Winds of Change (DxD)

Chapter 36: Volume 3 – Chapter 4 – Peace Conference and Khaos Brigade

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Ireland, Dun Laoghaire

Jin Skyward


It was early in the morning and I had teleported to Ireland, tonight was the night for the Peace Conference. The girls were still asleep when I left. I wanted some time for myself and to relax, I wasn't worried or nervous about it, I just need a breath of fresh air.

This was the same spot I sat at near the pier, I felt nostalgic here so I came here.


I glance to my side as I leaned forward and took a sip from my coffee, beside me was Lianne. She had decided to come out, it was cold here but she was not affected by that so she was wearing her casual wear.

"Quite a splendid view, Jin."


Even though I 'created' her I found it a bit hard to speak to her, she had this elegance—this type of aura or feeling around her, I could speak to her normally during training and the like. But we never sat down before, just the two of us, and spoke.

"I and 'him' will be escorting you and acting as bodyguards tonight, yes?"

"Yeah. I'll have a few shadows station around the Academy when they attack."

"You're certain they will attack?"

"Yeah, I searched the town and found magic circles all over the place. I rigged around ninety-nine percent of them to kill and mutilate the magicians once they teleport in."

I had done this as the day of the Peace Conference drew nearer. I can't dispel them since Nyarlathotep did something so they would just reappear. Cúntóir and I researched and looked through it, we found out they'll permanently disappear once the Conference was over. As annoying as ever, that bitch.

So, we instead messed with it, as long as it's not destroyed it won't revert back to its previous state, so we changed some of its properties. When those magicians teleport in, they'll be killed. Of course, not all of them, some have a delay, then they'll die.

Sorry, Vali. You won't have your spotlight this time around. Did I become some kind of sicko? I don't know, I hope not. What was my plans for Katerea Leviathan? 'he' will get rid of her. So, Azazel won't lose an arm this time around. 'He' offered to, no insisted—begged me almost. I didn't mind.

Hmm, this means Azazel won't be able to show off his Artificially created Sacred Gear [Down Fall Dragon Spear], whatever he can just perfect it even more.

"Hi hi~"

Lianne and I turn around to see a Fae had appeared—more specifically, an Ariel.

"….What can I do for you?"

"Invite! Once the Peace Conference is over, the Queen and King has invited you back to our kingdom!"

It happily cheered and informed me; it giggled and then flew away. I already expected this, so it's fine. Once the Peace Conference was over, Summer will soon have arrived, Rias and her peerage will go to the Underworld to train and prepare for the upcoming youth rating games.

I'll take that time when they train to go to Ireland and Kyoto, if I'm approached by other pantheons or factions about an alliance then I'll go there.

"She was quite adorable, no?"

"…I guess so."

I'm not that sure on how to respond to that. That Ariel was just…well, an Ariel. I didn't know if it was cute or whatever. I sigh and get up.

"Let's get going, everyone should wake up in a few hours."

Lianne nodded, I expected her to go back into the ring, but instead, when I got up, she hugged my left arm and waited.


She had her eyes closed with a small smile on her…whatever it was her choice to do that or not.

Japan, Kuoh

'My liege, some activity from those magicians within their territory in the Dimensional Gap.'

Bellion had just contacted me…

Activity? What kind of activity?

'They have been testing new forms of magic, quite destructive ones.'

Keep an eye on them, if you deem them dangerous, kill them….


Glenda is there, Reni and I haven't spoken much about her past when she was still under Glenda's tutelage, I also don't know if she holds any kind of feelings for her former mentor.

I'll let her decide her fate when the time comes. I feel there's still unfinished business between the two.

I notice a few auras around the house, it seems like a few girls have woken up, as well as Kiba in the training facility. Seeing as Lianne wasn't letting go, I keep walking as she accompanies me. We first go to the training facility.

We arrive there via the elevator, I decided to use it since it would be useless otherwise. Kiba had his [Sword of Betrayer] out and was attacking the dummies with various techniques, he looked relaxed but I felt some tension within him.

We walk towards him until I purposely step forward with a bit more force to draw his attention, he stops his attacking and turns around.

"Jin-senpai, Lianne-sensei."

He greets us and bows to Lianne. Lianne-sensei, I should have her enroll as a teacher in the school, I gave her both brain and brawns, after all, she could possibly teach any subject…but I think P.E. will suit her.

"Hey, Kiba. Why are you up so early in the morning? Are you nervous about the Peace Conference that you couldn't sleep?"

"Yes…I tried to sleep but only slept for an hour, after that I stayed up and then came here. I envy Gasper-kun, he's out like a light."

Kiba let out a small chuckle at the thought of Gasper seemingly not bothered by the upcoming conference.

Lianne lets go of me and walk over to Kiba.

"Then, let us have an early training session."


Good luck, dude. For the rest of the time, until all the girls woke up, many screams were heard down here.


"Jin, my man, what's up with everyone in your club? They all look…nervous?"

Kouta and Najima came over to me during lunch, I was about to go to the clubroom when these two approached me.

"...Oh, it's nothing, we're going to be fighting a world-ending dragon soon, just your typical weekday."

The two blankly stare at me before bursting into laughter. Najima was slapping his sides and Kouta was actually crying….why? it wasn't that funny.

"And I'll be fighting the bread dragon tonight. Young warrior, I wish thee luck."

"Yeah, I'll be tackling the homework dragon too, what a mighty foe."

The two high-five and bump hips, these two spend more time with each other and are like nearly tied to the hip, if these two weren't straight, I would be sure they would be in a relationship with each other.

[What if one was a female?]

Then they would be dating, simple as that.

"You two would be perfect for each other, why not date?"

""We're not gay!!!!!""

They both screamed at me in unison. You guys aren't helping yourselves you know…

Just another normal day of school passes…


Rias Gremory

It was time, I, Rias Gremory have gone to my club room in Kuoh Academy. My peerage was also with me, however, Jin and Ingvild were not. He said he would come to the meeting on his own. He looked quite serious…

The rest of his lovers were going to stay at home since they didn't need to be there, a few insisted on going but they couldn't Jin also put his foot down. He left Querehsha at home, Beru was also there since he's in Ingvild's shadow.

"If by any chance something happens in today's conference and it breaks down, this place might become a battlefield..."

My peerage answered me in high spirits, thanks to Jin, everyone could potentially go to the meeting, however, since there isn't much space, we had to leave Koneko and Gasper here.

Jin had a game console earlier in the week for Gasper, so he and Koneko could play with them while they wait for this to be over, he also prepared snacks for the two... I feel like he's spoiling them a bit too much. Jin also put a barrier around the club room just in case.

I thought he was being paranoid, but he—again looked quite serious when he told us that it could help. So we didn't question him.

"Now then, we're leaving. Behave, alright?"

"Yes President…"

The both of them had already started to play….I inwardly sigh and shook my head, if I confiscate them later…would that be too strict?

Akeno, Yuuto, Asia, and I left the club room and made our way to the new school buildings as the Peace Conference was held there.

"Did Jin mention when he would show up?"

I turn and ask Akeno but she shook her head.

"I would guess, he will show up last, that's the impression I got."

Last…is there a reason for that? I hear Yuuto chuckle beside me.

"Perhaps Jin-senpai wants to look cool? Or he may be doing last-minute check-ups."

I don't think Jin wants to show up just to look cool….he doesn't seem to be that kind of person lately. But doing last-minute check-ups on what? Asia didn't say anything as she had a serious look on her, I smile, Jin is definitely affecting her.

We don't talk much as we drew closer to the room. I could feel the auras of Onii-sama, Gabriel-sama, Azazel, Leviathan-sama, and the White Dragon Emperor…there were a few auras that I didn't recognize or wasn't too familiar with.

Sona and her peerage were also there.

Knock Knock

I knock on the door.

"Excuse us."

I opened the door, and there was...a gorgeous and high-class table. Surrounding it, people who I recognized were sitting around it. The air was enveloped by quietness, and everyone had a serious face. Even though I was quite strong now... I couldn't help but feel nervous. Today, if it went well, could change everything.

I could feel that my peerage felt the same way, I briefly glance at them and they had dawned on serious faces, Asia's hadn't changed hers since earlier.

From the Devil's side, there were Sirzechs-sama and Leviathan-sama. As well as Asteri-sama. She was on standby beside the tea preparing cart, she may be playing the role 'waitress' tonight. From the Angels' side, there were the golden-feathered Michael-san, Gabriel-san, Griselda-san, and Irina.

From the Fallen Angels' side, there were Azazel with his twelve wings unfurled and the Vanishing Dragon, Vali. Glancing at us, his brow raised, probably confused since Jin wasn't with us, the ends of Azazel's lips rose as if happy. Sirzechs-sama and Leviathan-sama were wearing clothes with ornaments decorating them as well

"My younger sister and her family."

Sirzechs-sama introduced me and my family to the VIP of the other factions. I bowed to them...

"Hmm, the only one left is Middleman-kun then. I wonder where he's at?"

Azazel had looked at the door and shook his head, he sounded eager to see Jin, Vali, the White Dragon Emperor also had an expectant glint in his eyes too.

My peerage and I walked toward Onii-sama and Leviathan-sama, we stand behind them and wait for Jin to arrive…

Jiggle Open

Suddenly the doorknob jiggled and the door opened…I, and everyone else in the room stiffened as we felt an authoritative aura walk through the door.

It was Jin, with Lianne and…someone else with him, a man. I haven't seen him before…another creation of his…?

Jin Skyward

Rias and her peerage had left earlier, I had put on a more appropriate attire for the Peace Conference tonight. A black suit, much like Kiritsugu Emiya but without the black trench coat. I had changed the tie to a gold one much to Rudra's insistence.

The rest of the girls were going to be staying at home, I had Jima, Beru and Querehsha stay behind and protect them if anything went wrong. The battle android fairies were also on standby. I had also recalled Igris earlier since I plan on using him.

I turn around and see Reni there with the other girls. I had been in front of the mirror fixing my tie and failing miserably. Grayfia walked up to me and fixed it for me…

"Thank you, Grayfia."

"You need to look the part for tonight, Jin."

She smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek. The girls did the same one by one, they also slowly left the room, I was left with Reni in the end.

"Good luck, you've been working hard on this for the last few months!"

"Yeah, it's finally paying off. Well, if it goes well."

She pinches me on both of my cheeks and puffs her own.

"Positive thinking, mister!"

"…Yeah, it'll go well. Anyway, I should get going."

She hugs me one last time and we go out of the room together. In the entrance hallway was Lianne and… the other being I created, waiting for me.

Antares, the King of Dragons and the Monarch of Destruction.

Antares was a handsome middle-aged man with long red hair, a neatly trimmed red beard and glowing red eyes. He also wore silver-red armor with a high collar and a reddish-brown tailcoat.

That's right, he was my 'right-hand man' and as well as my other bodyguard. These two were going to accompany me tonight.

Reni let's go off me and I walk to the two of them.

"Good luck!"

I glance back and nod. I look at the two of them with a serious expression.

"Let's go."

Lianne had her armor back on without the helmet, the two of them nod and I teleport to Kuoh Academy.

Kuoh Academy

I had teleported just outside the room where this meeting was going to take place,

'Spread out, be ready. When given the signal, kill or capture.'

The shadows left me and took their stations around the school.

I took hold of the doorknob, turned it, and pushed the door open.

As I step through the door, I let a very very small fraction of my aura leak out, I was staring straight forward with a serious expression. I wanted to present myself as a serious 'Middleman' for once.

"Sorry for the wait."

Everyone in the room had frozen up as they felt my aura, I could see that there weren't enough chairs…did they forget to account for me?

"Oh, uh, not enough chairs huh? who messed that up?"

Azazel was the first to come out of it, he blurted out what I was thinking and awkwardly chuckled.

"It doesn't matter."

I point to the spot beside him and summoned a chair, I walk over to it and sat on it, both Lianne and Antares stood at both sides of the closed door watching everyone.

"Let's start this meeting then."

I retract my aura and wait for them to speak. Sirzechs coughs into his fist and speaks.

"Yes, let's start. Everyone here—my sister, her peerage, Sona-kun, her peerage, Jin-kun, and his lovers were present during the attack by Kokabiel and Azrael."

"I have heard the report. I give you my thanks once more."

Michael gave his thanks to Rias. Rias conducted herself coolly and bowed once more.

"Sorry that Kokabiel and Azrael of my side caused you trouble."

Azazel said it with a brazen expression.

"Now that everyone has arrived, I'll say the preconditions for the meeting. The people present here to acknowledge the most important event and forbidden subject—i.e, the non-existence of God."

Sirzechs looks around the room, no one did or say anything, he took that as a sign of acknowledgment.

"Then, acknowledging that, let's continue the conversation."

So, it began, the Peace Conference that could change the fate between these three great powers.

"Like that, we Angels—"

Michael-san said that.

"That's true. That way would be better. If it's like now, certainly the Three Great Powers will go down the road of destruction—"

Sirzechs also said that.

"Well, we don't have any particular thing to fuss over."

There were instances when this place would freeze when Azazel said a sentence occasionally as well, but the Governor of the Fallen Angels was purposely making that atmosphere awkward and was enjoying it.

The three of them went over crap that had to do with the inner workings of their factions, I did not care too much. I didn't belong to their factions but for the sake of keeping up my appearance, I listened in.

They would sometimes go over where they thought their factions were going to end up in the future, and who would be leading them. The inner works of what did what, who did what, and how they generally ran things.

I glance around as everyone was listening in, Asia looked confused by it all, the same with Rias but she tried her best to try to understand it all, I notice that Griselda and Irina were here too, as well as Gabriel.

'I'm sorry that I might have scared you earlier.'

I told Gabriel, she looks at me and smiled. I could see Vali staring at me, he looked unsure about something. Whether that be on fighting me here tonight or betraying Azazel, that will remain to be seen.

"Now then, Rias. Could you speak about the incident a few months back?"

"Yes, Lucifer-sama."

Seemingly finished with their talks, Sirzechs asked Rias to relay the events that had transpired, I had told her beforehand to leave out my….outburst. I did the same with Sona…with fear, forgive me, you'll understand in the future.

After being urged by Sirzechs, Rias, Sona, and Akeno stepped forward. They talked about the events that transpired, about the attacks from Kokabiel, the Holy Swords as well as Valper, the Divine Beasts made by Avezza, the appearance of Ddraig and how Azrael escaped. Everyone belonging to the Three Great Powers continued to hear about it.

Rias talked about the summary of the incident she experienced herself plainly in a calm manner.

Each of the factions' VIPs who heard the report were either letting out a sigh, scowling, or smiling. Each person had a different reaction.

"...That is all regarding the report of the events which I, Rias Gremory, and the household Devils over there experienced."

Rias, who had said everything, had stepped back upon hearing Sirzechs's 'Good work.'

She did well, she kept her calm and explained everything in a way that everyone could understand. I'll reward her late.

"Thanks, Rias-chan~."

Serafall also sent a wink toward Rias, she's still herself even during this.

"Now then, Azazel. After hearing this report, I want to hear the opinion of the Governor of the Fallen Angels."

Upon Sirzechs's questioning, everyone's gaze concentrated on the black-haired Governor. Azazel started talking after letting out an intrepid smile.

"Regarding the incident a few months back, Kokabiel, a leader of our central organization, had already gone rogue months ago—no, probably even years, he may have met up with Azrael during those times. He kept quiet to the other leaders, as well as to me, the Governor, and acted independently."

"He was disposed of by Jin, I had originally sent Vali to do it, but he had come back saying Jin took care of it. The explanation for that, everything was written in the material that was forwarded to you, right? That is all."

"But I want to add that if Jin kept him alive, he would be in Cocytus right now. Never allowed to leave again."

Michael-san said while sighing.

"I can see where you're coming from… it is worst-case scenario, but...I know about the information of you personally not wanting to start anything against us. Is that true?"

"Eh, I don't have any interest in wars. When Kokabiel also disparaged me, don't you have the report for that as well?"

Azazel is right, that crow was long gone, already messed up in the head, probably the reason why he fell, the same can be said for Azrael. Azazel, who was passive about wars, and only had an interest in Sacred Gears, didn't care for war...

This time, Sirzechs asked Azazel.

"Azazel, I want to ask one thing. Why have you been gathering owners of Sacred Gears for the past decades? At first, I thought you were gathering humans and attempting to augment your battle potential. I even anticipated you waging war against Heaven or us, but..."

"Yes, no matter how much time passed, you didn't wage a war against us. When I heard you got hold of the Vanishing Dragon, I was enveloped by a strong wariness."

Michael's opinion was the same as Sirzechs's. Upon hearing the two's opinions, Azazel smiled bitterly.

"It's for the sake of Sacred Gear research. If that's the case, should I send a part of the research materials to you as well? Even if I did research, I wouldn't wage a war against you or anything. I don't have any interest in war at this late of an hour."

"I am perfectly satisfied with the world right now. I have strongly ordered my subordinates, 'Don't interfere with the human world's politics', you know?"

"I have no intention of intervening in religion either or influencing the business of the Devils. Damn, is my trust in the Three Factions the least?"

"That's true."

"That's right."

"That's exactly it~."

I decided to join in too.

"Yeah, it's pretty shit."

"Fuck you, Jin."

"Language, Azazel!"

"Jin cursed too! what the hell?! Are you favoring him or something?!"

Azazel shook his head tired with all it all. Michael had to reprimand his former 'brother' or are they still considered 'brothers' at this point?

"Cheh. I thought you were better than God or the last generation's Lucifer, but you guys are troublesome guys yourselves. Me researching doesn't go well with you lot, huh? well, whatever. let's just make peace. Originally, wasn't that the intention of you Angels and Devils as well?"

Azazel tried to move the conversation along, he just wanted the peace to be done with so he could go back to…researching.

"Well, we do want that, but the one who had and is making this a possibility…is the man in front of us, no?"

"That's right~ Jin-chan's done a lot of requests for all our sides after all~"

Sirzechs and Michael nod, Azazel rolled his eyes and a wide smile appeared on his face, I know what he's going to say but I don't care at this point. It's painfully obvious that even a brain-damaged ant would have figured it out already.

"Actually, did you know that the reason why Jin became the 'middleman' was just to gather women—a harem for himself?"

He smirked at me, he waited for the rest to react. When I look around no one's expression changed. Azazel also noticed this and was the one looking surprised.

"Uh, why are none of you surprised by this revelation?"

"….Azazel, it's quite obvious that's the reason why Jin became the middleman, he did say that he wanted a harem. This was the logical way of approaching it, no?"


Azazel stared at Michael slack-jawed, even Vali let out a snort at him.

"Moving along…"

Sirzechs says as the leaders calmed themselves down.

"I also planned to propose peace to the Devil side and Grigori. Even if we continue the relationship of the Three Factions like before, then it will become damaging to the world right now. I, the leader of the Angels, say it since...the original cause of the war, God and Satans, have been annihilated."

Michael said that he wanted peace in this interval. Azazel burst out laughing at Michael's words.

"Ha! That stubborn Michael has finally started change his perspective? Even though he was all about 'God, God, God' before, like a sick puppy."

"...I have lost a lot of things. However, there's no point in seeking for things that aren't present. It is our duty to guide humans. We members of the Seraph have the same opinion that the most important thing is to watch over the children of God from now on as well, and to guide them."

"Hey, hey, with your speech just now, you'll 'fall', you know? —I thought that, but you took over the System right. It's become a good world. It's completely different from the time when we 'fell'."

Michael shook his head and touched the necklace I gave him.

"With this, there is no chance of me falling, I—we can thank Jin-kun for that."


Gabriel agreed beside Michael as Sirzechs, Serafall, and Azazel looked at him in surprise as well as the necklace he touched.

"Jin-kun created this necklace a few months back, it prevents pure angels from falling, for the time being only the Ten Seraphs and us the Four Great Seraphs have these necklaces. We want to ask for Jin to mass-create these when the time comes."

"Heeeeh? It prevents Angels from falling? Then can you say 'fuck' or 'shit' to prove it?

Azazel seemed interested in the necklace and leaned closer towards Michael, Gabriel lightly smacked him on the head and he retreated back.

"I will not say those words."

Sirzechs again moves the conversation along.

"We are the same. Even the Satans that aren't here agree, in order to continue the species, Devils too have moved forward as well. Even we wouldn't want war. If we start another war, the Devils will be destroyed."

On Sirzechs's words, Azazel nodded as well.

"Yes. If we start another war, the Three Factions will definitely be mutually destroyed. And then, it will affect the human world as well, and the world will end. We can't do wars now."

Some time ago, Azazel had a joking and carefree mood, but it's done a complete change and he has a serious expression now.

"Do you think a world without God is wrong? Do you think a world without God would decay? I am sorry to say, but that isn't the case. You and I are both living quite well, like this, right?."

Azazel said that while opening his arms. I finish his sentence for him.

"The world moves even without God."

He glances at me and nods.

"That's right, we move on, even without Father, we—no, the humans are fine without him."

Even without God, I live in this world. Other people's lives don't have a particular change either. 'The world moves even without God'. The believers of God have been in decline for many years now, whether it be here or in my old world, that's one fact that remains unchanged.

Even normal humans have their doubts that the supernatural is real, if you woke up one day and found out it was real, how would you react?

I feel like the old me would have shoved it into people's faces, I was a heavy believer, probably.

After that, the conversation moved to what would happen if after this, and other topics. After a lengthy discussion…

"...And, is this it?"

On Sirzechs's sentence, the VIPs let out a huge sigh. It seems the important conversations were finished. It has been around maybe one hour since the conference began, it sure feels long. Asteri was serving tea as the waitress, Michael turned his gaze towards Kiba.

"Now then, since the discussion has considerably been moving in a good direction, I have noticed that Holy Demonic sword-kun has been gazing at me questioningly for quite some time."

Everyone's gaze concentrated on Kiba. He looked a bit surprised; he glances at Asia and nodded.

"Why did you exile Asia?"

On his question to Michael, everyone had an astonished expression, probably thinking 'Why is he talking about it now?'. But Kiba looked quite curious about this question, he may have wanted to ask about the Holy Sword Project but asked a different question, that had to do with his comrades instead, very thoughtful of him.

Asia, who trusted God that much, why was she exiled from the church? I knew, but they didn't. So, I wait for Michael to answer him.

Michael replied in an earnest manner.

"I can only apologize for that. ...After God was gone, only the System to govern divine protection, mercy, and miracles remained. This System is, if I explain it simply, the System to perform the miracles and many other things."

"God made the System and used it to bring about miracles above ground. To bring about the effect of holy things like exorcism, crosses, etc., these too are the System's powers."

Kiba nods. The damage the Devils take when they touch a cross is the effect of the System.

"After God died...some system trouble what you're saying?"

On his question, Michael-san nodded.

"To be honest, it takes a big toll on anyone who uses it with the exception of God. With me as the center, every one of the Seraph was able to somehow start up the System but...compared to the time God existed, the divine protection and mercy to those who believe in God is not complete. It's an unfortunate thing, but those who can be granted salvation are limited."

Kokabiel did mention that, so it makes sense that the miracles are very limited now, only the God of the Bible can use that thing...well I can, I'll mention that soon.

"For that, there was a need to keep away those people related to the Church who could possibly cause an influence on the System. As an example of those who can influence the system, a part of the Sacred Gears, like Asia Argento's [Twilight Healing], is included as well."

"Jin's [Boosted Gear], and also [Divine Dividing] as well."

"Asia is included because she can heal Devils and Fallen Angels as well?"

On Kiba's question, Michael-san once again nodded.

"Yes. If there is a person who can heal Devils and Fallen Angels present within the followers, it will influence the faith of the ones around her."

"The source of us living in Heaven is the faith of believers. Because of that, [Twilight Healing] is a forbidden Sacred Gear which can cause an influence on the system. And also, as an example of the influence on the system—"

Xenovia interrupted Michael-san and continued.

"The people who know about the non-existence of God, right?"

"Yes, that's right, Xenovia. To lose you is a serious wound even for us, but if, apart from us Seraphs and the higher rank Angels."

"A fair amount of people who know about the non-existence of God approach a place with a direct connection, then there's a huge effect on the System. I apologize. There was no other way but to make you and Asia Argento heretics."

Michael had bowed to the two, they stare at him in surprise—speechless, the current leader of Heaven was bowing to them, you don't get that every day.

"N-No please don't bow, Michael-sama!"

"The fact that you reincarnated as a devil, that is our crime."

"It's really alright…I may have regretted it a little bit at the start…but now it's changed. I enjoy my life as a devil, I feel like I have a little bit more freedom to do things I want…pursue things I never would have pursued…"

"If I say these words, I may anger some believers, but still…I am satisfied with my current life."

"I also feel the same way, I do not regret reincarnating as a devil. In a way, this led to the both of us meeting you in person, Michael-sama, it's an honor."

Asia explained herself and Xenovia agreed with her, upon hearing both the girls' words. Michael showed a relieved expression.

"I am sorry and thank you. I am grateful for your forgiving hearts. I leave Durandal to you, Xenovia. Since it's the family of Sirzechs' sister, then I am at ease that it won't be used by those who do as they please."

Azazel coughs, getting everyone's attention, he looks at everyone, then at Vali, and finally me.

"Now then, it's time we hear the opinion of people other than us, those who seem like they can influence the world, the invincible Dragon-samas. First, Vali. What do you want to do to the world?"

On Azazel's question, the White Dragon Emperor, Vali, smiled.

"If I can fight strong guys, then it's fine."

That's an expected answer from Vali, he lives for that and his one purpose in life, which may change in the future depending on his own actions as well as mine.

Azazel turns to me and asks the same question.

"Then, Middleman-kun, Red Dragon Emperor who has caused a ruckus these past few months, your thoughts?"

All eyes were on me and I fix my somewhat lazy posture.

"I have been working towards peace, as you said earlier. What I truly seek is just a relaxing life with my lovers—a harem. If I can achieve peace, then I can spend very pleasant days ahead of me with no wars and no fighting. Just peace. So, yes. I advocate for this treaty."

"Anyway, I want to say something about Heaven's system. I can control it."

They all look at me in shock, not the ones in my harem though, they've become numb to it.

"Are you serious, Jin-kun?"

I nod.

"Of course, controlling Heaven's system is quite easy. If God can create angels…"

I glance at the two behind me, Antares smirked and Lianne smiled.

"Creating life is quite easy for me. Anyway, I'll go to Heaven sometime in the future and change a few rules and fix a few bugs for you guys."

I wasn't sure if I should fix the dilemma of Pure Angels from having sex to repopulate. The Brave saint's system wouldn't be created then…hmm, I'll wait until they create it then and then go.

"T-Then, I shall send in a request for this, Jin-kun."

Michael still seemed a bit surprised but agreed with a bright smile, Gabriel was happily nodding along.

"A Man of Miracles, huh?"

Sirzechs repeats the words he said a few months ago as a question as he looked at me. Azazel's eyes widen.

"That's right, I've been meaning to ask you, what the hell are you? Don't bullshit me with 'I am a human' crap, Jin. It's obvious that you're not one."

The silence from the leaders were obvious as they seemed to want to know too, I glance at Vali, he seemed interested, and the girls had smiles on them as they already knew, Kiba and Gasper found out during the five years in the [Pocket Dimension].

I stood up and nod.

"Very well, since we're on this topic, I don't mind revealing what I am."

I will tell them a partial truth—maybe you can look at this as a lie, it doesn't matter. The 'Dragon God' part is a truth, I'm just keeping the 'Outer' part from them.

I focus on my back and unfurl my Outer Dragon God wings, I glance at them, they were black and blue in color, with streaks of gold and red.

"I'm a Human Dragon God Hybrid as you can see from my wings."

The faction leaders, Sitri peerage, and Vali blanky stare at me until…

"Bwahahahaha! A Dragon God! Who would have thought! Holy fuck! Ahaha!"

Azazel burst into laughter as he clutched his stomach, Vali's eyes widen, and Sirzechs shook his head.

'Sera, I'm lying, I'll tell you the full truth in the future…I was a Human Dragon God hybrid though.'

Serafall looked even more surprised when I told her, she nods her as she looks back at Rias and Akeno, they just give her an understanding smile.

"Oh brother, hey Vali! Do you think you can win? Your rival is a Human Dragon God Hybrid! In a way, he's the 'Red Dragon God Emperor', huh?"

"I will best him one day."

He flatly answered.

[Heh, you better.]

Ddraig answered as he left the Sacred Gear.

"Sup, ya'll it's me its yo boy Asmongold."

Everyone looked at him confused. I just put my hand on my forehead, slowly getting a headache.


Azazel starts but I cut him off.

"That is Ddraig, I fully revived him, he still lives in the [Boosted Gear] though, anyway, meet his human form, I guess."

"Hey, white one! Jealous?! I can turn into my dragon form too, fuahahahaha!"

{….I hate you.}

Albion from Vali spoke in disdain, Vali had a defeated look on him and sighed. I force Ddraig back into the [Boosted Gear], and he didn't complain too much…I guess he just wanted to come out and taunt Albion?


"Ara? Time stopped? Huh? wait, Rias's peerage can move, wait what?"

Azazel was confused and looked around him and as well as at Rias's peerage. Meanwhile, Sona's peerage was frozen, even Saji.

Didn't you come to visit us not too long ago and commented on how you couldn't even tell their power levels? I sometimes question your intelligence, Azazel…

"Gasper activated his Sacred Gear, he kept it within the school's limit too, I will praise him later."

"We're under attac—

Splat! Boom! Boom!

"No, we're not."

Michael started but when everyone looked out the window, the magicians that had teleported in started to explode, blood, guts and bones started to explode everywhere.

I could see Vali look outside with a shocked expression, he looks at me and seemed even warier.

"I noticed some magic circles around here for a few days, the same around Kuoh, so I took the liberty of tampering with them. They had the same feeling as the circles the magicians used back then."

"If they teleport in, they'll immediately explode, they better find a different way of coming through."


"Done on your end?"

I explain to them, suddenly I felt Gasper and Shirone teleport into the room.

"Yes, Jin-senpai!"

"…..We got rid of the magicians that tried to get into the clubroom, they teleported outside the club instead, we killed them."

"Jin…you sound like you were aware of this attack…"

I look back outside without uttering a word. It seems like they're teleporting in a different way now, they're not that stupid then.

"Seems like they stopped using them, they're using a different method now. We better repel this attack from Khaos Brigade."

"Talk about timing, Khaos Brigade huh? alright, whatever, Vali—go."

Azazel sighed as he shook his head, Vali nods and jumps out the window.

"[Balance Break!]"

[Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!!]

After Albion shouted, a snow-white aura covered Vali's form, when the light stopped, his body was wrapped in a suit of whole-body armor that emitted a white radiance.

Don don don don!

He flew around quickly disposing of the magicians that had successfully infiltrated the school.

It doesn't seem like 'she' is involved in this. So it's just cutthroat? Fine with me, less hassle too.

"Khaos Brigade, huh? you mentioned that before to us, Azazel. So this is their doing?"

Sirzechs turned to Azazel and questioned him, the Governor nodded.

"Khaos Brigade, that's the organization's name, Jin had told me about it a few months back, I was already aware of it, so I put more manpower into looking into it. It's said that they're gathering dangerous members from all three big powers."

"Some Sacred Gear-possessing humans who have attained Balance Breaker also seem to be included. I've also confirmed a number of Longinus possessors among them."

"Their goal is?"

Michael-san asked that.

"Destruction and mayhem. It's that simple, you know? They don't like this world's peace. They're terrorists. Moreover, they're ill-natured to the extreme."

"The organization's leader WAS the powerful fiendish Dragon beside the Welsh Dragon and Vanishing Dragon—the Ouroboros Dragon, Ophis. But now? I have no idea, maybe Azrael? Kokabiel is dead, some of the Old Satan Faction too."

"What? Then what happened to her?"

Sirzechs was confused, Azazel shrugged and looked at me.

"She's with me, I made her abandon that organization months ago. So, yeah, Azrael and some original Satan descendants are the leaders, maybe others too…"


You are reading story Winds of Change (DxD) at

Serafall repeated.

[That's right, we have new leaders now.]

A magic circle appeared on the floor of the meeting room. When they saw it, all the leaders of the Three Great Powers were shocked. No, Azazel laughed, and Sirzechs made a sour expression.

"...The magic circle of Leviathan."

I muttered as the Gremory peerage look on with frowns on them.

"It's something seen in the books of the Vatican. That's the magic circle of the original Satan Leviathan."

I added.

A tall bespectacled woman with a voluptuous figure had teleported in. She had tan skin with long brown hair tied into a bun with a headset and she had purple eyes. She wore an extremely low-cut dress and it had a high slit which exposed a large portion of her breasts.

"How do you do, current Satan Sirzechs-dono?"

The woman greeted Sirzechs with a fearless tone.

"The one descended from the blood of the previous Leviathan, Katerea Leviathan. What is the meaning of this?"

Before she could continue—Antares grabbed her neck and smashed her to the ground.


"Isn't it obvious, Sirzechs? She's part of Khaos Brigade…who would have thought someone this bitter and sour could be in the same lineage as Ingvild?"

I look at her in disgust, her face started to turn blue. I open my palm and point it at her, I remove her power and put it into my [Inventory].

"Let her go."

Antares nodded and did so. Katerea immediately opened her palm and tried to use a spell…but nothing happened, she looked dumbfounded, and she tried it again….but nothing happened. The panic in her eyes started to set in as she looks at me in disbelief.

"Can't use your powers, huh?"

I tie her up with my [Chains] and let her hang—like Jesus Christ on the cross. I summon a single rabbit.

"Take your time with her."

The rabbit nods and slowly hops towards her.

"You know, I had this rabbit go up Azrael's asshole and had it eat him from the inside, you know?"

Katerea's eyes widen as she started to sweat.  I could feel my shadows starting to kill off the other magicians and other pests that were showing up. I turn back to the beings with me.

"Feel free to get questions out of her, I'll go outside. Lianne, Antares, come. Rias, you lot. Sit tight. I'll deal with this myself….Oh yes."

I summon some slime pills and throw it to Akeno.

"Slime pills, heal her if she nearly dies, gotta keep those answers coming, right?"

"Ufufufu~ of course, Jin~"

Akeno had a cruel grin on her as she licks her lips. Her comrades shivered beside her.

"Wait, Jin! who are these two you brought with you?"

Azazel shouted at me as he looks at me with a bit of fear in his eyes, the fearless Governor, this is weird to see.

"The man is Antares, the King of Dragons and the Monarch of Destruction, he's also my right-hand man. Hmm, he hates everything besides my lovers and people I see as comrades. The woman is Lianne, the steel maiden or lance maiden. That's all you need to know."

With that, I left through the window with the two in tow.

Akeno Himejima

Jin just gave me these pills and the cute rabbit I had seen before was nibbling on Katerea-san's leg. She tried to struggle but couldn't muster up the strength.

"What did Jin do to her?"

Michael asked a bit shocked at the sudden events.

"Jin removed her powers from her, I could feel him store it somewhere else. Right now, she's—"

"As strong as a newborn human baby…He did the same thing to some fallen that went rogue, but they're working for me again, hot damn, Jin…"

Azazel finished my sentence for me as I nod. Her screams started as the rabbit had chewed through her right leg, her bone could be seen. The rabbit continued to eat the severed leg first, how thoughtful of it.

"Lucifer-sama, it's best we interrogate her now before she passes out—or worse dies from shock."

I feel something go into my skirt's pocket. I take it out, it was a note with a small vial. Everyone notices me take this out, I read the letter out loud.

"Dear Akeno,

Jin here. This vial is a truth potion, splash it on that lady and she'll answer all questions asked honestly.

Love Jin."

I smile and walk over to the woman; I take the small cap off the vial and splash it on her face. Serafall-sama runs up to her.

"Katerea-chan why?!"

The woman glared at Serafall Leviathan.

" dare you shamelessly as the one who stole the position of Leviathan from me... I'm descended from the original Leviathan....I was the one suited to be Satan!!!!!!!!!---Ahhhhh!!!"

She managed to say a full sentence before screaming from the pain. Her hate and grudge towards Serafall must have been deep to be able to push down the pain to say that.

We tried to ask more questions but it was met by silence or screaming…I even shoved the pill into her mouth, even without swallowing, the original descendant was healed.

"She won't answer anything…how vexing."

Asteri shook her head as the other leaders agreed with her.

Kiba-kun raises his hand, the leaders look at him and gave him a nod.

"We can wait for Jin-senpai to come back, he can extract or look through memories…"

"No need, Kiba-san."

We all turn to a new voice—no it's a voice that we—the Gremory group were used to…it was Cúntóir.

"You are?"

Azazel asks wary of the new person here.

"An affiliate of Jin, I can read her memories right now."

Another surprise for the leaders, she smiles at them and then at us. Cúntóir walks over to Katerea and touches her head. She stands there for a few moments before removing her hand, she turns and shakes her head at us.

"It seems a higher power had erased the essential parts of her memories, however, Creuserey Asmodeus and Shalba Beelzebub are part of Khaos Brigade, Nilrem a group of magicians are within their ranks…the ones attacking us currently."

"A faction called 'Qlippoth' is also part of Khaos Brigade, however, she does not have much information about it. The Hero Faction contains humans with Sacred gears, wielders of holy or demonic swords or…possessors of Longinus Sacred gears."

"And finally…"

Cúntóir looks at Azazel as he raises a brow, he and the leaders had been listening intently.

"Team Vali, the White Dragon Emperor has defected to Khaos Brigade, for quite some time."

Azazel's eyes widen as the other leaders look at him.

"You didn't know?"

"Of course not! Doesn't my reaction sound genuine?! …..sorry, I lost my cool. Haaa, so, no, I didn't, I had my suspicions though, but nothing concrete."

"My work here is done, goodbye."

Cúntóir bows to us and disappears. The rabbit also disappears, is Jin finished? I put another pill into her mouth as she is healed.

"We need to check outsi—"



We quickly leave and join Jin outside.

Jin Skyward

"So, do you like playing pretend, Vali?"

I slowly float up as do Lianne and Antares. I stare at Vali as he retracts his helmet and grins at me.

"Heh, you already knew because of Kuroka so I don't care. But I am serious about this, Jin. I will kill 'him' and surpass you, being a terrorist will just give me more freedom."

Knowing Vali he won't accept the handouts of Azrael's blood, if what Nyarlathotep said was true, then Azrael is just a glorified human blood bag, probably just tied up somewhere, having needles stuck into him to extract the blood so they can power up.

Is this a fate worse than death? Is he even conscious? I won't know until I find him again…did she amplify his blood even more? I don't think the Hero Faction will accept…no, they might. They do use [Chaos Drive] and [Chaos Break], so…using Azrael's blood isn't too far from them.

"Reni won't like this, you know. She'll scold you."

"....Shut up and fight me."

Vali snaps his fingers and two magic circles appear behind him, two giant monsters appear…Divine Beasts, no weaker, like the ones Ddraig killed.

"Lianne, Antares, take care of them. I'll play with Vali for a little bit. Cúntóir, help them out in there."

The two of them nod, twitch and the two 'Divine Beasts' explode and die. How pitiful. The magicians had stopped teleporting in, my shadows—Igris, Greed, Tank, and Kaisel were spread around the school watching Vali intently.

Cúntóir leaves in a ball of light and her human form appears just outside the window, she then goes in.

"Your little toys are dead, Vali. You're the only one left, we have some faction leaders, the Gremory peerage, Lianne, Antares, and my shadows. Do you think you can win?"


Vali didn't answer me as he looked around his surroundings and assessed his situation, I know you're a smart one, Vali. Think carefully, but I won't wait forever.

I look at him apathetically and clap my hands horizontally.


The gravity around Vali changes as he's thrown into the ground below, I had changed it to be times ten thousand on him, I trust he can survive that. I look at him as he's bleeding furiously.

[Partner, you said to Reni you wouldn't kill him.]

I know. I won't.


I turn around and see that everyone had come out. I nod at them.

"Any useful information from her?"

"Yes, we can work with what we got; we didn't get a chance to thank…Cúntóir-san."

Sirzechs answers my question as they look at the downed Vali below. Azazel cracks up but shakes his head.

"Yo Vali! You doing okay down there? How about you come quietly so we can ask some questions."



I had reduced the gravity power and Vali used all his power to break free. He was still bleeding but flew back up.

"Haaa….haaa….I'm not done yet, Jin…I still have 'that'…"

"You really think that will work, Vali Lucifer?"


The area went silent after I revealed his real name, and Vali started to laugh.

"….Heh, yeah I am."

"I'm a descendent of the previous generation's Satan Lucifer who died. However, I'm a child of mixed blood born from a father who was the old Satan's grandson and a human mother."

"I obtained the Vanishing Dragon's Sacred Gear because I'm half-human. It was just by chance. However, I, who is a true blood relative of Lucifer and is also the Vanishing Dragon, was born. If there really is such a thing as fate and miracles, I may be that. —Just joking."

The rest of the devils that didn't know were staring at Vali in disbelief.

"It's true. If there is such a ridiculous existence, it's him. He'll become the strongest White Dragon Emperor among those I knew in the past and present, and probably of all time as well."

For the ones who still didn't believe, Azazel confirmed it for them.

"Too bad for you though, Vali. This thing is even more special."

Azazel points at me, Antares glares at him as he backs away with his hands waving at him defensively.

"That still doesn't change the fact that you're still surrounded, Vali."

"Then I'll use [Juggernaut Drive] to escape, even if it means wiping out some of this town."

{Vali, do not recklessly enter Juggernaut Drive…it may… remove Ddraig's curse.}

"It'll work about, Albion. [I, who am about to awaken, Am the Heavenly Dragon—]"

{Don't act rashly, Vali! Is it your desire to be at the mercy of my power!?}

Albion was worried for him, how cute. I cock my hand back and sent a strong shockwave towards Vali.

Dooooom!!!! Sphhshhhhh

"Kaaah!! That hurts! What the heck?!"

A man wearing armor that would be worn by a military commander of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms suddenly appeared and 'blocked' my attack, he was injured though. One of his arms was bleeding badly.

So, Bikou came, huh? he did well blocking that, even though I held back quite considerably

"Vali, I've come for you."

It was a young man with a refreshing-looking face. He spoke to Vali cheerfully.

"So it's Bikou. What have you come for?"

Vali asked the guy as he coughed up a bit more blood, and he wiped it away.

"Isn't that cruel? I made a long journey and came all the way to this island country because my partner is in a pinch, you know? The other guys were making a fuss at headquarters, you know?"

"Because we're joining together to fight the northern country Gods, you were supposed to flee and return right away if the mission failed, right? Katerea failed to assassinate Michael, Azazel, and Lucifer, right? In that case, your observation role is also over. Come back with me."

"...I see, so it's already time."

In their own world and pace as usual. Whatever, it's fine. Vali isn't some world-ending threat, I'll just beat him up again and have Reni beat him up too. I can let him go. He will be useful later on.

"To think I would see the descendent of the fighting Buddha here, the world is full of surprises, huh?"

Bikou stared at me and started to laugh.

"I like you already, Red Dragon Emperor!"

Bikou was looking at me with a giant grin.

"To say it correctly, he is a monkey Youkai that has inherited Sun Wukong's power. However, it really is the end of the world if even you have joined the Khaos Brigade."

"No, you're the Sun Wukong to the Vanishing Dragon. You're also well-matched."

He laughed at Azazel's words while patting Vali on the back, the guy looked annoyed. He is still hurt after all.

"I'm different from the First Generation that became a Buddha. I just live doing whatever I want. My name is Bikou. Nice to meet you, Red Dragon Emperor."

He casually greeted me. The Youkai called Bikou spun around a cane that was in his hand, and then pierced it into the area behind him.

Instantly, a black darkness spread behind them. It enveloped Vali and Bikou and made them completely sink into it.

"Jin. I'll come back stronger the next time we meet."

"I'll come back with an angry Reni the next time we meet."

"...….Hurry up, Bikou."

The wrath of Reni, huh? I probably won't experience that. The two completely vanish, I turn to everyone as they look at me questioningly. I put my hand up and restore the destroyed environment.

"Is it alright to let him go, Master?"

Antares asked me.

"Vali isn't a threat, the same can be said for his team. I'll drag them back to our side, kicking and screaming in the future, leave them to me, no, I know for a fact they'll switch sides. You have the middleman guarantee."

I can also read his mind in the future to see what those fucks have planned when he joins our side, at the very least I'll know the deal with Cao Cao. Yasaka won't be kidnapped by them since Sharon is with them, she also much stronger, the same with Kunou. How will that part of the events work?

Let's give it a try…I close my eyes and try to look into the future…


I stood in front of a giant eye again.


'Fuck you too.'

I leave, what a waste.

I come back and see Azazel looking around him, looking strangely satisfied with himself, I cleaned this up, you know. I'm the reason you still have your arm, you know?

[Partner, they don't know. Leave it.]

{It feels like…you become aggressive, Jin.}

'Perhaps he's going back to being the 'asshole' in his past?'


I'm not…probably, I'll try correct it. Whatever…

"Whatever, let's get this treaty signed already. I want to go home and sleep."

Azazel dismissed what I said and turned around to say that to the other faction leaders. They chuckled at him.

"Jin already took care of the repairs after all…wait the window is back to normal, dammit, Jin!"

"Quit bitching and just go use the normal way you lazy crow."

I glare at him and he grumbled something as he flew back down to the entrance, everyone else did the same thing.

"Right, once I fix Heaven's system, Asia, Xenovia, you two can pray again. It's nice seeing you two again, Griselda, Irina."

"I'll also have a word with Michael about projects being done by the church around the world, can't have more tragedies like that now can we, Kiba?"

I said this as the leaders had already gone inside, Asia and Xenovia smiled at me and thanked me. The same with Kiba.

"Thank you, Jin."

"Likewise, Jin, it's been an interesting two months…"

"You too, Boss!"

"Jin-senpai, will you need my [Sword of Betrayer]?"

"When the time comes, I'll ask for it, I can make holy demonic swords myself but it'll be better to have the one who made it from his Sacred gears."

He again nods at me as we continue forward. Griselda and Irina also greet me. I decide to leave the Gremory group plus Irina and Griselda, I'm still the 'Middleman' during this after all.

Azazel spoke to Michael as we walked, our escorts or bodyguards behind us.

"Michael, I'll leave the explaining to the Valhalla guys to you. After all, it would be problematic for me to move imprudently. Afterwards, you'll have to convey what happened today to Mt. Sumeru as well."

"I can do—"

"You don't have connections to Mt. Sumeru yet, Jin. Leave this to us for now, we can't keep asking you to do everything. Since we're going to sign the treaty, let us do it."

Azazel interrupts me, I nod, very well. I indeed have not received any notifications from the Hindu mythology, I look forward to seeing them, especially Shiva, the God of Destruction.

"Yes, leave this to me, Jin-kun. Since there would be no persuasive power if either the Governor of the Fallen Angels or the Satans or if you explained things, I'll have to tell them. I'm accustomed to reporting to God after all."

Azazel declared behind to the Fallen Angel that had appeared and were following us.

"I have chosen peace. The Fallen Angels won't fight with the Angels and Devils at all from now on. Those who are dissatisfied with this may leave. However, I'll kill you without reservation the next time we meet. Only those who want to follow may come with me."

"We will live for the sake of Governor Azazel till the day we die!"

The subordinates' loyalty became a roar. Azazel saw this and expressed his gratitude with a smile and thank you.

"Thank you."

This was the first time I have seen the man with such a genuine expression. He looks at me with a smirk.

"The White Dragon who seeks power, and the Red Dragon who seeks comfort and love. Either one is purely simple that it's shocking. I can't wait to see how this world ends up."

"A Human Devil Hybrid, the White Dragon Emperor, and a Human Dragon God Hybrid, the Red Dragon Emperor, you two will surely shake this world to its core. Haha! Fun times are ahead of us!"

Azazel laughed to himself as the other leaders and I shake our heads, it will be, for better or worse. We got to the room, everyone sat down and a piece of paper was summoned.

On this day:

Heaven's representative Head Angel Michael, Governor Azazel of the Fallen Angel central organization Grigori, the Underworld's representative Satan Sirzechs Lucifer, with these representatives of the Three Great Powers, a peace treaty was signed.

Thereafter, disputes between the Three Great Powers were prohibited in the framework of cooperation. This treaty adopted its name from our school which became its stage, and was called the:

[Kuoh Treaty].

They also had me sign it as a witness.

Jin's household

I along with the Gremory peerage, minus Kiba and Gasper as they continued their way home, had arrived back in my home.

Jima, Beru, and Querehsha quickly appeared before me kneeling.

"Any problems?"

"None at all, my liege."

Beru answered and the other two nodded along. Reni came running out with Kuroka with… make-up?

"Beru-chan! Jima-chan! We weren't done trying make-up on the both of you! Eh? Jin! welcome back!"


The two of them hug me, and I hug them back….but now that I look at it, these two have some mascara on and a few blushes applied to their cheek. Is this an honor? Or a humiliation? Beru felt proud of it, Jima was neutral, and Querehsha had a smirk and was eyeing them.

"Is that so? Alright, return or finish what you were doing."

They nod, Querehsha immediately returned, it seemed she wasn't doing anything of importance, Jima and Beru let themselves be dragged away by the two girls to have their makeup done. I turn and nod at Lianne and Antares.

Antares went back inside my ring; Lianne changed her clothing to her casual clothing as the two of us walk into the living room. During this time the Gremory peerage had already walked past us and into the living room, they had apparently changed clothes too.

I sat down and a few girls sit beside me, Lianna went to Grayfia as they had tea and spoke.


Should I ask this question now? Or later? I wasn't sure… later, not everyone that's either 'officially' or 'unofficially' part of my harem is present. I need to ask them on whether they want to stay with me forever or not, I can expand their lifespans to a high number or give them immortality like Reni.

I don't know some of their answers. Asia on the spur of the moment during a lewd moment said she wants to be with me forever, perhaps I already have someone else? I'll need to ask that again…or should I ask them individually at different times?

[All at once.]


'The ones you suspect that may answer 'yes' ask them individually, for the ones that you suspect to be unsure…I am not sure. Perhaps also individually? They may feel pressure to answer a certain way if asked in a group, Jin. Much like public proposals.'

Cúntóir: Answer: I agree with Rudra, ask some of them by themselves, much like Lavinia Reni.

[Alright, I change my answer, what Rudra said.]

Hmm, I see. Alright, I'll do that…I need the right time though. I'll start with Asia then…I'll do it soon then.

[Targeting the blondes as per usual I see.]


A few days later

Kuoh Academy

It was nearly the end of school, for the day and for summer. Anyway, I had felt Azazel here, it seems he's applied to be a teacher here, I could see the Gremory peerage, more specifically Akeno and Rias had noticed.

Sona and Tsubaki were already aware as he had to speak with them first to get in. Rias seemed a little irritated all day since she felt his presence in the school, but hasn't outright shown it.

After School

Occult Research Clubroom

"And so, from today on, I'll be the advisor of this Occult Research Club. Please call me Azazel-sensei. Or Governor is fine too."

When we entered the clubroom Azazel was already there, sitting on Rias' chair by her desk. He was wearing a worn-out suit as he twirled around a pen in his hand.

"I've felt your presence all day, why are you here?"

Touching her forehead with her hand, Rias was in a perplexed state.

"Hah! I was requested to take this position by Serafall's little sister! Well, it's because I'm a super-cool guy. I score even with schoolgirls!"

That's really questionable there,'re proud of 'scoring' with High schoolgirls?

[87 quintillion...]

Shut up, Ddraig.



You too Albion, shut up.

"Why would Sona do such a thing? —no, why would Onii-sama…"

"Who cares about the detail, Rias Gremory? I was told by Serafall's sister that this was requested by Sirzechs. That's why she requested me."

"The condition for me staying at this school is that I make the immature Sacred Gears possessed by the Devils of the Gremory family grow. Well, I can help I guess...but seeing you guys, I doubt I can do much at this point, Jin-Jin has that handled."

….Jin-Jin? did he hear that from…?

"However, my knowledge as a Sacred Gear enthusiast is still useful after all. You guys have also heard about it, but there is a weird organization called the Khaos Brigade, from Jin, right?"

They nod.

"As a future deterrent against them, the [Welsh Dragon] and your family have become famous."

"Rather than that, I'm an expert on the opposing [Vanishing Dragon]. From the information I got on him, I know that Vali has his own team, well Cúntóir-san told me, but I had my suspicions, she just confirmed it for me."

"She called it [Team Vali or Vali Team] several people are gathering around the ones who've been identified at present, Vali Lucifer and Sun Wukong."

"I know the rest of his team, minus Kuroka who has essentially been 'kicked' out."

"Go on."

Dawning a serious expression, Azazel urged me on.

"As you know the leader and founder is Vali Lucifer, the White Dragon Emperor, next is Bikou, a descendant of Sun Wukong and current Monkey King, Arthur Pendragon, also a descendent of the original King Arthur as well as Morgan le Fay."

"Arthur is currently in the possession of Excalibur Ruler. Finally, Le Fay Pendragon, a descendent of Morgan Le Fay and King Arthur, she is the younger sister of Arthur Pendragon. She's a very skilled magician even though she's quite young."


The room falls into silence, they absorb what I had just revealed, especially Azazel…he breathes a hot sigh and leans back.

"That's quite a team Vali has rounded up, a bunch of descendants, huh? do you have any idea on future members he might recruit?"

"So…this Arthur fellow has Excalibur Ruler, huh?"

Xenovia seemed interested, the same with Kiba. A fellow swordsman they could fight.

"As of now? No."

I do, but….since this world is different, they are not a guarantee anymore. Fenrir the God-Devouring wolf, Gogmagog.

The Gogmagogs were originally a group of Golems that were created by the Ancient Gods to be used as mass-produced weapons of destruction. The Gogmagogs, however, were eventually abandoned by the Ancient Gods who deactivated all of them and abandoned them in the Dimensional Gap.

Later members Vali recruits are, Sha Wujing a young youkai and a descendant of the original Sha Wujing from the Chinese epic novel Journey to the West. The other Zhu Bajie, another youkai, and descendant of Zhu Bajie, from the same epic novel.

"Whatever, we know that Vali won't attack again, since the three powers' leaders won't converge for a while. But before that, summer vacation is coming up."

Azazel agreed with me as he continued.

"That's right. The first term is ending soon, so use this time to get stronger…well okay, just do something productive, since I can't really tell how powerful you all are anymore. Hone your powers—Jin has probably said that, right?"

They nod and sigh.

"Oh, that's right, so, according to what I've heard, there's going to be a meeting of young Devils soon, right? I heard Rias Gremory was included among the names of promising young Devils that are close to debuting."

"Yes, noble families and old families meet together with several young Devils. It seems to be a custom."

That's also happening…I'll meet Sairaorg there again. I wonder how he's been…?

A few days later

I was walking home, and around noon I noticed an unknown presence had entered Kuoh, however, they weren't hostile, a hint of divinity or such was coming from them, so, I didn't act. They may be looking for me.


They finally reached me as I had been in the shopping district getting groceries, I had left and was on the way home. That's when they appeared and approached me. In front of me was someone in a brown hood.

"Jin Skyward-san, Middleman, correct?"

I nod.

"An invitation to Mount Olympus in Greece. You may come anytime during your summer vacation."

They approach me, and give me the letter, they bow and vanish….Mount Olympus, huh? so, I'm finally being confronted by the Greek Gods…but since the Peace Treaty has been signed and it's been spread all throughout the supernatural world…

It's only a matter of time until I'm approached by more factions and pantheons. I need to go back to the Fae, Kyoto, and Asgard…now I have to go to Olympus too.


I wonder how that will go? considering the number of personalities these Gods have...


"Sorry for contacting you like this, Shemhazai. So that's why I'll be staying here for a while."

[Understood. However, Azazel. There are also subordinates who don't think kindly of you for this peace—]

"It's fine. It doesn't matter. Leaving that aside, it's you that I'm worried about. —Your kid will be born, right?"

[...Azazel. I...I!]

"Take good care of that Devil wife of yours. She's a good woman for coming this far to be with you even though she might be killed. Your child will become the bridge between Devils and Fallen Angels."

[I would have been happy if I alone had been resented...! F-For you to be so...!]

"Don't cry, my comrade. I'm used to being resented. I'll shoulder everything with these twelve black wings, so just be silent and follow me, Shemhazai!"

[—! Yes, my master! actually...someone else has been helping me and her for quite some time...]

"Hmmm? who would that be?"

[...Jin-san, he has provided me with various things, he gave my wife and soon-be-born child a pair of necklaces, they can apparently nullify magical and physical attacks within a certain radius, as well as projectiles that come into contact with the 'barrier' it produces.]

[Even...some of the clothing's he gave us, they have some sort of safety runes on them....He told me they can't be replicated, so...if you tried to...]

"I see, I know, I won't...that brat, so he knew, huh?"

[ seems so....I'm grateful to him too...]

"Yeah...trying to be cool, I'm going to go hit him. I'll see you soon, my comrade."



Nine Realms

"—And that is the report from Michael-dono, Odin-sama."

"These youngsters have sprung back up. It's a bold thing pretending to be God, that damn Michael. Heh, looks like Jin-boy really pulled it off..."

"What shall we do? It was unexpected that the God recorded in the Holy Bible has died."

"Really, with that youngster Michael, that fake Lucifer, and that naughty kid Azazel, it's a play gathering of little brats."

"Then, shall we teach those youngsters what we, the Asgard, the true Gods, are like?"

"Freyr, I won't be able to respond to a war engulfing the world after so long with my old body. However, the earnestness of these youngsters is interesting. I'll go watch the Rating Games of the Devils."

"Also, Jin won't stand by and let war happen, he may end us all. We're in a good relationship with him, you haven't met him, yet, right?"

"I have not, I look forward to meeting him on his next visit, and yes, they do seem interesting, don't they? the Rating games."

"It does seem fun. The struggling of these youngsters who have lost their God. Now then, what will they do from now on? I'm also curious on what Jin-boy will do, the worlds become even more interesting...that power he exuded..."

"It was nothing else like we have felt, Odin-sama."

"Aye, I'll leave him to Rossweisse, they seem to get along. Heh, that little Valkyrie is growing up too. Jin, take care of her..."


Last day of School

Jin Skyward

The day before summer vacation, we were at the closing ceremony, it was hot and humid, Kouta had passed out earlier and was rushed to the nurse's office, poor dude. Najima doesn't seem that good either but he's holding on.

Finally, it ended as music was played through the speakers, the principal had left the stand and both staff and students heaved a sigh of relief. They could finally get out of the heat.

"I thought I was going to die!"

Najima's hand clung to my shoulder as he started to fan himself with his other hand, many other students doing the same thing. We were going back to our classrooms to gather up our things and then we were free for the summer.

"Got any plans? If you don't, we can hang out, you, me, and Kouta."

"I'm sorry man, but I'll be going back to Ireland this summer…I'll try to get back and try to make it work, but no promises."

"Ahhh—don't worry about it then, you're visiting relatives there, right?"


If the meeting up with multiple powers of factions and pantheons is what you call visiting relatives, then sure, why not?


"Alright see you dude, I'll try to get laid!"

….Who says that to their friend as parting words? I sigh to myself and put my things into my 'bag' in reality I dumped them into my [Inventory]


I feel Akeno hug me from behind. The rest of the students were too busy leaving to care or were too excited for the break. I turn around and hug her back.

"Ready for your Underworld vacation?"

"Ufufufu~, of course, ~ a summer full of training, flirting, and sex~"

….Not what I meant, Akeno. But yeah, I do plan on moving forward with a lot of relationships, on top of going to those places. I just hope there isn't too much crap that happens.

I, Ingvild, and the Gremory peerage left the school, it was summer. A long one…

Kuoh Academy Senior High School

End of First Semester:

Occult Research Club:

Advising Teacher: Azazel (Fallen Angel Governor)

President: Rias Gremory (King), Third Year Student,

Remaining Pieces: 1 Rook, 8 Pawns

Vice-President: Akeno Himejima (Queen), Third-Year Student

Club Members:

Jin Skyward, Third Year Student (Middleman, Red Dragon Emperor)

Ingvild Leviathan (Kyrie), Third Year Student

Shirone (Koneko) Toujou (Rook), First Year Student

Kiba Yuuto (Knight), Second Year Student

Xenovia Quarta (Knight), Second Year Student

Asia Argento (Bishop), Second Year Student

Gasper Vladi (Bishop), First Year Student

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