Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 62: CH 62

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Yan Zhi and Pei Xu are both very serious.

Huo Cheng swayed for a long time, and finally Hu Ying couldn't help herself: "Don't you stop."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he saw Huo Cheng snap the dice.

Box open, three sixes.

Pei Xu thought, "Sure enough.

Yan Zhi purses his lips.

Hu Ying is straightforwardly dumbfounded.

Wen Nuo and Lin Qingning were both shocked: "Brother Huo, you are too good."

Di Xingchen said, "A master."

"Good luck, good luck." Huo Cheng says with a smile.

"So I'm the king now first, right?" He asked.

"Yes, you split it." Lin Qingning said.

"Then I'll just decide, I'll split it up as I please, don't blame me," Huo Cheng said, " Pei Xu and Qingning, you guys go to Elk Park."

The people next to me laughed. Very kindly.

Lin Qingning, slightly shy and happy, did not say anything.

Pei Xu did not speak either.

He had already guessed the outcome and would have done the same for him or Hu Ying or Yan Zhi.

It's good to go with Lin Qingning, so we have a chance to talk about it.

" Hu Ying and Yan Zhi, you guys go to Ice World."

Lin Qingning laughed out loud at this one.

He felt that Huo Cheng was very good at dividing up the money, and that it was fair, as anyone else might have done.

Both Hu Ying and Yan Zhi did not look so good, but Hu Ying felt better when he saw Yan Zhi's face look so bad.

Now we wait to see how Huo Cheng has the face to separate himself from Di Xingchen.

As a result he heard Huo Cheng say, "Xingchen and Wen Nuo, how about you guys go fishing in the ice lake?"

When he said this, even Pei Xu was stunned, not to mention others.

Hu Ying was frozen in his tracks.

He was wrong, and he misunderstood Huo Cheng ?

Duan Yihua was very surprised: "You're going to work with me?"

"Everyone is red and blue." Huo Cheng says with a smile.

With one point like this, it is indeed all red and blue.

"If there are no comments, then that's how we'll split it." Huo Cheng said, "I like to climb, so I won't be modest."

Even Di Xingchen thinks it's the perfect way to distribute the pieces, and no one can fault it. And Huo Cheng has kept the least flattering for himself.

There is nothing to climb on this side of the mountain.

The group started to eat and afterwards, they went back to prepare. On the way back, Hu Ying was saying to Pei Xu, "Brother Huo is really big this time, what an unexpected grouping.

He certainly wouldn't have been so atmospheric if it had been put to him anyway.

Pei Xu did not say anything.

Huo Cheng is admittedly a good man, but he is not a man who would ever be humble in love; it is simply not in his nature.

The only one of them who can really be a gentleman in love is Wen Nuo.

Not long after the group had returned, Huo Cheng found Di Xingchen and told him that the programme team had arrived and that they had advised Duan Yihua not to go climbing.

He has just a little bit of a cough and it's going to be a cold and tiring climb today.

"Wen Nuo and I can go for a hike. Or you can ask the other two pairs if they want to switch with you."

"But I'd rather go hiking." Huo Cheng said, "Why don't you and Brother Duan switch, I think it's best if the other two pairs don't split, what do you think?"

That indeed.

"You and Brother Duan will go to the lake together, and Wen Nuo and I will go hiking. But I don't think Wen Nuo is very fit either. All things considered, you're the best person to go with."

Finally Duan Yihua and Di Xingchen are swapped.

Huo Cheng and Di Xingchen went to Bai Yushan and Wen Nuo and Duan Yihua went to the lake.

The others are an afterthought.

Hu Ying felt that all the emotions he had just felt had been fed to the dogs!

He knew that Huo Cheng would not let this opportunity slip by!

"That sounds like a good reason." Hu Ying sneered.

Huo Cheng then looked at Hu Ying and said, "I really like climbing. If you don't believe me, you can go to my social media account."

"You're the king, you call the shots and you're willing to bet." Hu Ying says, "Climbing here is not always much of a pleasant experience."

He looked at Huo Cheng for a second time, who looked bright and happy.

It was as if Di Xingchen was the source of his vitality, his whole body was lifted up and he looked taller and more upright than usual.

Baiyu Lake is the closest, so Duan Yihua and Wen Nuo only had to follow the local people to catch fish. Just after lunch, many of the local villagers came over to cut the ice and catch fish. Di Xingchen and the others went over to watch the action, as it was close to the second house.

Only Yan Zhi and Hu Ying did not go.

Ice World is the furthest away from this side of the city and they both took an early bus to Ice World City.

The relationship between the two was already delicate, and with Di Xingchen being taken care of by Huo Cheng, no one spoke to either of them on the way.

The camera following them couldn't believe how bad the relationship between these two had become.

Hu Ying is a man of passionate love and hate, but Yan Zhi has always been a gentleman, so they can only say that Yan Zhi is probably not in a good mood today.

Love really does make people crazy.

"We seem to be filming this to promote the local tourism, it's a good thing for the country and the people, so let's cooperate later, shall we?" Hu Ying suddenly spoke up.

Yan Zhi gave a "hmm" and said, "Okay."

It sounds as businesslike as a contractual couple.

But as soon as he got off the bus, Hu Ying was stunned by the beauty of the landscape.

Because there was not much sun today, the lights of the attraction were switched on early in order to make the picture more beautiful, and the whole world of ice and snow was endless, magnificent and gorgeous.

"Wow." Hu Ying marveled.

Even Yan Zhi, who is always calm, was amazed by the beauty of the scenery before him.

The same thought popped into both men's heads almost simultaneously.

That is.

I will definitely bring Di Xingchen to see it when I get the chance!

Neither of them had to make a special effort to cooperate as they walked, overwhelmed by the world of ice and snow.

Glazed palaces, snow mazes, patches of snowmen, ice trees several metres high, ice slides, moose rides, small trains - it's a total ice fairy tale kingdom.

The guide told him, "We're the biggest ice city in the country, and it's even better at night, colourful and fantastic, and there are lots of travellers."

Hu Ying nodded busily, "Imagine that."

He said, turning to Yan Zhi: "Let's wait until after the lights come on at night and take some video and pictures to show them."

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It's so beautiful too.

He was so sorry that Di Xingchen could not come.

That's how it is when you like someone, when you see a particularly beautiful scenery or eat a particularly delicious food, he is the first person you think of.

It's a bit of a shame to think that he didn't see it all, even if it was beautiful.

The two of them got separated several times as you patted yours and I patted mine.

Tell the camera, "We'd better go together. I'm the only one here this time, so I don't know who to shoot if you're too far apart."

Pei Xu, Lin Qingning and Di Xingchen, and Huo Cheng set off in a car.

"It's not a good day," Lin Qingning said, looking out of the window, "so you must be careful when you climb."

"The programme was originally scheduled for tomorrow, mainly because we heard there was heavy snow tomorrow, so it was brought forward to this afternoon." Di Xingchen said.

"It's not a bad day, it's not supposed to snow." Huo Cheng said as he looked at the sun that was appearing and disappearing.

"Why do we have to go to all these sites, are they required by the local authorities?" Lin Qingning asks.

He had heard that their programme was in partnership with the local authorities.

"It's also about trying to capture a bit more of the special spots to add to the show's watchability, I guess." Di Xingchen said.

The four of them got out of the car together and Lin Qingning asked, "Do you want to see the elk first before we go climbing?"

"Let's just climb the mountain first." Huo Cheng said, "Wait down and see if there's still time before it gets too windy."

The four of them parted at the foot of the hill and Di Xingchen and Huo Cheng walked up the wooden walkway and when they were almost out of the woods, Di Xingchen looked back and saw Pei Xu and Lin Qingning entering the elk park together.

Huo Cheng followed his gaze and said, "I hope Pei Xu's face doesn't stink too much today."

Pei Xu has always been a bit quiet when he's in the car, but he's very handsome when he's high and cool.

The Bai Yushan, which is famous in the area, is not very high, but very long, and when they reach the viewpoint, the view is so vast that they can see directly into the neighbouring countries, but probably because of the cold, there are not many tourists climbing the mountain. Occasionally there are travellers who say hello to them.

They were climbing slowly because of their thick clothing, and Huo Cheng reached out and said, "Do you want me to pull you up?"

Di Xingchen laughed, shook his head, pulled his mask down and said, "Your eyebrows are icing up."

Huo Cheng stroked his forehead and said, "I didn't expect it to be so windy up there."

He actually wanted to climb a bit more. There are three viewing platforms on this side, each with a different view, and he originally wanted to climb to the highest one, where he had heard that there was a wishing lock and many people would go there to pray.

The longer he climbs, the more time he spends alone with Di Xingchen.

But when he saw how windy it was, he suddenly couldn't bear it. He didn't want to see Di Xingchen working so hard.

"Then let's climb to the first lookout and turn back." Huo Cheng said.

"We'll see what the weather is like later." Di Xingchen says, "The crew definitely want us to climb higher, I've heard that the main attractions are above the top viewing platform."

An hour later they climbed to the first viewpoint.

Standing there and looking down, you can see the great river in the distance, the mountains stretching out, and your heart opens up.

Huo Cheng took off his mask and just shouted at the top of his lungs from there.

His voice was sent out by the north wind and dissipated into the vast mountainous landscape, when Huo Cheng turned to him with a smile and said, "You have a voice too, it's cool."

Di Xingchen shouted after him and when he saw someone coming down from the upper stacks, he asked, "Brother, how is the view up there?"

"It's fine, just a little shaky on the incline." The other person smiled and asked, "You're recording a show? Then you should go up there and record, you have a better view up there."

"Thank you." Di Xingchen said to Huo Cheng, "Let's climb a bit higher then, I see the sun is peeking out."

They continued to climb up, but when they reached the second viewing platform, a tour group came down from the top, about a dozen people, all middle-aged and elderly, wearing uniform Lei Feng hats, and the guide was holding a small red flag.

Huo Cheng then asked, "Is it a good climb up there?"

Before the tour guide could answer, the pile of grandparents jumped in and said, "It's not bad, just a bit windy."

"There's an ice sculpture of an alabaster fairy up there, and a wishing lock, it's quite worth seeing."

On hearing this, Huo Cheng and Di Xingchen decided to continue their climb up the ladder.

But before they could climb to the ice sculpture of the White Jade Fairy, they felt the wind getting stronger and stronger.

But they were so close to the top observation deck that it was a bit of a half-hearted move to go down. Huo Cheng then asked the followers, "Are we still going up?"

The cameraman was also very dedicated and said, "We've climbed here, we don't have more than a few hundred metres, let's keep going."

But by the time they reached the highest peak, it felt like all the hard work was worth it.

The view was spectacular, almost the entire northern city was in full view, with snow-capped mountains rolling in and they saw the five-star red flag on the national border.

Huo Cheng is excited by the vastness of the sky and the earth. He looks at the vast expanse of heaven and earth, and then at Di Xingchen beside him.

He had climbed countless mountains, probably higher, more beautiful and more spectacular than this one, but none of them could compare to the feeling it brought him.

"Let's buy a lock and make a wish too." Huo Cheng said.

Chains were hung from the railings, and on them were wishing locks, and next to them were two little girls, lying on their backs, writing their wishes.

"Is this to be written on paper?" Di Xingchen asked.

"Yes, write on paper, stuff it inside and just lock it." The owner said, "Handsome, make a wish, we are the most northern wishing peak oh."

What a place to add a northernmost and southernmost to make it special all of a sudden. Huo Cheng says: "We'll take two."

It was so cold up there that my hands were shivering from the cold. Di Xingchen rubbed his hands together and harrumphed.

"What do you want to wish for?" he asked Huo Cheng. He asked Huo Cheng.

"This doesn't work when you say it, does it?" Huo Cheng says with a smile.

He would be without a mask, his tall nose was frozen red, but his smile was wide, his eyes were even more crystal clear and very handsome, and the two young girls next to him kept looking at him.

Di Xingchen thought about it and made a very practical wish. He wished that everyone he loved would be well, not sad, healthy, happy and at peace.

No matter what world it is.

He tucked the note in and turned his head to look at Huo Cheng next to him.

Huo Cheng is still writing with his head down and one hand still covered.

He deliberately moved over to look at it, and Huo Cheng covered it up: "I can't show you now."

"You just got it all on camera." Di Xingchen said.

Huo Cheng looked back at the follow up camera and the camera man said, "No, I really didn't get it."

Di Xingchen goes to hang his own lock.

Huo Cheng's handwriting is ugly, mainly because it's too cold and his hands are a bit unsteady.

After writing it down, he rolled it into a thin strip, tucked it in, locked it, and hung it next to Di Xingchen. The wind was so strong that it made the brass lock shake and make a crisp sound.

" Di Xingchen ." He called.

Di Xingchen turned his head to Huo Cheng and felt his eyes shine like that.

"Let's go down." Di Xingchen said, "It's too cold."

"Thank you for climbing with me, it was hard work hard work." Huo Cheng said.

The follow up camera shot is again focused on both of their locks.

The camera brother was moved, he was even a little sad.

He thought Huo Cheng would wish that the person I love would love me, that he would end up with Di Xingchen, that the job would go well, that the show would go well, and so on and so forth.

He thought that Di Xingchen would never have guessed, nor would the netizens, that Huo Cheng, the sexiest, most straightforward and thickest of all, had wished for the following

I hope that all the wishes Di Xingchen made will come true.

He believed at that moment that he really loved him because he gave him all the tenderness of a brown man.

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