Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 45: CH 45

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In addition to the “Red and Blue Signals” season 3 wild card, the show’s team bought the “Red and Blue Signals” hot search, and three personal ones, one was “Yan Zhi is on the Love Channel”, one was “Hu Ying” and the other was “Pei Huanong’s son Pei Xu”. Hu Ying’s “Red and Blue Signal” and “Pei Huanong’s son Pei Xu”.

Pei Huanong, the former national flower girl, is so topical that Pei Xu, her son, has been in the news since she was a child, praised and scolded, and this has become his destiny.

Pei Xu himself doesn’t care what the netizens say about him, he’s grown up and strong enough, not the teenage boy he was. It was Pei Huanong who cared enough about his son’s feelings to pay for the removal of the hot search.

she also called Pei Xu after she pulled the plug, but it turned out that Pei Xu himself didn’t even know that he was in the news.

He doesn’t have a Twitter account, he never reads it, he doesn’t even watch Red and Blue, and he doesn’t care if the show is a hit or not.

He’s on the show, he has no agenda, he’s just here to return the favour. He doesn’t care if the netizens like him or not, or if the other guests like him or not.

All casual.

Now all he cares about is Di Xingchen.

He woke up just after five on a Saturday morning and turned his head to look out of the window, where the most majestic cylindrical building in the South City towered into the sky.

As he did.

He’s been waking up like this every day lately, as if he’s holding back his energy to explode. Eighteen year old male high school students probably aren’t in as good a shape as he is.

With both physical and psychological torture, he became a little impatient.

Patience is not about not being able to carry on missing, it’s about having a hook in your heart.

As he was walking Di Xingchen away, he stood at the stop sign for a while and suddenly realised that he could find Di Xingchen if he wanted to look for his in private. He stood at the stop sign and took a look at the stops on route 28, which only makes two stops at Changping Village.

Di Xingchen told him that his house was close to the bus stop, “just a few steps away”.

This also means that if he goes looking for Di Xingchen, he will be able to find it.

In fact, it’s not enough to not think about it, but now that it has come to mind, it’s like a hook that keeps hooking Pei Xu’s heart.

It’s too big an opportunity and therefore a huge temptation.

The competition at North City is going to be fierce, so it’s very important to get a head start.

It was Saturday and Papa Zhai Mother Zhai was off work, so they both went to the supermarket early in the morning and bought a lot of groceries to celebrate in their own home behind closed doors.

The couple were in a good mood for two days, carrying their groceries and heading home happily.

Nearing home, they saw a strange man.

The man looked to be no more than in his twenties and was extremely fresh and handsome.

One of those people whose looks and temperament alone tell you that they are not your average person, white and tall, and carrying a fruit basket.

Mother Zhai froze for a moment and whispered to Papa Zhai, “This man looks so familiar to me.”

It looked like some guest she had seen on TV on Red and Blue Signal.

But much more handsome than it looks on TV!

The couple passed by the young man and kept gawking at him.

The man turned his head and bowed obediently to them, “Hello, may I ask if Di Xingchen’s house is around here?”

Di Xingchen didn’t go out today either, he had nothing to do, he was in his bedroom doing the splits when suddenly he heard the door open and then he heard his mother shout, “Xingchen, your friend is here to see you!”

Di Xingchen stood up as soon as his legs were tucked in and he came out of the bedroom panting and froze.

Pei Xu, dressed in a casual black suit with a white t-shirt underneath, looks more refreshed than he ever did at the Red and Blue Lodge and looks slightly more formal: ” Xingchen .”

Di Xingchen said, “What brings you here?”

Papa Zhai said, “Come in and sit down, have a seat.”

Mother Zhai hurried over to clear the coffee table and remove the clothes from the sofa: “The house is a bit messy.”

Pei Xu, who has always been very tractable, is very well behaved at the moment. He even nods in a restrained manner, bending his head, then sits down on the sofa, puts both hands on his knees and looks up at Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen was still surprised: “How did you get here, how did you find my house, do you know my address?”

Papa Zhai Mother Zhai both look at Pei Xu.

Pei Xu said, “I asked around, but I didn’t find out, just in time to run into my aunt and uncle.”

Pei Xu’s sudden arrival took the Di Xingchen family by surprise and Papa Zhai asked him to join them for lunch.

“No, I’ll go back.” Pei Xu said.

Di Xingchen, who had never seen such a rushed look on Pei Xu’s face before, couldn’t help but say, “We’re here, let’s have a casual meal.”

“We’ve just bought a lot of food and said we’d celebrate for Xingchen,” Papa Zhai said to Di Xingchen, “Xingchen, you and Little Pei go to your room and play first.”

Di Xingchen then dragged Pei Xu to his bedroom.

When he arrived at his bedroom, Pei Xu was clearly relaxed and Di Xingchen, amused and surprised to see his ears all red, said, “How long have you been looking for us here?”

“It didn’t take long.” Pei Xu then told him about the bus stop sign.

True to form, the Red and Blue Lodge’s number one brain is just great at observing details.

Mother Zhai suddenly pushes the door open and Pei Xu, who was sitting down, immediately stands up again.

Mother Zhai smiled and said, “I’ve washed some fruit, so you can eat.”

“Thank you, Auntie.” Pei Xu said.

Di Xingchen couldn’t help but laugh again.

Pei Xu turns his head to look at Di Xingchen and his face flushes.

When Mother Zhai has gone out, Di Xingchen closes the door.

Pei Xu said, “The old smile.”

Di Xingchen smiled and said, “No, it’s the first time I’ve seen you like this.”

Pei Xu said nothing more.

He was nervous and his palms were sweating.

He didn’t used to be like this; he was used to being calm and aloof when meeting anyone.

In the end it’s different, right? Because Di Xingchen is different for him, so his mum and dad are different for him.

Mother Zhai returns to the kitchen and helps Papa Zhai with the cooking.

The men cooked all the meals in their house.

“That’s a nice boy.” Mother Zhai whispered. Mother Zhai whispered, “He’s not like the one on TV. I thought he was such a tough guy, but he’s so polite. He’s even better looking than on TV. Is it all an edit? He’s been edited that way on purpose.”

Papa Zhai says: “It’s not like on TV. It’s the first time I’ve seen someone who looks as good as our son.”

It is the kind of person who is particularly healthy and energetic at first glance.

After a while, Mother Zhai added, “It’s not bad.”

“Stop it,” Papa Zhai said, “do you know what their family does?”

Mother Zhai said, “What for?”

“I’ve searched the background of a few of them specifically before, you know the Hua Jiang building, right, just you said you wouldn’t even dare to enter that shopping plaza, that’s their family.”

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Who in the South City doesn’t know Hua Jiang?

That’s not much to think about.

Pei Xu takes a sip of water, the man slowly settles down, he stands up with his glass of water and looks at Di Xingchen’s room.

Di Xingchen’s room is very cosy.

He saw on his desk the shells he had given Di Xingchen earlier.

“I’m painting seashells.” Di Xingchen says, “I’ll give them to everyone as gifts later.”

Pei Xu looked down at the design on there and said, “You can draw me a Bugs Bunny.”

Di Xingchen froze for a moment, “Bugs Bunny?”

Pei Xu then pointed out the Bugs Bunny pillow on his bed.

Di Xingchen said, “Why do you want Bugs Bunny.”

“I think it’s quite lovely.” Pei Xu said as he held out his hand, his long fingers dividing the shells into two sets, the ones he gave Di Xingchen, which he separated out: “Feel free to give the others away, but you can either keep these for yourself or give them all to me when you’ve finished painting them.”

Di Xingchen also felt that it was not good for him to give someone else a gift that they had given him, so he said, “I’ll just give what I picked up myself, and I’ll keep whatever you and Yan Zhi give me.”

Pei Xu then took a look at the shells Yan Zhi gave him.

“Forget it, you can give it all away.” Pei Xu said, “It’s yours if we give it to you, distribute it however you like.”

He takes a sip of the water and frowns, thinking that the lemonade he drinks at Di Xingchen’s house is a bit sour.

Pei Xu had lunch at the Zhai family.

He finally knows why Di Xingchen’s cooking is so good.

It’s all an ancestral craft, right?

Pei Xu ate a lot, so much so that Di Xingchen was afraid he would eat too much.

“Eat less.” He said.

“Uncle cooks good food.” Pei Xu said in a disciplined manner.

He didn’t seem like a man who would say polite things, he felt sincere.

Papa Zhai was beaming, but was still polite: “We’re just having a home-cooked meal, so I’m sure it’s nothing compared to what you usually eat.”

Di Xingchen sniffed and glanced at his dad, who felt a smile coming out of the end of Papa Zhai’s eyes.

As if it was such a great compliment for a young broad to enjoy his cooking so much.

Pei Xu didn’t stay too long with the Zhai family and left after a short meal.

Papa Zhai asked Di Xingchen to see him off, and on the way out they ran into their neighbour across the street, who asked with a smile, “You have a guest in your home?”

” Xingchen, his friend, came to hang out at the house.”

The neighbours didn’t know about Red and Blue Signals and couldn’t help but compliment them, “What a beautiful young man.”

Di Xingchen was a little embarrassed to see Pei Xu being complimented.

In the past, so many people praised him and he had a stinky face, but I didn’t see him embarrassed.

He shouldn’t be so used to being complimented on his good looks.

The two of them came out of the Zhai family and Pei Xu looked back at the building again.

It was a small, white, five-storey building, and Di Xingchen’s family lived on the fourth floor, at the far east end.

Keep it in mind for next time.

Suddenly he saw Papa Zhai Mother Zhai still standing at the fourth floor staircase looking down, and when he saw Papa Zhai waving at him, Pei Xu hurriedly bowed again.

“That’s very polite of you, young man.” Papa Zhai said to Mother Zhai with a smile on his face.

It gives a weirdly good impression.

Di Xingchen asked Pei Xu: “Didn’t you drive?”

Pei Xu said, “The car is parked outside your school.”

Di Xingchen sent him to the south gate of the Central Dance Academy.

“You go back.” Pei Xu said.

“Thank you for coming to see me.” Di Xingchen said. Pei Xu smiled and looked at Di Xingchen for a moment, “What are you doing tomorrow?”

Di Xingchen said, “Staying at home, I thought the crew wouldn’t let us go out.”

He thought it was best to listen to the crew and not get them into trouble, after all, with so many of them, it’s not easy to make this show and the guests still have to cooperate.

“Do you have all the thick clothes ready?” Pei Xu asked.

Di Xingchen nodded: “I searched, it was so cold where we were going, a few dozen degrees below zero.”

“Have two extra warm down jackets.” Pei Xu says.

Di Xingchen smiles and nods.

The Zhai family lives in Changping Village near the Central Dance Academy, an enormous urban village that takes over forty minutes to walk from the south to the north and over thirty minutes to walk from the east to the west. This village, which has gradually developed by the Central Dance Academy, has started to build buildings over the years, but because of the poor planning, the roads turn all over the place and tenants make up the majority of the population. Even if you know people are living in this village, it is not easy to find them.

Huo Cheng has been looking for it for a long time.

Huo Cheng thinks he is very clever.

They were not allowed to leave their contact details or tell each other their home addresses, but Di Xingchen’s family lives in Changping village, which they all knew.

Although it is not known exactly which street he lived on.

But it doesn’t matter, he can find it himself.

He finished all his work abroad quickly and came over with jet lag, dragging dark circles under his eyes.

He was in a hurry, he was already in a hurry, and he was even more distraught in the past two days.

One more meeting before going to the North Side again gives a little more chance.

He asked around street by street, but no one knew Di Xingchen.

People in the city are just indifferent, unlike their village, where the ones at the east end of the village even know what they had for lunch today at the west end.

But his efforts were not in vain and he finally found a kiosk near Di Xingchen’s home.

” Di Xingchen, I know him, I know him.” The old lady took a look at Huo Cheng’s luxury car: “Who are you to him?”

“A friend.” Huo Cheng said with surprise, “Can you tell me where his house is?”

Huo Cheng said he bought another cigarette, a soft Chinese, from the old lady’s house.

This pleased the old lady and he said, “I’ll take you there, it’s close.”

Papa Zhai had just finished clearing the table and came out to throw away the rubbish when someone called out to him, “Mr. Zhai!”

Papa Zhai turned his head to see the owner of the kiosk near their house smiling and waving at him, a handsome inch-headed man, more than 5’9″ tall, standing beside her, carrying a pile of things in his hands.

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