Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 51: CH 51

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Huo Cheng's sense of urgency was heightened when he returned from a trip to the toilet.

They're all formidable foes.

Yan Zhi was not a surprise to him, he had seen it on the pop-ups and had looked into it.

It was Pei Xu who took him by surprise.

It seems that the opponents are really strong this season.

Huo Cheng wanted to have a cigarette outside the car while it was still open, so he took it out and let Pei Xu and Yan Zhi have it.

Pei Xu said, "I don't smoke."

Yan Zhi also waved his hand a little.

Huo Cheng, with his cigarette in his mouth, saw Yan Zhi and Pei Xu getting into the car and was about to light it when he turned his head and saw Di Xingchen and Hu Ying looking at him from the car window.

He hesitated, put the cigarette back, and got into the car right after him.

From this moment on, any small detail can be a matter of success or failure.

These days there are more and more people who don't like smoking. Although Di Xingchen doesn't dislike the act of smoking, just because he doesn't hate it, doesn't mean he likes it, and he would be so wrong to be Pk'd on such a small detail.

Yan Zhi doesn't even smoke, and he can hold his tongue.

He pulled a gum out of his pocket and went to his car.

Seeing Hu Ying sitting next to Di Xingchen, Yan Zhi took a look and sat down in front of Di Xingchen.

On the surface he looks the most gentle, gentlemanly man, but inside he is even more intense than Huo Cheng, and he does not want to see Hu Ying and Di Xingchen sitting together.

Huo Cheng sat behind Di Xingchen and the others.

Di Xingchen can always be seen from the back and is close to him.

Pei Xu did not sit on their side, but on the other side.

"Hu Ying just ran so fast." Huo Cheng said.

Hu Ying said, "It's cold, it's warmer in the car."

"It was cold," Huo Cheng said, "and it felt like I could freeze off a few more handfuls of pee."

"We're already filming haha," said the crew at the front of the room, "Everyone be careful with the words you use."

Hu Ying just smiled a little.

"Pinch it off for me." Huo Cheng said sardonically.

"They wouldn't dare to broadcast it if you didn't let them pinch it." Hu Ying says.

"Who muffled the most in the first issue?" Di Xingchen asked.

Hu Ying turned his head to look at him, "Who?"

"I'm asking you, I didn't watch the show."

"I can't believe you didn't read it?" Hu Ying asked, "Why?"

"I feel embarrassed." Di Xingchen said.

"No, you're an eye-catcher in there, lots of people like you."

"Have you seen it all?"

Hu Ying nods, "I've seen it more than once."

The more I look at it, the more I like Di Xingchen.

he is understated and capable, not too subtle and comfortable. He, Hu Ying, has seen a lot of people, so how did he lose his eye at the beginning and become good friends with Di Xingchen?

Soon afterwards Wen Nuo and Lin Qingning returned, and one by one they all got into the car, Wen Nuo's face all red.

He was too shy growing up, he was a bit shy going to the toilet with other boys when he was at school, and even more so now in the climate of romance and variety.

If he can go to a cubicle, he goes to the cubicle, but if he can't, he always stands at the far end.

As there were many seats in the bus, everyone was seated separately except Hu Ying and Di Xingchen. Ten minutes later, the bus slowly moved on and Hu Ying called out, "Let's go!"

The whole group is open and reckless, and you can tell it's having fun.

But that's not the most outrageous of all.

The best part was that Di Xingchen was sitting against the window and Hu Ying was sitting against the aisle, because the scenery outside was so beautiful that Hu Ying kept pulling Di Xingchen's shoulders and leaning on him, looking at the snowy scenery outside the window together.

It's hard to say if he did it on purpose.

"Look over there, do you see the tallest one, that's Bai Yushan, look at the top of the mountain, does it look like a white jade ring?"

"Wow, Di Xingchen look over there, there are so many horses, I've heard you can pull snowmobiles and ride horses over here. Do you know how to ride a horse?"

Di Xingchen said, "I've never ridden it."

"It's okay, I'm super good at riding, so if you get a chance to ride, I'll take you."

"They have all these houses with such unusual shapes, at first glance I thought I was abroad, this side is right next to the national border, so the architecture is very mixed."

Hu Ying was the only one talking on the bus, and as the other guests were sitting indifferently alone, there was nothing to photograph, so the photographer just focused on Di Xingchen and Hu Ying.

There's something going on with this pair. Is it still the old red and blue tradition this season?

Di Xingchen turned his head to look at the camera teacher who was filming at them, and then at Pei Xu and Wen Nuo across the room.

Wen Nuo is looking out of the window, his little face in awe, while Pei Xu in front of him keeps his eyes closed as if he is asleep, his side as if he is a god, with thick eyelashes and a high, straight nose.

He looked behind Pei Xu at Duan Yihua and met his eyes.

Duan Yihua, still wearing a thick mask, cranes his head to look out of the window.

Di Xingchen then tapped Hu Ying on the arm.

Hu Ying turns his head to look at him.

Di Xingchen didn't say anything, just reached out and gestured to Yan Zhi in front of them.

From their angle, you can just see the back of Yan Zhi's head.

This man with all the perfect length in the back of his head.

Hu Ying purses his lips and raises an eyebrow.

"Chance." Di Xingchen whispered.

Hu Ying didn't know what to say, he felt that he had been too aggressive with Yan Zhi and that it was a mistake. Maybe not only would the netizens scold him when the show was broadcast, but Di Xingchen would probably be shocked when he found out.

Why do you want to sleep with me when we agreed to be sisters.

Hu Ying's excitement sank much deeper at once.

Yan Zhi sits at the front and takes off his headphones.

Well, it's finally quiet.

Desire breeds hostility, and the more desire there is and the more unsatisfied it is, the more irritable a person becomes, especially for the more aggressive men. He now feels an uncontrollable hostility towards Hu Ying, which occasionally culminates in a moment when he wishes Hu Ying was his opponent in the game and could blow him to pieces.

It was so quiet in the car that the staff played a song and when the song came on, everyone laughed.

They played 'The Brightest Star in the Night' by The Escape Plan.

This song is actually very suitable for such a cold and empty place, and all Escape Plan songs are great to listen to while travelling or driving.

"Are you playing this for Xingchen?" Hu Ying asked. Hu Ying asked.

Di Xingchen laughs and says, "It's my hit song."

"The last time we went to see you play at your school, they played that song too."

"It's a hot song, we play it a lot on our school radio station." Di Xingchen said.

[I'd rather have all the pain left in my heart than forget your eyes.] Hu Ying sings along.

He sings better than Di Xingchen, at least not out of tune, and this kind of high key and open song suits him.

Duan Yihua suddenly coughed again, this time so violently that everyone looked over at him. Duan Yihua took a bottle of cough medicine out of his bag, tilted his head and drank it.

Hu Ying turned his head to look at Di Xingchen.

"Brother Duan seems to have a bit of a bad cold," says Di Xingchen. Di Xingchen said.

Duan Yihua is not a man of many words, and now, probably because he is ill, he looks dishevelled.

Hu Ying wasn't sure what Di Xingchen's current situation was with Duan Yihua, so he asked in a low voice, "Do you want to go and see him?"

Di Xingchen shook his head.

Forget it, they have doctors, it's okay to be concerned, but it's better not to be too deliberate.

Hu Ying was relieved and said, "It's weirdly cold, let's squeeze."

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With that, he got closer.

Huo Cheng suddenly reached into the hood of his down jacket.

Hu Ying turned his head away, "What for."

"Cold hands, let me borrow your hat to warm them up."

Hu Ying felt that Huo Cheng was pulling himself to the side and slapped Huo Cheng's hand.

"Won't let it get warm?" Huo Cheng said and stuck his hand out of his hat and then into Di Xingchen's hat.

This is now rightfully named.

Di Xingchen's down jacket, which he thought would suit Di Xingchen at first sight, is edged with coyote fur, off-white and soft and fine, which he gently scratches, as if he were scratching Di Xingchen, and which soothes him immensely.

The bus eased off the road and onto a side road, the body rattling as a northern town loomed up before them, and further away snow-capped mountains reflected the daylight in a beauty that made the heart tremble.

"Everyone get ready, we'll be at our destination in half an hour, the live feed is ready over there."

"Live as soon as you get off the bus, huh?" Lin Qingning asked.


Lin Qingning immediately took out a small mirror and looked at his face.

Even Hu Ying, who has always been a pretty girl, was plain-faced today, showing a few freckles on his face, which made his look particularly vivid and vibrant.

Guo Bing They were already waiting for them in the car park in front of the 5A scenic Little North Pole.

When the bus stopped, everyone got off one by one and took their luggage.

Most of their luggage was handed over to the programme team and only one suitcase was left for each of them, except for Hu Ying who left two.

"Why do you all have one box and the programme team tell me that I have to keep two!"

"Because you have the most luggage." The staff member said, " Hu Ying six suitcases."

Huo Cheng said, "Why don't you just move your home here?"

Having said that, he reached out to help Hu Ying carry a box.

Hu Ying smiled and said, "Thank you Brother Huo."

Di Xingchen turns back to Duan Yihua, who is coughing, and Pei Xu follows his gaze, reaching over and taking Duan Yihua's suitcase.

Duan Yihua said, "Thanks, I'll do it myself."

"Nothing." Pei Xu, still cold and aloof, followed Di Xingchen with his two suitcases.

The Red and Blue Signal has been live on StarHub for about ten minutes now, the first ten minutes of the live feed being of white snow-capped mountains and empty squares.

[What's going on, if I didn't intermittently see a crew member walk past the camera, I would have thought I was stuck on the internet, did the crew want us to see the view?

[It was said that the live broadcast would start at 6:30, but it's not ten minutes early, so I guess the guests aren't ready yet.

[It's so late over there, it's still so light at this hour.

It's dark late and light early in winter in the North. I've been there before!

There weren't many pop-ups because none of the guests had arrived yet, but the number of viewers kept growing dramatically and soon broke a million.

Just then, the screen shot suddenly moved, and then they saw a group of tall, thin men, pushing suitcases towards them.

As soon as the guests showed up, the pop-ups exploded and were instantly lit up.

[Coming, coming, coming!

[North City Station officially kicked off, sprinkle flowers sprinkle flowers!

[How can these men still be so fit in such thick down coats!

[Love Variety Ceiling lives up to its name, this group of men is simply a springtime for face dogs!

[Damn, Hu Ying got a haircut? So handsome!

Guo Bing stood in the middle of a row of cameras, wearing a Lei Feng hat and a large mask: "Welcome to the Little North Pole, everyone."

Hu Ying asked, "Who is this big brother, show your face."

Guo Bing laughed and said, "Don't talk tough, you'll be yelling for a mask yourself later."

Di Xingchen's hands were red with cold after only a few minutes outside because they had just stepped out of the car. It was already late in the evening and although it was getting dark later here, the sun was still shining brightly, but the temperature was significantly colder than when they had got off the plane.

Di Xingchen suddenly noticed that Pei Xu next to him had moved his hat, and when he turned his head, the hood of his down jacket was put over his head by Pei Xu.

His down jacket is particularly thick and his hat is very large and deep, with fleece all around it, so that it covers his eyes. Di Xingchen tightened the hat to reveal his eyes, and turned his head to look at Pei Xu, who was staring straight ahead, listening to the director.

Although the shot was panoramic and the action was only half a second long, a sharp-eyed netizen still caught it.

[Did anyone notice Pei Xu's little gesture just now? Tsk, tsk, tsk!

[What's with the little stinky face?! What did I miss?

[Di Xingchen's hat was pushed on him by Pei Xu!

[See see see, low and doting and a bit domineering.]

[Damn live stream, can't watch the replay!

[Rising Sun Xingchen Charge!

What is "Xingchen"?

[Di Xingchen and Pei Xu's CP name].

[Xu, Castro? Day? Holy shit, what a pornographic CP name!

[Win win win, this CP name really wins. I'll stand for this CP too.]

The first time I saw him, he was a little bit of a jerk. Please go and see the first episode, his and Di Xingchen's candy is hard to pick out, right? The Meteor CP is the YYDS!

I also think that Bae fans are so hard to pick, but I do not agree with the upstairs, the meteor CP is only a send to and from school, right? We have the famous scene of the Mars CP with the water flying board! What is love, sex tension pull full is love!

[Huo Cheng That colour batch forget it, playing a flyboard can rise into a big bag, huh huh huh.

I'm sorry, I'm Brother Huo, I'm just gifted. Are you clairvoyant, can you still see if people are up or not?

[Ask if you don't know, are CP fans already fighting now?]

[Fight it up Fight it up, guests and CP fans are only good for a big fight!

[A few blue guest fans have big faces, we Brother Zhai are 1, thanks.

[Hahahahahahahahaha, the pop-ups are so funny.]

Di Xingchen was captured on camera at this time.

Di Xingchen's face is covered by a hat, which makes him look small, but he is tall, and because of the thick soles of his boots, he is as tall as Yan Zhi, and looks very handsome.

The director suddenly CUE'd him and Di Xingchen burst into laughter.

With this smile, CP fans were instantly reconciled.

That's what a fictional male protagonist would look like, right?

So handsome, so white. Especially those eyes, I've never seen such nice eyelids, soulful and natural, brimming with light. When the smoke cleared, the pop-up screen was full of rainbow farts.

[F*cking smile is so handsome, so handsome, so handsome!

[Brother Star YYDS, charge on, take care of these evil capitalist rich kids!

[This face, give me fire, fire into a first-rate star!

"Don't you have any gloves?" Yan Zhi asked Di Xingchen. Di Xingchen said, "Yes, they are in my bag."

Huo Cheng heard them both talking and immediately turned his head to look at them both.

There were so many people, and with his luggage, that he couldn't even stand next to Di Xingchen.

Guo Bing said, "Because it's colder here, it might be minus 30 or 40 degrees later, so we're afraid that everyone won't be able to adapt on the first day, so we'll cut the crap and let's hurry up and choose a house and rest early today."

"It's finally time for this session." Hu Ying said.

Guo Bing smiled and waved, and a staff member came out with some cardboard in his arms.

"In order to give everyone a chance to meet and get to know each other, we will be using a format of assigning roommates every two days for a total of four sessions over the eight days here."

When Guo Bing said this, the screen was full of pop-ups [crap].

[The showrunners are too good at it, aren't they?

[We're really going to take the Thule to the end this year].

[So does everyone take turns sleeping through it, or can one person sleep through it several times and then make the others' eyes red with envy?]

[Crap sister when you say that, I feel like either one is exciting!

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