Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 16: CH 16

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Di Xingchen was amazed.

With that, he asked softly, “Are you all right?”

Pei Xu stares at him for a moment, then shakes his head.

Yan Zhi walked over and Huo Cheng and the others looked over.

” What’s wrong with Pei Xu?” Lin Qingning asked.

“He seemed to have had too much to drink.” Di Xingchen said.

Yan Zhi smiled and patted Pei Xu on the shoulder. Pei Xu sat up straight again, looking at everyone with a wooden face and a red neck.

And really drunk.

Huo Cheng got up and helped Pei Xu to his bedroom before everyone got up and started to clear the table.

“I really didn’t expect Pei Xu to be such a bad drinker.” Duan Yihua said, “Of all of us, he drinks the least, doesn’t he?”

“I think he just had two glasses, and all he drank after that was plain water.” Wen Nuo said.

Everyone laughs and Di Xingchen goes to make him a sober soup.

“I’ll cook some more, let’s all have a drink.”

“It’s good that I don’t have to get up early tomorrow.” Hu Ying rubbed his face and said, “I’m sure I’ll be swollen tomorrow.”

“Xingchen drank the most today, didn’t he?” says Duan Yihua. Duan Yihua said, “While Brother Huo was talking there, he drank several glasses of his own.”

“Yeah, it’s totally hard to tell that you’re actually seaworthy.” Hu Ying said.

Wen Nuo gave each room a copy of the flowers they had distributed earlier. It was still raining outside, so Duan Yihua and Hu Ying lounged on the sofa in the living room and chatted for a while before they got up.

Everyone went to Pei Xu’s room to check on him. Pei Xu was very quiet when he was drunk and slept very soundly.

After having the soup cooked by Di Xingchen, we all went to our rooms to wash up. Di Xingchen finished his bath and went to Pei Xu’s room to check on him, he didn’t even roll over, he was sleeping very well.

Di Xingchen placed the glass of water on his bedside when he heard a soft knock on the door.

He turned around and saw that it was Yan Zhi.

“Come out here for a minute, I want to talk to you about something.”

He then got up and walked out, closing the door and asking, “What’s wrong?”

“Didn’t you say you wanted to introduce my cousin to you?” Yan Zhi said. Yan Zhi said, “I met her today and told her about it, and she wants to have dinner tomorrow. Do you have time?”

Di Xingchen froze for a moment, not expecting the meal to come so quickly.

He nodded a little and said, “OK.”

“So about lunch or dinner?”

“Dinner, I happen to be going to school this afternoon.”

Yan Zhi nodded, then glanced through the doorway into Pei Xu’s room again, “I didn’t expect Pei Xu to be such a bad drinker.”

He reached up and pulled the door of the room shut and said, “I’m off, then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


Di Xingchen went back to his room, saw that it was still raining outside and opened the window.

They were texting twice a stop, on the first and seventh day, and today there was no texting duty, so I was happy to be free and Di Xingchen read a book.

He had also had a lot to drink today, and it was raining, so he got sleepy after watching for a while. So he got up and warmed up a bit, put one leg over the bed and did a light split.

There was a sudden “ding ding” outside, and with a push of his waist and stomach, both legs were tucked in and he was standing up straight the next second.

The scene was a direct hit with the programme crew.

“How did he just stand up? He wasn’t doing the splits?”

“That’s too much flexibility.”

“It’s not about being flexible, it’s about having a good waist, right?”

“It felt like he had some kind of automatic lift installed in his body.”

Di Xingchen breathed out, “Come in.”

Huo Cheng then pushed the door open and entered.

Huo Cheng smiles before he even enters, his face full of wine, making him look even more gangly, smiling wickedly and leaning behind the door.

“Have you had too much to drink too?” Di Xingchen asks with a smile.

Huo Cheng said, “I can get drunk on this?”

Di Xingchen said, “I think you have enough trouble too.”

“I used to be a bad drinker, then when I started my own business, didn’t I often have to run dinner and wine parties, so I practiced.”

Di Xingchen held him up, “Sit.”

Huo Cheng then sat down in his chair, inhaled sharply and said, “Your room smells so good.”

Di Xingchen asks, “Do you drink water?”

Huo Cheng said, “You don’t have to work, you sit down.”

Di Xingchen then sat down at the head of the bed and looked over at Huo Cheng.

His eyes were open and clear, the colour of the wine on his face had receded, his eyes were dark and his face was white and glowing. Huo Cheng stared at him for a moment, averted his gaze and reached for Di Xingchen’s half-drunk mineral water: “I’d better have some water.”

“Then I’ve had it, I’ll get you a new one.”

“I don’t mind.” Huo Cheng said, unscrewing the lid and gulping down several large sips. When he was done, he propped his elbow up on the desk and picked at the book on top.

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The rain is particularly loud in the room because of the open window, and Huo Cheng is flipping through his book without speaking.

Di Xingchen was about to speak when he heard Huo Cheng say, “I’ve had a lot to drink today and I’ve got a lot to say.”

“Then let’s talk.” Di Xingchen said with a smile.

Huo Cheng turned his head to look at Di Xingchen and saw him with his eyes as open as ever, biting his lip in a brash manner before scratching his inch.

“We’ve been here for two days now, do you have a favourite among the guests?”

I can’t believe he came to talk to him about this.

Di Xingchen smiled and said, “Can I say this?”

“It’s not about talking. It’s just the two of us.” Huo Cheng said, “Why don’t I turn off the cameras and everything?”

The room smells faintly of alcohol, all brought on by Huo Cheng.

It seems that Huo Cheng has been drinking a lot today and he has noticed that Huo Cheng talks a lot when he drinks.

This big brother is actually quite funny.

Di Xingchen Seeing the other party like this Chicheng, he felt that there was no need for him to keep hiding it, so he said, “Actually, two days, it’s too short, and it’s not realistic for you to say that you’ll like someone so quickly.”

“There are two kinds of feelings, one is when you don’t fall in love at first, and then you have feelings over time, and the other is when you have a good feeling from the beginning, it doesn’t have much to do with the length of time.” Huo Cheng paused for a moment and suddenly smiled, “But I’m really surprised that you like Brother Duan.”

Di Xingchen froze for a moment and then smiled.


“Of the eight of us, he’s the oldest and you’re the youngest, and he’s ten years older than you.” Huo Cheng stared at him for a moment, his gaze dark, “We Xingchen like to be older than ourselves, don’t we?”

“But Brother Duan doesn’t mean anything to me.” Di Xingchen was afraid that Huo Cheng would stop contacting Duan Yihua because of his righteousness, and Huo Cheng was very much like that kind of man.

So then he said, “He doesn’t seem to like ones that are too much smaller than himself.”

Huo Cheng bit his lower lip again, his chin slightly raised, his eyes drooping at him in a gangly manner, and fished his cigarettes and lighter out of his pocket.

“Can I smoke it?”

Di Xingchen nods: “But the crew might have cut the footage and it can’t be broadcast.”

“It’s better if you can’t broadcast it.”

Huo Cheng clears his throat and lights a cigarette.

He smoked charmingly, or maybe the smoking thing just suited him, and after a few puffs he went over to the window and reached out to flick the ashes.

The wind blew the smell of smoke over and Di Xingchen walked over to Huo Cheng and stood beside him and said, “Is it true that drinking makes you feel more sullen? Everyone is the same, it’s like that when you drink.”

“I just feel that I am no better than Pei Xu, Yan Zhi and Brother Duan, I can’t talk, I can’t please people, and I don’t know how to be romantic, look at me, even if I am successful now, I am still a poor boy who can’t get up in the world.”

Huo Cheng, who had been drinking, was really a different person. He was usually so cheerful, but now he was so deep in thought.

“If you are asking for my opinion ……” Di Xingchen lowered his voice, not quite wanting to be recorded by the show, “I think it is that if you are on the show just for the traffic, exposure and all that, then you should try to package yourself and show your good side. If you are really in love with someone and want to be with them, then you have to be yourself, it doesn’t matter if you can’t talk or understand romance, you can be yourself and have your heart, others will be able to see it, if you can’t see it, or if you see it and don’t respond, it means there is no destiny, and there is no pity. It’s a strange thing about relationships, sometimes the person you really fall in love with may be completely different from what you expected before. You also said that there are two kinds of relationships, love at first sight and love over time. It’s up to you to work hard this month.”

Huo Cheng just laughed and said, “Love comes with time.”

Di Xingchen, intent on livening things up, joked, “Don’t make yellow remarks.”

Huo Cheng said, “I didn’t say anything dirty, I really wanted to, but I couldn’t.”

Di Xingchen then smiled. Huo Cheng turned his head to look at him and slumped against the window with his cigarette between his legs.

“There’s rain.”

Di Xingchen saw that the rain was falling on Huo Cheng’s face.

“It’s good to have rain to douse the fire.” Huo Cheng said.

Is this the Qidian male lead?

It’s a fucking Longma, isn’t it?

After talking about this, Huo Cheng seemed to be in a better mood and the two talked about other things, eventually getting to the topic they had been talking about at the dinner table.

Huo Cheng smoked several cigarettes: “Look at my addiction to smoking now, I didn’t know how to smoke in the beginning, I had people to support me at that time, but I was very frugal, so I couldn’t afford to smoke. I just started my own business that time, drinking can not, once met a customer, the other party said you look down on me is not, and then take out a stack of documents, to the wine table a lay, a document on a glass of wine, so big a glass, white, said, you drink a glass, I will give you a signature. I wanted to say, “Damn, you just have to be willing to vote, not to mention a glass of wine, even a bottle I also do ah, I picked up the glass and drank, drank wildly, drank to the end of the other party are afraid, stop me not to drink, give me all the documents signed.”

Huo Cheng talked about it as if it were a past event, but Di Xingchen listened with a sense of sadness and asked, “What happened?”

“It’s all been signed since then.”

“I said you.”

“I was hospitalized.” Huo Cheng said and laughed uproariously, “Speaking of this is even worse, at that time hospitalized also dare not tell the family, so they carry on by themselves, and you also do not say that after drinking this game is finished, later still have to drink, otherwise you do not drink in front for nothing, stomach pain, can not eat, smoke, smoke furiously, my f*ck,” Huo Cheng shook his head, “Back then, I was so young, I just kept pushing forward. Now I can’t, I’m afraid of my life, I don’t dare anymore.”

As he said this, he turned his head to look at Di Xingchen and saw what appeared to be tears in his eyes.

He froze for a moment, suddenly poked in the heart by the seemingly tearful glow.

He felt that Di Xingchen was distressed by him.

He stuck his tongue out against his cheek, “It’s all good now.”

Di Xingchen smiled, a little sadly: “Yes, you see, the days are still getting better, you’ll be better off in the future.”

Qidian The male protagonist, in a year and a half, will be a real big man. These hard days will never come again.

“Really.” He emphasized, “If you don’t believe me let’s bet, if it’s not good you find me.”

Huo Cheng put out his cigarette and said, “OK, if it’s not good, I’ll find you responsible.”

Di Xingchen lets out a long sigh and smiles.

Huo Cheng looked at him slyly and said, ” Di Xingchen .”


“It’s the kind of name that people don’t forget when they see it once.” Huo Cheng says.

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