Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 22: CH 22

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In fact, Huo Cheng was a little reluctant from the moment he left home in the morning.

He feels that Yan Zhi is becoming Di Xingchen’s full-time driver because he is not working.

He had been thinking about it at work today and was slightly disturbed.

Unlike Yan Zhi, who is a gentleman, he is aggressive and enterprising by nature, and it is this drive that has taken him from a poor boy to a billionaire boss.

But unlike in real life, where every move is recorded on camera, he has to face not only the likes and dislikes of Di Xingchen, but also those of thousands of viewers, and he has to restrain himself for both public and private reasons.

“When is this variety show of ours going to air?”

“This Friday, it starts at 8pm on TV, and goes live on the network at 10pm.”

“Are we going to be separated for a few days this Friday?” Huo Cheng asked.

“The South City stop is this Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are free for everyone to coordinate their work, and then we’ll meet up in the North City next Monday for a full day of recording.” Lin Qingning said, “Didn’t you ask before you came to the show?”

For those of them who have jobs, these need to be coordinated in advance.

“It’s all my assistant who is helping me coordinate this.” Huo Cheng says.

Wen Nuo also shakes his head and says, “I heard I could come on the show, and I didn’t even think about it.”

He’s been to two more interviews.

They were talking when Pei Xu returned, carrying a small suitcase in his hand.

“Why are you back so late today?” Huo Cheng asked.

Pei Xu said, “Went home to pick up a few things.”

Pei Xu goes back to his room with his suitcase.

Wen Nuo whispered, “Have you seen the news? There seems to be something going on with Pei Xu’s family.”

As soon as Di Xingchen heard it, he asked, “What is it?”

“The Zhou family’s eldest son has sued Uncle Zhou, but it’s not just today, the lawsuit started last month, but the family kept it under wraps and it only came out today.” Lin Qingning said.

Pei Xu’s personal affairs were not discussed in detail.

Di Xingchen is aware of the complexities of the Zhou family situation.

The main reason for this is that it is a common family history for men to have either a mistress or a son with a different surname to enter a wealthy family. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the website.

Pei Xu is also a great performer, with a full set of buffs, and Zhou Jiangbai often brings out Pei Xu in his interviews, not mincing words of praise.

But before Zhou Jiangbai married Pei Huanong, he already had four children, three boys and one girl, from his previous marriage.

The Zhou family is a wealthy family that has been around for three generations and has a strong reputation in the southern part of the city. The Zhou family has many heirs, and there is constant fighting between the eldest, second and third families. Zhou Jiangbai is almost seventy years old this year and has already reached the stage of retirement, so he is making such a big show of his support for Pei Xu that his own children are naturally a bit scared.

Although they are rich enough, who can resist having more money in their hands.

Zhou Jiangbai held a family meeting in the spring of this year and reshuffled several of his sons’ positions in the company, a move that was interpreted as him paving the way for Pei Xu’s succession, sparking a major internal upheaval.

The oldest son, the most untalented, was the first to turn against Zhou Jiangbai and sue him.

A huge, influential business empire has reached a critical point in its renewal, and countless eyes are on Zhou family.

This is one of the reasons why Pei Xu’s appearance on Red and Blue Signals will get so much attention.

Pei Xu came out of the room wearing a black and grey shirt and Di Xingchen saw him and immediately straightened up, “Eh.”

Pei Xu looks over at him.

Di Xingchen smiles, “Finally it’s not pure black.”

Wen Nuo and Lin Qingning both glanced at Pei Xu with a look of amazement in their eyes.

The black and grey shirt worn by Pei Xu has an inconspicuous design embroidered on the chest with black thread, but the hand embroidery is very expensive and the black thread is so fine that the light is a little more shiny than the fabric of the shirt as it moves.

What a perfect illustration of what understated luxury is all about.

Although he is also a handsome man, Pei Xu’s style of dressing is very different from Yan Zhi’s, who is elegant and refined. He always dresses casually, with a minimalist black-and-white style, wearing a sweatshirt, trousers and shoes.

But he has a noble temperament and fair skin, and at first glance he is raised by a wealthy family with gold and preciousness, in fact, he would look better dressed in a more luxurious way.

Not only Di Xingchen and the others, but also Hu Ying was stunned when he came downstairs and saw it.

“Did you get a haircut?” Hu Ying asks, looking more closely at the person.

Pei Xu gave a “hmm”.

Di Xingchen stared at Pei Xu again: “Did you get a haircut, I don’t see the difference.”

“I don’t see it either.” Huo Cheng said.

“It’s a little shorter.” Lin Qingning held up his glasses for a moment, the knot of his throat sliding slightly.

Di Xingchen looks at it again carefully.

Well, he really didn’t see it.

But they, the wealthy ones, certainly wouldn’t get a haircut once a month like he does now, they must have to get it fixed every now and then, a millimetre difference only they can see.

Lin Qingning asked Pei Xu: ” Xingchen bought roses, do you want them?”

Yan Zhi also came out at this time.

If you don’t make it now, when will you make it?

Di Xingchen remembered the task given to him by the programme team and said, “Don’t share it all, leave some for me, I need it.”

Lin Qingning took two of them and showed them to Pei Xu. They were a very soft pink, a colour that made his heart happy.

Guo Bing They were all staring at the screen.

They wanted to see how Pei Xu would react.

“Give him close-ups of his face, I want every nuance of his expression.” Guo Bing says.

As the camera closes in, Pei Xu’s handsome face comes into view.

He lowered his eyes slightly, the slightest movement of pursed lips, then suddenly twisted his head towards the closest and most obvious shot they had set up.

“Fuck.” Guo Bing exploded.

“He’s seen our little mind, director!”

Writer Liu pursed his lips, “It doesn’t matter, let’s see how he chooses.”

“Either?” Lin Qingning asked.

Pei Xu asked Di Xingchen, “What made you want to buy flowers? Did the programme team ask you to buy them?”

Di Xingchen froze for a moment.

I thought to myself, “Not bad for a highly intelligent representative of them, so easy to guess?

The man with the task of tooling people up can’t admit it, of course.

He then smiled and said, “I learned from Brother Yan and Brother Huo, everyone is sending flowers and I can’t be left behind. If I don’t get a grip, I’m really going to be outdone.”

He said it with a deliberately shy look.

Lin Qingning then laughed: “Ah, so the flowers aren’t for us.”

At that, Di Xingchen looked up at Lin Qingning and smiled even more shyly.

Huo Cheng looked as if he had fallen in love, which made him look cold.

Yan Zhi thrusts both hands into his trouser pockets and stands still watching.

Wen Nuo puts the flowers back in his hand, looking forlorn and miserable, but still trying to smile, then puffs out a breath, puts both hands behind his back and stretches out as if he were leaning against the table.

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“You should take it, just give me some left over.” Di Xingchen added.

After saying that, he pretended to go and look at the soup in the pot, but the rest of his eyes swept over the three main men one by one.

This one finally caught up with him.

He noticed that Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng were both looking a bit subtle.

Very good!

That was the effect he wanted.

It’s been several days since the show was taped and no obvious spark has come out so far, so maybe he’s just too much of a Buddha as an instrumentalist.

In the original he liked Duan Yihua like is very obvious.

It’s only when the male counterparts act positively that the male leads get a sense of crisis!

In the next room, the staff member asked Guo Bing, “I’m not sure, if Huo Cheng and Yan Zhi are sending flowers to Di Xingchen, then who is Di Xingchen buying flowers for?”

“Since he said he wanted a little left over ……”

“Then he wasn’t going to give it to Pei Xu, or Huo Cheng, Lin Qingning and Wen Nuo were there, as well as Yan Zhi , all of which could have been PSSS.”

“That still leaves Hu Ying and Duan Yihua.”

“…… Di Xingchen still likes Duan Yihua ah.”

“I don’t know, it could be Hu Ying, he’s had the most contact with Hu Ying in the last two days, they’ve had the best conversations, did you forget they talked all night?”

The crew fell into silence for a moment.

Di Xingchen holds a spoon, carefully stirring the golden corn grits, the soup already boiling and bubbling.

It was at this point that the main character came out.

Hu Ying comes downstairs wearing his flirty pink t-shirt and slippers.

“Wow, who bought the roses!” Hu Ying shouted.

” Xingchen bought it.” Lin Qingning said.

Hu Ying says: “Holy fuck it’s so good, isn’t it? It’s so pink. Holy fuck I love it. Is it a pink snow mountain? I love pink snowy mountains the most!”

Well, Huo Cheng and Yan Zhi look even colder.

Lin Qingning suddenly let out an “oh” and stretched his tune.

“You oh what?” Huo Cheng asked blandly.

Lin Qingning smiled and shook his head without saying anything else.

The smell of smoke in the kitchen was a little noticeable, except for Hu Ying who reveled in the pink roses: “I love pink roses the most. Look, it’s the same colour as the T-shirt I’m wearing.”

Yan Zhi didn’t say anything and quietly exited the restaurant alone.

Huo Cheng said in an unspoken tone, “Sooooo fan.”

Hu Ying didn’t hear the hostility in his words, and smiled and wiggled his butt a little.

Huo Cheng’s face was completely devoid of smiles at the sight of Hu Ying’s upturned buttocks.

This leprechaun.

Wen Nuo finds a chair and sits down, leaning over the table and smiling faintly.

He had been guessing before who Di Xingchen had sent his heartwarming text to.

He had previously guessed Duan Yihua because Hu Ying had made a suggestive remark when they were talking together and Duan Yihua was a little embarrassed but did not deny it.

But now he realises that Di Xingchen is in love with Hu Ying.

And yes, Hu Ying is so beautiful.

Hu Ying is so good looking that even he can’t take his eyes off him. It’s rare to find a man who is so beautiful, so lively and yet a little bit cute.

With four guests on the blue side, it’s no surprise that anyone likes him.

Wen Nuo suddenly felt dimmed all of a sudden.

In fact, this was all to be expected. He originally thought that of the four blue guests, three of them were rich and handsome and he didn’t need to think about them, but Di Xingchen was almost as good as he was, so he could think about it.

Nowadays, I see that I was too good at fantasising.

He wasn’t sad, just a little lost, feeling so out of place with the show and terrified that he would be left alone and embarrassed for the rest of the journey.

Not only does Wen Nuo think so, but so does Lin Qingning.

He had previously wondered who Di Xingchen really liked.

Because Di Xingchen is really the least emotionally inclined of the group.

Unlike Pei Xu’s indifference that leads to thinness, Di Xingchen is good to everyone, too balanced, like a …… male mother.

Now he suddenly sees the smell of love in Di Xingchen.

That shy, formal look.

So he likes Hu Ying!

Hu Ying couldn’t get enough of the pink roses and asked, “Have you all finished dividing them? If so, I’ll take the rest to our place.”

“Brother Duan hasn’t come back yet.” Wen Nuo said.

Hu Ying smiled at the mention of Duan Yihua and looked at Di Xingchen: “Should I take all of it from my house or give half of it to Brother Duan? Hmm? Well, I’ll just keep all these flowers for you to distribute.”

Di Xingchen liked Duan Yihua, which he knew.

He’s so close to Di Xingchen, he’ll definitely help him out!

Seeing Hu Ying and Di Xingchen talking and laughing, Huo Cheng didn’t want to watch any more and said to Pei Xu, “Want to play chess?

When Hu Ying heard this, he immediately turned his head and said, “Brother Huo, you want to play chess with Pei Xu? What, are you in a good mood today and looking for abuse?”

Huo Cheng : “……”

Pei Xu said, “Let’s go.”

Huo Cheng is always good-natured, but this moment he shows a bit of provocative gangsterism, his tongue twitching against his cheek, glancing at Hu Ying for a moment, then holding back.

That look scared the crew so much that they covered their mouths: “Holy shit, Brother Huo, that’s a killer aura.”

But Hu Ying is right.

When you ask Pei Xu to play chess, he’s here for the abuse.

Pei Xu is a man with a strong logical mind and a mastery of chess.

Huo Cheng sighs as he plays with the chess piece in his hand.

Pei Xu raises his eyes slightly and glances at Huo Cheng. Because of the angle, the pattern on his chest is fully highlighted by the light.

It is two four-pointed stars.

The doorbell suddenly rang outside and Wen Nuo got up and said, “Is Brother Duan back?”

He ran over to look at it and came back a short while later with an envelope.

Lin Qingning asked, “Has the programme team sent out another assignment?”

Huo Cheng and Pei Xu both turned their heads to look over.

Wen Nuo looked at the card in the envelope and said, “…… Tuesday Date Snatcher.”

The first official date of Red and Blue Signals is finally here.

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