart suddenly jumped.

Well, Di Xingchen is actually …… pretty good.

A college student with red lips and such a healthy, clean temperament is only a sophomore, perhaps also …… a virgin?

Hu Ying, a virgin, said his heart was in the right place.

It is probably because Pei Daxu is too cold and Yan Zhi is a bit distant, so he is not able to overcome the gap between the love of a thousand people and his heart.

After this little thought came up, Hu Ying suddenly found the atmosphere a bit weird in the car on the way back, so he turned on the music and Di Xingchen listened and asked, “Is this song old?”

“I like to hear old songs sung by new people. Don’t you think there are no good songs now? Hu Ying says.

The song Hu Ying played was a cover of ‘First Time’ by an unknown singer.

Slower paced than the original, the soundtrack has only a simple guitar and low muffled vocals.

The sky was suddenly darkened and there were thick dark clouds rising from the sea, the sun giving them a beautiful golden edge, Hu Ying, attracted by the sight, turned his head to look, and the song sang.

[The first time I said I loved you.

Breathing hard.

The heart keeps trembling.

The first time I, taking your hands in mine.

Losing your way.

Not sure which way to go.]

Hu Ying suddenly reached out and pressed a button in the car.


A gorgeous transformation of a sports car, a luxury car is a luxury car, and the open top is so cool in its own way, like a Transformer.

The wind blew Hu Ying’s hair when the canopy was fully retracted, and Di Xingchen thought to herself, “It’s different when you’re a luxury family member, you have to buy groceries in a convertible.

He turned his head to look at Hu Ying and saw that the wind was blowing Hu Ying’s hair out of his face, so he leaned over and brushed it out of his face for him.

Hu Ying smiled a little but didn’t say anything, only biting his lower lip coolly.

The crew were watching with bated breath.

In the silence, someone suddenly vocalised, “I think I’ve got the CP feeling.”

“The haughty queen sufferer and his loyal weak attacker.”

“The one where Di Xingchen just flicked his hair, make a trailer for me!”

A sudden sound came from the distance and the puffing wind took on more of a damp vapour.

Di Xingchen turned his head to look at the clouds rolling over the sea: “No good.”

“What’s wrong?” Hu Ying asked.

Di Xingchen looked ahead again, “The rain is coming.”

Just as he finished speaking, he saw the rain crashing down towards them.

“It’s raining.” Lin Qingning said as he closed his book.

Pei Xu turned his head to look out and the courtyard was already foggy and cloudy.

It was a sudden and very violent rain, and not two minutes after it fell, the sunlight came back down, thunder rumbled, the sun shone and the rain poured down, a bizarre celestial phenomenon that woke everyone up.

Duan Yihua and Wen Nuo were lying in bed chatting when they came downstairs. Just as they came downstairs, the sound of Hu Ying and Di Xingchen laughing came from the doorway, and soon they were carrying their shopping bags, leaving water stains all along the way.

“Why are you two drenched like that?”

Lin Qingning also came out of Pei Xu’s room and asked, “Didn’t you drive there, why are you still soaked?”

“Don’t mention it, halfway through Hu Ying was driving with the convertible top on and it hit the rain, I told him to put the top up but he wouldn’t.” Di Xingchen shakes his head and puts down his wet shopping bag.

“Isn’t it great?” Hu Ying said, “Occasionally it rains, it’s great.”

“Just go crazy you.” Di Xingchen headed for the bedroom, “I’ll go and wash up.”

He laughed and ran towards the bedroom and just as he reached the door to the room, he saw Pei Xu coming out of it.

“Why are you drenched like this.” Pei Xu said.

Pei Xu’s brow furrows as he turns to look at Hu Ying, who is also drenched, and strokes his hair upwards, revealing a clean forehead and a face that is barely covered with hair, except for his eyebrows and eyes, which are still upturned in a flamboyant way.

In front of Pei Xu and the others, Hu Ying took off his shirt straight away. Duan Yihua and the others looked at him and didn’t say anything.

Hu Ying has large tattoos on his back and the small of his back, red and green, extremely sultry, with light abs and slightly raised back shoulder blades, all covered in wild beauty. He himself knows his stuff and cranes his head towards Pei Xu.

As a result, Pei Xu didn’t even look at him.

Hu Ying held his anger in his heart, pursed his lips coldly and headed for the first floor.

Duan Yihua and Wen Nuo take the vegetables they have just bought out of the bag.

“The crab is alive.” Wen Nuo took two steps back in fright.

Lin Qingning tried to help, but when he smelt something fishy, he frowned slightly and withdrew his hand, while Duan Yihua rushed to snap the lid, but two of them still crawled out and fell straight to the ground.

The kitchen was a mess and Di Xingchen came running out topless: “What’s wrong?”

Duan Yihua holds up two slippery hands and says, “They’re all running out.”

Di Xingchen bends down and picks them up. Seeing that Wen Nuo is scared, he deliberately holds the crab to scare him, and Wen Nuo hides directly behind Duan Yihua.

It was probably the craziness of the shower that had just caused Di Xingchen’s entire being to get a little excited as he burst out laughing and said, “So that’s why you’re not allowed in the kitchen, it’s all my place.”

He put the crabs and live fish away, “I’ll come and pack them up later.”

“Go back and put on a shirt first, don’t catch a cold.” Duan Yihua said and glanced again at Di Xingchen’s body.

Di Xingchen is very lean, the lean figure of a twenty-year-old boy, but probably because of his dance studies, his waist is very tight, tall and lean, and his whiteness glows.

Is it because you know Di Xingchen likes you?

Duan Yihua feels he is more or less paying attention to Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen ran back to get dressed and saw Pei Xu standing alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the rain outside, before Huo Cheng came out from next door.

Everyone was up and standing in the kitchen, it was still raining outside, the clouds played with the sun and finally prevailed, the sunlight was no longer visible at all and the sky was overcast, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, all the lights in the room were switched on.

Everyone gathered around Di Xingchen to watch him slaughter the fish and pack the crabs.

Di Xingchen is a different person when he is working.

He is lively like a boy when he is active.

Serious like a man when he’s serious.

That’s probably the charm of his type.

Hu Ying looked at him and suddenly thought, “This must be the type of son-in-law that aunties and mothers love most.

Like a good husband at home.

” Where’s Yan Zhi?” Hu Ying asked, “He’s not up yet?”

Huo Cheng said, “He’s not at home, he’s out.”


“Well, he went out when we were all asleep.”

“Did he bring an umbrella?” Wen Nuo asked.

“I don’t think I can get wet.” Lin Qingning said.

Di Xingchen glanced at the dark, hazy sky outside.

After standing there chatting for a while, he saw Hu Ying quietly exit.

He knew that Hu Ying would not miss such a good opportunity.

Not long afterwards Hu Ying came downstairs with his coat on, “Do any of you have an umbrella?”

Everyone looked to him, “You’re going out?”

“Go out for some air.” Hu Ying said.

“We don’t even have umbrellas, do we. Why don’t you go next door and ask the programme team?” Huo Cheng said.

Hu Ying nodded and went out.

Di Xingchen is chopping ginger, his head bowed and a slight smile on his lips.

He wants to buy shares in Hu Ying.

It felt like he took the most initiative.

Hu Ying had just arrived at the door when the programme team brought him an umbrella.

“You guys know me well.” Hu Ying says.

He had his hair tied up and wore a knitted jumper, looking British and beautiful, and smiling in a way that made his big brother on staff not dare to look away.

An androgynous beauty that no straight man can carry.

You are reading story Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That at novel35.com

He came out with his umbrella, the raindrops snapping on its surface and the rain soon splashed his trouser legs. He exited the door with his umbrella and stood at the front door.

It was a very hot day, but when it rained, it immediately cooled down. He wrapped his jacket tightly and stood in the rain waiting for Yan Zhi to return.

Duan Yihua They all come into the living room. That’s the way it is with the love story, there are only a few hours of the best moments, and the rest of the time is just a very trivial and boring routine. Di Xingchen cooks in the kitchen, Huo Cheng and Wen Nuo help him out, while the others read books and chat in the living room, each doing their own thing.

Zhou Lan was free this afternoon and came back to keep an eye on the scene.

The Love Variety night is always a heavy hitter.

After watching a dozen monitors, Pei Xu is still the same old misfit, lounging on the sofa playing a boring Sudoku game by himself, and only two days into his visit to Red and Blue Signals, he’s already almost finished the Sudoku Challenge.

At the beginning, Hu Ying and the others actually came over to join in the fun, but what was just a little game to pass the time for Pei Xu was too much for the average person’s brain and Hu Ying gave up after two attempts.

He plays with this, others can’t read it and are too embarrassed to disturb him, so he is left alone to clear his mind.

“Get him over here.” Zhou Lan said.

The staff called Pei Xu over, who put on his sweatshirt and hat and went out the door to see Hu Ying standing alone in the rain.

Hu Ying also saw him.

Pei Xu went straight next door.

Hu Ying froze for a moment and grunted.

The staff of the programme rarely go into the Red and Blue Lodge during the week, spending most of their time in the building next door, which is also a small two-storey building, but seems very crowded because of the number of staff. Pei Xu walks through a pile of staff workstations and into the room inside.

Once inside, Zhou Lan is seen smoking a cigarette and sitting in a chair.

he has been under a lot of stress lately and smokes a lot.

It’s not easy for rich kids to start a business.

At the sight of Pei Xu, Zhou Lan frowned: “How did you promise me?”

Pei Xu sat back in his chair, slouching like a deflated ball: “It’s no fun.”

“Isn’t that what a love affair is all about, why is it boring?”

“I said my body has no energy.”

Zhou Lan asked, “Not feeling well, sick?”

“No.” Pei Xu says, “I just can’t get the energy up and I have a headache.”

Zhou Lan said, “You know you’re in a variety show, and you know how important this show is to me, right? I don’t want it to be ruined in my hands. Do you know how difficult it was for me to start my own business? The old man doesn’t support it, I’m a weak woman and I’ve put my whole fortune ……”

“Told you eight hundred times.” Pei Xu interrupted his.

Zhou Lan hands him a cigarette.

“No smoking.”

Zhou Lan put his cigarette back and sat down on the corner of the table: “Anyway, I don’t care if you like someone or not, nine out of ten people who take part in the romance variety are not really in love, and it’s good to have a couple for one season. I don’t care. I don’t care, you have to pick one, give me some footage that can be broadcast.”

“Like what?”

Zhou Lan thought about it: “Let’s say Huo Cheng is chasing Di Xingchen, they are a CP line, you don’t like either of them, right? You just have to look at him and spend more time with him, and we can edit it into a love triangle later on. You are so smart, you must know what I mean, right?”

Pei Xu frowned and Zhou Lan reached out to support his furrowed brow: “Don’t keep frowning, you’re so young.”

Pei Xu said, “Is Huo Cheng chasing Di Xingchen?”

“I’m just making an analogy.”

“You’re not just making an analogy, are you?” Pei Xu asks.

Zhou Lan said, “Yeah, they’re both getting a hint of it now.”

“Don’t you guys always go red and blue?”

“We’ve never said that our show can only be red and blue, of course we aim to be red and blue, and it’s always been red and blue with CP in the past, but that doesn’t mean that blue and red can’t have CP internally. That’s not how gay people are, they can mix it up, we’ve never been about smooth CP, not making CP.”



“Got it.”

“What do you know about it?”

“I’ll spend more time with Di Xingchen and see him more often.” Pei Xu says.

Zhou Lan looked at him for a while: “I really don’t know if you are really sexually frigid or asexual. I’ll introduce you to a girl, but you don’t care, these guys on our show are all top boys, right? You don’t like any of them?”

“Just think of me as asexual.” Pei Xu got up, “Nothing else, right? If not, I’ll go stay with Di Xingchen.”

Zhou Lan : “……”

Zhou Lan feels that he may have made a mistake in trying to get Pei Xu to participate in the show by using all the favours he could get.

Pei Xu has really not seemed interested in love since he was a child.

Growing up, he had never seen him close to anyone, either abroad or at home.

He didn’t even have any friends he particularly got on with.

Pei Huanong was also very supportive in getting him to participate in this variety show.

You see, even his mother feels that his son is such a daily attention seeker of the stock fund.

Pei Xu is the quintessential bogeyman who can do nothing and doesn’t have to do anything but stand there and attract everyone’s affection.

Some people are just born leading men.

he originally thought Pei Xu was handsome enough and famous enough to come to their show, and even if he didn’t initiate it himself, he would be the centrepiece of the fixer-upper.

But after the past two days of observation, it dawned on his.

Pei Xu and the setting of a luxury romance variety are inherently at odds.

True vegetarians may be blinded by the glow of Pei Xu, but these rich kids have the looks and the family history to match, whether it’s their everyday contacts or their former boyfriends.

They’re all well established figures, and there’s really no need for them to lick an indifferent maniac like Pei Xu on an up-and-coming variety show with such a wide audience.

It’s only been two days of recording and there have been two surprises.

A heavyweight guest was not as popular as expected, and a guest brought in to make up the numbers has actually become the centrepiece of the Thule House today.

The loss that Pei Xu brought to his is now only cured by Di Xingchen.

he returned to the next room, a dozen monitors on at once in the dark, hazy room, with every corner of the Red and Blue Lodge in full view.

” What’s Hu Ying doing out there?” he asked.

“He’s waiting for Yan Zhi.” Director Guo Bing sounds excited.

Zhou Lan breathes a long sigh of relief.

One of the CP lines they had previously focused on had finally worked out okay.

“Why wasn’t there a follow up camera sent to follow?”

The only cameras that can capture Hu Ying today are the two at the entrance and in the parking garage, and because of the heavy rain outside, the light has become so dim that it is almost impossible to see Hu Ying’s face.

“We now try not to let the follow shot look like a follow, so that the guests will be more relaxed and the footage will be shot with more immersion and realism to maximise the viewer’s voyeurism.” Guo Bing explains.

Zhou Lan nods a little and goes back to looking at the kitchen side of the screen.

Di Xingchen, who is cooking, and Huo Cheng and Wen Nuo, who are standing nearby.

The picture quality is much clearer than on Hu Ying’s side, with multiple hidden cameras that can capture the subtle expressions on almost everyone’s face.

“You go and play in the living room.” Huo Cheng suddenly said to Wen Nuo.

Wen Nuo looked up, “I’ll help Xingchen with a hand on the side.”

“It’s enough for me to help him out.” Huo Cheng said, “Do as you’re told and go play.”

Wen Nuo looked at Huo Cheng and saw Huo Cheng looking at him with a smile. They looked at each other for a while and Wen Nuo suddenly smiled and then took off his gloves, “That’s hard work for you guys.”

Di Xingchen was passing oil, watched Wen Nuo run into the living room and turned his head to look at Huo Cheng.

“You can’t do that.” He said.

Huo Cheng said, “Whatever you want me to do, just tell me what to do.”

“I think Wen Nuo is good,” says Di Xingchen. Di Xingchen says.

Huo Cheng gave him a look, “You like it?”

Di Xingchen, not wanting the crew to record him, said in a nearly inaudible voice, “I think he’s really good. You ……”

He didn’t say the second half of the sentence, but only gave a wink.

Huo Cheng just smiled and didn’t say anything.

Di Xingchen sighs helplessly.

He could not force the matter of feelings, and he could only suggest it a little.

“How long have you slept today?” Huo Cheng asked.

“Haven’t noticed, but it hasn’t been as long as you.”

Huo Cheng said, “I did sleep for a long time and had a good dream. When I woke up I couldn’t get enough and thought I would go back to sleep and see if I could keep dreaming, so I fell back asleep.”

Di Xingchen then looked up at him, “So, did your dream continue?”

Huo Cheng was about to speak when he saw Pei Xu come out of the entrance.

Pei Xu didn’t go into the living room, but came straight over to the kitchen.

Di Xingchen and Huo Cheng both look towards Pei Xu, who takes a bottle of mineral water and stands in front of them both.

Huo Cheng is standing on Di Xingchen’s left side, both facing each other, and Pei Xu is standing on their right front side, showing a distinctly handsome side face. Three top-notch handsome men appear in the same frame, and with the lighting in the kitchen, it’s a bit more eye-catching than an idol drama.

Huo Cheng smiles and asks, “Did you just go out?”

Pei Xu gave a “hmm”.

Huo Cheng then asked, “Have you seen Hu Ying?”

Pei Xu nods a little, unscrews the lid and takes two sips of water.

Di Xingchen turns his head and looks at Huo Cheng.

He found out that Huo Cheng knew everything.

Sure enough, Huo Cheng whispered with a laugh, “He’s waiting for Yan Zhi, isn’t he?”

Pei Xu raised an eyebrow, “Really? I said why is he standing there alone.”

“It seems you don’t know much about the emotional state of our lodge at the moment.” Huo Cheng gave a laugh, propping both hands on the counter top and leaning his body slightly towards Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen thinks that it is not that Pei Xu does not understand, but that he is too lazy to do so.

His man is in the hut, his heart is in the stock fund.

Instead, he heard Pei Xu say tersely, “It’s not completely unknown.”

Next door, the light of the screen illuminates the brows of all.

One by one they pursed their lips, their eyes excited, and some even clenched their little fists in excitement.

“It was useful to talk to Pei Xu, Sister Zhou.”

“It’s not completely unknown …… obviously a very common phrase, why am I so excited to hear it!”

“That’s a great line, and it’s even better with his stinky face!”

“Yes, yes, a little shady and a little sour!”

“Huo Cheng’s words are also very good when you think about it, he mentions Yan Zhi’s affair with Hu Ying in front of Di Xingchen, Yan Zhi is his love interest, right?”

“Ah, yeah, fuck this little mind!”

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