Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 94: CH 94

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Di Xingchen was so nervous when he said this that he didn't dare to look at the other guests' faces.

What he didn't know was that all the guests breathed a huge sigh of relief when they heard his "no".

Although this is a romance show, it is not the same as a real relationship, it is essentially a show for romance, and the show has a rule that each of them has the right to pursue as long as it is not until the last moment, and Di Xingchen will remain single until the final confession day of the show. There are no third parties or moral issues.

In other words, even if Di Xingchen has someone they like, they can still pursue them until the end of the romance roundup and no one will criticise them for it. In Love Roundup, only guests who don't actively pursue are criticised by netizens. It's a specific environment in a love story.

But there is a difference between pursuing someone whose heart is in the right place and pursuing someone who is emotionally unavailable.

The latter will be more powerful!

This is great, we're all on the same page!

Hu Ying: Amitabha Buddha, thankfully not. I still have a chance.

Yan Zhi: Di Xingchen doesn't like me, which is to be expected, but luckily he doesn't like anyone else either.

Pei Xu: I've been worried about that magic trick with the full star and I've been wary of Yan Zhi, but now I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Huo Cheng: Thank God, Yan Zhi and Pei Xu are so good at what they do, I really thought I had lost my chance. Grateful!

Duan Yihua and Wen Nuo: Great! Great!!! The faint light of dawn shines a little brighter.

Lin Qingning: It was exactly what I thought it would be.

Guo Bing: I need to talk to Di Xingchen, I don't think Di Xingchen has any intention of getting into a relationship on our show, is he under too much pressure?

When he thought about it, it did seem very stressful if all the guests loved him.

Di Xingchen is only 20 years old and has suddenly become the centrepiece of the torturous scene, and the crew has been adding fuel to the fire, too much time and too much pressure to give him a chance to breathe!

Just then, the restaurant waiter knocked on the door and asked, "Food is served."

Everyone sat up straight as four or five waiters came in with plates and started serving the food.

Once the food is served, it's basically all there is.

Hu Ying asked, "What, shall we start eating or continue asking."

"Anyone else who wasn't asked a question, or didn't ask a question."

Wen Nuo then pointed to Duan Yihua, Yan Zhi: " Xingchen hasn't asked a question yet either."

"There's nothing I want to ask," Duan Yihua said, "let's eat first."

He smiled and looked at the crowd.

Yan Zhi said, "Then let's eat."

There were no objections.

They both got the answer they wanted most, and it seemed unnecessary to fight and be jealous of each other for a while, were they still considered love rivals? They're all fighting so hard, and not a single one of them is on base!

They were all instantly reconciled ...... though only briefly.

"Let's eat, let's eat, I'm starving." Hu Ying said.

Di Xingchen looked at everyone.

He had expected the atmosphere to be awkward, stony and silent after he said that, but why did everyone seem so relaxed?

It made him all somehow much more relaxed. But naturally it would be nice to have this game over.

He was afraid he would not be able to bear it if he carried on any longer. Huo Cheng handed him the chopsticks and he took them, saying, "Thank you."

Everyone started to eat together and Guo Bing spread his palms to look at them, they were sweaty.

Excited just now.

The material we captured today was fantastic too.

Although this genuine talk carries on a bit short.

But it's not time for a real showdown yet, and it's true that you don't need to go too deep with your heart, a shallow taste is enough.

Once the warm soup and hot dishes were downed, Di Xingchen felt much more comfortable.

The slightly odd atmosphere was gone and everyone was peaceful again, and Hu Ying began to talk more.

After it was all laid out in the open, the relationship between their lovers was less tense.

"Where are we going this afternoon? Or should we eat and go straight back?" Duan Yihua asked.

Hu Ying turns his head to look at the programme team at the next table.

Guo Bing said over a drink, "We're going to shoot a commercial outdoors this afternoon."

The Red and Blue Signal is a big hit and they are getting more and more advertisements. They don't take all kinds of advertisements. As a romance show with a luxury positioning, their advertisements are a bit higher end than the usual romance shows, either national brands or high luxury, and they have recently received three new advertisements, an advertisement for a famous men's ring brand, an advertisement for a down jacket with a high domestic reputation, and an advertisement for toothpaste. The one they are shooting today is for a down jacket.

This is a collective advertising project.

"I just said how the duvets we were offered this time were all of the same brand." Hu Ying said.

"The down jacket is the best brand in China, we still have to support the national product. Guo Bing said, "Please try to wear this brand of down jacket for the rest of the day. We'll have more styles and sizes for you when we get back."

After they finished eating, they went to prepare for the commercial. Guo Bing took the opportunity to call Di Xingchen: "I need to talk to you, let's go for a walk."

Di Xingchen then followed Guo Bing out.

Guo Bing led him towards the lake, asking as he walked, "I think you seem to have something on your mind these two days, you are obviously not as active as before, what is on your mind, tell me."

Guo Bing must know everything, Di Xingchen puts his hat back on and says, "It's a bit stressful."

Guo Bing turned his head to look at him, then smiled, gathered his shoulders, patted them and said, "It's my fault too, we actually noticed the first signs of it a long time ago, we should have told you about it when we were in South City, but we were afraid you would be too nervous and wanted you to find out for yourself, so we didn't say anything. Did you never consider the whole thing about falling in love on our show."

Di Xingchen gave a "hmm" and said, "Never thought about it. We were so far apart that I always thought I was just here to make up the numbers."

He still finds it unbelievable to this day.

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"Well, you can think about it now." Guo Bing said. Guo Bing said, "They're all very nice. From my personal experience, they're not just playing games, they really like you. I think sincerity is very valuable, both on the show and in everyday life. Like I told you before, you can try to open your heart and give them a chance, and yourself a chance too ......"

"If they all like me, do I give each one a chance? ......" says Di Xingchen.

"Yeah, you don't get in touch with them, how do you know who you like ...... I can understand your concern, you're afraid of the viewers saying sea king, philandering and all that, but you have to know that we're a romance variety show, you're in a romance variety show, people are supposed to be running to fall in love, all our arrangements, the setup, is also all about getting you guys to fall in love. They all have the right to pursue you, and you have the right to compare and choose. Trust me, the more guests like you, the more obvious your protagonist qualities will be, and the more viewers will like you. Viewers watching a romance show is like having a dream, watching an idol drama or reading a romance novel. This one loves me too, that one loves me too, and it's a very cool experience for the audience. They will only be happy for you. If you don't believe me go and look at the comments online today, so many guests love you and look how excited they are. You just have to follow your heart and accept the love of your suitors, no one will scold you, there will only be more people who like you and genuinely fret over you, ah, so many handsome guys, which one should we Xingchen choose anyway?"

Di Xingchen is delighted.

Guo Bing laughed and said, "Really, haven't you ever watched a romance series before? If you have, you should be able to understand how the audience feels."

Yeah, he actually knows what the audience wants to see.

The Shura, with its 10,000 fans, is a timeless classic.

"And think about it, let me give you an example, for example, Pei Xu, he likes you a lot, so do you think it's more regrettable for him to have pursued and tried and not succeeded in the end, or to not even have a chance to pursue?" Guo Bing said. Guo Bing said, "Give them a chance, it's too late to pull out now anyway, they've already moved for you, all you can do is accept their pursuit sincerely, listen to your heart and choose someone you really like in the end ...... They're a great bunch of people. Di Xingchen ." So good, out of their show, it's hard to find them even with a lantern.

Yeah, all very nice people.

Guo Bing said, "Hey, just talking about it is definitely useless, and the embarrassment and pressure you feel in your heart can't be completely resolved by me telling you about it. You have to open your heart and feel their sincerity, and I believe that when sincerity passes through sincerity, your feelings will definitely change."

Di Xingchen smiles and says, "I can only try as much as I can."

Guo Bing twisted his head and looked at him for a moment, "Actually, I'm curious to know what you'll be like as a person when you fall in love."

"I'm curious too, I don't know if I can." Di Xingchen said, "but I think I'd be a little more likely with the red side of the guests."

Guo Bing looks over at him.

Di Xingchen says: "I didn't think about being a 0."

Guo Bing: "...... Then it's up to you. Whoever you like, we won't interfere."

Talking to Guo Bing worked for once, he was still embarrassed but the pressure was off, at least he didn't have to worry about the netizens' opinion.

The eight guests were dressed in different colours and styles of down jackets and filmed outdoors for the commercial until sunset.

During the break, Di Xingchen changed his mind for the first time and looked at the other seven guests in a different light.

He used to look at them from the perspective of a cannon fodder male counterpart, a man in the middle and a heart out, and from this moment on, he tries to really look at them as a red and blue guest and see them as good again.

They are no longer a group of protagonists, but a group of men, a group of men with whom he can fall in love.

Duan Yihua is a handsome man with a stable and mature demeanour.

Hu Ying is flamboyant and flamboyant, with a radiant smile.

Wen Nuo is lovely and soft and sweet.

Lin Qingning is very classy.

It's all very good.

He went back to look at the other three blue guests.

Forget it, they're both male leads, pure 1s, no way they're going to be 0s for him. Can't picture them being 0's underneath themselves either, too weird.

If you are a 0 ......

They're that size, forget about it.

He was lost in thought when he saw Lin Qingning walking towards him.

Lin Qingning stood beside him and said, "I'd like to talk to you for a moment."

Di Xingchen gave a nod.

"I don't know about you, but when I first found out that Pei Xu liked you too, I did have some subtle feelings towards you, so I took it personally when I said it." Lin Qingning said, "But I want to tell you that whether I like Pei Xu or Pei Xu likes you, it's all natural and no one is right or wrong. I don't blame him, and I don't blame you."

Di Xingchen looks at Lin Qingning.

Lin Qingning smiled and said, "So if you need anything from me, or if you want to come to my place for a breather when they push you, you should still feel free to come."

Di Xingchen suddenly understood Guo Bing's words.

About being genuine, about everyone being nice people.

He was touched, nodded and said, "Good."

Lin Qingning said, "It's a good thing I don't like you, or what would you do? There's really no room for breath at all."

Di Xingchen was reminded of Hu Ying at this time.

When he first talked to Hu Ying, he was very thorough. Hu Ying also said that he only treated him as a good sister, that they could help each other and that if he needed anything, he could come to him.

The result?

Why does this feel like a FLAG to him!

Di Xingchen is wearing a colourful down jacket that is extremely bright. He is the youngest and has the best figure, and wearing this vibrant down jacket is really youthful and sunny, and with his broad shoulders and narrow waist and long legs, it really makes the heart happy.

Lin Qingning thought that he really didn't envy Di Xingchen.

He thinks it makes sense that people like Di Xingchen.

He is the youngest, the best looking, has the best personality and gives the most surprises. Even on Pei Xu's side, he felt that the youthful and sunny Di Xingchen was a good fit for the high-spirited and withdrawn Pei Xu.

Like a ray of light given to him.

At that moment, Lin Qingning suddenly saw Pei Xu looking towards him and Di Xingchen.

looked away for a moment, lowered his head and looked back towards them.

Someone so cold and indifferent has changed completely, with eyes so soft and silent.

He wasn't jealous. He was envious.

In fact, all of them have remained the same, and the only one who has really changed significantly is Pei Xu.

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