Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 37: CH 37

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It was already raining heavily outside.

All of them had been drinking, so they had to ask the crew to come and drive.

“Four people in one car, I think.” Guo Bing said.

Guo Bing is very happy today.

Today it did not disappoint him!

The harvest is full!

When he saw Di Xingchen, it was like seeing a TV star, and he excitedly said to Di Xingchen, “I haven’t congratulated you on the success of your show tonight.”

Di Xingchen, whose embarrassment had not yet subsided, pulled the director aside and said, “Cut the part I just danced to.”

Guo Bing said, “It’s a good dance. It’s just that the opening song can’t be played.”

Speaking of which, he is very grateful to Di Xingchen. He feels that Di Xingchen is doing the show a favour by not dancing in the style of The Green Fox, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to air so many scenes!

“The audience will love you even more when they see it, the performance is superb!”

But the vibe after the dance was weird.

Di Xingchen was about to say something, but when he thought that the crew had all seen his embarrassing situation, his face turned red.

The car was already at the door when Hu Ying called back, “Brother Xing, let’s go!”

Guo Bing gave him a pat on the shoulder: “Don’t worry, we’re very protective of you and won’t broadcast anything bad about you.”

He followed Hu Ying to the car and saw that no one was going to sit in the passenger seat, so he got in himself.

At this point, there was no rush to get in the car, and everyone was very Buddhist.

Finally Hu Ying , Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng got into their car.

Pei Xu They got into another one.

Hu Ying is a bit regretful at the moment.

He knew he should have livened things up a bit, which led to Di Xingchen’s embarrassment.

The raindrops were beating on the window, and he was sitting next to Yan Zhi, almost next to each other, but he had no thoughts at the moment, all he could think about was Di Xingchen.

He thought he could get on Di Xingchen.

At least that was the thought that popped into his head while Di Xingchen was doing the fox dance in the box.

Seriously, he always felt he was on the 0 side.

He may be able to work with Di Xingchen on each other ……

Ah, what he was imagining.

He must have had too much to drink today.

He wants a big slam, a shaky S attack, Yan Zhi, Huo Cheng and Pei Xu like that!

Hu Ying opened the car window a crack and the wind rushed in, cool and messy, blowing his hair.

Yan Zhi leans back in his chair, one hand cupped around his neck.

The neck is pinched red and the throat is a little sore.

But the tide of his heart still surged.

Why are there people like Di Xingchen in the world?

So to his liking, so to his heart.

He felt sure that he would not be able to do anything tonight just by stroking his neck.

He grabbed his collar and the tightly buttoned collar was strangled even tighter.

Huo Cheng has his hands in his pockets, fondling his mobile phone.

I wonder if the show will take their phones tonight.

He has a video of Di Xingchen dancing on his phone.

Huo Cheng seems to be back in his high school days.

When he was in high school, smartphones had not yet become massively popular, and only a few kids in his class from wealthy counties had mobile phones, or the slide-out kind. At that time they lived in the dormitory, and the topic of conversation among a bunch of adolescent boys at night always inevitably turned to sex. One of his classmates, with whom he played well at that time, suddenly told him mysteriously one day that he had something good in his mobile phone.

Naturally he knew what a good thing it was.

A fellow student gave him his mobile phone and told him to go to the toilet and look at it.

He’s probably feeling the same way now as he was then. Very nervous, very apprehensive.

Its really important to learn self-control and restraint, cleanliness and gentlemanly moderation when recording a show, they are destined as a relationship variety show, the audience is not meant to like men who are too horny, too greasy and domineering to be popular.

He should learn from Yan Zhi, look at him, how moral he is, making himself look like an ascetic monk.

No wonder Yan Zhi is so popular.

It was still raining, and it was getting heavier as Di Xingchen leaned back in his seat, never quite calming down.

Because the journey back was also silent in their car.

They were obviously talking so enthusiastically when they arrived.


Did he dance awkwardly? He thought he still had that measure.

He doesn’t even have the courage to initiate a conversation now.

The car pulled up outside the Red and Blue Lodge and Di Xingchen was the first to get out.

Huo Cheng followed closely behind, and together they ran to the front door, where the fingerprint lock failed to open several times, probably because their hands were a bit wet.

Huo Cheng leaned behind him and said, “Press again and it will be locked, enter the code.”

“What’s the password?”

Huo Cheng went to enter the code himself, his face touched Di Xingchen’s hair, he suddenly became innocent, his face turned red, he pursed his lips and went to press the code, his hand shook and pressed the wrong one.

The combination lock suddenly alarmed a few times and then locked.

Huo Cheng and Di Xingchen : “……”

“What’s wrong?” Hu Ying asked.

“It’s locked and won’t open again until fifteen minutes later.” Di Xingchen said.

A red light is lit on the combination lock.

They were all standing in the doorway when Yan Zhi noticed Huo Cheng was standing next to their arms and stepped outside.

Soon the crew and Pei Xu returned. They went next door first.

It was the first time that the group of them came to the programme side as a group. Compared to the Red and Blue Hut, the conditions over here are much simpler, the living room is very messy and the table is covered with leftover boxed lunches.

Yan Zhi, who is a neat freak, frowned all the time. He felt that the room smelled foul, so he came out first. When he came out and saw Pei Xu outside, he stood next to him and looked out at the night rain.

The flowers are miserable under the streetlights and the yard is obscurely lit.

The two of them did not communicate. Yan Zhi is hot with emotion and has a very heavy heart. Pei Xu came out just to be quiet and think alone.

After a few minutes on the crew’s side, the silence finally dissipated and Wen Nuo took a tour of the crew’s room when Hu Ying shouted, “Come and see, they’re all monitors!”

They all ran over to see that all the rooms in the Red and Blue Lodge were in full view, with almost no dead space except for the bathroom.

Although they had known that their every move would be filmed, it was still a shock to see it with their own eyes, with the feeling that they were being monitored at all times.

“It’s been fifteen minutes, your door can open.” Guo Bing urged.

“Whisk us away.” Hu Ying said.

Di Xingchen laughs and pushes him out, but Hu Ying is suddenly out of breath as he grabs his arm.

Everyone opened the door and came back into the red and blue hut and gathered in the dining room for hot water.

“What time do you all leave tomorrow?” Hu Ying asked.

“I’ll have to leave tomorrow morning.” Lin Qingning said.

It was all on their pre-arranged agenda.

“I’m also leaving in the morning, I’m going on a business trip.” Huo Cheng said.

They’re doing an overseas version of their app and he’ll have to check it out. Because of the recording of the show, the work of many of them has been more or less affected and it’s all piled up.

“I have to catch a flight early tomorrow morning at six or seven.” Yan Zhi said.

He has a gaming variety show to attend.

Pei Xu said, “I’ll leave at noon.”

“I’m leaving at noon too.” Hu Ying said.

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Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng had no reaction to Pei Xu leaving at noon, but when they heard that Hu Ying was leaving at noon, alarm bells went off in their minds.

Because Di Xingchen is on holiday, he must be the last to go.

This is not leaving the lamb to Hu Ying, the wolf.

” Wen Nuo is not in a hurry to leave tomorrow, is he?” Huo Cheng asked, turning his head.

Wen Nuo said, “I’ll go to work tomorrow as usual.”

They don’t take breaks in the sweet shop.

“Where is Brother Duan?” Huo Cheng looked over at Duan Yihua in the chair.

Duan Yihua had passed the booze, but he was still a bit lazy and said on the table, “I’ll …… leave in the morning.” Huo Cheng looked at it and thought, “Fortunately, I’m not leaving Di Xingchen and Hu Ying alone.

Luckily, Pei Xu is still around.

The last few days were like a dream, they could never have imagined when they came in that they would be so upset when they left.

It also feels like time is passing too quickly.

“By the way, are we texting again today?” Hu Ying said, “I remember saying it was the last night to text.”

Lin Qingning nodded a little.

Hu Ying then looked at Di Xingchen and said, “So Xingchen will get all the votes today, right?”

Di Xingchen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “You don’t have to be so polite.”

It was his home turf today and it was no surprise that the guests sent him all their text messages.

It’s like in CJK romance variety, they all send the text message of the day to the person they’re dating, even if they’re not crazy about each other.

This is courtesy texting.

“I am definitely sending it to you.” Huo Cheng said.

Huo Cheng’s face is still flushed with wine, with sharp eyebrows and a high nose, gangly with a touch of drunkenness.

Yan Zhi and Pei Xu both glanced at Huo Cheng, who took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

But when Huo Cheng said this in front of everyone, Di Xingchen felt that he was very open.

“I’ll send it to Xingchen too.” Wen Nuo, always the timid one, followed suit.

Di Xingchen then smiled and said, “Well, I thank you all in advance.”

It was all sent to him and he was much more relaxed in return.

He was afraid that no one would send him, but Duan Yihua sent him!

Di Xingchen was so tired today and so limp from the wine he had drunk, he put down his glass of water and said, “I’m going to take a shower, you guys talk.”

As he walks away, he glances towards Duan Yihua, who is lying on the dining table, staring at the glass of water in his hand.

As soon as Di Xingchen left, everyone went to their own rooms.

Hu Ying slumped down on the sofa as soon as he got back to his room.

Lin Qingning took off his jacket and said, “Are you taking a shower?”

Hu Ying lay still and said, “You go ahead and wash.”

Lin Qingning then went ahead and took a shower.

Hu Ying lies on the sofa for a while, then finally just stomps off his shoes and lays down on the sofa, the tattoo on his waist showing a little, his head hanging down, his long hair almost to the floor.

He decided that he would not send Yan Zhi his text messages today.

He wants to send it to Di Xingchen.

As to why it was sent to Di Xingchen, whether out of his fondness for his or out of courtesy, he didn’t bother to think about it.

He closed his eyes and thought of Di Xingchen on stage, wearing his mask, his body so beautiful. When he danced the fox dance, his shirt came off, revealing his abs so beautifully.

Hu Ying lets out a long breath.

He was extremely shaken today.

Yan Zhi and Duan Yihua were the only two people left in the dining room on the ground floor. Yan Zhi got up, ready to go back to his room, and asked Duan Yihua, “Brother Duan, are you all right?”

Duan Yihua shook his head, “I’ll sit for a while longer.”

Yan Zhi looks at Duan Yihua for a moment, pauses, and then walks towards the bedroom.

When he reached the door of the Pei Xu and Di Xingchen suite, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, pushed the door open and entered.

When he reached the small living room, he glanced in the direction of the bathroom, where the sound of clattering water was faintly heard.

It’s Di Xingchen in the bath.

The very thought of it makes Yan Zhi’s heart burn.

Yan Zhi stares at the bathroom door for a moment.

If only it had been him and Di Xingchen in a suite.

Close to the water, you get the moon first.

Pei Xu has such an advantage for nothing, and it’s such a waste to not use it.

He suddenly realised the importance of this matter of housing allocation.

Their next stop, to the North Side, was to be the new Red and Blue Lodge, where, according to the rules of past seasons, rooms would inevitably be reallocated again, most likely not even suites anymore, and would sleep in one room.

A room …… turns around to see each other’s sleeping faces and hear each other’s breathing, so you can take the opportunity to talk a lot and increase your time alone several times over.

Yan Zhi ripped the buttons off his shirt and strode from the room.

The programme crew next door couldn’t even breathe as they watched.

Guo Bing had just returned from the toilet when he saw Yan Zhi coming out of the small living room and hurriedly asked, ” Yan Zhi finally got up?”

He had been sitting in the kitchen before.

“He’s gone to Di Xingchen and Pei Xu’s room!”

“He’s staring at the bathroom door eh.”

” Di Xingchen is in the shower inside!”

“I don’t know what he was thinking, but he stared for a while and suddenly ripped the collar buttons off!”

Guo Bing said, “It’s a shame you guys don’t work as scriptwriters, you just went and stood in their living room for a while and you seem to have made up a play!”

He was strangely excited to hear it.

Yan Zhi went back to his room and then went to take a shower. Guo Bing glances over the monitor, most of the guests are in the shower, Hu Ying is lying on the sofa, Duan Yihua is lying on the table in the dining room, Pei Xu ……

Pei Xu is actually doing push-ups.

Pei Xu is doing one-handed push-ups with one hand clasped behind his back and one hand propped up on the ground.

He thinks as he does his push-ups, his body mechanically rising and falling, his face not red, his breath not panting.

Soon after Di Xingchen came out of the shower, and Guo Bing, who was now the most concerned person in the whole show, said, “Put the image of Di Xingchen’s room on the big screen.”

The staff cut the image of Di Xingchen’s room to the big screen.

Di Xingchen finishes blow-drying his hair, walks to the door of Pei Xu’s room and knocks twice.

“Come in.”

Di Xingchen pushes the door in and sees Pei Xu on the floor doing plank supports, his neck all red, looking up at him.

Wow, look at that, Pei Xu’s butt is so cute.

He finally understood why they say that the buttocks are the engine of a man.

“I’m done washing. Talk to you.” Di Xingchen said.

Pei Xu is lying on the ground, and when he looks over, he can see Di Xingchen’s white calves and watery feet.

He gave a “hmm” and lowered his eyes.

Di Xingchen then closes the door to the room.

Di Xingchen’s heart is full of emotion.

Not bad for a male lead, isn’t it, no matter which male lead is in the family, the physical strength …… oh no, the energy, is intimidating. After a busy day, you come back and have the energy to work out.

This is a common confusion in fiction, where the victim or heroine usually can’t get out of bed the next day, but the hero is “refreshed” and “glowing” as if he’s taken in the essence.

Pei Xu does his push-ups even harder.

The eye falls on the wooden floor, which still has a little water stain left by Di Xingchen’s slippers.

Pei Xu fell to the floor as he lost his strength.

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