Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 79: CH 79

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As soon as Huo Cheng came out, the pop-ups burst into laughter.

[Hahahahahaha, it's really Huo Cheng dancing!

[Judging by the surprises given by the first two guests, Huo Cheng is not going to wow everyone with a dance, is he?

[A dance to the city, that word has managed to thunder me!

[Brother Huo is clearly going to be the moodsetter].

Huo Cheng felt that even if he danced hard, he would not be able to dance this kind of dance even if he was so tall and strong, he had the energy, but he was not as flexible as he should be, so it would be embarrassing to dance hard.

So he ended up taking the funny route, putting on a serious and funny face, which not only made the audience laugh, but even the pop-ups were [hahaha].

[Brother Huo is so cute.

[I used to think he was a bit greasy, but now I suddenly think he's so cute.

[A man who can put on a show and has a good sense of humour is really the boyfriend of choice in reality!

[It's true, he's handsome, rich and can make you laugh, he's really a good husband!

Huo Cheng's serious and unconvincing dances drew a wave of fans, as the dance at the end of "Spring in the North" was fast-paced and he looked so clumsy and rushed that Di Xingchen laughed.

Huo Cheng couldn't wait to come over after the dance. He sat down on the other side of Di Xingchen, his breath still fresh, and asked Di Xingchen, "How did I do, was I embarrassed?"

Di Xingchen said, "It's hilarious."

"That's all I can do to be funny." Huo Cheng says, "It's a shame they can't see you dance to 'Spring in the North'."

He had just jumped out of a sweat and was not wearing his down jacket, "You share a room with Pei Xu, you know?"

Di Xingchen had forgotten about it.

He gave a "hmm" and glanced towards Huo Cheng.

He felt that Huo Cheng did not seem to know that Pei Xu also liked him.

But it's no wonder that Pei Xu seems so aloof.

If it weren't for his fiery eyes and his God's-eye view, he wouldn't have noticed.

Pei Xu hides it really well!

Next up is Duan Yihua.

Duan Yihua wowed everyone as soon as he appeared on stage, some netizens didn't recognise him at first, sitting on stage in a drawstring white shirt and jeans and playing a song called 'Ocean'.

He played better than every time he had practiced before, and this rather showy guitar piece was played in a flowing manner that amazed everyone.

I don't know why, but when Di Xingchen listened to 'Ocean', he was reminded of the night before he came to North City, when Yan Zhi drove him along the coastline on his Harley. The song gave him such a feeling, reckless, youthful, crazy and exciting, and at the end the roar of the motorbike disappeared into the sound of the waves, the seagulls chirped and flew away, leaving only the silent road stretching endlessly.

After the song was finished, everyone stood up and applauded Duan Yihua. Duan Yihua's fingers were aching, but he was so happy with his playing that he seemed to have let out all the emotions he had suppressed, and he felt so happy after the performance.

Wen Nuo was next, and it was a real eye-opener for the netizens.

[Is this still our Wen Nuo cutie?

[Chinese Martial Arts YYDS!

[Attack degree increased by ten percent!

[Hahahahahahaha, Wen Nuo performs such a valiant martial art, why does he still feel so affected?

[Milk fierce milk fierce, feel more like bullying him].

[No one likes Wen Nuo, so we'll take it away.

Wen Nuo's fans have never been large, but they are very loyal, mainly mothers and sisters.

Next up on the bill is Yan Zhi.

Before Yan Zhi came out, his fans were expecting him to play the violin ...... although it was not known if he would play ...... as there were only three acts left, a violin, an accordion and a magic trick.

On its own, the violin was undoubtedly the most sultry and evocative of the three, the accordion no less, and the magic was the most difficult of the three to conjure up. Many felt that this performance was probably not as impressive as Huo Cheng's dance.

Magic is something that needs to be real to look good, and master level magic to achieve the wow factor. Fetish guests playing magic are small fry.

However, Hu Ying and Huo Cheng were both very nervous.

Yan Zhi is the most romantic of their eight guests, and they always think he'll play tricks with the magic.

" Yan Zhi, it's your turn." Guo Bing said. Guo Bing said.

The magic that Yan Zhi is going to do is not even known to the programme team, according to the staff, Yan Zhi is going to do some small magic tricks.

But Guo Bing is very excited about the show.

It wasn't the content of the magic he was expecting; with a day to prepare and limited stage conditions, Yan Zhi could conceivably have done the magic.

But he thinks Yan Zhi's looks and appearance are enough to kill a lot of people when he steps on stage in his long coat.

They're a love roundup, not a magic competition!

The audience is going to see people too, not magic!

As expected, he was glued to the screen as he watched Yan Zhi take to the stage. The entire darkened stage lit up as Yan Zhi, dressed in a long coat with a turtleneck jumper wrapped around his slender neck, was an ascetic gentleman, prompting a pop-up screen full of screams.

Yan Zhi, still the most popular male guest on "Red and Blue Signals" for the past four seasons.

[Handsome, handsome, handsome!

[He looks like this without his glasses, he feels different in temperament].

[No violin and no accordion. Is Yan Zhi going to do a magic show?

Yan Zhi laughed and said, "Since we were informed on short notice that we would have to draw lots to decide on our performance, I was unfortunate enough to draw magic when I originally wanted to play a guitar."

The audience erupted in laughter, even Huo Cheng and the others.

[Holy shit, it's really magic!

[Yan Zhi does magic, I actually think I can look forward to it!

Yan Zhi continued, "I didn't know anything about magic before, so I spent a day or so catching up and learning a few little tricks. I'm not very good at it though, so I might need someone to come on stage and help me out a bit."

Di Xingchen immediately had a bad feeling at his words.

Hu Ying, who had been poking his head around the entrance to the stage, slapped the door frame, "I knew it!"

He then saw Yan Zhi smilingly looking at Di Xingchen sitting in the first row: " Xingchen, why don't you come up and help me?"

The house is leaking.

The ship is late in meeting the head wind.

Fear of ghosts biased out of the weird.

These are the only words that come to Di Xingchen's mind.

The camera turns on him and Di Xingchen has to smile as he stands up, he takes his duvet off, puts it on the seat and walks on stage.

The pop-ups, however, paint a completely different picture.

[Yan Zhi is about to make a big move!

[Meteor CP cheers you on!

[I told you everyone was doing tricks, how could Yan Zhi just do a few tricks!

[Di Xingchen seems to have become shy all of a sudden].

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[Really, he's usually so open, why does he feel so shy now!

If he could have seen the pop-ups, Di Xingchen would have shouted, "I'm not shy, I'm fucking nervous!"

It was useless to cry out to God so much; God was not having any mercy on him at all.

He pursed his lips and asked, "What do you want me to do with you?"

Yan Zhi looked at him gently, "You don't have to be nervous, it's easy."

Yan Zhi took a rubber band out of his pocket, showed it to the camera and then handed it to Di Xingchen to check it over.

"It's a regular rubber band." Di Xingchen said.

Yan Zhi smiled again, held the rubber band fully open with four fingers and then waved a hand towards Di Xingchen.

"Reach out."

Di Xingchen is really curious about this one.

He found that one of the advantages of magic was that his attention was drawn to it, and his mind was free of all those nonsense thoughts. He held out his hand and looked up to see Yan Zhi smiling at him, his eyes so gentle and his smile so bright.

With a shake in his heart, he lowered his head and just then Yan Zhi suddenly slapped his hand and in that instant the rubber band on Yan Zhi's hand went over his hand.

[Crap Crap Crap Crap!


[This is too fast!

Di Xingchen's eyes lit up and he immediately looked up at Yan Zhi with a look of disbelief on his face.

Yan Zhi saw Di Xingchen's surprised look and smiled even more gently, "Amazing, isn't it?"

"How did you do that?" Di Xingchen said as he showed the audience and the camera another rubber band in his hand.

He felt the rubber band go to his hand in a flash, it was amazing!

But the fun had only just begun, as Yan Zhi followed up with two little tricks, one after the other, that left even Hu Ying beside his in awe.

Huo Cheng thought that he regretted that he had always thought that magic was boring, but he had never thought that it could be done with the help of Di Xingchen. It seems that it is not the magic that is monotonous, but the person doing the magic. How come he didn't have Yan Zhi's mind. With this interaction, the magic is now interesting and Di Xingchen is stunned.

Di Xingchen has been completely amazed by Yan Zhi's magic.

Yan Zhi can actually put a broken rubber band back together, turn coins into the palm of his hand and make burning paper fly.

How did this and this and this all work out!

He was completely captivated and increasingly cooperative, doing whatever Yan Zhi told him to do.

"One last magic trick." Yan Zhi said and took a paper box out of the bag next to his.

It was the box Yan Zhi had shown him earlier that held the ice sculpture.

Di Xingchen had already forgotten about his nervousness and vigilance, he felt that Yan Zhi's last trick was likely to be a big one, and he looked at Yan Zhi with great anticipation.

Yan Zhi said, "You take it."

Di Xingchen then took the box into his hands.

"Show it to everyone." Yan Zhi added.

Di Xingchen then opened that box and showed it to the audience and the camera.

The camera shows the light hitting the ice sculpture in the box, glowing with a cool, radiant light.

[What, what, what?

[Like a bouquet of flowers.]

[Like a flower carved out of ice!

Yan Zhi asked Di Xingchen: "Can you see what it is?"

"An ice sculpture, I guess." Di Xingchen says, "A bouquet of ice carved flowers."

Yan Zhi asked again, "Can you see what kind of flower it is?"

Di Xingchen takes a closer look, then shakes his head.

The petals of the bouquet are very finely carved, probably because Yan Zhi's carving skills are not up to date, and the bouquet is messy and the petals have no distinct shape.

He wondered what Yan Zhi was going to become.

Pei Xu and the others on stage also leaned forward slightly.

Huo Cheng had forgotten to be on guard, full of curiosity as to what Yan Zhi would do with this magic trick.

Yan Zhi covered the box with a piece of checkered cloth and said to Di Xingchen, "Blow on it."

Di Xingchen blew into the box in disbelief.

"What is your favourite flower?" Yan Zhi asks.

Di Xingchen froze for a moment, and in that moment he seemed to recognise the flower Yan Zhi had carved.

Fine, hard to carve, insignificant little flowers.

His heart skipped a beat as he looked up at Yan Zhi and met his smiling face.

"Full of stars." He said honestly.

"Then I'll send you a bouquet of full stars."

Yan Zhi lifted the checkered cloth and the box in his hand was gone, only to reveal a small bouquet of white starflowers in his hand.

"I ...... f**k." Huo Cheng couldn't help but curse from the audience.

Pei Xu is overwhelmed by Yan Zhi's little heart.

Can't help but be convinced.


[Why Di Xingchen, who loves starry sky, can really conjure up a bunch of starry sky, it's amazing, it's real magic!

[Sister, you are so naive, you must have known that Di Xingchen likes full sky stars, that's why you turned them into full sky stars!

[Full of stars, is it because of Di Xingchen's name?

[Ahhhhhhh, I didn't realize it until you said so!

[Too romantic, right, Roku YYDS!

[Then I'll send you a bouquet of sky stars! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Ahhhhhhh, Guo Bing followed the pop-ups and became a groundhog.

As expected of Yan Zhi, he's damn good at what he does!

Hu Ying gripped the door frame and gritted his teeth: lost lost lost!

Di Xingchen was a bit dumbfounded, and his face was red with this sudden romance. If it were him in the past, or if he were an unsuspecting guest or audience member at the moment, he might not have understood Yan Zhi's little thought, but he had already understood Yan Zhi's feelings at the moment, so he understood the intention of Yan Zhi's magic trick at that moment. He pursed his lips for a moment, and before he could be embarrassed, he noticed Yan Zhi's bandaged finger, which was a little bloodied and white.

Whether he expected it or not, whether he liked it or not, the magic trick was entirely from Yan Zhi's heart.

He took the bouquet of stars in his hands and Yan Zhi did not look at him again, nor did he say anything else. He bowed to the audience and thanked them, as if it was just an ordinary magic trick with no particular intention. His love was so restrained that Di Xingchen thought that if he hadn't known, he might not have realised the love behind the trick.

Just because he said he liked full-blown stars, the magician conjured up a bunch of them, and if it was yesterday he would probably still be amazed, thinking why he could conjure up whatever flower he thought of. This is real magic, right? How is it so powerful.

The fragrance of the stargazer in his hand was faint in the light, the fragrance of Yan Zhi. It is freezing here and there are no flower sellers in the whole town, so I don't know how far Yan Zhi has travelled to buy this bouquet of starflowers and how long it took to carve a bouquet of flowers made of ice for this magic.

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