Winds of Change (DxD)

Chapter 46: Volume 3 – Chapter 8 – Part 3 – Sirens, Harpies and…

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Little Olympus

Jin Skyward

Morning came, and we were all downstairs having breakfast that Terrance made. It's really good…

"Hey, Terrance."

"What's up, boss?"

"I've only eaten breakfast here for two days and probably for the next week. It's really good…so, how much for the recipe book?"

Terrance was still reading a book a table away from us as we ate our breakfast. As per usual, Serafall wasn't a morning person and looked like she was dug up from her grave and became a zombie.

"Hehe, I appreciate the compliment boss, but I don't have one since all of the food I've made has come from my own head, the recipes are in there."

He looks up from his book and taps his head with a grin. I see... Unfortunately, the girls seemed to like it—especially Irina, she's already having her second helping.


Complying with Serafall's cute demand, I take her spoon and put it towards her mouth, she lazily and tiredly takes a bit, chews, swallows, and then sighs—satisfied for some reason. She was sitting to my right, while to my left was…


A silent Griselda is eating, she looks weirdly elegant while eating…I hadn't noticed that back then when she had dinner at my house. I guess I was too preoccupied, across from us was Valerie with Irina to her left and Penemue to her right….on Valerie's lap was Ophis.

Since her confession she had become even more open with everyone else, I mean she was already on the way there. But I guess thanks to that she's a lot friendlier now, that's why she was sitting on Valerie's lap feeding her at times.

This would have been impossible to think a few months ago—she only ever did that for me but seeing this scene in front of me was quite special, she's learning to trust more people around her, in a more…healthy way—unlike what she did with Khaos Brigade.

She sees me looking at her, she tilts her head while smiling. Yeah, she does look cute with a smile on her.

"So, what are we doing today, Jin? we still have around six days left before the Tournament of Power. After that we'll be leaving, right? Will you try forming an alliance with them?"

Penemue stops eating her share as she asks me a question without looking up. She's been enjoying her time here; I doubt she would want to leave so suddenly.

"I want to find Hermes and ask him more about this world since he's a God and all, the more information the better, right? As for an alliance? I'll see in six days, if I get a better reputation here, then they might just ask for it. But this is more of….a meet and greet, like what I did with the Three Great Powers back then, the same with the Fae and Kyoto."

"If that's the case, I can tell you more about our realm, boss. Anything, in particular, you want to know?"

Jumping into the conversation, Terrance puts his book down and looks at me with an expectant look. What a nice guy, gotta tip him well before we leave at the end of the week.

"Honestly? Anything at all. Are there other races spread out in the realm? How big is it? Anything dangerous to look out for? Any significant places to look out for?"

Terrance nods and closes his eyes; he goes silent for around two minutes and during that time we kept eating our breakfast.

"You may know that the 'monsters' like Typhon are located at another place in the human world with their own realm, right? With that in mind, we do have other races and creatures here—while it wasn't as big and diverse hundreds of years ago…Zeus has become a lot more open-minded, probably due to your actions across the supernatural world."

"Anyway, there's a large body of water—well an ocean to the west of Little Olympia. There is a small little city that is mostly inhabited by Sirens, both men, and women. I trust you've seen some here?"

I nod, yeah, I have…well only at the Red-light district so far but I'll assume there are some that aren't only at that place.

"They're quite friendly—but only a few years ago it almost fell due to a tyrant leader of theirs. If our leader is Zeus, then that Siren was more or less like…a mayor of that town? They had power and influence in just that place."

"So, is it like an underwater city?"

"No, they can live both aboveground and underwater—but there are three types of Sirens. One, like the merfolk, ones that are like harpies and a hybrid, which are rare. Hybrid Sirens have the top half of a harpy—so wings and feathers and the bottom half as merfolk."

"Their city is both aboveground and underground. The sirens like mermaids have no problems going aboveground and staying there, but the ones with wings have a harder time staying underwater."

"Hybrids have both advantages so they've in a way…considered the 'top' of their race….to the North of Little Olympia is the haven for Harpies. They live in a city in the skies, they made it themselves, it's like a floating city."

"Like the Sirens, they have their leader that leads them, they don't get involved in the political side of our realm since the Gods have the last and final say. They're an interesting bunch—"

"They like asking for sex? I've seen way too many in the Red-light district when Hermes dragged us there last night."

Terrance let out a little chuckle and nodded.

"Yes, they're quite…concupiscent. That's why their leader has made it that they can only have one or two children per household, otherwise, there would be way too many of them…a shortage of food, housing, and other things will, you know…"

"East from here is the territory of the Lamia's, they're made up of only women. They need to take male lovers from different races to populate. Even then, only females are born such an odd race they are."

"So, they have a Queen and a temporary King, when he dies, they'll find another. There is a limit in how many men they can bring, and that's one."

Sounds a lot like Tír na nÓg, except for the only one-man part, it's like an infinite harem for that lucky guy.

"Finally, South from here is…actually shared by two races, the minotaurs, and orcs. They mostly share their land so there have been minotaur and orc hybrids popping up over the last hundred years. The race can have both females and males."

"Both their races pride themselves in strength, so they joined hand in hand and they have a King and Queen in that city of theirs. Generally, they want one Orc and one Minotaur as King and Queen. It doesn't matter which is which."

"Currently, there is a Queen Orc and King Minotaur. Also don't think those are the only races found out there, while they're the more…prominent ones, there are smaller groups around and in-between them."

"Such as Elves, youkai, and others…like the Gorgons that live here, but they're quite few and far between. Most have gone into hiding in the human realm because of a certain incident and myth, you've heard of them, right?"

"…The Three Gorgon sisters? Was Athena responsible?"

He silently nods. I see, so, Medusa does exist in this world, then what about the other two? Stheno and Euryale? Wait, what about Cao Cao's 'Medusa eye' what's going to happen to that?

"They look nearly identical—the stranger part is…they don't look like your typical Gorgons which was what made them famous…they had humanoid bodies! Anyway, Stheno and Euryale are quite close—meanwhile, the third sister, Medusa is…an outcast, they have bad blood I guess?"

This is getting complicated, how does Perseus tie into this then? And how does the Sacred Gear [Aegis Mineralization] come into it? Doesn't it have the powers of Medusa? To be able to petrify things?

Cúntóir, where are they?

Cúntóir: Answer: Stheno and Euryale….are dead, recently deceased. They died around twelve years ago, meanwhile…Medusa's aura….vanished, I cannot locate her.

So, she got to her then, huh? a powered-up Medusa by Nyarlathotep…I wonder if she can be talked out of it? Did she have a grudge against her sisters? …Hey, can those two be revived?

Cúntóir: Answer: No, with Nyarlathotep's help, their souls were completely erased from existence—in this world—this timeline.

So maybe we can assume she's part of the Monkai Association? Or just laying low somewhere in the human world…

"Thank you, Terrance. We'll take a look at all of these then, and of course whatever else we come across before the start of the Tournament of Power."

"Glad I could help, boss. But please don't hesitate to ask Hermes, he may know more than I do."

He gave me a thumbs up and went back to reading his book….when I look back down at my food, it was all gone. I look at Serafall, she hasn't recovered yet so…she isn't the suspect…next was Ophis.

She wasn't guilty I can tell from her emotions and confused look, Valerie is also a no, Penemue was…looking at Griselda? The same with Irina, though she looked horrified. I turn to look at her, but she had her face turned away from mine…

"Griselda…were you that hungry? You could have just asked for a second serving…"

"…Forgive me, your conversation with Terrance…lasted longer than my stomach anticipated…"


"——Pfft, it's fine, hey Terrance another serving for the both of us."

"Roger that!"

Terrance quickly left as Irina held her laughter in…due to Griselda 'smiling' at her. I wonder how long it took her to perfect that 'smile' of hers. Though, she was also blushing. Terrance quickly came back with our food.

"Huuuu…I'm stuffed! That's what breakfast should be like! I can live a happy life if I can eat like that every day…"

Irina patted her stomach as we left the Inn after finishing our breakfast, Ophis had gone back into the necklace after greeting everyone. Our current goal as of now—was to look for Hermes. I already pinpointed his location and we were on the way there. He's already out and about helping out the residents of Little Olympia.

"Then why not move in with us, Irina? You said you wanted to transfer to Kuoh Academy, right? Jin's home is pretty close and you already tasted his cooking."


Valerie….suggested for Irina to live with me while giving very enticing points. Irina herself looked at me with starry eyes—almost begging me to say yes. I don't know what to say, I mean…isn't it up to whoever your superior is? Er—it's Michael, right?

Also, wasn't the reason for you transferring to Kuoh Academy for a mission? For Michael to have someone there in his faction. The Devils had a lot already, Azazel himself was there and so Irina was the one for the Angels.

"Bo—Sister Griselda!!!"

"…It is up to Michael-sama, however, I do think he will agree to it. Seeing as how we need an angel in Kuoh Academy as the three other powers have their own members there already, it's time for Heaven to join."

"…I will suggest that the both of us go. Perhaps I can become a physical education teacher? Or even a nurse…"

I didn't expect that, and neither did Irina as she was just staring at Griselda in shock…if she becomes the P.E teacher, then Roygun can still become the nurse…though having two nurses wouldn't be bad…right? A sister and devil.

"Yes, Boss!!!"


"Yes, Sister Griselda!"

"Oya? If it isn't Jin and his merry harem. How can I help you?"

Griselda lightly smacks Irina and she quickly corrected herself. Hermes came out of a shop as he pats himself down, he greets us as he looks quite tired already.

"We're looking for you, actually—"

I proceed to tell him why I was looking for him. I also told him what I knew and who told me that information, Hermes nods along.

"Hmm-hmm, I see, I see. Well! That Inn owner basically told you how this realm works. Other Gods sometimes have their own little…domain across the world or they just go wandering about since Zeus is the leader."

"We only ever assemble when he calls us, of course, not all of us appear as you know—not all Greek Gods came to meet you that day. Hmmm~ the elves, Artemis frequently visits them as she teaches them archery and swordsmanship."

"While she's better at using the bow—she isn't bad with a sword. Demeter visits the Lamias and Harpies quite often too, Chronos is in good standings with the Orcs and Minotaurs of the South, as well as the Sirens of the West. If you're lucky, you'll see them there when you visit."

"Unfortunately, there are no immediate dangers in our realm, as Zeus and the other Gods, like myself took care of those problems in the past. So, there are no known present dangers here, so just go and explore without worrying too much."

Apart from the 'Evil' Gods, you have a point. But I won't be letting my guard down...but those Gods and Goddesses visit those places, huh? at least I can interact with them then.

"Okay, thanks for the heads up, Hermes. Let's get goi—"


Hmm? I turn around and see Hestia and Hephaestus.

"W-W-Where did your eye patch go?! W-Wait! Your eye! Oh, sweet panties in a frier! It's normal?!"

Hermes proceeds to freak out behind me, from the tone of voice and the emotions I felt…he was genuinely surprised. The calm look on Hephaestus's face changed into a glare as she glared down at Hermes who let out an 'ugh' sound.

"Hestia and Hephaestus, how can I help you? But hmmm, you do look good with or without that eye patch, Hephaestus."

"Oh~ you know, Miss Hephaestus wanted to see you of—ow!"


Hephaestus smacked Hestia on the head, it did feel heavy too…she was sporting a small blush. She turned back to me and nodded.

"I didn't get a chance to thank you last night. So, I'm here to do that today…thank you, and if you need anything made in the future….no, any help that I can provide. Don't hesitate to do so, Jin."

She puts her hand out for a handshake. I look at it and couldn't help but grin, I shake her and firmly.

"Sure thing."

"Ah~ friendship~"

I look at the girls and nod.

"We'll get going then. I'll see you guys around—probably when the Tournament of Power starts…actually, here, my phone number…assuming you guys have modern phones."

I summon three pieces of paper and gave it to them. Hestia was huffing as Hermes chuckled behind me.

"Of course, we have phones, we're not cavemen or women, Jin. Thank you though."

"West first then, to the Sirens…"

I rarely use you, Ddraig, so let's go. I summon the [Boosted Gear] and—

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!]

[Oi!!! Am I just transportation now?!]

Ignoring him—I brought out my wings, and so did the girls. Valerie opted to be carried by me as she jumped towards me and I caught her…sheesh. We flew up, and the three of them wave at us as some residents were staring at us.

I heard a few shouts indicating some recognized me. We then started to fly in that of the reasons as to why I wanted to fly there and instead of just teleporting is…well, Terrance said it himself. There are more than what he mentioned.

I also want to see the scenery and landscape here. I look behind me as Penemue had slowed down to help Griselda and Irina…right they're new to this. They only recently become reincarnated Angels.

Looking below us…it was still wide fields and a few trees, a small body of water, and a few giant boulders around. We can land for a bit and help them get accustomed to flying.

"Hey, let's land. I forgot you two just recently got your wings. We can help you get accustomed really quickly."

Irina had a thankful look…but props to her as she managed to fly for a full two minutes before I turned around. We landed on the ground as Penemue gave instructions to the both of them in flying. Even though I said I would give pointers…I'm as useless. It just came naturally to me.

Instead, Ddraig came out and gave them instructions—they were surprised and in awe to see the [Welsh Dragon] in his human form and in the flesh. I feel like the dude is starting to act more and more like Veldora…

{He is, almost like a fanboy…it's weird.}

'I wish you luck on the day they meet, Jin.'

...I have a feeling it will be quite…exhausting when that day does come—

"It's like this, you idiot!—"

"No, wrong! They—we are angels! Even if I'm a Fallen now, I was once a pure angel! So, it's like this!—"

The two of them started to argue…meanwhile Irina and Griselda started to float and fly around a bit, flapping their wings and seeing how they can move around with them. They look at each other and nodded, that was quick…fast learners, and great.


"Alright you two, enough. These two learned already, both of your pointers helped—let's go with that, alright?"

They stopped arguing to look at the two angels. Ddraig had a victoriously smug look on him as Penemue looked irritated at the dragon. He does a weird pose and gives a victory sign before vanishing back into the [Boosted Gear].

"I hate him."

"Just leave it…let's keep going."

I hadn't left my Balance Breaker state during that time, so I just summoned back my wings and flew back up. I flew forward while looking backwards to make sure the two of them did get the hang of it and could keep up.

Valerie had opted to fly by herself this time and was enjoying going up and down while looking at the scenery in front of us…

....Why is he here? I thought Terrance said he would be at…whatever, we'll see soon enough.

After a few minutes of flying, we were going at a fast pace so we covered a lot of ground…we could see man-made structures on the ground…mainly out of wood, stone, and mud? Were these…youkai? I could see them from a distance.

We were slowly approaching them and some spotted us, they waved at us. I look behind me and signaled to go down—so we went down towards them.

"Greetings! Oh! The Red Dragon Emperor! Welcome to our little village—we are monkey youkai, we…journeyed here because we were mostly outcasts and wanted to live in a more…isolated place. The Greek Gods were a lot more welcoming than we had thought."

"I am Mojo, I am the leader of this little village. To my right is my wife, Cidea, and to my left is my son, Jojo."

Holy fuck, it's Mojo Jojo, but…split into two! These monkey youkai were mostly, well apes than humans. Mojo had black hair all over his body, his Cidea wife was pink and Jojo was dark red. They looked quite happy, Mojo looked to be 9'11 while Cidea was 8'4, and Jojo was 9'3, they all towered over us…

I was 6'3 and I felt like a baby in front of him.

"I'm Jin, you heard of me…how many are in your village?"

"We are twelve here, all couples and only two of them are pregnant. We expect to expand our little village…we have our own vegetables and fruits growing here."

We started walking towards their village as she told us about their situation. There were multiple banana trees, a few patches of vegetables around us too…there was a river not too far from us so I guess that's where they go to drink from?

We arrive at a clearing…no, I guess this is the center of their village? There was a pole in the middle with a large ball of fire—probably used to light this area up at night. Can they use magic? But when I look around there weren't those floating lights…

Mojo was greeted by his villagers and we did the same.

"Where are you headed to, Jin?"

"I'm heading to the Sirens city; I was told my Hermes and our Inn keeper about them so my group and I are going to visit them before the Tournament of Power starts."

"Hmmm, I see. They are a peaceful bunch—we seldom interact but the times we did, they were quite pleasant...will you be participating in the tournament? My son, Jojo will be participating."

"No, I'll be judge…but I am a bit involved in the end…I'll keep that a secret. But good luck in it, Jojo."

His son smiles and nods in my direction. He wasn't a slouch; he was at least Middle-class in power…probably about to break into High-class if he keeps training before the tournament starts.

"We'll keep going then, sorry for intruding in your village."

"Don't mind it, Jin. Feel free to come visit us, we rarely get visitors. Farewell now."

We summon our wings again and fly back up, I look back down and wave to them. I wasn't expecting to come across a little youkai village there, but it was welcomed. I also know a participant in the tournament, huh?

After another few minutes of flying, the scenery was mostly the same, a field of flat grassland or rocks, with the occasional waterfall, pool of water, or river. There was also a little jungle area but…nothing was there, it was mostly uninhabited.

But that soon changed when in the distance I could see a large structure, it didn't go as high as the clouds but it came close…I also could see the structure go down into the ocean…well, I'm assuming it's the ocean.

In what I think the center of the home of the Sirens, was a statue of sort…their homes looked quite interesting…the roofs are either sharp in a slop of sorts and the others are flat. Much like Little Olympia, the walls were made out of white stone.

The tower also went into the ocean, but I couldn't see the pointy roofs anymore as they were mostly flat. On the surface were…boats? Why would they need boats? I could see many sirens that looked like merfolk swimming around down there, and also a few flying around on the surface.

There were multiple walkways or small bridges connecting other areas of the home to another. This was a very compact home for them…I expected something more spacious as they have well, wings…like…I don't know, they want to…hang around or something…

But there was another structure beside it—probably just an extension to their home? Now I'm only seeing the front, but I can assume it looks the same at the back so they probably have a lot of houses, shops, and maybe even places of entertainment.

"Do you think those boats are for tourists…?"


Irina had joined Valerie as they—no, everyone was looking at the home of the sirens in fascination.


We look up and see a siren approaching us, they looked quite cheerful…it was a hybrid. They had the bottom half of a mermaid and the top half of a harpy. She had red and white curly hair with orange eyes.

"Oh! The Red Dragon Emperor! we heard some rumors that he was in Little Olympus, but to think he would visit us, welcome!"

"…Uh, yeah. I'm Jin…you are…?"

"Ah—I'm Ellie! Welcome to Anthemoessa, our home here!"

Anthemoessa…? Isn't that the equivalent to the human realm myths?

There were two...mythical locations pertaining to Sirens that I knew of. According to the Roman poets Virgil and Ovid, the Sirenum Scopuli were three small rocky islands where the sirens of Greek mythology lived and lured sailors to their deaths.

Similarly, Anthemoessa (or Anthemusa) was the island home of the sirens in other versions of the myth. Although the name no longer exists, varying accounts attribute Anthemoessa to the island of Ischia or Capri in the Gulf of Naples.

"Our Queen is waiting, she's below ground…uh you guys can breathe underwater, right?"

Ellie looked at us a bit worried but I nod in response.

"Yeah, we can. Lead the way."

I point my right palm at the girls and give them the ability to breathe underwater. Seeing, this Ellie nods and dives into the water…we quickly follow after her. I was kind of expecting the Queen's throne or whatever to be aboveground, I guess she prefers to be underneath the water.

I dismissed my scale mail, the girls also retracted their wings, we started to swim after Ellie. The underwater portion of their home was relatively the same, structure wife, however, there are some stand-alone homes, and even a little village as I could see some buildings that looked like shops.

Sirens were swimming about going through their normal day. At the bottom was an entranceway with a large open door, the top being a semi-circle. When we stepped inside…we landed back on our feet.

"The water's gone, is it like this everywhere inside?"

Valerie asked Ellie as she shook her head.

"No, just where our Queen stays since the sky-sirens need to be able to breathe. If a water-siren comes here, a circular water bubble will appear around their head so that they can breathe. The sky-sirens just need to hold their breath until they get here."

"I'm guessing the Queen's a hybrid?"

"Yes…generally our leaders are hybrids since they can do dealings both here and above so they are not limited….and the ones that leave are generally just sky-sirens and hybrids."

Interesting, I wonder if this was the point of conflict in the past—that apparent tyrant that Terrance mentioned. We walked through the brightly lit hallways and corridors of the underwater portion of their home.

I could feel magic was used everywhere as there were vertical rectangular windows but the water didn't spill in. The areas were also lit up by glowing rocks…I think these things are called Yooperlite stones.

They're made up of mostly syenite rock, which is similar to granite, which means the rock looks like any other dark stones or typical gray rock, but there's a twist.

Yooperlites are rich with fluorescent sodalite, which glows a vibrant orange or yellow under Ultraviolet Light.

But I could feel that they've modified these to suit their needs…there was potent magic within them. I wonder who made them? Or were the Greek Gods the ones responsible for them?

It didn't take long, around another minute of traveling and we reached a large door, Ellie pushes it open and—

"Oh? Red Dragon Emperor, Jin. I did not expect you to visit the Land of the Sirens first."

In front of us was Chronos, the Primordial God of Time. He was wearing his usual outfit but with a robe on as well, it looks like he was speaking to the Queen. She—was like Ellie, a hybrid. But she had dark blue hair with white eyes.

"Hello, Chronos."

I greet him as we stand beside him in front of the Queen. She had a calm smile but looked quite stern.

"Greetings, Middleman, I am Philomene. I have heard from Chronos that you may be visiting some of the other races within our realm. I wish you luck—if you wish, you may stay here, though I have not found an opportunity to make arrangements."

"…No, it's fine. We're only here for the day, we'll be gone, later on, we'll come back another time to be more…acquainted."

"Is that so? Very well, then please enjoy your time here…if you'll excuse us, we were having an important discussion."

Chronos winked at me, and so we left the throne room….that was a bit anticlimactic. I had felt his aura earlier but didn't know why he was here, hopefully, they'll be done soon so we can talk. They seemed friendly with each other—like old friends.

"Do those two know each other? They seemed like old friends."

Penemue asks Ellie, I was about to but she beat me to the punch, we look at her in anticipation. She sighs and nods.

"We may not look like it but, she is, my aunt. Chronos has known my family for several generations, he knew about my aunt and they were friendly with one another since she was young….I suspect she may have romantic feelings for him."

Oof, I tried to not think about it earlier, since her emotions were off the charts towards him, excitement, love, and lust. Jesus Christ…but, I do wonder if he'll reciprocate them.

"Chronos won't, he's a free spirit and a 'wanderer' he visits many of the races here, as well as the outside world of the Humans. That is why he has not had a lover—not once at any point in time. He doesn't like being tied to anything."

Ellie sighed once again and bowed to us.

"Please feel free to explore our home, while it isn't anything spectacular…we do have two other islands, you can call this one the main island, while the other two are mostly housing and entertaining districts. We do not have a King either…my aunt as I mentioned, is set on Chronos….with that, goodbye for now."

Ellie quickly left and we were left to our own devices. I look over at the girls, Irina and Valerie looked eager on exploring the place, Serafall too but tried to hide it….why? you've always been upfront and honest with your feelings, don't hold back on me now.

"Valerie, Serafall, and Irina, go ahead and explore but try staying with each other. I'll go with these two ladies."

"Yes, boss!"

Irina answered back cheerfully, Valerie and Serafall agreed to it and were the ones that dragged Irina away much to her surprise. They quickly left our field of vision and I felt them going up to the surface.

While there is a Queen here, I haven't seen any guards…do they need any? Or were they gotten rid off because of the tyrant from before?

"It didn't take us too long to arrive here, I can teleport us back to Little Olympia once night comes—we can eat here or there, I don't mind. Anyway, it's still early in the day so let's take our time to explore this place…also I feel like Chronos will speak with me later on."

"I don't mind, I am here to accompany you, Jin."

"I'm also curious about this place, I can't wait to see more. The Greek Gods weren't as bad as I thought...…well, some of them at least."

Boing~ Boing~

Both ladies hugged my arms and I was a bit surprised by this. I look at both of them, Griselda had her usual smile and Penemue grinned at me.

"You did say you were worried about us, so we'll take full use of it. Be our personal guard for this little trip, then."

"Sure, that was the plan. You guys aren't as strong as Valerie yet so I have to keep an eye on all of you…though I already have some of my shadows protecting you."

They look at me confused but I didn't expand on it. I started walking and we leave through the same way we came in at. But instead of going to the surface, I decided to explore the little town down here.

The buildings here were small to medium in size, white stone, and flat roofs. There were quite a number of male and female sirens going about their day...…is there a school here? They have to get an education somehow.

Tug tug

I feel Penemue tug on my arm and point at a shop…a bakery? Sea bread? Okay, I'm curious. I nod and let her pull us there. Once inside—it was unlike the place Ellie brought us as the water was still present here.

The bread looked…green and blue—there was a sign in front of it, probably for tourists and it said 'Green is hard bread and blue is soft bread' …whatever that means. Since they're still part of this realm—they use human currency too, so the euro.

I and the two women had no idea what they tasted like so I bought two of everything. The cashier was a bit shocked but was happy to ring them all up. The total came out at one hundred and three euros. I tipped the guy an extra one hundred, I spoke to him telepathically, and winked at him.

I put the goods into my [Inventory] and we left the bakery. We swam around for a little bit and the place mostly had homes and a few shops with a few bars, clubs, and a….game center? I look inside using my powers and it was mostly a fighting arena….

Game centers are just training halls then, why did they name it that? Or make it look like that? It had the Yooperlite stones around the outside making the place all bright and friendly looking. Seeing as there was nothing else to see here, we went back up to the surface.

Since both women were still latched onto me, I just carried them up with me. I landed on one of the bridges or walkways with no sirens at them and we sat there. I took out the bread from my [Inventory] and gave them one hard and soft bread…

We all had a taste…huh, the hard bread tasted a bit like clam chowder, seaweed, and bagel. I took a bite out of the soft bread next…tuna, apple, and soda bread. I wasn't expecting that…and since I have a weird sense of taste…

I would rather say I had unique taste buds, I liked them. I glance at Penemue and Griselda, they both had strange expressions on them.

"So, thoughts?"


"Yes….unique…I don't hate them nor am I too fond of them."

Both of them agreed with each other's opinions but…still ate them, so I guess they didn't hate it. That's all I'm saying. I left the rest of what I bought in my [Inventory] for the rest of the girls.

The next stop was the entertainment district-island thing since Ellie did mention having two others besides this one. We got up and flew towards what I thought was the island. It was quite close so it didn't take that long.

This island was still the same but, the buildings were a little larger, I could see casinos, hostels, inns, and brothels. There were also other little areas…a basketball court of sorts, but they played it in the air. I watch for a little bit and from what I could tell…you could only move for two seconds before needing to pass and shoot.

Interesting, it was quite popular as well since many sirens were just floating there and watching them. I felt that the other girls were also here in the entertainment district, I locate them and we go towards them.

Once we arrived at where they were—they were looking at a group of sirens…a hybrid was being bullied. It looked like the Sky-sirens were bullying her…no, I shouldn't be surprised. If the Devils have it then these guys should too.

Discrimination isn't just limited to one race—whether it be humans with color or race or the devils for your rank in their society....We fly over to Valerie and the others.

"I don't know what to do, Jin. Do we interfere? Or just let it go on….we're outsiders and if we get involved…"

"Why hesitate? If you feel that strongly about it, then go for it. This isn't some political or war situation, Valerie…well knowing what I can do, I can just do it, just watch."


I shouted loudly towards the group that were physically hitting and verbally mocking the hybrid. The group stops and looks up at us.

"Huh?! the fuck you wa—hiii?!"

Thud thud thud thud

Releasing a very very weak blast of Conqueror's Haki, the 'leaders' lackeys or friends all fell to their knees shaking violently, probably due to an automatic fear response. I blink in front of the young Sky-siren as he looks utterly horrified now.

His friends also look up, I raise my hand and summon the [Boosted Gear].

"R-R-R-Red Dr-Dragon..—"

"You know what this is, huh? and you're probably aware of my current goals, right? Peace, unity between the factions and pantheons…that also means no racist discriminatory crap like this. Now, I'm still new to this realm, but a little word of advice, kid."

"You better stop, or else."

He didn't answer me, as I stopped my blast of Conqueror's Haki, he and his little lackeys just ran—flew away in a panic. I look over at the hybrid still on the ground, Griselda was holding onto her as she was healing her.

The hybrid had bruises on her—well, everywhere. I would guess that this was a common occurrence seeing how fresh some of those injuries are. Thanks to Griselda's healing the young female siren wakes up.

"Jin, that was a bit much, don't you think?"


"Bullying, bad. They deserved that."

Ophis came out of my necklace as Penemue, Irina and Griselda look at her in surprise and then with disgust at me. Valerie sighed and pat Ophis on the head.

"Ophis…that's a bit of an overreaction."

Ophis disagreed and shook her head, she looks at the siren, touches her forehead, and instantly healed her…when did she learn healing magic?

"Asia, [Twilight Healing]. I mimicked the healing."

"Good job, here."

I pat her on the head too, I summoned the bread from earlier and gave it to her. I explained to them who Ophis was and safe to say they were shocked—but we had to move on as the female siren was overwhelmed by all of this.

"Th-Thank you! I'm fine now…g-goodbye!"

She quickly pushed herself off Griselda, bowed, and then flew away. I guess she's a lot tougher on the inside as she was out, huh? I better bring this up to Chronos and Queen Philomene.

"Tough girl, she should be fine. Let's keep going then."

While they were still worried for her—we had to move on, I would have healed more of her older injuries but she left rather quickly. If I see her again then I will.

It's been four hours since the incident and we had explored most of the place, it wasn't big by any stretch of the imagination. It was quite small—even with all the three islands combined as well as the underwater portion. Ophis had gone back into the necklace since she only wanted to heal the harpy.

We had lunch at a restaurant earlier, they had a unique menu too, we had to be adventurous and tried quite a lot of it out. I mean, I'm all for different types of dishes since I'll be starting a restaurant in the future so any dishes, I come across are welcomed.

While it was still around noon…we were nearly done here, we could move on to the next place…how about north then? To the harpies…we were currently sitting by the same empty walkway when—




The girls look at him, Valerie who was beside me scooted over as she let Chronos take a seat beside me. We stare out at the view in front of us before talking.

"You had a lengthy discussion with the Queen, huh?"

"I have known her since she was a child, so you could say I see her as a nephew of sorts. Now then…where do you plan on going after this, Jin?"

"Probably North to the Harpies. Their home is apparently in the sky? Something like the floating islands in the Land of Heroes and Giants. I want to see it for myself—well the girls are also probably curious."

Also, there's a chance on meeting Demeter there. She seemed interesting, she seemed lazy and aloof but she's quite sharp and has a sense of humor like me. I think we'll get along quite well.

"I heard you are friends with the Minotaurs and Orcs, mind putting a word in that I'll arrive there somewhere in the next five to six days?"

"Hohoho! Of course, I am friends with them. Like little Philomene I have known the current King's great great great grandparents when he was a young lad, add more greats to that. I don't mind sending a little notice to them."

"Thanks….so, there's quite a bit of racism/speciesism here, huh? I saw a hybrid being bullied—both physically and emotionally earlier."

I look at Chronos as he had dawned a sad expression, looks like he was aware of this. It's not wrong of me to assume that he's tried to help in the past…since this isn't really anything new. He solemnly nods.

"Yes, I am aware of it. It has been like that since her (multiple) great-grandmother and grandfathers. But in the end, I deduced that it's up to them as a whole to get past this—perhaps they need to take note from the devils and humans? While not perfect—"

"—They're at least getting somewhere, even if at a snail's pace?"


It's been a slow process for both humans and devils—but I think they're going at it at a similar rate. Both are being held back by older generations—now I'm not saying that the older generation is the sole blame because even the current has their own problems…

I wonder how this version of the Underworld and its government will change? I'm definitely not becoming a Satan because that's what Ise was being set up as…I don't want that, in EX the next two hundred years or something of his life was already packed and scheduled.

I don't want that, hell no! freedom! I want to be free. That isn't freedom, it's a hassle, while it's necessary—it's just not me.

"Hmm, would you like to talk to her about it? Do you have a solution?"

"I did want to, but after hearing what you said—there isn't really a point. You said it yourself, it's up to them—the sirens to change this. We can try giving them a push in a certain direction but…"


"Two more things…what or who was the last tyrant here? And do the other more prominent races here, have some sort of conflict or problem?"

Chronos nods, I summon some sake and two cups, I offer it to him and he happily accepts it. I pour some for him and we drink some. I put the bottle of sake beside us so he can get some by himself.

"Let's see…the last Hybrid was a male—he wasn't part of any royal bloodline or anything, he was just born as one. His name was Dolion—as his name suggests, it means deceitful."

"Haa…at first, he was such a hardworking and charming young lad. He was bringing up good ideas for change in their society. Hell, even I thought Philomene was in love with him. But it all came crumbling down when he was crowned as King and his tyranny started."

"Long story short, even the Greek Gods—we heard of it and put a stop to it. It was only a few years ago but it left a deep scar in this community. Philomene partially blames herself and that's why she vows to do good. But they have not had a King in a long time, only a Queen."

Someone can have the best interests in doing something at the start, but their own personal experiences can slowly turn those thoughts twisted over time, huh? that's happened multiple times over history…

"For your last question, no, though that was around two months ago so things may have changed…however, I doubt that."

Chronos takes the entire bottle of sake and downs it in one gulp, he looks at me and grins. I mean I can do it since I can't get drunk but…being labeled an alcoholic is…

"Paaah! I'll get going then, Jin. I'll go and visit the South to tell them of your visit. The Harpies are a great bunch—quite frisky but it's all in good fun. Good day to you now, and you to ladies. Adieus."

Chronos got up and nodded at us, he stretches his body before disappearing when a clock-shaped magic circle appeared from beneath him and flashed a yellow light...Talk about a flashy way to leave.

"So, we're going to the Harpies, Jin?"

"Yeah…unless you girls want to stay here a little longer? I plan on teleporting us back to Little Olympia and fly from there again, I want to see the scenery and see if we come across other little settlements like the youkai from earlier."

The girls beside me didn't mind and agreed to it. I wasn't the only one curious, huh? well, that makes sense, most of the time they're stuck to their own territories or factions, rarely going out to new places…

I guess the exceptions are Serafall, Irina and Griselda? Serafall since she's in charge of foreign affairs. Griselda and Irina since they were probably sent out on missions to help combat against the evil side of the supernatural as former exorcists.

I stand up and look around the place as last time…I want to come here again, I don't know why but, I have a nagging feeling here…nothing about my past or anything but…it feels like some unfinished business is still here. But for now—

"You guys ready?"

The girls nod and we go back to Little Olympia.

Little Olympia


"Jin-chan, can we take an hour's break?"

Serafall asks as Valerie and Irina agreed with her...I, uh sure, why not? We have five days left here. I look at the other two and they didn't seem to mind, so I agreed to it.


Serafall gives me a hug and kiss as she skips away followed by Valerie and Irina…how—what happened to those three? They're all close all of a sudden…I turn to Griselda and Penemue as they look at me amused.


"Nothing, Jin…shall we go back to the Inn and have a little rest?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

I'll assume this is where we'll be meeting back up at. If not, I'll just contact them through the transceiver if they're not here in an hour. The three of us

"Hmm? Astraea?"

In front of the Inn was Astraea silently waiting, she sees us and waves us over. We go over to her.

"What are you doing here, Astraea-sama?"

"I have been waiting for you two…Jin, may I speak with them?"


The two of them seemed confused but complied. They enter the Inn and I followed suit, they go to their room and I was left alone…well, it's just me. I'll go lie down for an hour or something…

Since I wasn't exactly needed anywhere, I mostly relaxed—

[You were moping, liar!]

I had arrived back at the same spot from earlier after an hour passed. A minute had passed but that was fine, everyone had things to do, I was staring up at the sky when—

[Don't ignore me!]

"Jin? you're back?"

I glance to my side and see Hephaestus…and on a rare chance, without Hestia. I nod at her and she joins me.

"Yeah, we got back an hour ago. We're going to the Harpy's place soon; I'm just waiting for the girls to join. We'll be flying over there since I want to see the other villages or towns we might come across, as well as the scenery, you know?"

"I see…how was it?"

"Interesting place, heard some history from a Siren called Ellie and Chronos was there. I'll probably end the day with the Harpies…if we can stay there then we'll be back here in the morning, after that—we'll hit the Lamias, probably elves, and then go South."

"Maybe spend a few days in each? We still have five to six days left....but seriously, everyone's excited about this tournament, huh?"

I look around us as if everyone was still busy preparing, and putting up decorations, even during this stressful time they were still smiling and having a good time.

"Yes, it rarely happens…since most participants want to train under us Gods and Goddesses."

That makes sense, who knows how far you'll go with their guidance…regardless of what you want to get better at. In Hephaestus's case, probably smithing, right?

"Jin….why, why did you want a harem?"

...This question again, I still don't know the real answer, but from what I've gathered so far…it's probably—

"Jin! we're back!"

Before I could answer Hephaestus, I heard Irina's voice, I look to my left and everyone was there, including Griselda and Penemue. Astraea was missing so she probably left after their talk in the Inn.

"To quickly answer your question—I have no idea, but— I'm probably just scared of being alone."

If I factor in everything, I've found out so far then that's the conclusion I came to. Is it true? I don't know, I still need more answers.

She looks a bit surprised at my answer but I quickly wave her off, we can talk about this another time…I still have somewhere to be.

"Maybe another time, Hephaestus, we'll get going now."

"…Okay, be well, Jin."

She turns around and starts to walk away, by the time her figures starts to become smaller the girls finally arrive at our meet-up spot.

"Hephaestus-sama? When did she get here?"

"Not too long ago, we were just talking about the tournament coming up. Now then, we're all set, right?"

I answered Irina's question and asked if they were ready…and they were, whatever they wanted to get done…was well, done. Instead of using the wings of my Scale mail, I opted to just fly without them.

You are reading story Winds of Change (DxD) at

A few minutes of flying later, we could see this part of the world had larger mountains with snow at their peaks, they also had quite a number of ravines and cracks in the earth…I wonder what happened here?


"Not going to ask what we were doing, or where we went?"

Serafall had joined me as I was going at a moderate speed, not too fast or slow. I'll admit that I am curious but…if they didn't want to share, I won't force it out of them. So, I just shrugged.

"If you want to share then please, but if not then—it's whatever."

"Mouu! At least act interested! We went to check out the fancy shops in the Tower of Heaven. Valerie-chan and I wanted to check them out—we just dragged Irina-chan with us!"

I see—

"It was for lingerie to wear for you! Sexy, cute, and in between. What are your preferences? Valerie-chan said you didn't have any…but you have to at least have some!"

"Birthday suit."

Serafall blankly stared back at me as I deadpan at her. She slowly turned red…why? You were literally like that not too long ago—hell we were interrupted by Ares. Birthday suit means—naked, fully—like the day you were born…it'd be weird if you had clothes one after coming out of your mothers—

"I see…Jin-chan is a massive pervert! Birthday suit…"

"I never denied that I wasn't. I'm just a closet pervert like most people. I mean—I have regular enough sex with my lovers, Serafall. Aren't you part of that now? We're official, right? We'll reach that point eventually, hell we—"

"Ahhh!!! Stop stop! I get it! I'm not mentally or emotionally ready for that yet!"

She flew backwards while hiding her face out of embarrassment, I don't get her…she borderline nearly sexually harassed me in the short times we met before, and now she's embarrassed by…that? Sera…

"This was unexpected."

As we kept on flying, we came across some hot springs and geysers. They weren't regulated or anything since they were natural. The geysers also erupted quite regularly, so while we went through here, we had to dodge them—well they did. I didn't need to.

Irina was the only one panicking anytime they erupted, the rest were more or less ready for them after the first eruption. I guess age comes with it? Valerie was just used to stranger things…

Though…the area that the Harpies picked for their home was interesting…the things you had to cross were quite dangerous and rough. The Rocky Mountains, rocky ground with large rocks and boulders. Giant ravines and cracks in the ground. Now, very warm hot springs and erupting geysers.

"Gyaaaaa!!! No more!!!"

I turn back to a completely soaked Irina, she was comically crying as she looks at Griselda for help, but she shook her head.

"Irina, please look at this as part of your training."

Irina became slack-jawed as she stared at Griselda…damn she's kind of hardcore…wait…all of them were wet because of the water….their clothes were sticking quite close to them. This is a rather nice view. I take a look at all of them…nice.


"Eh? Ah!"

They notice me staring, Irina immediately tried to cover herself with her own hands and arms. Penemue and Griselda just had smiles on their faces. Valerie already dried herself—while Serafall was pushing her breasts up and pointing herself towards me.

…As I said earlier, pick one, woman! Are you going to be embarrassed or proactive?! I sigh and shake my head; I continue on the journey...when—

"Hmmm? Oh, so that's it…"

In front of us—the terrain for the hot springs and geysers ended—almost like a cliff and…in front of me was a spectacular sight. Open skies with floating islands when I look down, I couldn't even see the end—it's like the void of Asgard…but there were clouds underneath and above the islands.

To my right was…a little floating island with a single house? Can I even call that a house? –a structure, it had a round red roof, probably made out of tiles, peach-ish colored walls, and a little chimney. It was made directly into the side of the floating island. In front of it was a singular tree.

I wonder what the purpose of that building is? The rest of the floating island only had grass, a bit of its terrain jutting out, and what looks like…stumps?

"Wait here."

Not waiting for a response, I fly down and look at the underside of the floating island, this one wasn't as big as the others so it didn't take me long to reach the bottom. Underneath them were…glowing crystals like the ones in Tír na nÓg, except they are the color of maroon, a shade of red.

It was emitting a low red pillar towards the void…is this what they use to keep these things afloat? I could feel strong magic coming from them—


Hearing Valerie's worried shout I go back up, at least I know what's keeping them up like this. When I got back up Valerie lightly bonked me on the head. I look back forward and could see…a total of five islands if I include the one, I just inspected.

The left one had a large…er—mountain? Is that even a mountain? But I could see many homes on it and a few farmlands and animals—that may be just some kind of outskirt home or village as I could see a…church? Do they have some kind of Harpy Goddess or something?

Beside it, a little bit forward was another floating island it also had a little town or village on it and also a lak—

"Oh my! What is that?!"

My thoughts were interrupted by Penemue shout as she points up, I follow her finger and could see….flying fish? W-what? That thing—no THOSE things aren't like the Exocoetidae, while in the human world there are flying ish…but they barely lift off the water.

These things were literally flying! Is this a source of their food then? These flying fish…

Behind that island was what looked like the main city since I could see a castle-like structure and many buildings—behind that was a lone island with a very large mountain I could feel animals or creatures on it, and there are a lot of them.

"Let's get going then."

Continuing forward, we ignore the first three islands and go to what looked like the capital. We pass by the flying fish and they seemingly run away from us…so they're not aggressive, that's reassuring. I hate things that randomly attack me for no reason…

As we get closer, I start to scan for a platform to land on…and I find one, it was like the one on Mount Olympus but larger, I fly towards it and I could see female harpies…probably guards.

As soon as I land, they're alerted and look at me in confusion—what seemed like another harpy arrived…she looked like an official or something, she was wearing a black and gold suit that covered most of her body.

The Harpy had blue and black hair tied up into a ponytail, she had glasses on and looked at me with an intense gaze. The other two harpies had pink-colored feathers. The high-ranking one had light blue.


I summoned the [Boosted Gear] before she could continue talking. Her stern gaze lightens a little bit as she nods. I then un-summon it.

"I see, welcome, Red Dragon Emperor. Goddess Demeter has mentioned you. Our Queen also awaits, you please follow me."

Eh? She has? Wait, she's here? When did she even…no, she's smart so probably assumed I would go and visit these places. The girls had landed behind me and listened in to the short exchange I had.

We go past the gates that were made with 'metal' once through the houses of the harpies were mostly made with the same materials as I saw from the little shack on the first island. Red tile roof, white or peach colored bricks.

The 'windows' were also the same as Little Olympia, it was just vertical rectangular holes….is that popular here or something?

But it was just like any normal city. Houses, shops, and everything in between. The only thing that was 'strange' was that all the harpies were female, not a single man here. Terrance didn't mention this at all, he said that was the case for the Lamias.

"What's your name?"

"Forgive me, I forgot to mention such a thing. I am called Aellola, pleased to make your acquaintance, Middleman."

Aellola…kind of sounds like Aella which means whirlwind since that name comes from an Amazon in Greek Mythology that was killed by Heracles...we silently followed after Aellola as she didn't continue the conversation.

We took many twists, turns and went up a few flights of stairs, but we eventually ended up by the entrance of the castle. There were also another pair of harpy guards, but seeing as how we were with Aellola they let us through.

"You may be wondering why there wasn't a single male Harpy…because that's natural, most Harpies born are female, there are rare instances that a male Harpy is born. That is why we look for males from different races to procreate with."

"It's the same for Lamias, while they boast about only having females be born…it's not entirely true, on rare occasions a male can be born. It's just that it hasn't happened in a very long time."

I see…Kiyome Abe did mention that at one point…but for a male not to be born in a long time, that's pretty crazy in itself. Aellola leads us through the large entranceway, once inside it was…huh, it was quite normal actually.

One chandelier, red carpet, a few decorations on the wall…and pictures of past Queens, I think. Apart from those… it wasn't as fancy as the other castles I've seen. I wonder if the current Queen is modest?

We continue to follow Aellola, but it was only up a few flights of stairs, two turns and we ended up in front of a large door. She pushed it open immediately and stepped in, we followed her… what's up with supernatural beings and royalty?

Even the Lamia's, Orcs, and Minotaurs have some sort of royalty system going on…mmm, maybe since they prefer using older systems that humans used to use?

"Queen Faenelle, Goddess Demeter, they have arrived."

Hmm? Demeter was he—




I was suddenly hugged by someone—they felt human and their boobs were huge…my face was buried in them as I felt them stroking my head with…human hands—yeah it was Demeter. Also, by the confused and shocked yelps from the girls behind me…

I pull myself away from Demeter as she winked at me and giggled to herself…I didn't know she was liked teasing people…

"Huhu~ Hi, Jin~ I'm glad you could come here today~ I've already discussed it with Faenelle. You can stay the night here~"

Did Chronos teleport here? Did he not only go South but to the other groups too? I mean…thanks? That saves me trouble…

"Is that so? Then thank you, Demeter, Queen Faenelle."

"Yes, you are welcome, Jin…forgive me. Demeter has already spoken of you in…relative detail, she has showered you in much praise as well."

Queen Faenelle, a golden-colored Harpy. She fits the 'royal' vibe all too well with the color of her feathers. She had long curly green hair and yellow eyes, she also had a very friendly and kind vibe emanating from her.

Demeter looks at me with a lazy smile and winks at me. I mean…thank you, but Jesus Christ woman. You didn't need to go this far. I was fine with doing it on my own…

"I'll take them on a tour then~ I'll see you later Faenelle-chan~ Aeollal-chan~"

Still going at her own pace, she hugs my arm again and grabs me out of there. The girls were still stunned as they hurriedly followed us.

"Fufufu, she never changes, huh? even since I was a child…"

Those were the last words I heard from Queen Faenelle, I also heard Aellola sighing in a defeated tone. Everyone was no match for the weirdly motivated Goddess Demeter.

"This place is called Harpy Haven, it's not too unique but is straight to the point, like Faenelle-chan and her parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and so on~ and yes, her family has been ruling for many, many generations~"

With her own Jealously spiking, Valerie had hugged my other left arm as Demeter to my right—


Serafall has also joined as she had latched herself onto my back…this has to look weird…okay, maybe not since whoever the lucky guy that's brought here…he has a harpy harem, right? And yes, my theory was correct.

I was not spared a single glance that lingered. They were quick side glances and they kept on going with their day. In a way, I'm thankful.

"What are those crystals beneath the islands called? They seemed like the ones used in Tír na nÓg, but they were used to ward off danger, keep warm and provide light."

Demeter looks at me with closed eyes as she tilts her head.

"Tír na nÓg? ….Ahh—the Irish Gods~ Queen Mia, was it? Mia-chan~ hehe, yes, I'm aware of them…hmmm-hmmm~ I guess so? They're different, but shaped the same way."

Is that so? I wonder if there was a past harpy or another creature in Tír na nÓg? I was just being pulled—er, guided by Demeter when—

"...Jin, this is honestly baffling to see. I can just think this has happened many times before that it doesn't both you?"

"…Jin's just weird."

I agree with what you say, Penemue…but Valerie also makes a good case—I'm just weird…hmmm, maybe I do go at my own pace too, well whatever the case may be. I'm not bothered by too many things…

As we walk around 'Harpy Haven' we could see that Goddess Demeter was quite popular. I can just assume from what Queen Faenelle she—like Chronos is on good terms with the Harpies, probably going back multiple generations.

"What kind of things are here? I mean…brothels can't be here, right?"

Demeter gave me a strange look before laughing at me.

"You do know that some Harpies are lesbian or bisexual, right, Jin?"

Oh, oh, I completely forgot about that for a second…I guess you're right. Seeing as they don't frequently go and get male mates then some may turn to those pleasures, or were already that way…I look around and could see that these Harpies were quite cute—

Squeeze squeeze squeeze


I hadn't said a word for a few seconds but I felt all three women that were attached to me squeeze me…

"As for other entertainment? I guess fighting? While they're not a race that focuses on power—like most supernatural beings they do want to be strong. There are also harpy-specific games, you may have seen one in the land of the Sirens."

"The ball thing?"

Demeter smiles and nods. Interesting, I didn't expect them to have the same…game? Sport? I could feel a large number of auras gathered at a point in the city and it looks like Demeter was bringing us over there.

Once we reach the place, it was a building. She pushes the door open and we enter, once inside we could see it was quite large. Did they use some kind of magic to expand the inside? I hadn't seen anyone else in this realm do it but I guess it's possible for them.

There were two teams of Harpies, they were playing the same ball game that the Sirens were playing from earlier today. There was also a large crowd watching and they all seemed excited.

"Hey, Demeter. Why are you close to the Harpies and Lamias?"

I felt Serafall and Valerie let go of me as they joined Penemue and the two angels in free spaces on the benches or bleachers. I heard Demeter humming beside me seemingly looking for the right words to answer with, so I kept on watching the game in front of me….

They were quite competitive, I guess that can bring out your fighting spirit—the same thing with humans and their sports.

"I just accidentally wandered into their little homes back when this realm was first made, I wasn't alone since I had other Gods and Goddesses with me, but I was the only one who…stayed in touch, I guess? As to why? I guess it was on a whim, no special reason."

"But I grew fond of them over time, they are like children to me in a way. I won't forgive anyone if they hurt them, any parent would do that for their children, right? Fight for them, love them and care for them."

I don't know, maybe? Well from what I could see from Rias and Akeno's parents, then probably—Sirzechs will certainly go above and beyond for his little sister and son. The same with Zeoticus and Venelana, they did those things for Rias out of concern, they had good intentions at heart.


The crowd went wild after a Harpy for one of the teams did a flashy move and scored. I didn't see it but I guess it was a big deal. I glance at Demeter as she was waiting for me to say something…

"I, I guess? I mean I'm still young and nowhere near being a parent…probably for a long time."

"Hmmm~ no one in your harem has asked you to impregnate them?"

…Well, Kuroka at the start. But she's not fixated on that anymore…Reni also said she would want a kid in the future so I'm not against the idea. But seeing we have long lives, save for a few—then having kids isn't exactly in the immediate future, we're in no rush.

"Uh….two so far, but it'll probably happen long into the future. I mean, I'm still eighteen."

Demeter nods and brings me over to the other girls as we watch the rest of the game.

"Bwwaaamm and fwvoooshh and then atatatat bababa! And they jumped and swosh!"

Irina got pretty invested in it, and I'll admit it did get heated towards the end—apparently this version of the game for Harpies…they could use some magic to help themselves but not cause direct harm to their opponents.

So, they did start using that towards the end of the game, mostly wind magic or strengthening enchantment magic. Irina was doing her best to describe what had happened as she was on a call with Xenovia, the day had turned into dusk.

The game lasted longer than I thought, I wanted to explore the other island with the giant mountain tomorrow. I hadn't asked about that yet...Demeter was the one leading us to our hotel.

It was quite fancy—hell it looks fancier than the castle. It looked like it was made out of red marble with its red roof, hell, the glasses were tinted a shade of red...we go inside and thankfully it wasn't just red, but still looked fancy.

Purple, blue and yellow were everywhere, the chairs were royal brown with a lot of polish and it made them all shine like a damn diamond. The female Harpy receptionist was also wearing top quality clothes….from my time here, no Harpy wore pants—just clothing to cover their top half.

I guess that makes sense, they need the use of their uhh legs? Claws? Talons? But isn't that restraining for their wings? I was pulled again by Demeter as she stood in front of the desk. She hands something over to the receptionist as she looks at it and nods.

"Welcome Goddess Demeter, Red Dragon Emperor, and his harem to the 'Kippy' hotel. Please enjoy your stay."

She hands Demeter three keys; she gives one to me and one to Penemue.

"Jin has his room, so whoever stays with him just go with him, the same with Penemue-chan~ I have my own room~"

Looking at the key it had a number of '04', so following Demeter…we arrived quickly as it was on the ground floor, I stepped in followed by Serafall and Valerie. It was as fancy as the rest of the hotel, with the same color scheme too. But it was powered by light switches from the looks of things so I couldn't clap my hands.

"I'll never forgive them…I can't clap to turn on and off the lights…"


"Jin~ this hotel also serves dinner and breakfast, let's go~"

Valerie sighed at me but Demeter came back with everyone else….cool, free dinner? Unless we have to pay, then whatever, I can afford it…

"…I'll ask again, those weren't harpy eggs or something, right?"

"For the last time no!"

Dinner was interesting since they served us with a number of dishes…it also looked like we were the only guests here. Anyway, the dinner had many dishes which tasted good, but…the eggs…they…

"They aren't cannibals Jin, geez! Also, there are no current males here…the Queen is in search of one, as are their inhabitants."

Right now—we were relaxing by the lobby and reception area; the same harpy was still there but she was sitting on a chair reading a book. I was speaking with Demeter as the girls were mostly speaking to each other—the exception was Griselda; she was using my lap as a pillow since she was feeling a bit woozy.

She was forced to have some wine by Penemue. Penemue had tolerance to it, while she isn't an alcoholic or drinks much…she said it was just a unique trait to her, but unfortunately for her Griselda wasn't much of a drinker.

She is part of the church, she probably abstained or something. I offered to remove the feeling from her, but instead, she asked to just ease it a little…she said it was a new experience she needed to….well, experience. I mean sure thing lady, whatever floats your boat.

"Hey, Jin-chan!"

I hear Serafall call for me and I turn to look at her, she…and the other two had very expectant looks. I cock a brow and wait for her to continue; this just made her giggle to herself.

"So, do you plan on marrying all of us? When will you start proposing?"


That's what they were talking about? Well…I already thought of this, I'll propose to the first three that's been with me the longest…which are Akeno, Kuroka, and Reni. While Ingvild, Grayfia, and Ophis have been with me just as long…they'll be next.

After that? It'll be at random since it will depend on where my current relationship with that said individual is at that moment in time. As far as I'm concerned, I know the first three want that, Grayfia…honestly it already feels like we're married. I don't know about Ophis though.

But I can assume that she basically assumes we are, I mean…okay maybe not, she has grown and read up a lot. I'll just ask her about it…

"Don't tell them about it, I want to keep it a secret."

The girls agreed to it quite quickly and I sigh. I could see everyone else was curious about it…even the damn receptionist.

"After I graduate, I'm proposing to Akeno, Kuroka, and Reni. After that…I don't know the time frame, but it'll be Ingvild and Grayfia…Ophis too. They've been with me the longest so…I guess that would make sense, as for the rest? Timing I guess."

"Heeeh, what about me?"

"…We literally just started dating, Serafall…"

She does a weird gesture and winks at me. They started to ask me weird questions the rest of the night.


Jin Skyward

"...….Back here again, huh?"

I look around the white world…it's been a while since I was last here, so I get to dream tonight, huh? I wonder what I'll see.

The white void around me suddenly changes...into my old home? I was in my old room, I see my old self sitting on my bed reading…a light novel…heh, it's High School DxD, how ironic.

The room was relatively normal, desk with a computer and with a chair. A bookshelf filled with normal books, manga, and light novels…I walk over to it and could see that up to Volume twenty-one was officially translated to English. I wonder what year it was....ahh—it's 2031, so only up to that volume got translated? Or did I not buy them all yet?

From the looks of it, I was reading volume eleven and was…crying. Oh, it's that part. I feel awkward now—


A woman around 5'8 in height, black hair in an unsweep style, sharp green eyes and she was wearing make-up. She wore a professional-looking black and grey business suit.

"Ma? You're home? What about Da?"

"He's in the kitchen. Sorry to say hun, but we'll be leaving fer another business trip. We'll be gone for two months. We've put around 300k in your debit card…ahhh sugar, we'll be going now! Our flight is due in an hour! Love ya lots!"

"Wai—ahh, fuck she's gone."

The woman quickly left the room as the past me sighed and puts down the light novel. He looks out the window…I also join him—we were on the second floor. We could see my past parents getting into a taxi and driving away. My past dad nods at me while my mom waved at me, she looked stressed but cheerful…

This was strange…Cúntóir said they were neglectful, narcissists, whatever they were…? This didn't seem like that…hell my past mom looked quite…caring? Dad looked like your typical tough business guy. But I understand the 'neglectful' part since they did just leave again.

But…300k? holy shit, we were loaded. The past me grabs the novel and leaves the room, I follow him as he goes down the stairs, into the kitchen, and start preparing....dinner, from what I saw outside the sun was setting.

"Haa….they were after three months away, and now they'll be gone for two? Dysfunctional family much?"

Ding ding~

I heard what I assume was a doorbell, the old me's expression perks up as he quickly leaves the kitchen for the front door. He opens it and a girl—


"A----, I'm here. Did your folks leave?"

"Yeah, again. Same old same old, I'm gonna make dinner. You staying?"

It was Aoife…she had bright red hair that internally fades to orange, it looks like her entire head is set aflame. Yet cool blue eyes tell another story; one brought by tenacity and strength. Since I was 6'1 in my past life, she was around 5'7.

"Yes, please chef~"


The past me picks her up and carries her into the kitchen, they were laughing….I didn't really take a close look at past me but—Past me had short black hair and narrow, black eyes, they had dark bags under them, past me really looked tired.

He wears a red jersey jacket that has white stripes on its sleeves over a black V-neck shirt and light brown pants.

I follow them back into the kitchen, when I get there Aoife was holding the light novel as past me started to cook dinner.

"Are you re-reading the entire light novel series again? …are you waiting for the rest of the volumes to be delivered?"

"Yep, I mean, the Shin Volumes are nearly done and I'm pretty hyped about them. I do read them online but…you know, you never know when they'll shut down or something. Better have physical copies on hand just in case."

"You could always borrow mine you know, you big goof."

Aoife also read that stuff? She didn't look the part—you know, an otaku—a weeb. She puts the book down and hugs past me from behind while giving him kisses from behind.

"That's dangerous you know."

"And this isn't hentai~"

The scene around me started to change…it started slow but started to get faster—the scene changed to….that of my old school. I was in the locker room for the seniors…I look around and see me…I looked worse off here. I had earphones in, in a corner of the room while looking at my phone with a dead look.


I look at the wall beside the door and on it was a picture of Aoife and below her picture was 'R.I.P' with the dates of her 'existing' birth to death. The room—the students looked sad, Ryan, my past best friend…was looking at past me with concern but didn't approach.

I mean, if you saw past me right now, he would look pretty unapproachable. A giant scowl on my face, exuding a 'fuck off' energy, totally edgy…

"Hey, what class do we have after lunch?"

The guy beside past me asks, past me glances at him and shrugs.

"Double history and biology, then we go home."


Now that was awkward—the scene changed again…now past me was walking—he was still in a school uniform so he's probably going home.


——Something hit past me, it looked like…a crushed can of coke? He stops and turns around to see that it was two guys and a girl. The two girls were glaring at him, the same as the guy.

"You're the reason she's dead. If only she wasn't dating you! She got the cancer from you!"

"We tried so hard to make you two break up. But you kept on going out, fucking loser."

The two girls were brunettes, the left one had green eyes while the right had brown. The guy was bald and he was still in Secondary school, my condolences dude.

Also, I don't think you can pass on cancer like that, teenagers can be so cruel and stupid. I look at past me as he didn't even react, he just briefly looked back at them and kept on walking.

"Don't walk away, you inbreed!"

The bald male shouted, he then runs towards past me and starts beating me…past me didn't fight back. Why? Did I hate fighting?

This is so petty, past me didn't cause her death—it was cancer, why the hell would they blame me? …no, they probably didn't have the right outlet, also…they don't look too right in the head or emotionally mature…so they took it out on me, the living former boyfriend, huh?

This honestly looks like a movie but…people have killed and hurt others for far less…an example of this was…the school shooter who killed a bunch of kids in Elementary school in America.

Her reason?— 'I don't like Mondays. This Livens up the day'…The scene changes again…this time…a full view of the hospital room the past me was in.

He looked older now—less angry than in the two scenes I saw before me. He looked…content with a…smile that told he was ready. A doctor then walked in; he had a grim face on. He brings a chair over and sits beside his bed.

"Mister A----….I don't know how to deliver this new to you…but—"

"Just give it to me straight, doc, what's wrong with me now?"

Past me interrupts the doctor, he sighs and nods his head while taking off his glasses.

"You have a heart disease, ischemic heart disease. It's the term given to heart problems caused by narrowed heart arteries."

"When arteries are narrowed, less blood and oxygen reach the heart muscle. This is also called coronary artery disease and coronary heart disease. This can ultimately lead to a heart attack."

"It's...silent. The people that have ischemia without pain — silent ischemia. They may have a heart attack with no prior warning."

" have SCLC or Small cell lung cancer. It's a fast-growing type of lung cancer. It spreads much more quickly than non-small cell lung cancer."

"SCLC is the most aggressive form of lung cancer. It usually starts in the breathing tubes (bronchi) in the center of the chest."

"Although the cancer cells are small, they grow very quickly and create large tumors. These tumors often spread rapidly (metastasize) to other parts of the body, including the brain, liver, and bone."

"Mister A—"

"Don't, let me die. I don't want treatment."


Past me didn't look at the doctor at all, he kept staring out at the window, his expression never once changing. It looked like he already accepted his fate.

"It'll need chemotherapy, right? I would rather not…I like my hair….possibly radiation too, right? I had my suspicions of SCLC but didn't have anything—concrete. But today gave me that confirmation."


"Let me guess, I'm at a point that's far too gone, right? Do I have like a year to live or something?"

"…You're at the extensive stage, with treatment…we can extend your life to seven or eleven months…but yes, most will succumb to it in a year's time."

"Heh, then let me die on my own terms. I don't want to be bedridden or stuck doing chemotherapy before I die. That's not cool at all…dattebayo."

The doctor who had a grim face—cracked a small smile, looks like he understood the Naruto reference…what a weeb, I like this guy.


Ah—the dream's over…

Jin Skyward


I wasn't expecting that.

[Expecting what, Partner?]

I explain to Ddraig and the rest of what I dreamed of, and what happened. I finally was given a little bit about my past life—what I died off.

{Why refuse treatment?}

I don't know? I mean I can't really change what I did in the past—especially to a world that's long gone. I can assume that I had gotten 'better'—got past the depression or at least the deep one, made up with some friends—Ryan.

{But you ultimately were still depressed, huh? it's an easy way out…}

Cúntóir: Answer: No, you didn't want to burden your parents with the bills, as well as make your friends and family go through the agony of seeing you deteriorate with the treatments. In your mind, you—

Did I want to go out with them seeing me still happy? A smile on me before I get yeeted into the void.

[Sounds like what you would do, Partner.]


"Mmmmm…Good morning~"


The fuck is she doing here? In front of me was Demeter, she probably sneaked into my room…she was laying on top of me…her breasts were huge…are they bigger than…?


"Demeter-chan is bold…"

"It's too early for this…"

We were outside. We had finished eating breakfast and what I had to deal with this morning, she was again—teasing me. Why? I don't know, I'll get her back—this is some serious déjà vu vibes I'm getting…like Penemue, I'm not repeating that…

"I'm going to that final Island."

"That's where they keep the wildlife and food they eat. While the Harpies do eat the flying fish since it's in abundance…they have the more normal supernatural wildlife at that island."

"However, it's quite dangerous since those can fight back—only the skilled and powerful Harpies go there. Hmm~ Irina will have some trouble, but everyone else should be fine~"

"I'll protect her, it should be good training too. Let's go."

This was my last stop here, I wanna see what it's like….also, the animals there range from Middle-class and up? Probably up to High-class. Griselda was Ultimate-class, the rest were still of the same rank.

"Yes, Bo—Jin-senpai!"

I nod and start to fly in that direction, Demeter kept her grip on me so she maneuvered herself into my arms and had a teasing smile on her.

"…Why are you doing this? The teasing…you even sneaked into my room last night."

"Do I need a reason to tease someone? I might do this to everyone you know~"

"Generally, and personally—yes. I would think so."

She crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks up….aren't you too old for that…? Well, whatever…

"…You just look like the type of person to be teased, well to me anyway. So, I went with it~"

"…I do? That's a first."

She didn't say anything else but we soon approached the island…interesting, the island had a continuous dark cloud above it. There were also some droplets of rain starting to come down. It was also quite windy here.

Below the ground was ocean bluegrass. Some parts were light purple but it was mainly ocean blue…unlike the other islands where the grass was green. To my right was…a small patch of red maroon crystals…so this is where they get them.

"This whole Island is one giant red crystal. The stranger thing is it regenerates, so they never run out, I believe this formed because of how this realm was made. It's an item that even intrigues us, Gods."

Is that so? I could see some…large animals—supernatural variants. A boar, a goat, and so on. There was quite an abundance of them…but, how do they procreate so fast? If they're being hunted down at a steady rate…

"I know that look~ typical pregnancy for these animals only last up to seven days, they also grow and mature a lot faster~ around seven days to reach full adulthood. That's why their supply for food won't ever run low."

"Harpies are the number one exporter of food in Little Olympia~ next are the Elves since their fruits and vegetables are quite delicious~"

On the first island I saw a little farmland, so that's the 'normal' variety? And this is the supernatural side, huh? weird…maybe they had a taste of human food and wanted to recreate it? I nod and land on the island. The girls listened to Demeter's explanation as they landed beside us.

"Jin, after today. Where are you going? You only have a few days left before the tournament starts."

"Lamia, Elves, and then South to the Orcs and Minotaurs."

"You're in luck~ I'll go with you to the Lamias~ the Elves are on the way there too. May I suggest you go to the Elves during the night? Their home looks incredible at night. Hmm…a warning with the Lamias home~ its architecture is influenced a lot by Japanese architecture."

The Elves home at night…? Also, the buildings at the Lamias are like Japanese buildings? That's interesting…so maybe the Leaders of the Lamias is an otaku…

"Alright, I appreciate it then, Demeter. Let's go explore a b—"

"Ahhhhhh!! Bad doggy!!!"

Zang! Zap! Boom!

A large wolf-like animal was attacking Irina as she had flown back up with her wings, she summoned a whip made out of light as she started to hit the wolf with it. The wolf wasn't too bothered by it but did suffer some bruising.

It growled and lunged towards Irina. She flew up higher and summoned rings made out of light, they started to grow larger and spun, she then threw them at the wolf. As the rings got closer to the wolf—they expanded and then shrunk in size!

They wrapped around the wolf. The wolf started to struggle but it had trouble in breaking the light rings. Irina then summons a light spear; she grips it in her hand while slowly making it bigger.

"Take this! For the sins, you committed on me, amen!!!"

She threw the light spear at the wolf—piercing it in the head, killing it. It was a good match, both of them at Middle-class. She comes back down and gives us a thumbs up.

"Good job, Irina."

"…Yes, job well done. Irina."

Griselda and I praised her, though it seemed like she wanted to say something else but held herself back…probably because Irina initially panicked. I pat both of them on the head and began our exploration.

The island was medium in size, it had a lot of trees, and a small underground system, though the underground was abundant in the red maroon crystals. The rain and wind had picked up earlier so that's why we had gone underground. There weren't any animals down here, just a lot of the red crystals.

However, the rest of that island was interesting, nearly like the one in Tír na nÓg, but not entirely the same, certain parts of the island had different soil types so that some plants, vegetables, and fruits could grow.

But it didn't have the different temperatures…but the Harpies did put some spell over them so that's how they managed to get the more unique food into their menus.

The girls had gone deeper into the cave we found, Irina and I stayed back since they wanted to know if the rain stopped. She lost in the rock paper scissors they played so she had to stay behind. She was in a bit of a sad mood because of it.

"Hey, Irina."


It was still raining heavily as we watched through the entrance of the cave, she was leaning against me while messing with her light powers.

"Do you know anything about…Griselda's past?"

Irina stops playing with her light powers and looks at me blankly, I couldn't read her expression and she didn't have any emotion right now. I was curious about this…since I knew about her…hell many more characters as well.

Serafall, Penemue, Yasaka…though I heard parts of it from her recently. All I know is she serves as Xenovia's legal guardian and swordmaster. They were part of the same institution…but apart from that, nothing else.

"I don't know a lot; I doubt Xenovia knows much either. You'll need to ask her yourself. But knowing most exorcists had the same enough background…either orphan or joining because of a tragedy that happened to them involving the supernatural then…"

"There are rare cases of someone joining because of…family, right? Or maybe they just wanted to."

Irina looks a bit surprised and chuckles.

"Hehe, maybe."

Step step

"…Oh, hey Griselda, didn't know you got here."

Irina and I look at her as her usual smile was there, but the others weren't with her. I could feel them still deep within the island's underground system.

"…Yes, I just came back."

Liar, I felt you earlier but didn't say anything. That's why I brought the topic up with Irina…she approaches us and sits beside Irina.

"Irina, if you want…you can go down and join the others. I felt a bit…claustrophobic."

"Really?! Yes! Thank you, boss! I'll see you in a bit, Jin!"

Irina immediately jumped up happy to be able to explore the place…a heart of an adventurer…she quickly left as the only sound that could be heard were her fading steps and the rain outside.

"You know I can sense the auras of everyone around the world with some exceptions."


We fall silent as she scoots over to me. I turn my head to look back outside…while we could have just left the island or kept exploring during the rain, we found this place and saw that it went deeper. That's the only reason as to why I'm here.

"Do you wish to know?"

"If you don't mind telling me."

"...Then wait until you gain more of my trust."

"Sure. I'll work on that."

We only met a handful of times, and even then we didn't get to interact much. But we do have a few days left here and I would like to think we became better friends thanks to it….well, I did declare that I was interested in them.

Also, the fact that I'm kind-of-not-really the defacto leader of Heaven thanks to what I did to the System up there, as well as creating Altaria to help them. If and when they get stronger…I'll probably pull her back from there. Gabriel is already the strongest Heaven has, not including Altaria.

If the rest can go up then…

We were back on the main island, we spent a few more hours there. It was dusk now and we were going to go back to Little Olympia and continue on our journey during the night like what Demeter recommended.

I also took some fruit and vegetables from there since I think they'll go great with some of the things I'll cook when I get back home. Maybe even add it to the menu for my future restaurant?

"Forgive me, I wasn't able to accommodate you better nor was I able to see you much, Jin."

We were by the gates of Harpy Heaven, the Queen Faenelle, and the other Harpy Aellola. I don't get why you're apologizing to me; you have your job as Queen. We were just tourists.

"I was busy looking for a new King, I have had many applicants."

You apply?! What the fuck? I thought someone just goes out to find a guy and well, you know, it just goes from there. But application forms…? I wonder what it looks like…

"Then I recommend Jin~"

"Sorry, I have to decline."

"That was too fast!"

Demeter recommends me and I shot that down instantly. While I don't mind having a harpy in my harem…I don't want hundreds to thousands of them…that would be a bit too much.

[And your current number of forty-seven isn't?]

{You said it yourself, Ddraig, CURRENT number, it will increase further…}

"Anyway, thank you for letting us stay here. I'll make sure to come back in the future. Goodbye for now."

"Yes, please come here again. You too, Demeter."

"Huhu~, of course, I will~ I always do. Bye-bye for now~"

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