Will of the Firebird

Chapter 10: Arc 1: Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Yamanaka Ino is a strange person.

The pale eyed Hyuuga heiress—or, former heiress for that matter— sat cross legged on a tatami in her room. She found that her thoughts and impressions on the blue eyed blonde had changed rapidly as time passed.

At first, confusion.

Why me?

She often wondered, why did Ino latch on to her of all people? She was quiet, she had no confidence, she couldn't even talk to people without stuttering.

She was weak. Weakness was all she'd ever known.

Wariness came quickly after. People didn't just approach Hinata with no ulterior motives. There was always something they'd wanted, why else talk to her? To her of all people.

Ino said she just wanted to be friends. Hinata didn't have many of those. Or any, really.

Hinata couldn't help but be cautiously optimistic. Very cautiously. Even as a large part of her prepared her for failure.

For some reason Hinata couldn't fathom, Ino stuck around. She'd kept approaching Hinata, dragged her into conversations. Kept including her.

No hidden agenda. No setups. No tricks. Just… friendship.

She couldn't hold on to her worries forever, not under Ino's… barrage.

And now, she even considered the friendly Chouji and quiet Shikamaru as friends.

From zero to three.

Exasperation. Ino was a very… touchy person. Very tactile. She'd take any excuse to grab her hand, or lay a lingering touch on her shoulder. It wasn't uncomfortable—well, it wasn't uncomfortable anymore. Hinata wasn't used to it at all at first. It wasn't just with Hinata either, Ino was like that with everyone she drew close to.

It was the hugs that wore her down.

Ino drew her paranoia. Ino drew her wariness. Now, Ino only made her nervous. The errant lingering touch did more to her heart than extensive sparring sessions.

Fear. She let her guard down around the blonde, and when Ino asked Hinata to spar, she couldn't help but backslide into dark thoughts. "Ah, so this is why you wanted to be friends," she thought; But as with all things Ino, she barrelled through her negativity. Hinata couldn't muster a defence—didn't know how to. Wasn't sure she wanted to.

Even when Hinata was being a bad friend, and held back even after she agreed to spar, Ino dismantled her resistance. Ino didn't do subtle. She dismantled Hinata and forced her out of her comfort zone in the way only she could, with aggressive care and compassion. One could think that it was reckless—and one wouldn't be wrong to think so— but one look at Ino's eyes would clear away that thought completely.

There was only compassion. There was only care. Ino wanted—no. Needed her friends to be happy. To be the best versions of themselves. Ino's methods may be brash, but Hinata could tell it was all she knew.

Ino wore her heart on her sleeve, one only had to look in her eyes to tell; And Hinata knew all about eyes. She knew all about disdainful looks. She knew all about disappointed ones. She'd seen it all through the eyes of her clansmen. But she'd never seen ones with such care. Not since her mother, many years ago.

And wasn't that something? Hinata didn't know she needed it, but now that she had a taste… she yearned for it.

Ino pushed, and Hinata started to pull.

When Ino got her to actually strike her, after she got over her momentary shock and disbelief, she expected Ino to be on the floor crying out in pain. She knew how much it hurt to have Tenketsu forcibly closed. She'd never wish that hurt on anyone. Especially not her friends.

But Ino… Brash Ino… she didn't. She'd grinned. She's professsed how proud of Hinata she was for breaking past her mental blocks, her fears. She'd barely winced, and the only reason Hinata knew that Ino was in pain was from the minute convulsions she'd suppressed.

But her eyes didn't lie. The Tenketsu was closed, and Ino… grit her teeth, and had Hinata do it again. And again.

Once they began sparring in earnest, Hinata noticed very quickly that she outclassed Ino. None in class could really match her in pure Taijutsu. But Hinata knew that wasn't much of an accomplishment, it was a given, after all. She still wasn't good enough.

Ino was better than most of her peers; She'd struggled at first, but Hinata could see the minute improvements, match after match. Struggle after struggle.

Hinata was orders of magnitude faster than Ino, but Ino… was smarter. She'd found ways to hold on, match her blow for blow, even as Hinata overwhelmed her.

They'd sparred for hours on end after that, and with every blow she landed, Hinata flinched. Ino didn't. She saw the grit and determination in Ino's eyes. She couldn't show pain. She wouldn't.

Hinata wanted to tear up a little. She didn't feel like she deserved this care.

Even so, Hinata wanted to repay that trust. That care. Hinata didn't want to hurt her—never that, but she knew she had to. Ino wanted to train, so Hinata would do her best.

After it all, Hinata was so tired she could barely walk. Ino offered to carry her back, like a pr-princess, but Hinata could only staunchly refuse. Ino laughed and wheezed as Hinata's face grew warmer.

Hinata dreamed of platinum blonde hair draped over her face that night.

Every time Hinata found herself undeserving of such friendship, Ino would adamantly insist she was wrong. She wouldn't capitulate until Hinata agreed to her terms, and agreed that she was worthy. Hinata didn't feel worthy, but she'd always felt better.

Honestly, Hinata wasn't sure why Ino always seemed to know when her thoughts would stray. But she always did. When she asked Shikamaru about it, he just gave her a knowing smirk, and simply said, "Get used to it, you can't escape."

She wasn't sure if she would even want to escape.

For the first time in a long time… Hinata wanted to do better. She wasn't quite feeling confident—not yet at least— but everything didn't feel as hopeless as it once did. There were things to look forward to these days.

She couldn't help but clench her fists; She would do better, for her fr—for her friends.

She thought back to the recent sparring sessions with her friend. Ino's improvement rate, all things considered, was staggering. In only a few weeks, she went from being hopeless against her—which honestly, was a strange ego boost that Hinata didn't ever expect to get— to actually pushing back.

Ino somehow reacted to attacks before Hinata even committed to her move. Before she'd even start moving sometimes.

Hinata could see her partner's Tenketsu and the pathways clearly. There was no lying to the Byakugan. She could see when the blonde's Chakra would flare in response to Hinata's planned strikes, when Ino's movement would be in tandem with her own.

It was a bit mesmerizing, actually. It felt like they were performing an elaborate dance.

She groaned. What an embarrassing way to phrase it.

Hinata was still faster than Ino, and it wasn't even close. Hinata had been training in the Gentle Fist ever since she was a child, after all. Even though, in her opinion, she wasn't ever good at it, her body had still grown with a focus on speed over strength.

Somehow, with that ability of hers, Ino could negate the difference in speed.

It was clear. It wouldn't be long until Ino would surpass Hinata, but what would happen then? Hinata felt the smile freeze on her face at that thought. What then?

She shuddered.

Would she move on? Would Hinata be abandoned? Surely not… but Hinata wasn't sure.

Hinata yearned for a comforting touch even more so now.

A hug and a whisper that everything would be okay.

She hadn't ever actually lost exchanges with Ino, but the moment was fast approaching. Anyone who watched her rate of improvement could tell. Ino would slip in more and more counters as she adapted to the pace.

The pale eyed ex-heiress didn't know what to do. She didn't know if she could ever keep up if she fell behind. Part of her wanted to save everyone the heartache and just… give up.

Hinata's bangs flowed over her eyes for a moment as her head dipped, before she brushed them aside.

She… she had friends now. She had to do right by them. Her friend was counting on her for practice. To grow together.

Hinata could only think of one way to keep up. One avenue. She had to be faster. She wasn't smart enough to predict like Ino could. Wasn't skilled enough to outmaneuver her. All she had going for her was her advantage in speed, and her Byakugan. So all she could do was be so fast that even if Ino could see it coming, she wouldn't be able to react.

Simple, right?

Only thing is, she had no idea how. She couldn't ask her father, he rarely ever acknowledged her existence nowadays. There was no one else in the clan who would give her the time of day either.

She only knew one person she could ask for advice. She mustered her courage.

"So what can I do for you today, Hinata?" Uncle Inoichi greeted her kindly, as he always did.

She relaxed minutely after seeing his features. He shared so many with his daughter, after all. His hair was a tad bit darker, but he had her expressive eyes.

"I—" Hinata didn't want to be a burden, but at the same time… she needed to do something, "I need to be faster. Please assist me," bowed as deeply as she could.

Uncle Inoichi stared at her in contemplation, and Hinata started to believe she may have overstepped. Asking for help from another clan was a show of weakness. If her father found out…

Luckily, he didn't spend too much time in his thoughts, "Would you like a focused training regimen, similar to what Ino does?"

"I would like that very much," Hinata didn't think she could bow any more deeply, but she found a way.

Hinata felt gratitude when he accepted. She was overjoyed, this was how she'd keep up. This was the way.

Hinata met the trainer in question. An eccentric green clad Jounin, whose hair style had similarities with her own. He ordered her to remove her jacket, and looked at her figure intently. He asked her what she wanted to get out of training, what her goal was.

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She didn't know how to respond, all she could say was "I need to be fast—no, the fastest," and apparently that was enough for him.

"How youthful!" His grin was bright. Brighter than she'd ever seen. And his Chakra moved with a violent vigor, and a need to move. To never be still.

They'd talked for a bit more, ironed out the details. He was… an extreme person. That was putting it politely. Hinata made a snap decision to grow her own hair out.

That joy she felt didn't last long. Ino was right, physical training was hell.

Her training involved a lot of long distance sprinting. From one end of the village to another. As a warmup. Green was definitely her least favourite colour, she decided.

She had to do reaction training as well, trips through hazardous obstacle courses setup by Uncle Inoichi. She'd go through them as fast as possible, and then even faster.

Initially, Hinata took to her training like a cat in water—i.e. not very well at all. It was a struggle, and her overall energy levels and sparring acumen both fell.

Shikamaru took one look at her and groaned, "Oh great, another training nut. How troublesome."

Her fathers' disappointed gaze was expected, she'd gotten worse after all. It hurt at first but Ino's encouraging grin overrode any negative feelings she had.

It was hell, but she kept up with it, and eventually, when she could, she added her own Taijutsu forms into the mix.

Her first loss to Ino came quickly—quicker than she'd expected— but Ino didn't gloat. She knew Hinata had started training more rigorously. She knew the woes of starting out. She'd only pressed on like the win didn't even register to her. Didn't even matter.

Hinata may have teared up a little at that moment.

Ino may not know it, but even her gait had shifted over time. Hinata could tell, she was always good at observing people.

Shortly after they'd met, Ino always had an… insecure air to her. Would always jump at shadows. She was jittery, but exhausted. Her smile never reached her eyes. It was… worrying.

Nowadays though, Ino sauntered at a leisurely pace, as if she was completely confident in herself and her environment. Complete familiarity with her territory. It was as if she was always in her element. Always.

Hinata wanted that. That confidence. That surety.

Even though Ino grew on her, and quickly became her closest friend. She knew that Ino really was a strange person.

Sometimes, when escorting Hinata back at night, Ino would… flinch, and glare at certain houses. She'd groan, and clench her fists so tightly that she wouldn't have been surprised if she drew blood.

Hinata would instinctively flare her Byakugan, and see… things she didn't wish to see. Things she grew up learning to ignore. Things that she knew that many in her family watched more than they should. Hinata wasn't sure how Ino could see beyond the walls, but it didn't matter.

Her friend needed her.

These were the moments where Hinata would initiate touch, a hand on a shoulder here, interlocked fingers there. Ino would quickly calm down, and give her an endearing smile, but Hinata would still worry for her friend.

Another point of strangeness. One day in class, as Hinata was distracted by her throbbing ankles, Ino dropped the shuriken she often played with. Now that wouldn't have been noteworthy, but as she went to pick it up, Hinata swore to all the gods that as Ino stretched—it was surely out of reach, just slightly— it floated into Ino's hand for a short distance.

No one else noticed, not even Ino.

Hinata assumed it was her own exhaustion playing tricks on her, as it must have been. But she'd still watch more closely.

To be sure, of course.

As graduation approached, Ino had overtaken Hinata, but Hinata was hot on her heels. She lost more than she won but she always made Ino fight for it. She increased the pace of combat to levels even she was unfamiliar with.

She pushed herseslf harder than she'd ever done so in her life, and she could barely keep up.

She was faster than Ino, so much faster.

But that strange Jutsu of hers really was an equalizer. She weaved through Hinata's blistering offence with minimal movements. For every 7 of Hinata's strikes, Ino would only counter with one. She'd find the opportune moment to strike, but for the most part she'd just go with the flow.

Hinata wheezed, her lungs struggled as she pushed.

She pushed, and pushed, until she pushed too far. She tripped on seemingly air.


Hinata despaired.

Ino must have noticed something, because she halted in her tracks and pulled Hinata up and into a sweaty hug. Hinata felt safe in Ino's embrace—Ino had just enough fat for her to somehow still be soft in the right places, but sturdy in others.


"What's wrong, Hina?" Hinata shivered as Ino all but whispered directly in her ear, slightly out of breath.

Hinata couldn't even think of lying to Ino. She'd always catch on and coax the truth out of her anyway. Lying always ended up being a pointless delay.

"You're going to leave me behind," she all but dragged the words out of herself. She'd always been worried but… never gave voice to such worries. Not before today. She didn't want to be a stepping stone.

Ino would pause and consider her words, before choosing compassion—as she always did, "Hinata, you're never just a stepping stone. You're one of my best friends."

Hinata's body temperature rose at the admission, likely due to the close proximity to Ino.

Ino burned hot, physically so. It was scalding, but Hinata couldn't find it uncomfortable. Really, it was the opposite for her. It gave her a sense of comfort. Safety.

As if the world would burn to cinders if harm befell her.

Ino smirked, "And if you want to keep up, you've gotta work for it."

Hinata nodded into the taller girl's chest, luxuriating in the warmth, "I will. I promise."

Hinata refused to be left behind. She didn't want to go back to… the before. She didn't want to be alone again.

Eventually, Hinata started to see proper gains from her training. It was working. She took back the initiative in her sparring sessions, and would win far more often than she lost. It was like it just clicked for her.

Ino could react before she acted? Then she just had to be so fast and so spontaneous that she'd just change her actions on the fly.

Simple, right?

To her, it was.

Hinata felt on top of the world for once, and that feeling persisted until the fateful day came, "Team 8: Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino! Lead by jounin Yuuhi Kurenai!"

She melted into her seat, crushed. She knew that they'd likely be parted. She knew the Ino-Shika-Cho team was a Konoha staple. But she still held out hope.

Hope that she could be with her friends for a while yet.

A hand grasped her own, she didn't even have to look to know whose hand it was.

Sensei continued without preamble, without a care for her plight, "Team 10: Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Chouji! Lead by jounin Akimichi Chouza!"

Before Hinata left with her team to join their new Sensei, Ino asked, "Hey Hina, do you wanna sleep over this weekend?"

Hinata accepted before her brain caught up with her mouth, but it hit her immediately after, and she felt a cocktail of emotions that she didn't quite know how to parse.

A sleepover? She'd never had one of those before. Does she bring a pillow? Where would she sleep? Did she need to bring a futon? Did she need special nightwear?

Her new Sensei was nice, all things considered. She was very beautiful, long dark hair that Hinata envied, and her body brimmed with restrained violence. And yet, she still found it within herself to be kind.

Hinata ran her fingers through her own hair in comparison, it'd grown long since she'd set out to grow it, down to her back. She didn't quite feel that she stacked up, but… maybe that was okay.

The Jounin—Kurenai Sensei, asked Hinata about her training. She could clearly tell that Hinata had formal training. Hinata didn't know how, but she described her training methods anyway, and when Hinata described the Jounin who prescribed her regimen, her Sensei's face went deadpan.

She admitted that whatever he subscribed would likely be perfect for her, and that she should keep it up.

Of course she would, that was without question. He may have been extremely strange, but she had results.

Her new teammates were fine. She hadn't spoken to Shino much at all until now, and Kiba was… annoyingly over energetic, and needlessly competitive in the weirdest things. She also didn't forget what he did to Chouji. It was petty, but… she could allow herself to be a little petty.

In another world, Hinata could see herself being friends with them. Lifelong friends, maybe.

But now, Hinata aimed further. She wanted to excel. She wanted to go on missions with her friends.

She knew how to achieve that, after all. She had to be fast.

The fastest.

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