Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 49: CH 49

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Producer Zhou Lan is also delighted with the success of the show.

The first thing she did was to go to the Zhou family home to celebrate with Pei Xu and talk to him about the upcoming recording.

Tomorrow she's off to the North Side, which, in her past experience, is definitely more intense than the appetizer South Side.

The first week of the book is basically all about fermentation and setting the stage, and by the second week, all the lines of affection are set and defined. During this period, every date is crucial, and many of the most famous romance scenes take place during this period.

It so happens that Pei Huanong and Zhou Jiangbai are also at home.

Zhou Lan and Zhou Jiangbai, the two siblings, loved to dislike each other, and when Zhou Jiangbai saw her, he said, "Why do you have time to visit me, an old man?"

"I'm not here to see you, I'm here to see Pei Xu and my sister-in-law."

Pei Huanong smiled as she brought a cup of tea.

Zhou Lan sat down excitedly and asked, "Have you seen our show?"

"I'm so angry about this," Zhou Jiangbai said, "you're still an aunt, why don't you do something about the way your show has cut Castor?"

Pei Huanong reassures him, "They make the show, they always need the punch line, it's all about editing the script."

Zhou Lan said, "I was wronged, you know how Pei Xu is, he's actually more of a drag than what we broadcast."

Pei Huanong said with a smile, "Then you have to take care of him. Don't let him get a bad rap from the netizens."

she saw that all the guests in the first issue had good reviews, except for Pei Xu, who had more people calling him names than liking him, saying he had a bad face and didn't fit in. "I came here to talk to him," says Zhou Lan. I hope he'll be more forthcoming," says Zhou Lan, "I don't care if the netizens call him names.

Pei Huanong had heard Zhou Lan talk about Di Xingchen before and smiled at his words, "Xingchen is a nice kid, he looks very sunny."

Probably because he knew it was his son's favorite, Pei Huanong watched with a filter and found Di Xingchen's looks and personality pleasing.

Zhou Jiangbai is also quite fond of him.

"Then you have to help your own family a little." Zhou Jiangbai said.

"I helped him a lot," Zhou Lan says. Zhou Lan said, "He was the one who didn't want my help and said he wanted to do it himself."

Zhou Jiangbai laughed and said, "Let's get this kid into a relationship, he's finally looking like a young man."

"I've come to have a good chat with him." Zhou Lan said, "He's home, isn't he?"

"He's at home. He says he's leaving for the North Side tomorrow, so he's spending the day with us." Pei Huanong says, "He's at the fencing gym next door. Zhang Weisi is here."

Zhang Weisi is a famous fencer who retired from fencing some years ago to work full-time as a coach. Zhang Weisi met the Zhou family as a result of Zhou Jiangbai's love of fencing when he was young. Zhou Jiangbai also turned a small house in his backyard into a sports hall.

As Zhou Jiangbai grew older, Zhang Weisi became Pei Xu's exclusive coach, teaching him all of his skills.

Pei Xu is a genius in many respects, but he only took up fencing as a hobby because of Zhou Jiangbai, but he is so gifted that he is very good at everything he does.

When Zhou Lan entered the fencing gym, Zhang Weisi and Pei Xu were fighting hard.

Pei Xu was wearing a white fencing suit and a hood. Although he could not see his face, he was a handsome man with broad shoulders, long legs and a handsome body.

Zhou Lan regretted that they couldn't showcase Pei Xu's fencing skills on the show, unlike basketball or whatever, which can be played by anyone, none of the other guests could, and they wouldn't go to a fencing gym on a date.

she had offered to do so when she made a personal video, but Pei Xu did not agree.

It would have been a great compromise for him to come on the Lovers' Variety and had no intention of showing off any of his skills.

And I wonder if he regrets it now.

Pei Xu is very explosive when it comes to sports, and his shots are steady and accurate, and he is extremely sporty, so he keeps his reflexes very quick. Zhang Weisi was once again defeated by him, taking off his hood and saying, "No more, I can't beat you."

Pei Xu removes his hood and unzips his fencing suit to reveal a flushed face.

He was soaked to the skin inside and his face and neck were red and sweaty.

"Every time I see you sweating like a pig, I suspect you're made of water." Zhou Lan says.

Pei Xu turned his head and looked at Zhou Lan.

Zhang Weisi said hello to Zhou Lan, they were old acquaintances, and after greeting him, Zhang Weisi went to take a shower first.

"You were looking for me?" Pei Xu asked.

Zhou Lan said, "Wash your sweat off first. Why are you so sweaty?"

"By nature." Pei Xu says.

Pei Xu went back to the shower and Zhou Lan went to his room to wait.

Pei Xu's room is very large, the largest of the Zhou family, but minimally furnished, so it looks very empty and is designed in a futuristic black and white minimalist style with a strong sense of line.

Pei Xu is a man with an eccentric paranoia about colour, and he doesn't like any of the bright colours that young people like.

But in the large black and white minimalist house, she saw a little red.

The only bit of red in this room is the two pink roses that are on the verge of wilting in a white vase above the bed.

You see, cold people can also have a very soft heart.

Pei Xu gets out of the shower and starts unpacking his suitcase.

Zhou Lan laughs and says, "It's all time to show those internet users that you're not a young lord who does nothing and has to do everything himself."

she looked at the four suitcases on the floor.

"You've got so much luggage this time, you'll stay there for a week."

Pei Xu has prepared four duvets.

There are also scarves in a variety of colours and styles.

"Since when do you like such bright colours."

Pei Xu gave a "hmm".

Zhou Lan's eyes lit up, "You're not preparing this for someone else, are you?"

she was pleasantly surprised, "You're really something, I was afraid you wouldn't get the hang of it."

she knelt down to take a closer look at the luggage Pei Xu had prepared: boots, gloves, ski trousers, a cotton hat, baby warmers and a medical bag.

It was better prepared than even their programme team.

"These are the things that the programme team reminded us to prepare for." Pei Xu says.

Zhou Lan looked at the hats and gloves, all of which were more than two sets.

"Well, it sets him off, he'll like it."

Pei Xu says: "It's not just his, but Wen Nuo's too, and I reckon they both didn't prepare enough."

The down jackets they bought were definitely not warm enough, nor were they as good in performance and quality as the ones they had bought for the rich kids. He was afraid that he would only prepare for Di Xingchen and leave Wen Nuo behind, and Wen Nuo's personality would become more sensitive and inferior.

Since Di Xingchen took such good care of Wen Nuo, he followed suit.

Zhou Lan froze for a moment, thinking for the first time that this nephew of hers was very attentive.

He turned out to be such a considerate man if he would get on with it.

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "I don't seem to have anything to tell you. A lot of people have asked me what to do to succeed while in a romance variety, and I have only told them one thing, I think it's all about sincerity for sincerity, as long as you are giving it your all, the people you like, and the audience, will see it."

Pei Xu gave a "hmm" and carefully folded a Bugs Bunny-style fleece hat and put it in his suitcase.

The clothes and shoes in this suitcase are all Di Xingchen, and many have Xingchen-related prints on them, some obvious and some not so obvious.

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Zhou Lan laughed and whispered, " Pei Xu, have a good romance on our show."

Don't think about the outcome, love passionately for once.

With a flight early tomorrow, Papa Zhai Mother Zhai helped Di Xingchen finalise what he needed to bring.

Papa Zhai reads the lists one by one, while Mother Zhai checks them one by one. Di Xingchen sat next to his and smiled.

As I watched, my eyes became moist.

He suddenly missed his family.

His family.

As a book wearer, he had actually resigned himself to his fate a long time ago, and sometimes when he thought about it, he couldn't tell which world was the dream. He had a new life in this world, new parents, he might have switched worlds with the original Di Xingchen, and it was a comfort to think so.

A brief parting is only sad, but a parting from life is an untouchable pain.

It's all very nice people.

Do what you can and take care of as many people as you can.

He let out a breath, calmed himself and said, "It's been checked several times, there's no mistake."

Mother Zhai said, "It's better to check well that you haven't missed anything."

Papa Zhai said, "Forget it, no more checks, they have the programme crew with them, they care more about the health and safety of their guests than we do."

Di Xingchen said, "It is."

They buttoned up the boxes and the programme called him back over to say that a crew would be coming over specifically to pick him up tomorrow.

Hu Ying still brought the most boxes this time.

He brought six boxes with him.

"You're moving." Bunny said.

"It's cold as hell over there, you have to wear two pairs of socks, no exaggeration, and we might have to go to the Arctic village to see the Aurora Borealis, you know the Arctic village, it's the coldest place ever!"

"Then you don't have to bring so many ah." Rabbit said, "Just like last time, you can't even finish wearing ...... you still bring while film, so cold day you still put while film?"

"The house must burn a bed, right? Don't they have heaters?" Hu Ying thought for a while, "No, I'll take them all with me, in case I need them."

He handed his luggage to the programme team in advance and had another meal with Bunny.

After eating, he planned to get a haircut.

"You're really going to turn over and do the attack?" Bunny asked with a smile.

Hu Ying looked at his long hair: "You can attack or suffer, that's how you can go in and out."

Doesn't this increase your chances of winning Di Xingchen?

If Di Xingchen wants to be the attacker, he can be the attacker, and if Di Xingchen wants to be the attacker, he can turn around and be the attacker!

Twice the odds of anyone else!

Compared to others, Wen Nuo had a busy night before the trip. Business in their shop had improved a little in the past two days and people were already coming to buy from them.

Just as he was about to close the shop, a man came in to do a hometown delivery.

The other party gave him a large box.

A designer travel case. Wen Nuo was surprised and asked, "I didn't buy anything."

"Is your name Wen Nuo?" The other party looked at the address, "That's right, look, One Promise Dessert Shop, that's your place, just sign for it."

Wen Nuo instantly thought of the programme team and them.

After he signed for it, Jin Qian excitedly asked, "Open it and see what it is."

They opened the suitcase and found inside a duvet set.

"Wow, this duvet ......" Jin Qian said, "This is so expensive, I can't even buy it! Who gave it to you?"

Wen Nuo shakes his head, he doesn't know.

The other side didn't even leave him a note.

But he was so moved.

But the other man clearly didn't want him to know who he was.

This is just a kindness from a nameless person.

Early on Monday morning, Di Xingchen boarded the crew's bus.

Papa Zhai Mother Zhai put him in the car and waved at him in the morning colours.

"Be safe." Mother Zhai said.

Di Xingchen nodded, "You guys go back."

"Uncles and aunties can watch it live, we've had a particularly good week of live streaming." The staff said with a smile.

As the car drifted away, Mother Zhai patted Papa Zhai on the back and said, "Don't look, you can't see."

"It's growing up and slowly getting away from home." Papa Zhai says.

"That's why parents, children, can't be with them all the time, they have to be around all the time, and they have to rely on their elderly partners." Mother Zhai says with a smile.

As the couple went upstairs together, Mother Zhai said, "Actually, I think the guests here are quite good, Pei Xu, Huo Cheng, Yan Zhi and those we haven't seen in person. If my son really finds someone he likes in this show, it will be good, and he won't be alone in the future."

At 8.10am on Monday morning, Di Xingchen boarded a plane for the North City.

He looked through the window at the whole of the southern city, with its tall buildings and long rivers into the sea.

Meanwhile, having gotten a taste for it, StarHub has once again released a live preview.

After the first edition of the hit show, the number of netizens following "Red and Blue Signals" has directly doubled. "Red and Blue Signals" has managed to become the most talked about variety show this winter by relying on its face and persona configuration that surpasses idol dramas, and before the live broadcast has even started, the topic has already exploded on all major forums.

A short video soon caught fire out of the circle.

This is a video made by a certain UP owner, which has caught fire because of his originality.

When you click on the video, the first thing that comes up is a video of the show's director, Guo Bing, being interviewed, standing on stage and telling reporters, "We're going to be on the stars, we're a star-studded variety show."

This was supposed to be a very ordinary interview, originally in response to a reporter asking if the fourth season would be on the stars.


Just after he said this, the video changed style abruptly and was set to the children's song 'Little Star'.

[Twinkle, twinkle, shine, the sky is full of little stars].

Various screenshots of Di Xingchen's videos were edited together, and the UP owner was so skilled at editing that he actually managed to edit the drama of seven guests fighting over one Di Xingchen just by relying on live footage and the content of the first issue, along with shameful lines from some hit radio drama!

Huo Cheng, the domineering CEO, Pei Xu, the ascetic Yan Zhi, Hu Ying, the hot beauty, Wen Nuo, and so on and so forth.

The pop-up screens are full of: [UP owner YYDS!

[On the stars? Then I'm relieved.]

[On Star Variety, hee hee hee].

[So everything is predetermined!

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