Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 39: CH 39

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Lin Qingning was the first to regain his senses, he turned his head to look at Wen Nuo beside him and whispered in an incredulous voice, “So handsome ……”

It is a very different kind of handsome from Pei Xu, fairer, brighter, more upright and vibrant.

Wen Nuo didn’t even hear what Lin Qingning had to say. He looked straight away.

Duan Yihua was already drunk and not fully awake, but now that he saw Di Xingchen he was in a dream, and his mind went blank.

Hu Ying’s heart was pounding, and he felt that Di Xingchen, wearing only black and white, had even more elegance than Pei Xu.

Huo Cheng unconsciously raised his hand and rubbed his nose, his eyes on Di Xingchen, but did not say anything.

Neither Pei Xu nor Yan Zhi spoke either, as Di Xingchen had come up to them.

Di Xingchen asks, “Where do I stand?”

The staff member who was lost in thought next to him then snapped back to attention and said, “So handsome, Di Xingchen.”

Di Xingchen smiled at this.

“Don’t laugh.”

Di Xingchen asks, “Why?”

“The heart can’t take it.”

Don’t be so dramatic.

They now know each other well enough with the staff to blow rainbow farts and joke around with each other.

Di Xingchen glanced at Yan Zhi who was opposite them.

Wow wow wow wow, the boys look so handsome in their suits!

The most important thing is that the three men wear suits, even if they are similar in style and colour, they look very different from each other.

Yan Zhi is ascetic, looking like a gentleman, a gentleman, a gentleman, Pei Xu is a gentleman, looking noble and handsome, and Huo Cheng is a tough guy with a strong, lean head, full of hormones.

I can’t say for a moment which is more handsome!

Guo Bing was not standing at the monitor this time, he was there in person, he kept his professional attitude, he could see all the micro expressions of the male guests, the blood of the wolves was boiling in his body, instinctively he went to the surrounding cameras, in case they forgot to give the guests a close up!

Look at Yan Zhi’s little glance at Di Xingchen every now and then!

Check out the blatant emotions in Huo Cheng’s unstoppable smile!

And look at Pei Xu, who hasn’t been smiling all the way across his face, just about has the word fascinated written all over it!

The photographer told him what he wanted to shoot, and Di Xingchen listened intently with his head slightly bowed, his demeanour returning to that of a boy and a man, modest and gentle.

“You don’t have to stand, you sit here,” said the ad photographer, “shoot this first.”

Di Xingchen saw a very luxurious looking red sofa in front of Pei Xu.

“I’m sitting down.”

It’s because the three main male leads can’t balance each other out, that’s why they put him in the C seat.

He, the male counterpart, is now being treated like a straight upgrade.

But when you think about it it makes sense, the three main men are on equal footing and it’s not appropriate for anyone to sit in the seat, rather it’s the most vulnerable one who is best suited to the position.

He then took a seat in the chair. The next step was to dim the lights and adjust the pose. A crew member stood opposite him with a white light and shone it, but the photographer wanted them to look straight ahead.

” Huo Cheng , you stand back a bit and then lean your body forward.” The photographer said.

Huo Cheng, who was standing in the middle, took a step back at the words.

“Is that so?” He leans forward slightly, both hands pressed against the back of the sofa, his upper body almost next to Di Xingchen’s, like a beast lurking from behind Di Xingchen.

The photographer glanced at the camera and added, ” Yan Zhi and Pei Xu both leaned in a bit.”

Yan Zhi leans languidly against the right side of the sofa, his gold-rimmed glasses glowing with the light of a clothed animal.

Pei Xu, on the other hand, has one hand in his pocket and stands coolly to his left, looking cold and handsome. “Di Xingchen has a loose expression, yes, no need to smile, just smile without smiling, mmmmmmmmm, nice nice. The other three don’t have expressions, give a fetish for synthesis and revisionist eyes!”

Di Xingchen thought, “This photographer is really good at shooting.

But wouldn’t it feel more like a battle of four 1’s for one 0’s with the four blue male guests standing behind them and a red guest sitting on the couch?

Well, the luxury brand advertising photographer is not something he can question either.

“Ready, OK, good.”

I don’t know how many times in a row I heard the click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click.

Guo Bing looks at the photos.

Crap, he feels like he could have just used it as a promo picture, the character relationships are shot with so much tension.

After this one, they finally took a picture of the four male guests standing together.

Di Xingchen has taken the initiative to stand on the far side.

“Di Xingchen should stand in the middle. You are the smallest. It’s more harmonious to stand in the middle.”

He is 183, not much shorter than Yan Zhi and not much shorter than Pei Xu.

Of the four, Huo Cheng is the only one who stands out for his height.

After taking a group photo of the four of them, they stood two by two for another shot.

Pei Xu and Yan Zhi were photographed first.

Two of the most suited men to wear a suit, both equally young, handsome and inviting.

Di Xingchen wanted to stand for evil cp for a moment.

Next came Huo Cheng and Pei Xu, Huo Cheng and Yan Zhi.

Huo Cheng is so offensive that he would be a strong combination with anyone.

Di Xingchen has read similar articles before.

He suddenly realized that they had a show where blue and blue actually carried the day! The three of them picked two at random are green jjwxc Strong strong text!

They are young, handsome, highly capable, with simple, clean love lives and more money than they can spend.

He turned his head towards the red guests, whose eyes were so focused, even Hu Ying, who was always so lively, was on his knees, so shy and focused.

Yeah yeah yeah, who can’t love the big three.

As the original describes Pei Xu, they don’t have to do anything, they just stand there and a bunch of people fall in love with him.

The latter and finally his turn.

The first shot was of him and Huo Cheng.

Huo Cheng looks at Di Xingchen with a smile.

He thinks Huo Cheng is still drunk because his cheeks are a little redder than usual.

“It’s a bit hot.” Huo Cheng said.

“We have flowers here and they’re all bought by the guests.” Guo Bing reminds.

The photographer said, “Well, you could try using flowers as a backdrop.”

They just set up a vase of flowers to put behind it.

The photographer took a couple of test shots when Guo Bing suddenly came up to the photographer’s ear and nibbled on his ear.

The photographer just smiled and said, “That’s fine.”

He had the staff take the flowers out of the vase and had Di Xingchen and Huo Cheng both take a forget-me-not in their hands.

“Is it just forget-me-nots, we bought so many other flowers.” Di Xingchen reminds.

“Shoot them separately so they don’t overlap and you don’t have to take too many mixed ones.” The photographer said.

Good bah.

Forget-me-not is not as good as a manzanita can be, the flowers have wilted a little, and the photographer finds such truth and wilting a different kind of beauty.

The four men are four different types altogether, and the different two carry different chemistry with them.

When it was time for Yan Zhi and Di Xingchen to be photographed, the photographer asked them to change into a starry sky.

It was at that moment that Yan Zhi realised that the team had understood all his feelings.

Guo Bing has a good eye and an eye for ideas as a variety director.

“Do we all have to take the same picture?” Yan Zhi opened his mouth, held up his glasses and said, “Can we have different poses?”

“That’s fine.” The photographer said.

Yan Zhi then put his arm around Di Xingchen’s shoulders.

Di Xingchen froze for a moment, then laughed and reached out to wrap his arms around Yan Zhi’s back as well.

“You don’t have to stretch your arms.” Yan Zhi said softly.

Di Xingchen froze for a moment.

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The closeness between best buddies is better highlighted by the fact that they are hugging each other.

But Yan Zhi has more experience than him, so whatever he says goes.

Di Xingchen then put his arms down and held the full moon in both hands.

“Smile.” Yan Zhi suddenly added.

Di Xingchen then grinned a little.

“With a click, the picture is finished.

Yan Zhi is experienced and went to the photographer after the shoot to check it out.

On the painting, he has his arm around Di Xingchen’s shoulders, and Di Xingchen is holding a star in the sky, smiling broadly.

When it was finally Pei Xu’s turn to be photographed, Di Xingchen said, “Look, everyone’s buying flowers, and if you don’t, you won’t get any.”

The crew of the show just laughed.

Pei Xu was silent for a moment and said, “I don’t have any roses to use, so let’s borrow yours.”

“There are also lilies and tulips.” Huo Cheng says.

He didn’t think Pei Xu was deliberately going for roses, he should have just forgotten that he had bought lilies and tulips in addition to forget-me-nots.

The staff brought over roses, tulips and lilies for them to pick from.

But their group ended up with roses.

Mostly the photographer liked it and thought the roses were perfect for the theme of the Love Variety.

“You can both take as many poses as you want for the shoot too,” the photographer said, “lean back, hug your shoulders, front and back.”

Huo Cheng, next to him, chortled, “Just stand straight when you’re filming me.”

But Pei Xu didn’t take too intimate a picture, saying to Di Xingchen, “Your tie is slanted, didn’t you pin it?”

Di Xingchen looked down and didn’t see where his tie was slanted.

But Pei Xu had already taken off one of his tie clips and pinned it on for him.

“Doesn’t it suit you?” Pei Xu asks softly while parting.

Di Xingchen barely heard the noise of the shooting, and when he glanced down, he saw that the tie clip had a starburst pattern on it.

A silver and white tie clip, pinned to a straight black tie.

Then Pei Xu stood next to Di Xingchen: “Let’s do it like this.”

Pei Xu is not smiling, but rather serious.

A staff member glanced into the camera and whispered, “Would the pose be too positive? Not smiling either, it’s all about face support.”

“It looks like a wedding photo at a glance.”

Take another look at ……

It’s kinda like that.

Di Xingchen was so tired from taking all the photos that he was holding his back.

He had a really big workload today, he started in the morning, practiced dancing all day, performed in the evening, went for drinks, danced again and came back for almost two hours of shooting.

He really didn’t think it would be so much trouble and take so long just to take this picture.

It’s not easy to be an entertainer.

“Are you tired?” Yan Zhi asked him softly.

Di Xingchen nods.

“We’ve finished filming today, right?” Yan Zhi asks the director.

Guo Bing said, “It’s done, you guys can rest after the texting later.”

With all the lights on and his suit on, Di Xingchen felt like he was sweating from the heat. He unbuttoned his collar and leaned back on the sofa to watch the photographer’s finished shots. A big name photographer is a big name photographer, and his photos are very high quality.

“A little more adjustment in post would be nice.” The photographer said looking up at Di Xingchen: “What does the young man do?”

“He’s a dancer.” Guo Bing says.

“No wonder,” said the photographer, “the proportions are very photogenic.”

Huo Cheng glanced at Di Xingchen.

The photographer was right about everything.

After the shoot was completely finished, the crew left the set. Di Xingchen walks towards his bedroom, holding his back.

“Remember to text later before you go to bed,” Guo Bing said, “It’s a bit of hard work for everyone and tomorrow will be easy.”

The crowded living room soon cooled down. Hu Ying and the others went upstairs too, and as soon as they reached the small living room, Hu Ying collapsed on the sofa.

Only Duan Yihua , again, sat on the stairs for a while.

Huo Cheng followed Di Xingchen back to his room and saw Di Xingchen take his suit off, it was fine when he took off his top, but when he saw him take off his trousers, he immediately walked out of the room, the staff looked at him with a smile and said, “Our Xingchen is not afraid to look.”

Di Xingchen glanced up at the words.

He wore shorts that came to his knees underneath and wasn’t afraid to look at them.

But several staff members couldn’t resist glancing up at his legs.

So white and straight with two legs!

Di Xingchen handed the suit back to the programme team and then took the tie clip to Pei Xu’s room.

No staff entered Pei Xu’s room, they all stood at the door.

“Tie clips.” Di Xingchen said.

Pei Xu unbuttoned his shirt and said, “It’s for you. You keep it.”

“I basically don’t wear a suit, I don’t need to.”

And the tie clip looks very expensive.

Pei Xu says: “I have more than I can use.”

Di Xingchen smiled, but put the tie clip on the table anyway.

Pei Xu saw him about to leave and reached out to take his arm.

Di Xingchen looks back at him, Pei Xu’s features are so handsome and fair, so handsome, but his hands are flushed, the backs of his hands floating in sinewy outline, his bones well defined.

“Take it.” Pei Xu says, “I gave one to each person as a souvenir.”

Pei Xu said, “Really.”

Di Xingchen was surprised and asked, “You have a gift for everyone?”

I’m not ashamed to say that the jjwxc male lead is too thoughtful.

He didn’t even have a gift for the guests.

Pei Xu gave a “hmm”, picked up the tie clip from the table and placed it in his hand.

Di Xingchen thinks Pei Xu is very thoughtful, he must not have bought this tie clip randomly because you can see that he got it with a star design.

It’s the thought that went into it.

“So what kind of ones did you give Hu Ying and the others, did they all have a special pattern?”

Pei Xu froze for a moment and then said “hmmm”.

“Can I see it?” He wanted to study and learn, after all jjwxc the male lead’s romance has always thrown real men off by a hundred thousand miles.

Pei Xu’s throat moved before he finally stifled the words, “Secret.”

Alas, well.

Di Xingchen clutched the tie clip and said, “Thanks then, I like it, I’ll use it for future suits.”

Pei Xu watches Di Xingchen go out, pulls his shirt out of his belt and rummages through the drawer for his tie clip.

There are two more.

He then called his assistant.

“Yes, tie clips, please buy me some tomorrow and send them over.”

The staff at the door listened while looking at each other.

“That, Brother Pei , clothes ……”, the staff member just poked his head out, saw Pei Xu taking off his trousers and retreated in fear.

The youngster asked him, “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head, his face flushed.

He thought Pei Xu had a great figure, with his long, lean legs and flat black horns.

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